The War of Resistance

Chapter 485: A frontman who can tell a story

In a room in Songyuan County, Old Mao Wang and the others were taking off their clothes.

After a battle with the Japanese army, they ran back and forth for more than ten miles, and because of crawling forward, their bodies were already covered with mud and water.

The mud on the clothes can only be scraped downwards, and naturally it cannot be cleaned, but the water always has to be twisted downwards.

During their military career in the past few years, they also had the devil training of Hao Zhenglong in the special training team. Their physical fitness is generally better than that of ordinary soldiers.

So not to mention the tall, short, fat and thin bodies, the tendons and flesh on each of them are quite tangible, including Wang Laomao who is in his forties, which looks masculine and masculine.

"We people are really lucky. It's a blessing in disguise. Look at my small plate muscles that weigh more than a hundred pounds and I can live for a while longer!" Ma Tianfang sighed.

Ma Tianfang's sigh is of course justified.

They first chased and killed the Japanese army with Lei Liang's guards, and hurried back when they heard another gunshot from the direction of Songyuan County behind them.

On the way back, Shang Zhen predicted the enemy's opportunity, and ambushed in the woods in advance, and wiped out the Japanese army.

Of course, in terms of credit, they can only be said to be the biggest. After all, there are two other groups of officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army.

At the time when everyone was happy after another victory. But troubles came later. During the battle, Chu Tian fired a single shot, but that bullet wounded the army commander Wu Keyong.

It is inevitable to accidentally hurt one's own people on the battlefield. It is inevitable to feel sorry for hurting an ordinary soldier, but it is a sin to hurt an army commander!

Because of this, although Chang En, the commander of the 108th division, did not speak harshly to Shang Zhen and the others, his expression was indifferent.

On the contrary, Army Commander Wu Keyong, who arrived afterward, burst out laughing.

That stray bullet did injure Wu Keyong, but the injury was the lightest wound on the battlefield—a bruise.

The bullet flew past Wu Keyong's shoulder, and only scratched a layer of skin.

The performance of Army Commander Wu Keyong really made Shang Zhen and the others, who were still trembling before, feel grateful.

Nowadays, China is originally a country with a strong feudal color.

Sometimes the respect for the great people above is engraved in the bones of the small people, even Shang Zhen and the others are the same.

Although all beings on the battlefield are equal, bullets have no eyes, who cares whether you are a military commander or not, as a living being, you are all the same, you will die if you are hit by a bullet.

But Wu Keyong is the army commander after all.

This situation is like everyone, whether the emperor or the common people, it is inevitable that there will be times when the stomach hurts.

It's just that ordinary people will only mutter when they have a stomachache, "Stomach pain is not a disease, if there is **** and poop."

But if the Emperor Lao Tzu had a stomachache, it would alarm the entire Tai Hospital.

listen! Too hospital! In order to show the emperor Lao Tzu a stomach ache, it would take a whole big hospital!

This was the case with Army Commander Wu Keyong's injuries.

However, Army Commander Wu Keyong himself did not have the consciousness of being an army commander in this matter. Instead of criticizing Shang Zhen and the others, he praised Shang Zhen and the others.

On the contrary, what did the teacher, Chang En, refuse to let Shang Zhen and the others go!

Just when Wu Keyong said Chang En, "This is a big deal, why are you so serious", at this time a more exciting reversal began.

Chang En suddenly said, "Because you accidentally injured the commander, I will punish you to follow the commander around in the past two days. If the commander really makes any mistakes, then you can learn from the little Japanese devils and cut open your stomach to thank the people of the country." !"

Chang En's reversal came so suddenly that not only Shang Zhen and the others were stunned again, but also the army commander Wu Keyong.

It wasn't until Army Commander Wu Keyong said, "I don't need other people's protection", that Shang Zhen suddenly realized that Chang En was punishing them! But he sent another group of guards to Wu Keyong on the pretext that he and others injured Wu Keyong!

Thinking about it, the Sixty-seventh Army has more than 20,000 people, and there is no reason for the commander to charge into the battlefield with a gun.

But the problem is that Wu Keyong did just that!

In order to block this long front, even though the Sixty-seventh Army has more than 20,000 people, it is still stretched to use its troops.

Otherwise, Songyuan County, as the headquarters of the army, could not have only one battalion of troops, so that when a small group of Japanese troops appeared, the commander of the army would have to carry his gun to the battle.

You must know that this is the era of hot weapons, not the era of cold weapons. Why, I, Changshan Zhao Zilong, is the general of the five tigers, and taking the enemy's head from a tens of thousands of troops is like picking something out of a bag!

In front of that scorching bullet, all life becomes fragile, even the leader of an army is no exception!

So in this way, Shang Zhen and the others became the guards used by the army commander Wu Ke.

Regarding Chang En's decision, Old Mao Wang was naturally delighted, regardless of others.

With his many years of experience in the army, Wang Laomao really couldn't believe it. How many times can a dignified army commander actually shoot at ordinary Japanese soldiers on the opposite side.

Not going to the front line means safety, so why is Old Mao Wang unhappy?

Shang Zhen was called to the headquarters by Chang En, and Wang Laomao and the others naturally wanted to find a place to make some repairs.

At this time, Ma Tian put his clothes on and took off the fastest. He had already put all his clothes and pants on the only table and chair in the room, and the only fig leaf on his body was his big pants.

"I said boy, you are so slow to undress like a man, what else can you do?" Ma Tianfang, who had no restraints on his body, stood in the middle of the room and pointed Jiangshan in his spare time.

At Ma Tianfang's words, all the soldiers in the room laughed, because Ma Tianfang's words meant something.

Chu Tian glared at Ma Tianfang fiercely, and replied, "Who is so pale? I look so white, and my body is also white. Look at you, you look so dark that you look like a piece of horse dung." !"

Just as Chu Tian replied, "Aiya" sounded everywhere in the room, and the soldiers were really surprised. This was the first time they heard Chu Tian retaliate against others with foul words!

Among Shang Zhen and his group, Chutian was a different kind.

The big bosses looked down on him as an intellectual, and he, an intellectual, didn't bother to fight with the big bosses.

Sometimes these gangsters bullied Chu Tian so much that he couldn't calm down, so he would chatter with Chen Hanwen.

However, Chen Hanwen would never spread Chu Tian's words to the outside world, because what Chu Tian said was, if a dog bites you, can you still bite the dog?

Seeing Chutian fight back for the first time, the others all laughed. They were very happy to see that Chutian, who was always polite, could become like them.

It's just that Chu Tian didn't expect that his ability to speak foul words and fight with each other could be compared to these prostitutes.

He was very angry, but he was happy to be released by his hater Ma Tianfang.

Ma Tianfang said with a smile: "What's the matter with the white on your body? So you were a little white face, but now you are a white-striped pig!"

When Ma Tianfang said this, the others naturally continued to laugh.

But Chu Tian couldn't retaliate, Qian Chuan suddenly said: "I suddenly remembered a joke about pigs!"

"Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Several people nearby said, there is no fear of big things in watching the excitement, not to mention everyone thinks that Qian Chuan'er must be using words to arrange Chutian!

"It's about our family's Nagada. A hunter took a group of dogs to catch a wild boar." Qian Chuan'er began to talk, "You all know that wild boar, how can it be so easy to handle?

Especially that big boar has a pair of fangs, and the group of dogs rushed up, but they couldn't even bite through the pig's skin! "

"Fuck! Then it won't be shot to death?" Hu Zhuzi interjected beside him.

"Stay there, what good gun does a hunter have that can kill a wild boar with one shot!" Qian Chuaner rolled his eyes at Hu Zhuzi and continued: "The hunter has no good gun but a machete. The several hounds couldn't handle the wild boar, so how could he charge up by himself?

But at this moment, the donkey that the hunter brought up the mountain suddenly rushed up!

This donkey has a donkey That person saw his donkey suddenly opened its big donkey mouth and directly bit the wild boar to the ground..."

"Really?" Hu Zhuzi asked again.

Everyone has seen a donkey, but they have heard of a horse biting a man, but they have never heard of a donkey biting a wild boar.

"Really! This is what the sister-in-law of the second aunt's brother-in-law of Grandma Wang's house next door to me said!" Qian Chuan'er said angrily.

"What do you call this **** play, it's a mess!" Hu Zhuzi also became angry.

Tiger Zhuzi is a stickler, and a stickler is willing to be serious.

"I told you, this is a joke, it's just a story, you have to be serious?" Qian Chuaner said.

"Don't pay attention to that bullshit, you can continue to talk about Qian Chuaner." Old Mao Wang could hear the interest.

"Furthermore, there is nothing to talk about. Although the donkey can't kill the wild boar, it can't move the wild boar.

The hunter and his hounds went up and killed the wild boar! "When we got here, Qian Chuan actually finished telling the story.

"Hey! This **** story is meaningless, isn't it just about a donkey biting a pig, and the rabbit biting a man in a hurry, let alone a donkey?" Qiu Bo commented from the side.

When Qiu Bo said that, the people beside him also lost interest, but at this moment Qian Chuaner said again: "Do you know why this donkey will bite the wild boar?"

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