The War of Resistance

Chapter 465: Meet the Central Army again (2)

"If you can't beat them, don't carry them to your death. Isn't this a retreat?" At this time, Shang Zhen, who had been listening by the side, couldn't help but speak.

"As soon as I talked about retreating, I became even more angry.

Originally, it seemed that they couldn't beat them, and there were hundreds of thousands of people left, so the organization would retreat, but no, the higher-ups—"Qian Laishi pointed to the sky, "The higher-ups let them fight hard. , Just don't let them retreat! "

"This guy is great. After the little Japanese devils landed in Dachang, our Chinese troops have finished watching. They are about to be surrounded by others. Why don't they withdraw?

Since you can't beat them all, then you can withdraw your own, the old man can't withdraw if you don't want to withdraw!

But the problem is that there are still some who listen to the old man's order, some withdraw and some don't, and this is a mess!

Look at which troops are on this road now!

Those in the division cannot find those in the brigade, and those in the brigade cannot find those in the regiment.

You see the road is muddy!

What the hell, it's the kid who didn't come to the plane, and when the plane comes, the sky is full of arms and legs, don't you believe it? "Speaking of this, Qian Laishun, who had been joking before, became filled with righteous indignation.

"Brother, you can't say this, what are you afraid of!" Qian Chuan'er reminded beside him.

It's just that before Qian Chuan'er finished speaking, Shang Zhen had already said: "It's broken!"

Isn't it broken?

As soon as Shang Zhen said "broken", everyone heard a buzzing sound from the distant sky, and there was no need to ask if it was a Japanese plane that really appeared!

"What's going on?" Shang Zhen's soldiers panicked for a moment.

This area is mostly a water network, and there is only one road passing between the water networks. If there is not just such a road, so many people will not be crowded!

"Go into the water, run far away, everyone separate!" Shang Zhen shouted at this time.

Shang Zhen can't control the Central Army who can't see the head from the front and the tail from the back. What he can control is only his own people.

But under Shang Zhen's order, the thirty or more of them really rushed directly into the water on the side of the road.

And just as the water splashed, the water directly submerged the person's knees.

"Damn, there's mud under it!" Ma Erhu, who was the first to jump into the water, yelled.

"Then lie down in the water and swim far away!" Shang Zhen shouted again.

So these people didn't care that their guns would definitely enter the water. Those with muddy feet would lie down in the water and swim straight forward, and those without muddy feet would wade into the water and run far away.

"Separate and separate, don't squeeze together, the goal is too big!" Old Mao Wang also shouted.

At this time, Wang Laomao had already guessed Shang Zhen's intention.

It is obvious that the Japanese army came to bomb, and it is unclear how many Chinese soldiers are crowded on this road.

Regardless of whether the Japanese army dropped bombs or used machine guns to shoot, the people on the road were destined to suffer heavy casualties.

And is there any way for people on the road to masturbate?

Shooting with a gun may work, but shooting an airplane with a gun, whether it is a machine gun or a rifle, as long as there is no anti-aircraft machine gun, it is all luck.

It was obvious that Shang Zhen didn't want to gamble on the luck of people like himself, and he couldn't control so many people on the road, and he just hoped that people like himself could run farther in the water network.

Then the Japanese planes would only bomb people on the road, instead of shooting at the scattered people in the water network.

There is no way, no one in Shang Zhen and his group is a hero who can help the crisis and turn the building back down!

Not to mention that they are gone, even all the Chinese soldiers on this road are gone. !

The reason why Shang Zhen changed the people who stepped into the mud to swim forward in the water was because the buoyancy of people in the water increased and it was not easy for people to sink.

The Japanese army flew closer and closer, while Shang Zhen and the others either walked or swam in the water, running further and further away.

At this time, the Chinese army on the road was already in chaos.

There are no good tricks against the planes in the sky.

Some of the officers and soldiers on the road lay down on the spot, and some ran into the water, but Shang Zhen and the others naturally ran the farthest because they saw the opportunity early.

A total of two Japanese planes came, and then the planes began to dive.

The moment they dived, the machine guns on the Japanese plane fired, and tens of thousands of Chinese officers and soldiers panicked below.

Then, at the moment when the Japanese plane dived to the lowest point, Shang Zhen and the others saw a series of bombs falling from the plane.

This was the first time that Shang Zhen saw the Japanese aerial bombs clearly.

The big head of that kind of bomb rushed straight down, looking like a spindle used by an old lady in the country for spinning, with a rectangular tail with corners attached to it.

Then when the two Japanese planes took off and flew high, there was the sound of explosions below.

Amidst the deafening explosion, Shang Zhen, who was squatting in the water, saw the bodies of Chinese officers and soldiers, like rag bags, directly blown up by the bomb.

He closed his eyes helplessly, but at this moment, he heard a "plop" in front of him, and water splashed all over him.

Shang Zhen touched the muddy water on his face and looked at the rippling water waves in front of him. He knew that something had fallen into the water in front of him, but he didn't want to fish it.

Because he knew that the thing that fell into the water was most likely to be a broken limb of a Chinese officer and soldier on the road!

"Tu chu chu", "chug chug", suddenly the sound of a machine gun rang out, and the sound of the machine gun was not far away from Shang Zhen. Shang Zhen turned his head and saw that the machine gun was fired by Hu Zhuzi.

That machine gun shoots in the air, and the machine gun shoots in the air. If you don't support the two legs of the machine gun, how can it be stable?

So in front of Hu Zhuzi was Iron Head half squatting in the water, and the bracket of the machine gun was held in Iron Head's hand and rested on his shoulder.

"What's the use of fighting like this, it's impossible to fight at all, and it will attract the little devil's plane!" Old Mao Wang shouted angrily.

Now Shang Zhen and the others ran relatively far in the water because they saw the plane, but the Japanese planes dived and bombed along the road.

Shang Zhen and the others didn't know how fast the Japanese plane was flying, but given their current position below the side of the Japanese plane, let alone light machine guns, even anti-aircraft machine guns couldn't possibly hit the plane.

If you want to use a machine gun to destroy the Japanese aircraft, the best chance is that the shooter is in front of the aircraft when the Japanese aircraft dives.

Because at that time, when the plane dived down from the front, it only changed the front and rear trajectory, and there would never be any left-right displacement.

So Hu Zhuzi is now using a machine gun to shoot a plane, which is actually reckless.

Hu Zhuzi once again embodies how tiger he is.

But what happened next was beyond the expectation of Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao.

Many officers and soldiers who were in a mess on the road were inspired by Hu Zhuzi's machine gun shooting into the air. Just when the two Japanese planes started to shoot and drop bombs along the road again, there was a sudden sound on the road. There was the sound of "chug chug" machine gun firing.

At the beginning, there were only one or two machine guns, but then the number of machine guns increased, and finally there were hundreds of machine guns shooting into the air!

The sound of the gunshot was like popping beans, even rivaling the roar of the planes in the sky!

The officers and soldiers of the Central Army also shot in the same way as Hu Zhuzi and the others. The machine gunner put the machine gun on the shoulder of the deputy shooter in Although no one can see the trajectory of the bullet flying in the air in broad daylight, But at this time, the two Japanese planes that were diving in the sky also felt the threat on the ground.

Then Shang Zhen and the others saw that the two Japanese planes were still strafing, but they pulled up quickly, and another string of bombs fell from one plane, and then the two planes turned in the air, Finally flew away.

However, due to panic, the Japanese plane did not drop the bomb on the road, but dropped it into the water on the other side of the road.

"Hey! Let those two planes fly away!" Hu Zhuzi said regretfully as he took the machine gun off Tie Tou's shoulder.

"It's as if you can hit it!" said Chu Tian who was gathering together.

"Hu Zhuzi did a great job this time!" On the contrary, Old Mao Wang, who was dissatisfied with Hu Zhuzi just now, praised loudly.

Wang Laomao's logic is this: if it hadn't been for Hu Zhuzi to use machine guns to shoot down Japanese planes, the officers and soldiers on the highway would not have thought of using machine guns to shoot down planes.

It was Hu Zhuzi's shooting that reminded the officers and soldiers on the road that toughness is not the answer. Sometimes it seems hopeless. Although there is no solution, but try to make efforts, you may find a way out.

Wang Laomao turned his head to look at Shang Zhen. At this moment, he saw Shang Zhen. He didn't look at Hu Zhuzi, but looked ahead.

There are roads and water ahead, and the water has turned scarlet at this time. Under the strafing and bombing of the Japanese planes just now, I don’t know how many officers and soldiers died in battle.

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