The War of Resistance

Chapter 500: Ambush in adversity

Of course, soldiers have to face life and death.

That is to kill as many enemies as possible and save yourself.

Although the current battle is positional warfare, since the main purpose now is to delay the completion of the task until dark so as to retreat, seeing the strength of the Japanese army, Shang Zhen also used his combat experience in the past few years to do his best to "dodge and move"

That is, try to delay as much as possible, not to confront the Japanese army!

The Japanese soldiers outside the city heard the gunshots and explosions in the gap in the county town. If you say that the gunshots sound like 38-style rifles, if you say that the explosion sounds are grenades fired by their Japanese grenadiers. After all, the charge of the grenade is larger than that of the grenade, so the explosion sound is naturally louder.

But even so, there was no good news coming out of the county, at least in the eyes of the Japanese army outside the city, the street fighting was really hard!

So the Japanese army began to adopt refueling tactics, sending wave after wave of troops to the gap.

It's just that the Japanese army didn't know that at this time, the guards in Songjiang County had adopted new tactics under Shang Zhen's suggestion.

"You are all optimistic about our brother's shooting angle, especially when you pull the shot, you must not shake your hands!" Wang Laomao shouted loudly.

The brother Wang Laomao mentioned was Qiao Xiong.

Among them, Qiao Xiong had the most talent for shooting grenades.

At this time, Qiao Xiong was squatting there with a grenadier stuck on the ground in his hand.

And beside him, more than a dozen soldiers squatted on the ground holding grenades.

In front of them were piles of rubble that had been blown up by Japanese artillery shells, or broken walls, so the Japanese soldiers who had just rushed into the county did not face each other.

But so what? Chinese officers and soldiers dispatched observation posts to closely monitor the situation of the Japanese army entering the gap in the city wall.

However, the angle of the grenade that Qiao Xiong was holding was exactly what they had tested before.

After Shang Zhen and the others emptied the Japanese troops that rushed into the gap, they naturally had to prepare for the arrival of the next wave of Japanese troops.

They first used cluster grenades to blow up the houses to bury the Japanese soldiers, and those houses also collapsed with the explosion.

This time, Shang Zhen naturally couldn't put the Japanese army in the ruins that could no longer be a trap. Since the gap was already wide open, it was time for the grenadier to play its role!

Shang Zhen knew that the Northeast Army was running out of ammunition, so he sent his own people out last night. While notifying the surrounding officers to come back for a meeting, he also brought back some grenade grenades.

Coupled with the few grenadiers seized today, they now lined up the grenades and aimed at the ruins ahead.

To say that shooting a grenade is definitely a skilled job, its aiming line is also a paint line, let alone the sight, that is to poke the grenade on the ground by feeling, and the operator feels that it is aimed, then Ready to shoot.

So after Qiao Xiong personally performed the test shooting, Shang Zhen ordered some soldiers to squat there with the grenadier at the same angle as Qiao Xiong did.

And Shang Zhen personally acted as an observation post, but now he is hiding behind the roof of a house.

"The little devil is here! Get ready!" Shang Zhen shouted in a low voice, holding a wooden stick in his right hand with a piece of rag on it to serve as a signal flag. In order to prevent the Japanese army from finding out, he stretched out the signal flag and hid it under the roof.

At this moment, the little dustpan who was hiding behind a broken wall stared at Shang Zhen's gesture.

When Shang Zhen yelled "Fight" and the signal flag in his hand fell down, the little dustpan also shouted: "Fight!"

So at this moment, the soldiers squatting next to the grenades pushed the grenades through the top of the grenades.

At this time, the soldier in charge of shooting pulled the trigger under the grenade almost simultaneously.

The sound of "tom", "tom" and "tom" shooting sounded, and puffs of white smoke rose from the shooting place. Almost at the same time, there was an explosion on the ruins where the Japanese army advanced.

For the Japanese army, they could not be more familiar with the shooting sounds of "tom", "tom" and "tom".

But this time they never thought that when the grenade rang, the grenade exploded on top of their heads!

All of a sudden, many unprepared Japanese troops were knocked down by the flying grenade fragments.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who were hiding in the nearby houses appeared one after another and shot with their guns.

Some of the Japanese soldiers who rushed to the ruins hid behind the pile of rubble, and some hid behind the broken wall and began to fight back with their guns.

However, not to mention the shooting by the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army around, even the grenades came one after another.

A grenadier is a light mortar and a curved-firing weapon. The broken walls of the rubble piled by the Japanese army can block the bullets, but they cannot block the roaring grenades.

It was only after two rounds of shelling that the Japanese counterattacked with only a few gunshots.

"Machine gun cover! Go up and kill these bastards!" The officer in charge shouted, and then he rushed forward with the box cannon and the soldiers.

At this time, even if the Japanese army resisted, they were killed by the covering fire from a distance, and it was only a few minutes later that the Japanese army who rushed into the gap was completely eliminated again.

There is no doubt that this is another perfect attack.

But even though the attack was over, the gunfire still didn't stop. It was because Shang Zhen ordered the soldiers to fire a few more shots with the 38-type rifle from time to time.

Veterans like them can hear the difference between the 38-type rifle and other rifles Then the Japanese army can naturally hear it.

However, the sight of the Japanese army was blocked by the ruins of the county wall, and they could not see the situation inside the county. They thought that their own people were still fighting in the streets, so the Japanese artillery did not fire.

Throughout the afternoon, Shang Zhen and the others used this method to deceive the Japanese army to attack, and then ambushes the Japanese army through the designed traps, and then ambushes the Japanese army again with the grenade grenades obtained from the ambush.

Coming and going, Shang Zhen dragged the battle until dusk.

At this point in the battle, although they wiped out hundreds of Japanese troops, the Northeast Army also suffered hundreds of casualties

Seeing the corpses of the Japanese soldiers lying on the ruins, when Shang Zhen was considering whether to clean up the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, the Japanese army attacked again, but finally some Japanese soldiers passed through the gap and saw the corpses of their companion Japanese soldiers lying on the ruins!

At this time, those Japanese soldiers finally felt that something was wrong, and instead of attacking forward, they retreated backwards.

At this time, when the soldiers of the Northeast Army on the city wall fired with guns, some Japanese soldiers escaped the disaster after all.

"It's not enough to kill!" the officer in charge said regretfully.

"Let's evacuate as soon as possible, I feel that the little devil may bombard our place." Shang Zhen suggested.

The officer had completely convinced Shang Zhen at this time, so naturally he said "yes".

And at this moment, a voice came from behind them: "Who is Shang Zhen? Master Chang asked you to take someone back to protect the commander!"

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