The Wandering Planet

Chapter 68: Driving Optimus Prime

Although it was unclear what Qiao Li was talking about, Optimus stopped the offensive and quickly transformed into a truck to run towards Qiao Lu.

Qi Qiaolu was not polite, and when Optimus was driving to his side, he suddenly opened the door and rushed into the driver's seat.

人 One person and one vehicle quickly broke away from the battlefield, watching on the hillside not far from the Hercules like a garbage mountain on the battlefield.

一次 The opponents this time are really too rough and thick, neither Qiao Li nor Optimus Prime expected.

Optimus Prime said to Qiao Lu through the car stereo: "We must hurry back to support others. What did you think of?"

Qi Qiaolu also stopped selling with him, and pulled out the neural interface attached to the armor directly from behind him, and asked Optimus Prime:

"Can you morph an interface like this? If I can, I can do it!"

Optimus Prime started the scanner and scanned the interface in Qiao Li's hands, and immediately realized its design intention.

"This is a neural connection device, you use this method to manipulate the armor on your body? Do you want to-!!!"

"Yes." Qiao Lu nodded and asked bluntly, "Would you believe me?"

If Optimus Prime did not hesitate at all, it is absolutely false.

Connecting this neural interface means that Optimus Prime has to entrust Qiao Li to drive completely, which requires no ordinary trust.

Optimus Prime once again looked towards the fierce battlefield. Without him and Qiao Lu participating in the battle, the Decepticons began to gradually bring the situation back.

Especially Hercules, a horrible fit monster, ordinary Autobots dare not stand in front of it, raising hands and throwing it with terrible destructive power. Ordinary weapons simply do not have it.

Optimus Prime finally made up his mind. He has already seen Qiao Li's ability, maybe he can really find a way to smooth this huge fit monster in a short time.

He resolutely said to Qiao Li: "Without sacrifice, there is no victory. Humanity, I will give my life to you!"

After saying that, Optimus Prime ’s driver ’s seat turned out a special mechanical socket, which is the nerve system terminal of Transformers, directly connected to the core of Tinder on his body.

"Relax, I won't take you to death."

Qi Qiaolu decisively inserted the neural interface into the Optimus Prime system terminal to complete the unique neural connection this time.

At this moment, every sensor and every joint on Optimus Prime was directly connected to Joe's brain. At this moment, he became Optimus Prime itself, or the driver of Optimus Prime ’s machine. .

Of course, Optimus Prime's own consciousness has not disappeared, but temporarily retreated to the second line, acting like Moss as an assistant to Qiao Li.

Immediately after riding the dragon on the ship and driving the earth, Qiao Li unlocked another achievement-the Transformer pilot.

Transformers don't need a cab, but if it's him, then it's another matter.

Qiao Li reached out and held the steering wheel, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "Very well, I'm going to burst!"

Optimus Prime certainly did not understand what Jolly meant by the explosion, but after Jolly took over his body, he could indeed feel a remarkable abnormality, as if there was something to be taken from his own body. Burst out.

That's his potential, which only occasionally bursts out when he hits the road.

Now was easily inspired by Qiao Li!

"Autobots, start deforming!"

一次 This time it's Qiao Li's turn to say this!

Under the control of Qiao Li, the truck changed by Optimus Prime suddenly rushed towards Hercules.

启动 At the same time as the start of the truck, amazing changes are still taking place in the cab of the truck. Numerous mechanical limbs protrude from behind the seat and are connected to the thundercloud combat armor worn by Qiao Li.

机械 The goal of these robotic limbs is not elsewhere. It is the antimatter annihilation chamber that provides energy behind the armor.

乔 Under Qiao Li's authorization, the antimatter annihilation chamber began to stop powering the armor, and in turn provided power to the connected Optimus Prime body.

Dual-core combat mode is activated!

The truck that was powered by the antimatter cabin suddenly accelerated suddenly. With the blue tail flame from the chimney, it rushed up a high **** and leapt directly above Hercules' head.

卡车 The truck only began to deform in mid-air, the wheels became joints of the limbs, the front of the truck became the main torso, and the cab was hidden under the two windows in front of his chest.

In this cab, naturally is the Transformer driver Qiao Li.

This is the combined battle of Qiao Li and Optimus Prime!

Two high-temperature hot-melt knives protruded from Optimus Prime's wrist. Both knives, which were powered by antimatter, reached higher temperatures, emitting a sun-like light in the air.

He Qiaolu fell directly on Hercules 'back, and thrust the fiery machete deeply into Hercules' body.

For a moment, the parts around the blade were melted into a pool of molten iron, and continued to flow into the body of Hercules under the action of gravity, reaching the depths, and turning the deeper places into a sea of ​​fire.

This terrible hotness makes Hercules can't help making a painful roar ~ ~ swinging the body frantically hoping to shake off Qiao Li.

But this time, it was not so easy. Qiao Li drove Optimus on the back of Hercules and fluttered, constantly digging out the parts in his body to melt into a hot iron slurry, and turned it into a high-temperature torrent and poured it to vigorously. In God.

The Optimus Prime engine made a deep roar, and every part of him was applied to the extreme by Qiao Li.

Such a fierce fighting style, even Optimus Prime has not tried it.

The other Decepticons aimed their guns at Qiao Li and Optimus on Hercules's back, trying to help Hercules blow them down.

汽车 However, the Autobots and the Wandering Earth Forces did not just look at it. Under the suppression of their firepower, only a few stray bullets could hit Optimus's body, and there was no way to stop his crazy behavior.

In the end, Qiao Li successfully tore a hole on the back of Hercules, and reached the depths of Hercules' body under the heat of the hot high temperature.

A wound like this can be called a serious injury, but it takes a little time to be fatal.

The Decepticon reinforcements are coming from all directions, and they can no longer continue to be dragged on.

"Optimus Prime, substitution!"

Qiao Li suddenly said.

Before Xu Optimus understood the meaning of this sentence, Qiao Li opened the window on his chest and jumped out of the cab.

This really happened too quickly. Optimus Prime hadn't recovered from the doubts of suddenly taking over the body again, and Qiao Li had plunged into the hot iron slurry, sliding all the way by the weight given by the armor. Hercules in the body.

No matter how thick and thick the Hercules is, the attacks from inside the body will never be able to withstand it!

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