The Wandering Planet

Chapter 712 System Selection

Qiao Li said angrily: "So this is our universe? All civilizations have to face a dead end in order to allow those who return to zero to live a few more beautiful cosmic idyllic times?"

The dark forest, the dimensionality reduction of the universe, and the decay of the speed of light all started from the moment when the zeroer first used the weapon of the laws of the universe.

If there is no accident, it is foreseeable that they will dominate the entire reincarnation forever, and before other civilizations grow enough to threaten them, they will be destroyed by the Zeros using the weapons of the laws of the universe.

"This is why we chose to leave the system behind. In the face of the zero-returners who have experienced countless cosmic reincarnations, it is impossible for any civilization to accumulate enough technology to defeat them in one reincarnation. Only continuous inheritance, Breaking through this hopeless predicament is only possible through the hard work of generations."

At this time, Qiao Lv finally understood the reason why the administrator said that he was the previous holder. Perhaps the origin of this navigator system is unknown, but it must have been created by human civilization in a certain reincarnation, and then accompanied by generations of holders. Some people's memories experienced a universe restart, and finally passed down to their own hands.

"So the technology we obtained before was the result of your secret help?" Qiao Li asked after reacting.

The various technologies that the Wandering Earth has obtained through the system during this journey are undoubtedly the technologies accumulated by human civilizations from generation to generation.

"But why do you do it this way?" Qiao Li quickly asked.

The system administrator said with a smile: "If all the technology is handed over to you in one go, can you digest it? Not to mention that it may cause disaster."

It is true that with the technological level of the Wandering Earth at the time, obtaining all the technology of the system at once is no different from a primary school student running into a university classroom, basically at a loss.

Therefore, the strategy of the system is to use civilization points to unlock step by step, and always give key reminders when Wandering Earth comes into contact with relevant technologies and is conducting research.

Because of this, the Wandering Earth can so smoothly master a series of technologies that would have taken a long time to master.

After all, the development of science and technology also requires a certain amount of luck, and sometimes the exhaustive method is used to obtain a chance of success by consuming a lot of time.

The Trisolaran civilization once analyzed that at the scientific level of human civilization, the basic method used in the study of the deep structure of matter is to hit the selected target particles with accelerated high-energy particles.

After the target particles are smashed, the results are analyzed to try to find information reflecting the deep structure of the material.

In the actual experiment, a substance containing target particles is used as the impact target, and the interior of the substance is almost completely empty.

If an atom were the size of a theater, the nucleus would be just a walnut suspended in the theater.

As a result, successful collisions are rare and often occur only after a large number of high-energy particles have bombarded the target material for a long time.

This experiment is like finding a raindrop of a slightly different color from a summer rainstorm.

If the blockade carried out by the sophon is to make the successful collision never happen through interference, what the system does is to make the collision successful in the first experiment, which naturally saves a lot of time.

This is of course better than directly handing over the technology to the wandering earth. In the end, this technology was developed by scientists themselves.

The system just helps them avoid detours.

"Then why are all the restrictions lifted now?"

Qiao Lv still remembered the system prompt that brought him here. Now all technology restrictions should be lifted, which naturally means that there is no need to use civilization points to unlock it.

The administrator replied: "Because you have already begun to get in touch with the truth, and you have also learned how to receive these advanced technologies."

Indeed, since entering the Three-Body World, although the system no longer provides civilization points, the Wandering Earth still managed to obtain the technology of the Three-Body Civilization and the Singer Civilization through its own efforts.

These include the curvature drive and dimensionality reduction strikes of weapons involving the laws of the universe. Reaching this level is like stepping into the threshold of a university, and can finally understand the most difficult technologies.

"The most important thing is that you have passed the test. There are countless human civilizations in infinite parallel universes. You may not be the strongest, but you must be the greatest. Only in this way can we entrust everything we have accumulated so far to You, it is up to you to complete this final mission."

Sure enough, so many time travels that the Wandering Earth has experienced are also tests given by the system.

Not all human civilizations are eligible to be the objects of inheritance, which Qiao Li also realized personally in the process of traveling.

"Then what about me? Why did you choose me?" Qiao Lv asked.

The reason why the Wandering Earth was selected couldn't be clearer, but Qiao Li was still puzzled about being selected by the system and why he knew so many things.

The administrator replied with some embarrassment: "You are indeed an ordinary person. There is no special reason for choosing you. If there is one, it is another test for the wandering earth."

"A great civilization should have a strong assimilation ability. Even if you are just an ordinary person at first, you will eventually grow into a responsible navigator under the influence of your ears and eyes."

So it turned out that Qiao Lv could not deny that he was an inconspicuous ordinary person before time travelling, and he did not expect this to be a reason.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to belittle you in any way. Even your performance completely exceeded my expectations, which can't be said to be what I could think of at first." The administrator said to Qiao Lv.

"Originally, I planned to go through several navigators before all the technological restrictions could be lifted, but I didn't expect that you would have found out the truth yourself, and had the same idea as us."

"Then what's the matter with everything I know?" Qiao Li asked, "If I didn't rely on foresight, I wouldn't be able to get to this point."

"Although you are just an ordinary person, the plane you are in is special. In order to facilitate the selection of the navigator, we put a lot of information from other planes into your plane in advance. No matter what way, In the end, it should be able to be presented before your eyes. If you are a responsible navigator, you should also find a way to store this information and be ready to pass it on to the next generation.”

As the administrator said, Qiao Li recorded everything he knew in a neural implant and kept it properly, which would only be revealed as a relic after his death.

Now that the root of everything is finally revealed, maybe he can gradually let go of this inner burden.

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