The War of Resistance

Chapter 478: The commander's decision relayed

"This time our Sixty-seventh Army has arrived, and the battle will be much easier." Besides the division pointing out, Wang Laomao complimented Lei Liang very rarely.

"Easy to fight?" Lei Liang, who was eating sullenly, looked up at Old Mao Wang and said.

"Eat first, eat first, and talk later." Old Mao Wang said hastily.

What Lei Liang ate was given by Shang Zhen and the others.

Ever since they came to Songjiang County, Shang Zhen and the others fought after running around, and then running around after fighting, there was no idle time at all.

But the same is true for the Sixty-seventh Army.

The 67th Army first arrived at Qingpu by train, and then headed for Songjiang on foot in the rain.

So the sixty-seventh army and Shang Zhen suffered the same crimes.

After Shang Zhen and the others helped Wen Changqing complete the first attack on the Japanese army, they returned to Songyuan County and entered the houses at night, and were lucky enough to eat a full meal and sleep.

But the entire 67th Army has no time to eat. Most of the troops have been scattered, and they are digging fortifications and repairing trenches within the 30-mile defense line. **** battle.

How cruel the **** battle has been so far, not to mention for the time being, given the terrain of Songjiang, how easy is it to dig trenches?

The terrain was already low-lying, and it rained for another day, the soil was dug out, and then the ground was full of water, so many officers and soldiers of the 67th Army were soaked in the "water puddles" they dug.

They would like not to dig, but is it okay not to dig? The firepower of the Vietnamese army is much stronger than theirs. If you want to survive, you must soak in water!

And all of this is just that the battlefield is still a little far away from Songjiang County, and Shang Zhen and the others still don't know anything about it.

Now Lei Liang is still devouring the rice, which was brought out by Shang Zhen and the others after eating at that house.

Shang Zhen and the others also considered how easy it is to have a full meal in the current situation, so they deliberately stuffed an extra pot of rice, and everyone either stuffed it with something or put it in their pockets.

Some people will say that the food is not buried like this? The answer can only be that hunger is always more terrible than Mai Tai (dirty)!

Shang Zhen saw Lei Liang's hungry appearance, after all, he gave him a part of his rice.

Three times, five times and two times, Lei Liang ate with his hands and finally filled his stomach.

"Just now you said it was easy to fight, didn't you?" Lei Liang looked at Wang Laomao and asked, not forgetting to stuff a white grain of rice in his black hand into his mouth.

At this time, Wang Laomao naturally wouldn't answer, and Lei Liang didn't need Wang Laomao's answer, and went on directly: "Just now we received a report that our division has suffered more than 2,000 casualties. Two of them have already been killed, and the 107th Division is definitely not much better."

"What?" When Lei Liang said this, not only Old Mao Wang was stunned, but Shang Zhen and the others were also stunned.

You must know that it is only genius now, and nearly 5,000 people have been killed since last night, that means a division is gone!

But then Shang Zhen realized that the reason for such a large number of casualties was entirely possible.

And Lei Liang's words fully confirmed his thoughts: "We have heavy mortars and heavy machine guns. Compared with other armies, our 67th Army's firepower is not bad.

Although it is cloudy now, the devil's planes will not dispatch armored vehicles or come out, but the little devil's guns are much more powerful than ours. There are also little devil's gunboats on the Huangpu River. In some areas, the Japanese army's strength is already Our five times!

We got the order from Shangfeng to stand firm for three days, and we had no place to retreat if we wanted to. If we retreat now, hundreds of thousands of troops behind us will be surrounded by Japanese troops here.

Well, this is no longer a matter of losing the four northeastern provinces and North China, but that our entire China has been seriously injured, and I am afraid that we will really become subjugated slaves!

What's more, we are the Northeast Army, and we have been notorious for not resisting for a long time. Our 67th Army is also an elite unit of the Northeast Army. We have a duty to hold here and leave a way for other troops to survive.

Commander Wu said, we must fight to the death to wash away the shame of our Northeast Army's non-resistance, and let the people of the whole country know that our men in the Northeast are upright men, not just lip service! "

Lei Liang talked a lot and spoke very quickly.

As the commander of Chang En's security company, he naturally had many opportunities to be with Chang En, so he naturally knew more information than ordinary officers.

Of course Shang Zhen and the others knew that the Army Commander Lei Liang was referring to was Wu Keyong, the commander of the 67th Army.

Shang Zhen and his group had participated in the Double Twelve Incident, so they also had a certain understanding of the situation of the upper echelons of the Northeast Army.

Wu Keyong, the commander of the Sixty-seventh Army, was the commander of the most elite unit of the Northeast Army, so he was naturally the young commander's confidant.

Wu Keyong personally participated in the Xi'an Incident, and after the Xi'an Incident, because the pro-Japanese faction of the Nationalist Government wanted to kill Chiang Kai-shek, they sent the Central Army to attack Shaanxi. The predecessor confronted the Central Army.

If so, that's all. After Zhang Shaoshuai was sentenced to prison by someone, Wu Keyong even joined forces with Yu Xiuzhong, the current commander of the 51st Army, and other generals of the Northeast Army to try to rescue their young marshal with arms!

At that time, they also named this rescue plan "Cow Herding Project" because their young marshal was born in the year of cattle.

Let's not say whether the "cow" will be released or not, but this Army Commander Wu is also a bull!

A certain person is the chairman of the national government, but it does not mean that he is the chairman of those local factions. The local factions really only recognize their own leaders.

But at this moment, Lei Liang hadn't finished speaking. Most of the people in Northeast China are straightforward, and they couldn't hold back their words.

"Commander Wu also said that this time, no matter whether it was the Central Army or other troops, they fought the Japanese devils with great force, and their casualties were not small.

Looking at the Japanese aggressors are too powerful now, it may be difficult for us to return to our hometown just by relying on our Northeast Army. In the end, we need the entire Chinese army to be able to defeat the Japanese aggressors and recover the three eastern provinces.

Then our Northeast Army needs to make an appearance. If we want to return to our hometown, if we don’t work hard, how can others help?

So Commander Wu said, this time the order given by Shangfeng, we must defend Songjiang for three days and we must complete it to the letter. If the head of the brigade dies, the brigade commander will go up. The brigade commander and division commander are all dead. I am the army commander. Just go up! "

The more Lei Liang spoke, the more excited he His voice naturally became higher and higher, and his voice sounded extremely sonorous and powerful.

And Shang Zhen and the others seem to have seen the resolute expression of no hesitation shown by a senior military officer when he made the above speech!

Lei Liang's words, of course, should not be accurately said to be Lei Liang's words, but the words used by Wu Ke, the commander of the 67th Army, which have directly aroused the blood of veterans like Shang Zhen and the others.

Yes, the Northeast Army wants to fight back to their hometown. If I don't work hard, can I count on others to help?

It's like living at home. If you don't work hard, you always count on others to help you. How is that possible? After all, it needs to be self-reliant!

Old Mao Wang secretly glanced at Shang Zhen, seeing that Shang Zhen had returned to his expressionless face, while the others were already flushed with heaving chests.

When Chang En, the commander of the 108th Division, said to let them follow behind him, Old Mao Wang thought it would be safer this time.

But now it seems that people like myself are really going to defend their positions and doomed.

Alas, think about it too.

Such a big army commander said that he would rush forward, but he was such a small soldier, if he really died, he would die, anyway, he lost a scar on his head, and he will be a good man again eighteen years later!

Old Mao Wang was thinking about it, and at this moment all of them heard gunshots coming from outside the county town.

oops! Did the Japanese army come so fast? He even hit the county seat

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