The War of Resistance

Chapter 1653: The Age of Absurdity

You also have brothers and sisters, how come you come from the Northeast and cause such harm to others? "

"Are you still human? Your conscience has been eaten by dogs?"

"The Japs treat us Chinese as human beings, are you Japs too?"

At dusk, a small team marched in the fields, but several of the soldiers with heavy loads had already been scolded by Qian Chuan'er and the others.

Scolding can be understood as reprimanding, that’s what Northeastern people say anyway.

Two of the heavy-duty soldiers were carrying bags.

Since he was carrying a bag, there was something in the bag. The things were not much but heavy and fell to the bottom of the bag.

Two other soldiers carried a makeshift stretcher, and the soldier lying on the stretcher was the wounded man named Lin Dongfu under Chu Tian.

There is no light load for a long journey. The soldiers were panting heavily and their faces were flushed. With their dejected looks, it was unclear whether they were being trained or because they were carrying heavy loads.

When they bully the people, they feel that they should be awesome in heaven.

But now they are prisoners, being tired and trained, they are probably going to **** again.

As for the people who scolded those soldiers, it was of course Shang Zhen and the others, and those soldiers were Liu Daorui's men.

Naturally, Shang Zhen's team included the old men he brought to find Chutian and the others, as well as the last dozen or so people left in Chutian's platoon.

However, there were two people who did not participate in this lecture. Those two people were Xiao Axe and Sun Baoer.

The soldiers walked with Shang Zhen and the others like this, and this walk lasted nearly an hour.

When their team reached a higher hill, Shang Zhen said: "Stop!" So they stopped.

"Telescope!" Zhang Zhen said, and his messenger Shen Mugen quickly handed over the telescope.

Shang Zhen took the telescope and turned around to look at the way he came.

What is Shang Zhen doing? His people naturally understood, but Liu Daorui's soldiers didn't care what Shang Zhen was doing when they had the chance to rest.

After a while, an imperceptible sneer appeared on Shang Zhen's face and he said: "There are really people who are not afraid of death, rifles!"

When Shang Zhen said to get the rifle, the soldiers of Liu Daorui raised their heads and looked at him.

"Look at that guy!" Hu Zhuzhu reached out and was about to hit one of the soldiers, but he remembered that Shang Zhen didn't allow him to hit, so he stretched out his foot and kicked the guy on the butt.

Shang Zhen ignored what was happening around him. He lay down, pushed and pulled the bolt, put the rifle on his shoulder and aimed forward.

"Where?" Qin Chuan, who was also looking back the way he came, asked.

"Who are you asking?" Qian Chuan'er, who was next to Qin Chuan's left, asked back.

"You're asking me, not you. Your eyes are too small to see clearly." Ma Tianfang, who was next to Qin Chuan's right, said.

Qian Chuan'er ignored the two living treasures and looked forward carefully. He didn't know whether he saw it or not, but his little eyes were indeed not big, even when they were wide open!

"Have you seen that person? Where is he?" Chu Tian also asked Shang Zhen curiously.

"I'll do a trick for you. Look at the trees in front of you." Shang Zhen said with a smile.

It's not that other people's eyesight is bad, it's just that the trees Shang Zhen mentioned are a bit far away.

They had walked through an open area that was five to six hundred meters wide, and there were a few trees on the opposite side of the open area.

However, those trees were quite thick, and it was almost impossible for them to see if there was anyone hiding behind the trees.

"Brother-in-law, political commissar, what tricks are you doing for us?" Sun Baoer also came over.

"Political commissar brother-in-law" is Sun Baoer's latest title for Shang Zhen.

"A big transformation into a living person." Shang Zhen said with a smile.

Then he pulled the trigger, and the shot broke the silence in the field. Several old birds in the sky who were busy returning to their nests were frightened and screamed, but they did not even dare to return to their nests.

No one knew which tree Shang Zhen shot. Anyway, none of them saw Shang Zhen turn into a living person.

"The big transformation into living people, where are the people?" Sun Baoer was also a little disappointed.

But Shang Zhen, who was lying on the ground, didn't take this seriously. He pulled the bolt of the gun and loaded it again, and this time he shot again.

But this time his shot worked.

The people lying next to Shang Zhen saw a figure suddenly appear from behind a tree in front of them, turned around and ran away.

At this point, everyone except Shang Zhen understood what was going on.

It turned out that the guy who was following them was hiding behind that tree.

Shang Zhen's first shot must have hit the trunk of that tree. The guy thought Shang Zhen was blind and didn't move.

As a result, Shang Zhen fired the second shot at the tree, and the guy realized that they had discovered him, and he would be dead when they came over, so he had no choice but to run away.

Previously, Shang Zhen led his soldiers to take a preemptive strike and directly handed over Liu Daorui's guns.

But after handing over their guns, what should we do next? Shang Zhen confiscated all the short rifles of Liu Daorui and his group, but had all the rifle bolts removed.

Then, a few soldiers escorting Liu Daorui left on their backs.

And now he was shooting to deter the person who was following them, and that person was undoubtedly Liu Daorui's subordinate. It was Liu Daorui who was determined to send people to follow them and wanted to know where they were staying.

Seeing that Shang Zhen had really found the guy who had been following them, the soldiers started talking. What they were talking about was nothing more than "This Liu Daorui is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!" "80% of the time he will still have to follow us. Camp and find a place" and so on.

It's just that Shang Zhen didn't participate in such a discussion. Instead, he looked a little lonely.

And in the discussion among the soldiers, one of them suddenly said: "Batalion Commander, do we still have to give these rifle bolts to them?"

He is Lin Dongfu lying on the burden.

"If you go further, let these people go back with the gun bolts on their backs." Shang Zhen replied.

To say that Shang Ye and Shang Zhen removed the bolts from the rifles of people like Liu Daorui and carried them away, this was really a good idea.

Without a bolt, a rifle is like a fire stick. Shang Zhen doesn't have to send people to watch those guys. And those guys don't have working guns and naturally don't dare to blatantly seek revenge. The only thing they can do is to send someone to secretly followed behind.

And this was the most appropriate way that Shang Zhen could think of to deal with these friendly forces who were also members of the Northeast Army.

"But what will happen if they continue to harm the people?" Lin Dongfu asked again.

His words immediately silenced the scene. Everyone looked at Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen's face was expressionless, but he couldn't answer.

Shang Zhen was just a battalion commander, and they had no power to enforce military discipline on their behalf.

And if they really deal with people like Liu Daorui, it will definitely arouse public outrage!

The inherent shortcoming of the old-style army is that it harms the common people, with few exceptions.

One official had thousands of soldiers under his command.

If he cannot provide these soldiers with supplies from the central government, then what will these soldiers eat and drink?

You must know that there are thousands of soldiers, not just a few dozen like Shang Zhen and others at the beginning, let alone the so-called "one person is full and the whole family is not hungry."

In order to make the soldiers get by, the official had no choice but to indulge his subordinates to rob the common people, because in their eyes the common people were the most incompetent.

For example, after conquering a city in the past dynasties, many generals would let their officers and soldiers burn, kill, and loot the city.

Although this was a release of his own inner anger, it was more of a way to compensate the officers and soldiers who worked hard for him.

This kind of compensation is similar to what the beard in the Northeast said, come with me to kill people and set fires, and then we will drink and eat meat together on the mountain!

The same is true for the Northeast Army.

If the general of the Northeast Army did not let his officers and soldiers go to obtain food and money from the people, and he could not afford to support himself, would he still be able to resist Japan?

At this time, the so-called military discipline was in name only.

If Shang Zhen dared to say that he was enforcing military discipline for his superiors, then Liu Chengyi would probably not be able to spare him, and he would also offend other Northeastern Shang Zhen, who has always been quick-witted, heard that Sun Baoer was surrounded When he was in the yard, he suddenly realized that Sun Baoer was his woman.

He turned a very serious issue of enforcing military discipline into a scandal, a scandal about two Northeastern Army officers fighting over a woman.

Shang Zhen can use this as an excuse when the superiors ask about it later.

In this absurd era, it is not unusual for two military officers to fight over a woman, and it usually only arouses laughter from others.

But if you say that you prevent friendly forces from robbing ordinary people, this will make people feel strange. Especially in the National Army series, people will wonder if you are the Eighth Route Army.

How do you ask Shang Zhen to explain such a complicated matter to a simple-minded soldier?

Even though Shang Zhen had dealt with Liu Daorui's group, he had once again demonstrated his precise shooting skills, but he didn't feel the slightest bit victorious. Instead, he felt more like a deserter.

Yes, deserter!

Liu Daorui and others were also members of the Northeast Army. They robbed people and harmed women. From this perspective, what they did was the same as the Japanese.

But when Shang Zhen caught up, he had nothing to do with these friendly troops who were also from the Northeast. What could he do if he caught them? Military discipline can't be cured, let alone killing those people!

So what if all their guns are unbolted? Don't we have to ask those soldiers to send the bolt back after walking a certain distance?

Therefore, although it is said that there are good people and bad people everywhere, Shang Zhen still feels that he is by no means a winner, and even feels ashamed because he is also from the Northeast!

So from this perspective, isn't he just a deserter?

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