The Wandering Planet

Chapter 715 Earth Awakens

Qiao Lv and Ding Yi rushed to the location of the flower of the soul. At this time, they could already see a huge flower bud on the base of the planetary engine, throbbing like a heart.

This is an extremely strange flower, different from any normal flower, the inner flower of the soul contains an unprecedentedly sophisticated nerve tissue.

This kind of dense neuron dendrites are as numerous as the stars in the universe, extending to the depths of the earth, feeling the structure of this planet, adjusting itself to match its rhythm and waves, and finally forming a kind of thinking consciousness, which is the plan to awaken the earth.

Originally, this was a major project that was planned to last for decades. After all, it takes an inestimable amount of time for the flower of the soul to grow.

However, for some reason, the flower of the soul suddenly changed, completed the development in a short period of time, and became the current state of budding.

Even Dr. Grace, who was in charge of this project, didn't know the reason. All this far exceeded her initial estimate, and it was hard to predict what kind of fruit it would bear.

But at the same time, she also felt an uncontrollable excitement. The development of science is like this, always accompanied by the unknown. The phenomenon that has never been seen before means an unprecedented breakthrough, which is what scientists are pursuing.

Ding Yi was also deeply amazed by the scene in front of her. On the base of the tens of thousands of meters high planetary engine, a bright red flower bud grew, wrapped in layers of petals. It was a neural structure similar to the brain. began to convey information.

According to the plan, this is not the time for the flower of the soul to start, and the Central Academy of Sciences did not wake up the earth without being fully prepared.

Now it seems that the earth did not wait for human beings to wake itself up, but took the initiative to wake up. After the general structure of the flower of the soul is completed, it can be done theoretically.

"What's going on here?" Ding Yi asked.

"I don't know, it happened all of a sudden. Some people say that the earth responded to us, but who knows how."

Dr. Hansen took the two of them on the elevator at the base of the planetary engine, and went all the way up to the flower of the soul at the top.

Qiao Li had already had a premonition of all this, but he still didn't expect it to happen in this way.

The elevator rises slowly, gradually approaching the top where the flower of the soul is. At this time, more people can be seen gathering in the distance, obviously aware of the strange situation here.

Entering the altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Qiao Lv and others finally came to the main body of the flower of the soul. The huge buds were waiting to bloom in the clouds, full of surprising and mysterious beauty.

Dr. Grace and her team are busy collecting data, but it is still difficult to find the root cause of all these changes.

The only certainty is that the blooming of the flower of the soul is about to begin. The petals on it are all about to move, and the neural structure that shouldn't be functioning is more active than any brain.

"Dr. Grace, how is the situation?" Qiao Lu stepped forward and asked.

Dr. Grace shook her head and said: "It can only be said that the accident was beyond our imagination, and it made me even more confused than the soul tree we encountered on Pandora. Maybe I still underestimate the earth, The will of the planet she conceived is much more complicated than Ava!"

The flower of the soul is based on the soul tree in the Avatar world, which is the planet's will Ava, and it seems to be not so simple now.

Such a large-scale neural structure alone has far surpassed the soul tree on Pandora, and the technology it uses far exceeds that when the wandering earth first traveled to the Avatar plane.

Today, Ava’s ability can no longer be used to measure the awakening of the earth, not to mention that there are other elements involved in it, and it is not as simple as simply awakening the earth.

Qiao Lv looked at the flower of the soul in front of him. The bright red petals were like a giant wall that could not be seen, extending upwards to an infinite height.

From here, you can only see the tip of the iceberg of the internal neural structure, and you can only see the bursts of light emitted by the neurons when they are running, like the lights flickering inside a computer.

If you want to think of it as a supercomputer, this scale is outrageous, but only in this way can it carry the memory of the earth for 4.5 billion years in the past, and there will be billions of years in the future.

It will preserve the memory of human civilization from the perspective of the earth. This alone is of great significance, especially after knowing how cruel the universe is.

Just when Qiao Lv couldn't help thinking wildly, the flower of the soul seemed to respond to his gaze, and the outer petals trembled slightly, which seemed to herald the arrival of the final moment.

"Stand back! Don't touch it!" Dr. Grace yelled excitedly.

But before Qiao Li took the initiative to touch it, the flower of the soul began to bloom. The huge petals spread out and fanned the wind, bringing countless pollen-like light particles towards the face.

These light particles passed through Qiao Lv's body, as if he had no form.

But at this moment, time began to turn back, and everything flashed before Qiao Lv's eyes like a revolving lantern.

Three-body world, The Matrix, Star Wars, Nier World, StarCraft, Pacific Rim, Resident Evil, Marvel Universe, Transformers...

Finally, he was the first to return to the time when the wandering earth first traversed, ignited the big explosion accidentally triggered by Jupiter, and came to the world of Avatar under the huge shock wave.

However, all of this has not stopped yet. Back in time, the earth returned to its original orbit, and the 10,000 planetary engines built by all human efforts disappeared one by one as time went back, and returned to normal society.

Human technology is constantly rewinding. The information age, the electrical age, the steam age, the iron age, the bronze age, the stone age, and thousands of years of history are like passing clouds, and they all flash before Qiao Lv's eyes in an instant.

Then humans turned back to ancient apes, and huge reptiles including dinosaurs appeared on the ground.

Qiao Lv saw that the earth has experienced more catastrophes, the meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs, the Paleocene-Eocene extreme heat event, the Carnian flood event, the Permian mass extinction, and the Devonian ocean Retreat, the Ordovician Ice Age  …

Human beings are only a flash in the pan in this long history of evolution, but they have left a strong mark, especially leading the earth to escape the helium flash of the sun. Even in the 4.5 billion years of the earth's life, the disaster has not been experienced.

Everything went back to the time when life was not yet born. There was only a silent land on the earth, just like countless planets without life in the universe, which suffered from meteorite impact, high temperature and extreme cold alternately, and hundreds of millions of years passed like a day.

The final long memory also returns to the time when it was first born. The icy nebular matter releases a large amount of gravitational potential energy, which is then converted into kinetic energy and heat energy, causing the temperature to rise. In addition, the radioactive heat energy of the internal elements also increases the temperature, so the initial stage The Earth is like a piece of wrought iron in a furnace.

During the rotation of the high-temperature earth, the substances in it differentiated, the heavy elements sank to the center and condensed into the core, and the lighter substances formed the mantle and crust, and the sphere structure gradually appeared, and the magnificent career of 4.5 billion years began. start······

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