The War of Resistance

Chapter 447: attack begins

When Shang Zhen entered the group finger disguised by branches, to his surprise, Gao Huaide, Leng Xiaozhi, and Mo Jianchen were all there.

Seeing Shang Zhen approaching, the three of them nodded at him.

At this time, Lu Cao said: "What happened when you came back from Taihang Mountain? The military commander has come to the door."

As soon as Shang Zhen heard Lu Cao say this, he knew that Lu Cao was talking about those people they had met before, and he thought to himself, this military commander's nose is really good!

"We wiped out a puppet army in a village." Gao Huaide explained.

At this time, Shang Zhen asked Lu Cao directly about this matter when he saw Lu Cao, and he confirmed one thing. Even if Lu Cao is not a Communist Party, he is not far from the Communist Party. Fuck impossible not to know.

After staying in the 691 regiment for a longer time, Shang Zhen already knew more things.

Not only people like myself, but generally speaking, the entire Northeast Army is pro-communist. Of course, there is only one reason for this, and that is that both sides want to resist Japan.

Those commanders of the Northeast Army. Whether it is the 51st Army, the 53rd Army, the 57th Army, or the 67th Army, or even the commander of the cavalry army, there is no one who is not pro-communist.

I think that during the Xi'an Incident, the top leaders of the Northeast Army formed an alliance with the CCP, so there was a peaceful resolution of the Xi'an Incident.

Because of this, Gao Huaide was able to get so many weapons and ammunition out of the army's ammunition depot. It is impossible to say that the people above did not know it at all.

"Have you killed all those puppet soldiers?" Lu Cao asked again.

"I didn't kill them all. We captured a dozen or so, but no matter how traitors were, they were also Chinese. Later, I asked Shang Zhen to release them." Gao Huaide explained.

"I don't know why, but the Juntong gang heard that there was a battle there, so they came to us." Lu Cao said again.

"Did they catch the prisoners you released?" Gao Huaide asked again.

"This is not clear, and it is impossible for the military commander to tell me the truth, but it is normal to doubt our Northeast Army.

All of a sudden, the arsenal ran out of so many guns and ammunition. Of course, the military commander would guess that these guns and ammunition had been taken to the Eighth Route Army.

And you are returning from the direction of Taihang Mountain.

Dozens of puppet troops were wiped out by half the number of people, and the half of them still used flower organs.

And you are returning from the direction of Taihang Mountain, which can already remind them of something. " Lu Cao sighed.

"I wish I had known to kill all those captives." Gao Huaide couldn't help but sigh.

At that time, Shang Zhen and the others wiped out most of the puppet troops in a wave of ambushes, and the remaining puppet troops surrendered.

In fact, there were different opinions on how to deal with the remaining captives at that time. Shang Zhen did not express his opinion, but Wang Laomao advocated killing all the puppet soldiers, but Gao Huaide disagreed.

And this further confirmed Shang Zhenwang's judgment that Gao Huaide was a Communist Party member. After all, the Communist Party's troops did not kill prisoners.

There are advantages and disadvantages to not killing the prisoners or killing the prisoners. The advantage is that after the opponent is released as a prisoner, he will not be resolute when he resists next time.

Otherwise, if the enemy knows that they will die after being captured, they will naturally strengthen their determination to resist.

It's just that the captives are released, and it is inevitable that there will be diehard elements among the captives who will turn around and continue to make enemies with their own side.

However, the Communist Party's troops have always adopted a policy of preferential treatment of prisoners.

Not to mention the civil war, even in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, U.S. captives were given preferential treatment, so that U.S. captives were eating rice, while volunteer troops were eating frozen potatoes.

And this also led to the fact that the U.S. military would voluntarily surrender to the Volunteers instead of the Korean People's Army when they surrendered.

"If you didn't kill it, you didn't kill it. You all have to be careful in the future." Lu Cao said, but then he emphasized his tone and said, "Wai De, go to the ammunition depot and check to see if anyone has leaked it." wind."

Gao Huaide responded with a "yes".

And at this time, they suddenly heard the sound of artillery from the north.

Everyone subconsciously rushed out of the regiment command post, and at this moment they saw smoke and dust rising from the explosion in the town ahead.

Needless to say, this is the start of the Japanese attack again.

The Japanese army had an advantage in firepower. If it was just bombing by planes, they might have gone somewhere, but they have already fired shells into the town in front. Isn't that the start of a ground attack?

This time the positions of the 691st Regiment were arranged like this. The first battalion was placed in the front of the town, and the second and third battalions were placed in the back. The three battalions were arranged in the word "pin".

Having learned the lesson of the Meihua Town tragedy, Lu Cao didn't intend to set up a position in the town, but this is a plain area, and if they don't defend the town, they will have no danger to defend.

So Lu Cao could only mobilize some of the people there to evacuate, but the people who stayed behind vowed to live and die with the town.

This situation undoubtedly made Lu Cao both moved and ashamed.

What is moved is that the common people also know the importance of resisting Japan. What is ashamed is that the soldiers are incompetent and let the common people be slaughtered by the invaders.

Lu Cao began to look forward with a telescope.

"What about you people?" At this moment, Leng Xiaozhi asked Shang Zhen in a low voice.

"It should be to go to the enemy's rear to make trouble. It's useless to defend the position with our little manpower." Shang Zhen replied solemnly.

Although Gao Huaide knew about the relationship between Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi, there was still Mo Jianchen here after all, and Shang Zhen didn't want his affair with Leng Xiaozhi to be known to everyone.

"Actually, you are not making trouble, this is guerrilla warfare in the enemy's rear!" Mo Jianchen spoke at this time.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen looked at Mo Jianchen.

Shang Zhen still had a good impression of Mo Jianchen.

Although Mo Jianchen is only two years older than Shang Zhen, but he is an Eighth Route Army, in other words, an old Eighth Route Army, and in other words, an old Red Army, and in other words, he is a veteran who is much older than him. come here!

Shang Zhen is also very curious about the Red Army. A team can travel more than half of China and survive in the end. How strong is the military quality!

But at this time, Mo Jianchen saw that Shang Zhen turned his attention to himself, so he said 16 words. These 16 words are well-known in later generations, but all military enthusiasts know it, but at this time Shang Zhen listened to it. There is a feeling of enlightenment.

"When the enemy advances, we When the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, when the enemy retreats, we pursue." Mo Jianchen said.

What Mo Jianchen said was exactly the 16-character formula formed by the CCP troops in the long-term guerrilla warfare.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue." Shang Zhen murmured these 16 words.

If it is said that they used these methods involuntarily when they fought against the Japanese army, the 16 words Mo Jianchen said were a high-level summary of their fighting methods.

Oh, there are capable people in the Eighth Route Army! At this time, Shang Zhen realized.

These 16 characters do not refer to how high the cultural level is, but because the concise and general one-word exhaustively expresses the highest guiding principle of defeating the strong with the weak.

"If Company Commander Shang is interested, I will tell you about it when I have time.

This is the experience and lessons that our army has summed up with countless lives since its establishment. " Mo Jianchen said again.

Shang Zhen hastily replied "Yes".

It's just that Shang Zhen's pronunciation of the word "good" hadn't finished yet, and Lu Cao, who was holding a telescope, suddenly called out "not good"!

"What's wrong?" Gao Huaide asked hurriedly.

"The Japanese army is making a detour, and they are going to encircle a battalion inside!"

As soon as Lu Cao finished speaking, Shang Zhen and the others heard the sharp whistle of shells flying in the distance, and then the shells exploded more than 50 meters away from them.

It seems that the Japanese army is going to attack that town first, and their artillery fire has already begun to extend.

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