The Wandering Planet

Chapter 86: New veins in the southern hemisphere

欢 After the celebration, the post-disaster reconstruction of the earth began, the most important of which was to completely repair the damaged planetary engine.

After all, the ignition source is not enough. The planetary engine must also be completely repaired before the stray earth can continue to cross to the next world.

This is not a simple task. After all, there are so many damaged engines. Every seat must be properly repaired to eliminate the possibility of failure again.

Fortunately, thanks to the heroic battle of the ground defense forces, all planetary engines have remained intact, and only need to repair some key parts to be put back into use.

Also, there is plenty of time. There are still more than two months to go to the next world, which is enough for workers and engineers to patiently repair each planetary engine.

After they finished their work, Qiao Li could use the ignition source to transform all the planetary engines and transform these huge earth engines into deformable structures like Transformers.

It is estimated that this will consume most of the energy of the Tinder source, so now you must seal the Tinder source well to avoid wasting its energy on other machines.

Another major loss in this war is the superconducting ore mined in the Avatar world.

From the initial accelerated escape to the final Jedi counterattack with a sword and blasting Cybertron, it was accompanied by a huge consumption of superconducting ore fuel.

In particular, the 70,000-kilometer-long Earth Sword consumed several tons of superconducting ore as fuel for every second of continuous activation. This time it was a big planet like Cybertron, and it was almost the same as cutting the entrepreneurial star. Not the same.

In general, the wandering earth consumed more than 600 tons of superconducting ore, resulting in only more than 2,400 tons of superconducting ore reserves.

These are non-renewable resources, and this trick is to save some resources in the future.

Plutonium should at least save the time to find an alternative to this fossil fuel.

The production of antimatter is currently calculated in grams, which is still slightly insufficient in terms of total energy. I don't know how the energy crystals and high-energy gas in StarCraft are performing, but I also have the opportunity to cross there and talk about it.

I still have to be diligent and housekeeper.

Shortly after the war ended, Luo Feng invited Qiao Li to take a look at the southern hemisphere, saying that he had discovered a new mineral vein with great development value.

Alas, Qiao Li remembers that he used the southern hemisphere as a shield almost all the way, did he accidentally break a new vein out?

In fact, this vein was indeed smashed, but not in the way Qiao Li imagined.

乔 When Qiao Li crossed the morning haze line and came to the southern hemisphere in the middle of the night. The Chinese sun slowly rises from the east, using the light reflected by the Cybertron star to illuminate this land that has been in darkness for a long time.

This lighting effect can hardly be said.

At this time, Qiao Li saw the remains of the Decepticon spacecraft and the huge crater produced by the impact of the Cybertron debris.

Because these spaceships were basically directly destroyed by Qiao Lu driving the earth, the debris seen by Qiao Lu was only squeezed to the top layer.

A large number of Decepticon wrecks have actually been slammed into the depths of the ice, and have been frozen in ice for dozens of meters underground, just like ancient creatures.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Li immediately understood what Luo Feng said about the new veins. These Decepticon wrecks deeply embedded in the crust are new veins that can be mined in large quantities!

Not to mention the meteorite ore produced by the impact of the Cybertron planet fragments. The entire Cybertron is a huge metal planet, and each fragment has great development value.

I really added minerals to the earth!

Luo Luofeng has been waiting here for a long time, and beside him is Dr. Grace and a large number of engineers, who are studying how to mine this vein.

Qiao Li stepped forward and asked, "How about, is this new vein useful?"

Luo Feng replied: "These alien metals do not belong to any element we know, but they do have a lot of uses, especially in the production of movable joints, which can perfectly achieve a balance between strength and sensitivity. Luo Yun is already using this metal to improve your armor, and I believe you will soon see results. "

Movable joints? If you think about it, it ’s true. Transformers are not only movable, but also deformable. If there are not a lot of movable joints on the whole body, you can't do such an exaggeration.

Then it is no surprise that this metal can create perfect movable joints.

Dr. Grace, aside, added: "Not only armor, this metal is also a good material for making prosthetic limbs. It can more perfectly restore human muscle movements, and even the touch and pain nerves can be perfectly imitated.

At least Transformers really have pain and touch, so this metal-made prosthesis can perfectly imitate human senses, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

I say so, these Decepticon wrecks are really treasures all over the body!

No wonder Luo Feng said that this is a new vein with great development value ~ ~ But— "Luo Feng suddenly turned and said:" At present, we still do not have new technology that can fully exert the role of this vein. "

"What do you say?" Qiao Li asked in confusion.

"The best thing from these Transformers remains, of course, is the new generation of deformable mechs. Unfortunately, scientists encountered bottlenecks when studying the structure of these silicon-based living organisms, and they couldn't figure out how they were It was a pity that it was made. "

No doubt, the biggest inspiration that Transformers brings to human technology is naturally the amazing transforming technology.

If this technology can be applied to large mechs, it will undoubtedly improve the performance and combat effectiveness of mechs by a notch.

Now that high-quality materials and neural connection operation methods are available, the only key technology to make this deformable mech is naturally a regret that is hard to make up for.

Mass production of deformed mecha is the best use of this Cybertron metal vein!

"I see." Qiao Lu nodded and said, this matter already had a solution in his mind.

R & D encountered a bottleneck? Don't worry at all. The biggest function of the system is to make breakthroughs in advance in scientific research.

[Deformed body] This special research project happens to be in the science and technology library recorded by the system.

In order to accelerate the development of ordnance on the wandering earth and prepare for the next world in advance, it seems that these 15,000 civilization points cannot be saved.

Then the way for the Wandering Earth to descend from the sky will not be to drop 10,000 space marines, but 10,000 new-generation large deformable mechas!

This military strength is what an interstellar civilization should look like!

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