The Wandering Planet

Chapter 672 Reserved Land Statement

In order to deal with the arrival of the Trisolaran Fleet, human beings have made all preparations. All the dungeons are sealed off, and the ground is reserved for the army to prepare for the landing troops of the Trisolaran Fleet.

Even in the interstellar era, the army is still an indispensable service. After all, the goal of the Trisolaran civilization is to occupy the earth, not to destroy the entire earth, which is what they don't want to see.

Therefore, if human beings resist stubbornly, the Trisolaran civilization will inevitably carry out ground landing operations.

At this time, it depends on how long the human beings on the earth can persist, and whether they can leave enough time for the Asian fleet to come back and deal with the Trisolaran fleet.

To be honest, mankind has already seen the dawn of victory at this time, and the only enemy left is this Trisolaran fleet that set off two hundred years ago.

Although the Asian fleet is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, it also has big killers such as anti-matter armor-piercing projectiles. With the right strategy, the Trisolaran fleet is not invincible.

After all, even the seemingly invincible water droplet was defeated by human's strategy. What reason is there to think that the Trisolaran fleet is invincible?

Because of this, Qiao Lv should command the Ark to evacuate and keep this key steel battleship to preserve the vitality for the subsequent retake of the Earth from the Trisolaran Fleet.

However, this kind suggestion was rejected by Qiao Li.

This has never occurred to Jonathan. He always thought that Qiao Li was a rational and cruel person, who would never act on his own will, let alone live and die with the earth unnecessarily.

But this time, Qiao Li didn't choose the most rational solution. On the contrary, he made some unreasonable decisions to stay, which made Jonathan unable to understand.

Just when the two were about to argue about this, an alarm suddenly sounded in the dungeon, and an unknown object was rapidly approaching the earth, which looked like a space meteorite.

In this era, humans have already established a meteorite defense system, launching nuclear bombs from the space city in the orbit of the earth, and preparing to blow up the meteorite before it reaches the earth.

But what people never expected was that after a violent nuclear explosion, the meteorite still emerged from the flames unscathed, and flew straight to the earth, just like the water droplets used to be.

At this moment, people instantly realized that this is the same strong interaction material as water droplets, but it was launched by the Trisolaran fleet.

The early warning system specially established for water droplets starts instantly,

Judging the meteorite's landing point on the earth according to the trajectory of the meteorite's arrival, and evacuating the local residents quickly.

However, no one would believe that the blow was not malicious. The meteorite landed precisely on the largest underground city on Earth, and the population density was so high that it was impossible to evacuate it. It could only reduce casualties as much as possible.

When the meteorite fell to the ground, it sank straight down like a stone falling into water, and the underground depth of thousands of meters was easily penetrated.

It went straight through the giant tree forest in the dungeon, hitting the buildings hanging from the branches along the way. Those buildings that were hit were first burned, and then fell to the ground from a height of several hundred meters like rotten fruits.

What's more serious is that, affected by the impact of the meteorite, the magma splashed from below was like a tsunami, flooding the entire dungeon in an instant.

The dungeon that was originally intended to be a refuge suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth. Those who could not evacuate in time were engulfed in hot magma. The high temperature and lack of oxygen also became deadly killers, taking countless lives.

Despite all efforts to evacuate, this attack still caused more than 300,000 casualties. This is the heaviest human casualty event since the Battle of Doomsday.

Just when everyone was shocked by this, the Trisolaran Fleet sent a signal, announcing to all mankind that it was responsible for the attack.

The three-body commander made a statement in front of the camera, but instead of passing the disappearance through his voice, he directly displayed multiple human languages ​​on his mirror-like smooth face:

"This is not an attack, it's just a warning! Don't think that it's safe to hide underground. The entire earth is as fragile as an egg in front of the Trisolaran fleet. If you persevere, we can destroy all the cities and gradually turn the earth into ruins." .It’s just that this place will also be the home of the Trisolaran civilization in the future, so we don’t want to do this either!”

Judging from the power of the meteorite just now, or more precisely, the naval gun, the combat effectiveness of the Trisolaran fleet should not be underestimated.

Although it does not have the sharp-angle turning ability as powerful as water droplets, and can only attack in a straight line, the power of this kind of strong interaction material shell is still enough to destroy any defense facility on the earth, and it is impossible for all dungeons and large-scale facilities to provide it. Effective shade.

"So we are willing to offer humans one last chance. If you are willing to surrender, Trisolaris will set aside a reservation for humans in the solar system. The specific locations are: Australia on Earth, a third of the territory of Mars, for human civilization Guarantee the most basic living space.”

When Commander Trisolaris issued this statement, people noticed that he used the word "" in English. This was the name of the Indian reservation back then. It was a series of tragic events that happened on another distant continent.

There is no doubt that if this reservation plan is accepted, the fate of mankind will be even more tragic than that of the Indians back then. This is actually the maximum concession that the Trisolaran commander can make, which shows that the status of mankind in the eyes of Trisolaran civilization is so low to what extent.

Since Trisolarans cannot lie, this statement also has a certain degree of credibility. Perhaps the Trisolaran commander did negotiate with sincerity, but the conditions he offered were not flattering.

However, what the Trisolaran commander did not expect was that this intimidation not only did not cause human society to collapse in despair and fear like it did during the Doomsday War, but on the contrary, it made all human beings fight against the same enemy, and the voice of resistance to the end in anger intensified.

After all, the ending of the Indian reservation is obvious to all the world. Once this condition is accepted, mankind will face a more brutal massacre, or even complete genocide.

The contempt revealed in the words of the three-body commander, the high-ranking arrogance, and the attitude of no respect for the 300,000 dead, all made people completely abandon the last sliver of illusion.

There is still a ray of hope in the end of the battle. Even if you surrender, you will definitely die, and you will die without dignity, like a livestock.

The whole world was outraged, and at the same time realized what kind of mess they once wanted to leave to future generations.

The Trisolaran Fleet must pay the price for this. It is time for retribution for the blood feud accumulated from two centuries ago to this moment!

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