The War of Resistance

Chapter 512: counterattack

"He, he, he, chug, chug," just as the Japanese soldiers were about to approach the woods, the sound of flower machines and machine guns rang out.

This is Shang Zhen and the others took out the weapons hidden in the grass and started shooting at the Japanese army.

Five people fighting fifty people, this force is indeed a little less, but it would be different if these five people were using automatic weapons, because Shang Zhen and the others were all shooting in bursts!

The unsuspecting Japanese army encountered a sudden rain of bullets during the approach, and the result was that the Japanese army fell to the ground one after another.

No matter how elite the Japanese scouts were, facing the rain of bullets from five automatic weapons, they thought they had been ambushed and lost their fighting spirit.

However, their loss of fighting spirit did not mean that they lacked fighting literacy. Some of the remaining Japanese soldiers shot to cover them, while others turned around and retreated.

At this time, Shang and the others emptied the magazine of the flower mechanism in their hands, replaced it with a new magazine, and started shooting again.

Since Shang Zhen decided to ambush the Japanese army with five people, what if there are fewer bullets?

So Wang Laomao and the others left all the magazines for them before they withdrew from the woods.

Because of this, Shang Zhen and the others only had to change the magazine for a moment before the firepower weakened, and then there was the sound of "he he he" flower organs firing.

The same is true for Guan Tiedou as a machine gunner.

He fired up all the bullets in the machine gun and stopped reloading. Instead, he grabbed another flower mechanism and started shooting at the Japanese army.

But Shang Zhen's calculation methods were more than that. At this time, there was another intensive gunshot from the direction of the road, and rifle bullets were fired at the Japanese army in the wilderness.

As soon as he heard the gunshots, he knew that the bullets were not from dozens of people, but hundreds of people joined in, and the dense bullets knocked down some Japanese soldiers.

That was Wang Laomao and the others gathered some Chinese officers and soldiers on the road and started shooting at the Japanese army.

You must know that the two servants of the Japanese army had a process when they entered the woods.

At that time, Wang Laomao, who had already walked away, walked southward quickly when they walked on the road with the Chinese officers and soldiers, and finally they found the closest distance to the Japanese army.

This distance is about four or five hundred meters.

If it was just the Chinese army retreating to the south, no one would pay attention to the Japanese soldiers who had already disguised themselves as ordinary people in the wilderness.

But it's different with Mr. Wang's reminder.

Wang Laomao and the others used binoculars to determine the position of the Japanese army, and when Shang Zhen and the others fired, they also fired.

The four to five hundred meters is undoubtedly a long shooting distance for the rifleman, but it can't stand up to the many Chinese officers and soldiers on the road. As long as there are too many bullets, it is inevitable that they will hit the Japanese army.

The Chinese officers and soldiers on the road and Shang Zhen and the others formed a crossfire again. Under the rain of bullets, those Japanese soldiers who dared to stand up finally all fell down.

It was only two minutes later that there were no more Japanese soldiers standing in the wilderness. As for whether there were any who were not shot, no one knew.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others in the woods did not step forward, but this time they used the flower mechanism to shoot short bursts at the Japanese army.

The deaths of Erhanzi and Huzi finally angered Shang Zhen.

At this time, they spared no ammunition at all. As long as it is a Japanese army, whether it is dead or alive, they will make up a short burst first.

Another five minutes later, Shang Zhen and the other five rushed out of the woods holding Huajiguan. The guns were pointed directly at the Japanese soldiers on the ground. over here.

And Wang Laomao and the others also played like Shang Zhen and the others. When they saw the lying Japanese army, they fired a shot. Who cares whether he is dead or alive.

In the end, when Shang Zhen and the others stood in front of the Japanese soldiers, there were few of them alive.

Several seriously injured Japanese soldiers were moaning on the ground. At this time, Guo Baoyou suddenly shouted: "Give me this job, I want to practice my courage!"

Guo Baoyou used a rifle as a recruit.

He didn't shoot at the Japanese soldiers. Instead, he put a bayonet on the rifle and stabbed the seriously wounded Japanese soldiers one by one.

War is always crueler than imagined, and the best way to overcome fear is hatred.

At this time, Guo Baoyou had no fear of hand-to-hand combat at all. He looked at the gleaming bayonet in his hand, stabbing the invader's body, and watched the invader's blood flow out of his body and onto the land of China. .

Ten minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others entered the woods again. They used bayonets and hands to dig a hole in the woods again, and this time they buried tiger cubs.

The two tombs are side by side, about the same size.

"Oh." Old Mao Wang sighed in the silence. Regardless of the dampness of the ground, he took out a cigarette and sat in front of the two grave mounds.

He lit a cigarette with a lighter, took a puff himself, and then sighed: "It's better to die, it's all over, you two are just good companions underground!"

For a moment, everyone was speechless.

But just when Shang Zhen was about to let everyone leave here and walk back to the road, the buzzing of Japanese military planes came from a distance.

This time there are two, so they can only wait until the Japanese plane flies away.

Of course they were not the only ones who saw the Japanese At this time, the broken soldiers on the highway ran towards the woods again.

And when those soldiers ran to the edge of the woods, they were a little dazed when they saw the corpses of the Japanese soldiers in the distance. Of course, they heard gunshots from here.

When they rushed into the woods, they saw Shang Zhen and the others silently facing the two new grave mounds.

No one asked why.

The soldiers who rushed into the woods panted heavily, looking at the soldiers and the two grave mounds in front of them and remained silent.

"Let it go, let it go!

Then run into the forest, it is safe to run inside. "A soldier with a loud voice rushed into the woods, and he undoubtedly saw the scene in front of him at this time.

"What's the matter? Who is buried in these two graves?" The soldier asked curiously in a low voice.

"Why do you care who is buried here? Without the two of them, you will die if you dare to run into the woods!" Old Mao Wang said angrily

The soldier looked at Wang Laomao, saw that Wang Laomao's expression was not good, and he still spoke with a Northeast accent, he closed his mouth after a bit of a click, and at this moment, the explosion of Japanese aerial bombs came from the road.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the bodies, limbs and organs of soldiers shattered by bombs flew across the air.

The same soldier also dies, why are the deaths of people so different?

Of course, Shang Zhen would not complain about those officers and soldiers who retreated but were killed by the Japanese army, but there was a kind of indescribable sadness in his heart.

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