The War of Resistance

Chapter 480: bloody battle in mud

The familiar sound of the Maxim machine gun firing and the whistling of the mortar shells gave the attacking Japanese army a powerful shock.

It was just beyond the expectations of the Chinese officers and soldiers that instead of slowing down, the attacking Japanese troops rushed forward even faster.

The Japanese attacking route was equally muddy, and they were still riding a tiger, so the distance to flee back was naturally longer. Rather than fleeing back and being shot by the Chinese officers and soldiers behind their backs, it would be better to rush into the trenches closer to them with all their eggs in one basket.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was climbing forward, was only more than 30 meters away from the trench in front of him.

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't seem to see the water in the trench that had been stained red, the corpses of the dead soldiers, and the wounded who were struggling to crawl out, and he already shouted in a low voice: "Load the bullets, and everyone kneels. Get ready for a fight." Call the volley!"

And just when he pulled the bolt of the gun himself, got up and pressed the flower mechanism against his shoulder, he shouted loudly: "Hit!"

As a result, more than 30 of them suddenly burst into intensive firepower, and the shooting sound of "he, he, he" was like dense raindrops hitting the vegetable field, and the number could no longer be heard!

The Japanese soldiers who were rushing forward paid too much attention to the trenches ahead, but ignored Shang Zhen and the others lying in the muddy water.

As a result, Shang Zhen and the others knocked down about 20 Japanese soldiers in this wave of rapid fire. The officers and soldiers of the 67th Army who survived the artillery fire also began to fight back.

"Enter the trench!" Shouting Shang Zhen, he jumped up from the ground, bowed his waist, and rushed forward. After only a few ups and downs, he jumped directly into the trench, splashing a splash of water.

Immediately afterwards, there was a constant plop, that was Old Mao Wang and the others jumped into the trench one after another.

But at this moment, there was another "bang tom" sound from a distance, and the two heavy machine guns on Shang Zhen's rear flank went silent, and at the same time, the two mortars behind them also stopped. shot.

The reasons are, first, the Japanese army was already very close to the trench, and if they fired artillery, it would be easy to accidentally injure their own people in the trench.

Second, while the Northeast Army used to be very "rich", they don't lack mortars now, but they only lack mortar shells.

In order to suppress the firepower of the Japanese army in the previous round of rapid fire by Shang Zhen and the others, most of them emptied their magazines.

For a while, the most obvious counterattack firepower in that trench was the two light machine guns, "chug tug" and "chug tug", the two light machine guns fired non-stop.

One is from the Northeast Army who used to guard the trenches in the trenches, and the other is from Erduanzi.

When Shang Zhen and the others fired the flower organ, Erhanzi didn't shoot.

The reason is that he used a machine gun, and the bracket of the machine gun was inaccurate due to the lack of hard support in the muddy water. Instead, he jumped into the trench and put the gun on the edge of the trench, so that he was able to pull the trigger .

At this time, Erhanzi saw that the Japanese army was only more than 50 meters away from the trench. In a panic, he pulled the trigger and emptied the magazine, and then he stretched out his hand.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he naturally asked his deputy shooter to hand him a magazine.

It's just that when he stretched out his hand, he took it empty. When he turned his head to look, he saw that the deputy shooter had stuffed a magazine into the machine gunner of the Northeast Army next to him.

"Iron head!" Er Hanzi said angrily.

But just as he saw it, the machine gunner also inserted a new magazine into the machine gun, and the Japanese gunshots rang out, and the machine gunner fell down after being shot in the head!

And when Erhanzi's deputy shooter turned around to get him the magazine, Erhanzi stopped picking it up, because the Japanese army was too close at this time!

Nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers rushed towards the trenches with bayonets attached to their rifles, roaring!

In desperation, Er Hanzi simply gave up the machine gun, and reached out to pick up the box cannon on his body.

At this moment, after Shang Zhen and the others had finished changing the magazines, they also poked the flower mechanism out of the trench almost at the same time.

In the next moment, the Japanese army kept rushing forward, and the flower mechanism in Shang Zhen's hands kept ringing "he he he", the Japanese army kept falling and advancing, Zhang Zhen and the others kept shooting, but due to the distance Soon, some Japanese troops finally set foot on the edge of the trench.

Guo Baoyou is a shooter who is shooting one shot at a time with a rifle. He is a recruit, so where did he get the box cannon? So he could only use a rifle. After he fired a shot and was about to pull the bolt again, a Japanese soldier rushed towards him with a rifle in his hand.

Anyone who sees the enemy coming towards him knows to hide, but if anyone can hide, then there will be no such thing as being stabbed to death by a bayonet in this world.

Guo Baoyou closed his eyes after saying "Oh".

Guo Baoyou is a new soldier, and he is only fighting with instinct and passion, but when the enemy's bayonet is about to hit him, he is not one of those veterans who will die with their eyes open even if they die.

And at this critical juncture, there was a "crack" gunshot, and the Japanese soldier was shot in the head and knocked down when he was about to stab.

And because the Japanese army charged too hard, they directly lay on Guo Baoyou's body due to inertia. As for the rifle with the bayonet attached, it also lost its aim and stuck beside Guo Baoyou.

Guo Baoyou was pressed down by the Japanese army, he instinctively shrugged his shoulders, and with a plop, the Japanese soldier who had already been shot plunged headlong into the ditch.

At this moment, the battle in this trench was extremely chaotic. Although more Japanese soldiers were knocked down by the guns in Shang Zhen's hands, a few Japanese soldiers stabbed straight into the trench with their knives.

A Japanese soldier stabbed Hu Zhuzi with a bayonet. Hu Zhuzi instinctively dodged, but the Japanese soldier's bayonet was also skewed. inside.

"Tiger Zhuzi!" Chen Hanwen shouted after seeing this situation, and he pointed his flower mechanism to the place where the two fell into the water.

But at this time, the water in this trench was already extremely turbid, muddy water, **** water were all mixed together, and the two people plunged into the water again, and for a while, Chen Hanwen didn't know where to shoot.

Chen Hanwen quickly glanced in front of him, seeing that most of the Japanese soldiers were defeated by them with automatic and semi-automatic weapons such as flower mechanism box cannons, he was slightly relieved, and then pointed at the muddy place with flower mechanism the water.

But at this time, the muddy water seemed to have a water demon appearing, and it was already crackling and splashing. Hu Zhuzi actually wrestled with the Japanese soldier in the water!

"Tiger Zhuzi!" When Chen Hanwen shouted, he saw the Japanese soldier's head protruding from the He was about to shoot but was afraid of accidentally injuring Hu Zhuzi.

Just when he was hesitating, he saw that the Japanese soldier's eyes were wide open, and there was black muddy water dripping from the Japanese soldier's head.

This is undoubtedly a strange situation in the war. What kind of person can keep his eyes wide open in muddy water?

As soon as Chen Hanwen hesitated, the Japanese soldier's head came out of the water completely.

Only then did he realize that a big hand was tightly grasping the Japanese soldier's throat.

The Japanese soldier was pinched by the big hand and pinched his neck, so it's no wonder that guy's eyes widened.

With a sound of "哗啦", Hu Zhuzi emerged from the water.

"This tiger's life is good!" Wang Lao yelled at the tiger Zhuzi as if he was derogatory, and then the flower mechanism in his hand rang again.

It must be admitted that automatic weapons such as machine guns, box guns, and pistols are definitely the nemesis of hand-to-hand combat.

No matter how fast the Japanese bayonet was, it could not withstand the continuous firing of bullets.

It's only for a while. Hundreds of Japanese soldiers have been wiped out by Shang Zhen and the others.

And because several Japanese soldiers all died in the ditch, the blood of the enemy who had begun to turn red was mixed with the blood of the soldiers of the Northeast Army.

We don't want to be born on the same day, but we want to die on the same day.

Even though they were enemies, they died in the same hole, and even their blood was mixed together. I don't know what kind of relationship was formed in the previous life, and I don't know whether the grievances of this life will be ended in the future!

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