The War of Resistance

Chapter 1110 You can’t get by just by being patient

The few houses in the village that were set on fire by the Japanese troops were still on fire.

If it were normal, the man who had been set on fire by the Japanese army would either curse and stamp his feet or bow his head and sigh, while the woman would cry and scream.

But this time, there was no such situation in this village. Instead, someone was laughing.

The fact that the common people didn't show any pain or grief was of course because they were not at home. The fact that someone was laughing didn't mean that the fire was set well, but it was Fang Yong and the other soldiers.

War is cruel, but those who survive must continue to live. After all, their soldiers found something to eat in the village-raw sweet potatoes.

It happened that the Japanese army set a few houses on fire, which was a ready-made fire.

It's just that the fire is so strong that people can't get forward at all, so naturally they can't roast sweet potatoes.

But that doesn't matter. Since it must be full of smoke from a distance, the soldiers don't mind lighting another fire.

They also pulled a lot of green onions from people's vegetable gardens and broke in through windows to get miso.

This is eating roasted and fragrant sweet potatoes with green onion sauce. For these soldiers who have been fighting for many days, it is already a delicacy. How can they not eat it with a smile?

Shang Zhen and Fang Yong also found water to wash away the gray stains on their faces and finally returned to normal. They also ate roasted sweet potatoes and watched the soldiers chatting.

This time they were finally full, and some soldiers even lay down comfortably. They waited until there was no trace of the Japanese army before moving on.

But it seems that it is destined to be very difficult for them to stop under such a hostile situation.

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Zhen, who had fallen asleep, was woken up by the soldiers: "Brother Shang, there is a situation."

As soon as he heard that something was going on, Shang Zhen, who was sleeping at first, immediately sat up and at the same time touched the box of cannons beside him with a movement of his hand.

Shang Zhen's action shocked several soldiers around him, because when Shang Zhen sat up, the cannon's head had already opened as soon as it touched it.

Shang Zhen's movement was so natural, just like everyone would subconsciously stretch their waist when they first wake up.

How many battles or practices did it take to form this almost instinctive habitual action?

The soldier in charge of sentry took Shang Zhen and the others and ran towards the edge of the village. The direction they ran was to the west. The road was to the east. Seeing that the direction was in the opposite direction, Shang Zhen was slightly relieved.

And when they ran to hide behind the house at the entrance of the village and took a look, they saw four or five people running in front of them. They were less than a hundred meters away from the village, but two carriages came running behind them. .

Although the carriage was further away, Shang Zhen knew it was the puppet army by looking at the color of the clothes of the people on the carriage.

The people in the front who ran a few steps away looked like ordinary people, because there was a woman in the middle wearing colorful clothes.

"What did you do? Why did you report when everyone was here?" Fang Yong asked the sentry in anger.

There were two sentries in total. After seeing something happened, one stayed in place to monitor, while the other ran back to report.

"It's not our fault. Those ordinary people got out of that patch of grass. It was probably the Japanese Japs in the distance who saw them and chased them. When we saw them, we hurried back to report." Stay where you are. The sentry reported.

The grass was quite dense, and even Shang Zhen and the others didn't expect that there were people hiding under their noses in the village.

So when the sentinel discovered that there were people, wouldn't they be close to the village?

But as soon as the common people appeared, they were seen by the puppet soldiers in the distance. The Japanese were gone and the second Japanese came again. What should they do this time? Seeing the common people in front running closer and closer, the soldiers naturally looked at Shang Zhen.

Is this a fight or not?

If we don't fight, will everyone still hide like before? But can I still hide here?

Fight, but as soon as they were beaten, they were exposed, and the puppet soldiers were not just the dozen or so on the carriage in front. At this time, they saw some more puppet soldiers appearing in the distance, but they were also running towards this end. Woolen cloth.

Everyone naturally waited for Shang Zhen to give the order, but who knew what Shang Zhen was thinking. In the eyes of these soldiers who were not familiar with Shang Zhen, maybe Shang Zhen didn't think about it at all. Then Shang Zhen gave the order: "Return to the village Go and kill these devils in a moment!"

The soldiers naturally obeyed the order and turned around and ran back, although some of them were murmuring in their hearts.

"Be smart. I estimate that these Japs will capture these common people soon. Let's try to kill these Japs in front of us in one wave." Shang Zhen said as he ran back.

Since Shang Zhen said so, the soldiers hid behind the house. They didn't know where to hide to ambush the puppet troops, but they thought there had to be an encirclement to set up crossfire or something.

Two soldiers who had a good relationship with each other lurked together.

Seeing that they were separated from Shang Zhen, Fang Yong, and others, one of them whispered: "Can just a dozen of us defeat dozens of puppet troops?"

"It's hard to say," his companion replied.

"It's hard to say, I think we just can't beat him," the soldier said.

"Shang Zhen's twenty-ring box cannon is not a vegetarian. Besides, he has two more." His companion said.

"That's true." When Shang Zhen rescued them, the soldier also saw how Shang Zhen's marksmanship was. The reminder from his companion gave him confidence in Shang Zhen's decision.

"Besides, they asked us to hide in the well before, don't you think we are okay now?" His companion said again.

The soldier fell silent. He felt that his companion was right. Although he didn't know how Shang Zhen would fight this battle, Shang Zhen had never let them down since they met Shang Zhen.

Otherwise, in a team, the commander's prestige is gained through fighting, even though these soldiers have not been with Shang Zhen for a long time.

While the two soldiers were discussing, Fang Yong was also asking Shang Zhen for advice.

Fang Yong didn't understand why Shang Zhen had to retreat to the village to fight.

Now that he was thinking about it, wouldn't it be better to put the few people who were being chased by the puppet troops into the village?

As soon as the few ordinary people entered the village, they suddenly opened fire on the puppet troops who should also arrive at the entrance of the village. In that case, the puppet troops could be caught off guard.

While Shang Zhen glanced at the entrance of the village, he explained in a low voice: "In that case, even if we can eliminate the two Japs on the carriage, the two Japs behind will also run away.

Now that there is a highway behind us, it is very convenient for the Japs and the Japs to come. If we just beat away the Japs and Japs coming in front but cannot turn back, then we will be attacked from both sides. "

"Oh, I forgot one thing. Pass the message to the other end quickly and try not to kill the horse pulling the cart." Shang Zhen added.

Fang Yong quickly used the cover of the house to notify other soldiers, and at this moment Shang Zhen heard a woman crying from the entrance of the village: "God damn it, why did you burn down my house?" ?”

Listening to the cries, Shang Zhen, who was used to the tragedies in the world, was unmoved, but there was a sigh in his heart.

The soldiers saw that he made a decision without hesitation when faced with the situation, but they didn't know that Shang Zhen was just thinking fast, but he didn't miss any of the points he should be thinking about.

He knew trouble was coming as soon as he saw the few people running towards the village.

He didn't know why these ordinary people had to return to the village at this time, but he knew that as long as the puppet troops behind him followed him, if nothing else, the young woman in the flowery dress would definitely not be able to catch him!

Can he ignore this kind of thing? If you don't touch him, you won't care, but now that you meet him, how can you ignore him? Otherwise, wouldn't the gun in his hand become a fire stick?

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