The Wandering Planet

Chapter 652 Difficulties

In the process of continuous research on the Reality Gem and the Time Gem, the most important plan to hunt Sophons certainly did not fall behind.

Hank Pym is indeed a scientist at the forefront of the microcosmic field. With his full cooperation, the Wandering Earth has gradually mastered how to identify sophons.

This is not an easy task. A sophon is only the size of a proton. To observe and identify it is as difficult as finding a special grain of sand in a desert.

The only luck is that in order to lock down human technology, sophons must move at a speed close to the speed of light, and at the same time interfere with the experimental results of multiple high-energy accelerators on the earth.

Because of this, the wandering earth has the opportunity to recognize it. As long as a certain proton is locked and moves around the earth at close to the speed of light all the time, it can basically be determined to be a sophon.

However, it is not enough to just identify the sophon, how to destroy it is the real problem.

Proton is already the basic structure of matter, and it is fundamentally different from general macro matter. It can be crushed, but it cannot be eliminated.

In fact, when a sophon is broken into several parts, several sophons are produced, and there is still a strong quantum connection between them, just like cutting one magnet, but getting two magnets.

Although the function of each fragmented sophon will be much lower than that of the original whole particle, under the command of the restoration software, the fragments can quickly move closer together and recombine into a sophon that is exactly the same as before the impact.

Such a situation happens in every high-energy impact experiment, and the way of sophons interfering with the experiment is to replace the target particle to accept the impact.

The whole repair process is done after the impact, after fragmented sophons show erroneous results in high-energy accelerator bubble chambers or on latex photosensitive sheets, in a millionth of a second.

In other words, it is not feasible to destroy sophons by conventional means. Only by using antimatter annihilation, or the singularity created by dark matter, can we destroy sophons.

The first choice is of course antimatter, and the technology of dark matter is not perfect yet. In theory, only one antihydrogen atom is needed to annihilate the entire sophon, which is worse than water droplets.

Unfortunately, how to hit it accurately has become a big problem again.

As mentioned above, the sophon moves at close to the speed of light all the time and changes direction freely. If it finds an antihydrogen atom on its path, it will definitely not bump into it obediently.

In addition, antimatter is extremely unstable and can hardly exist in nature. Once it leaves a specific container, it will be annihilated within 0.1 second.

Therefore, the antimatter cannot be poured out like water, otherwise it will be completely annihilated before it touches the sophons. There is no absolute vacuum where no matter exists in the natural environment, so the antimatter out of the container cannot exist for a long time anyway.

"Well, I have a plan." Hank Pym suggested:

"Protons are positively charged. Even if they become sophons, their electrical properties will not change. We can use a strong electromagnetic field to capture and imprison them, and then we have the final say on how to deal with them."

Zhang Bin, dean of the Central Academy of Sciences, shook his head and said: "We thought of this very early on, but how to arrange this strong electromagnetic field is a big problem."

"Ideally, we would create an electromagnetic field strong enough to cover the entire Earth. Then we would narrow the range of the magnetic field step by step to ensure that all sophons on Earth would be wiped out."

"But it must be considered that

Our every move on the earth is also under the supervision of sophons. Once it is discovered that we are trying to create such a magnetic field, sophons will not sit still. It is very likely that the moment we activated the strong electromagnetic field, the sophon had already escaped the capture range, and finally let us draw water from the bamboo basket in vain. "

Sophon itself is also a highly developed super artificial intelligence with a certain ability of independent thinking. Although it does not understand people's hearts, its scientific observation ability is definitely no problem.

No matter how you think about it, the huge project of trying to create a strong electromagnetic field covering the entire earth must not be able to hide from Sophon's eyes.

"This is beyond my ability." Hank Pym said helplessly.

"Is there a way to change the way of thinking." Luo Feng asked, "Instead of using a strong electromagnetic field to capture sophons, but to drive them out?"

If Sophon could be driven away, the result would be quite good.

Zhang Bin still said worriedly: "It is undeniable that this can indeed expel the Sophon in a short time, but it is really hard to say whether it can keep it out forever."


Zhang Bin replied: "Protons are positively charged, which is certain. But the problem of electricity is not so difficult to solve. The simplest thing is that sophons only need to absorb some electrons to neutralize their own positive charges. Then it can pass through strong electromagnetic fields without being charged."

"It may not be easy to find the right matching electron, and it takes a little time for the sophon to complete the work. But it is not realistic to expect a strong electromagnetic field to keep the sophon out or keep it inside. The sophon It has a very high intelligence, it can always find the right electrons to smuggle, but we have no way to find a second way to trap it so quickly."

Qiao Lv has been listening by the side, and he didn't expect that after being able to recognize Sophon, there would be so many troubles.

The strong electromagnetic field can only block or imprison the sophon for a period of time. Only by destroying it can we avoid long nights and dreams.

But further discussion, there are infinitely many problems.

Even if there are Pym particles that can be shrunk down to the subatomic level, how to catch up with sophons close to the speed of light after shrinking is not an easy task.

The most troublesome thing is that Sophon always holds the initiative in intelligence, and it is difficult to escape its surveillance if he wants to do anything.

Suddenly, Qiao Li asked as if thinking of something:

"Is the wandering earth exposed to Sophon's vision?"

Zhang Bin displayed a holographic image of the solar system on the conference table, and pointed to several red dots moving at high speed on it and said:

"The five red dots above are the sophons identified so far. Three are orbiting the earth, one is staying in the orbit of Jupiter, and the other is constantly wandering outside the shield of the world. I think sophons have not yet entered the shield without being discovered. World Sky Screen’s approach, so we can only hover around and wait for an opportunity.”

In other words, the Wandering Earth has not been fully exposed, just to let Sophon know that there is definitely a problem here.

Perhaps it is also looking for a way to maintain a concealed state and enter the world-shielding sky shield, just like Zhang Bin said, using electrons to neutralize charges to pass through strong electromagnetic fields.

The only good thing is that the world-shielding sky screen is a black technology left by the ancient Cybertron civilization. Even the humans on the wandering earth have not yet understood the principle, and it will not be as easy to crack as a strong electromagnetic field.

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