The War of Resistance

Chapter 414: before the war

Lu Cao's regiment camped, but Shang Zhen and the others were about to set off.

According to the information Lu Cao got from the division headquarters, they were only tens of miles away from the Japanese army.

The camp of Lu Cao's 691st Regiment was called Meihua Town. It was a rare large town with a radius of tens of miles, with a population of more than 5,000.

What's even better is that there is a wall more than ten feet high around the town, and the wall is wide enough to put people on it. This is a natural position.

Reuben ordered the soldiers to build fortifications on the wall in preparation for the Japanese attack.

You must know that this is the Jizhong Plain in Hebei.

Since it is a plain, there is no danger to defend, so this Plum Blossom Town, which can be used as a position, becomes extremely important.

Seeing that Lu Cao was going to set up a position in Meihua Town, Shang Zhen said to Lu Cao, Commander Lu, you are busy first, and we will go to the front to investigate the situation for you.

At that time, Lu Cao smiled and said, then you should be more careful when you go out. It would be better if you can delay the Japanese attack time.

Shang Zhen said, don't expect us to serve as guard posts for you!

The reason why Shang Zhen said this is of course reasonable.

Where and how they will encounter the devils and how to fight the devils will be adaptable. If the 691 regiment uses them as a guard post, it may really delay the matter.

Yes, Lu Cao replied at that time, we will treat you as foreigners!

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Lu Cao's daughter-in-law Gao Huaide asked curiously, where are you going to stay at night when you go out at this time?

And at this time, the little dustpan said something next to him, a good man makes a kang and a quilt, where is he not safe? Do you really think we are here to play?

Oops, as far as the little dustpan is concerned, it really cheers me up! Everyone laughed.

And amidst everyone's laughter, Shang Zhen and the others marched towards the north in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Two hours later, when it was completely dark, Shang Zhen and the others had already appeared in a village of hundreds of households.

This Jizhong Plain is not like a village in the three northeastern provinces that may be encountered only a few dozen miles away. Here, you will encounter a village after walking a few miles.

Shang Zhen and the others inquired all the way, and heard from the common people that the Japanese army continued to move forward before it arrived.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Japanese army has already occupied Beiping and Tianjin. It will be a matter of time before they attack Hebei. It's enthusiasm.

So after arriving in this village, a big family invited them to their own home.

Shang Zhen fell in love with the compound with a walled turret.

In the end, they moved in, and Shang Zhen took Mr. Wang Mao and the others directly up to the turret.

"The big families here are really different from those in Northeast China!" Ma Tianfang sighed.

"That's right, all of us from the Northeast came from the east of the Guandong. We don't have the money here, and the houses are not as well-built as here!" Qin Chuan responded.

"Look at the names of our family, Qijiazi, Bajiazi, ha, a total of seven or eight families is considered a village.

If you look at people here, what the hell, there are hundreds of households in a village. "Old Mao Wang also said.

"Okay, it's been a day. You go into the building to rest. Uncle Wang and I will watch outside for a while, and you will replace us in the middle of the night." Shang Zhen ordered.

So, Qin Chuan and Ma Tian put it into the turret, while Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao stood outside.

Old Mao Wang habitually took out his cigarette, then squatted down and lit it with his back to the wall, and started smoking.

"Old Uncle Wang, do you think Captain Lu is the Communist Party?" Shang Zhen asked looking at the dark twilight.

"How did you see that?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"Back in Xi'an, when they rescued Instructor Hao, I thought they would hide Instructor Hao and the others.

If they were also members of the Northeast Army, I'm afraid it would be difficult to hide them tightly. I guess, they sent Instructor Hao and the others to the Communist Party representatives. " Shang Zhen continued.

"Also, the discipline of their regiment is very good and they don't disturb the people." Old Mao Wang added.

"Yes." Shang Zhen replied, it turned out that Old Mao Wang also felt the same way.

"What's the matter, you also want to join the Communist Party? Go and see your little girl!" Old Mao Wang asked.

Shang Zhen and the others are not ignorant of the Communist Party now. The so-called "communist party and wife" is a joke. Of course, Old Mao Wang knows that Leng Xiaozhi has a good impression of Shang Zhen.

"I didn't think about it, they are too poor. What do you think?" Shang Zhen said. He didn't take Leng Xiaozhi's criticism at all, and if there was something he couldn't explain clearly, it was of course best to avoid it.

"I don't want to join either. One is that, as you said, they are too poor, and the poor whoosh beat devils have nothing to fight? Also, their discipline is too strict. I was born with a beard, and I don't eat meat for a few days There is no taste in your mouth!" Old Mao Wang said with a smile.

Shang Zhen also laughed silently.

That's right, they are used to being free, and their brigade commander Liu Chengyi doesn't care much about them, but haven't they sneaked out again?

"Is it easy to smoke?" Shang Zhen asked Old Mao Wang again.

"It's not like you haven't smoked before." Old Mao Wang replied.

Shang Zhen had indeed smoked cigarettes, but he only tasted them, and he really couldn't stand the feeling of the pungentness entering his lungs.

At that time, he smoked because the stench of corpses on the battlefield was too strong.

"Hey, I don't know what the fight will be like this time." Shang sighed, "I guess there will be another corpse scattered all over the field. Thinking about the smell makes my head big."

"Ha." Wang Laomao laughed, "Actually, it's not like that, maybe you'll be like that by then, I have to smoke to suppress your smell!"

"You said you are older, how can you look good? I won't chat with you anymore!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

Old Mao Wang let out a hey hey, and stopped talking.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking and kept silent in the night. They had a premonition that they would definitely run into the Japanese army tomorrow.

Since arriving in Xi'an, they have not fought a war for almost two years. Who knows what is waiting for them this time?

At this moment, Qian Chuan'er, Chen Hanwen, and Chu Tian were talking outside the room where most of them were sleeping.

"I said, what's the point of you being hot-haired? People don't pay any attention to you." Qian Chuan'er whispered. But he was also talking about Leng Xiaozhi.

"The words of the matchmaker's orders from the parents, how can it be said that they don't count?" Chu Tian said disapprovingly.

"Pull it down!" Qian Chuan'er said disapprovingly.

"Why did you pull it down?" Chu Tian was very stubborn.

"Now everyone has gone to the Communist Party in northern Shaanxi, and they will never meet each other in this life. What use are you still thinking about them?" Qian Chuan'er continued to enlighten.

"Tell me, can you understand? Do you know what a peacock flies to the southeast? You know that Meng Jiangnu cried on the Great Wall!" Chu Tian didn't want to continue this conversation, so he used allusions to "throw" money.

"What's the point of throwing a peacock flying southeast? All I really know is that Meng Jiangnu cried on the Great Wall." Qian Chuan'er turned to Chen Hanwen.

"It's good to have a man and a woman, and when the woman dies, the man dies too.

When both of them died, they both turned into peacocks and flew southeast together. "Chen Hanwen explained.

"What the It sucks!" Qian Chuan'er laughed, and then he asked again, "Fucking parents' order and matchmaker's words, let me ask you, when did you two get engaged?"

"Finger pulp is marriage." Chu Tian replied.

"I'd say you guys who have ink in their bellies are hypocritical and hypocritical!" Qian Chuan'er sneered.

"Why are we hypocritical and hypocritical?" When Qian Chuaner said this, Chen Hanwen was not happy anymore, and he also thought that he had some ink in his stomach.

"Let me ask you, if Leng Xiaozhi was born crippled, blind, or has other problems, would you still want him? Just say that you fell in love with him, and the fate of your parents is just an excuse." Qian Chuan Said with dissatisfaction.

"I can't tell you Qiu Ba, she's just beautiful now, what do you care? Go back to the house and sleep!" Chu Tian stood up and walked into the house.

"You too, do you care about this?" Seeing Chutian enter the room, Chen Hanwen said Qian Chuaner.

"What do you know? Didn't you see that Leng Xiaozhi likes our company commander?" Qian Chuan'er responded.

And he sighed in his heart, this time the task that Wang Laomao taught him was not completed.

Li Yajuan likes Shang Zhen, Qian Chuan'er "chops up" under Wang Laomao's behest, and he and Li Yajuan get on good terms.

And Chutian said that she was Leng Xiaozhi's fiancée, but Wang Laomao instructed Qian Chuan'er to persuade Chutian to leave.

This is the second time Qian Chuan'er has tried, but Chu Tian has already identified Leng Xiaozhi.

What's wrong with this? Qian Chuan ignored Chen Hanwen and continued to ponder, this dead Chutian would have identified Leng Xiaozhi, it really wasn't good, what if he got a chance to make a woman for Chutian himself in the future? In this case, he would have no face to pursue Leng Xiaozhi, so he should quit, right?

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