The Wandering Planet

Chapter 64: Star missile launcher

Special research project: deformed body

Project Description:

The mechanical deformation ability of Transformers is really amazing for our equipment designers. So many and complicated movable deformation structures will not affect their strength at all. It is an incredible natural engineering.

If we can get some wreckage of Transformers for research, and we can have several Transformers cooperate with us for observation, maybe we can also master this complex deformation body technology, so that our ordnance has more variable forms. , Significantly increase functionality and combat effectiveness.

R & D requirements: samples of Transformers wreckage, which can cooperate with the research Transformers individuals

Accelerate scientific research: 15,000 civilization points

Note: This technology leads to the synthetic evolution route, which will increase the 15 points of the wandering earth's mechanical technology tendency, and has a chance to trigger the mecha technology fanaticism.

Mechanical technology frenzy. Due to major breakthroughs in mecha manufacturing technology, civilization will tend to make all ordnance into complex human-type fighter mecha, and occasionally there will be errors that ignore the actual battlefield requirements.

"The feet are just decoration, the big men above will not understand." —— Director of a development department

In simple terms, this is an artificial transformer technology.

Transformers just made in this way have no soul, just a kind of deformable machinery.

So how to make soul transformers?

Then you need to use the following technology.

Special research project: Tinder reform

Project Description:

The magical power of the planet ’s energy core fire source has the ability to transform machinery and make it a Transformer. Such a magical power is really amazing.

If we can get the kindling source, maybe we can master this kind of kindling modification technology.

And not only apply it to the production of Transformers, but to study how to make the source of the fire completely transform and even make machinery according to our wishes, including whether to give it life can be determined by us.

Through this amazing transformation technology, what we can get is the speed of mechanical engineering that can be imagined fast.

Large-scale mechanical engineering that originally took months or even years to make. We only need to make a complete design drawing, and the rest can be handed over to the Tinder source to complete, as simple as printing it out.

In the future, whether it is a planetary engine, a space station, or an interstellar warship, it will be as easy for us as stacking wood.

R & D needs: Tinder Source, Cybertron Technology Temple Information

Accelerate scientific research: 40,000 civilization points

Note: This technology leads to the life path of the smart weapon, which will increase the wandering earth's 40-point mechanical technology tendency. There is a chance to trigger one of the dawn of the smart weapon, the smart weapon revolution, and the smart weapon crisis. Policy attitude.

The dawn of Zhizhao, it is not impossible for human and mechanical life to coexist peacefully, as long as we recognize each other's citizenship.

The intellectual revolution, the mechanical life forms choose to take the peaceful struggle line, maybe they intend to use affection to affect humanity.

The intellectual crisis, the mechanical life form adopts a violent resistance line, and there must be a party between human beings and them on the path of extinction or assimilation.

"Free or free, this is a problem."-A bionic leader

乔 As expected by Qiao Li, bringing the tinder source to the wandering earth will inevitably bring about the policy problem of how to treat the mechanical life forms, and accidents such as the intellectual crisis will occur.

It's just that the rewards given by this technology are too enticing. It can quickly manufacture large mechanical engineering like 3D printing. This is just a super technology!

Which space base, interstellar fleet, and galactic miracle are all completed in an instant. Isn't the speed of civilization of the stray earth as fast as sitting on a rocket? I wonder where it can go.

Of course, its research and development requirements and required civilization points are also exaggerated. Not only does it need artifacts such as Tinder Source, but also up to 40,000 civilization points.

Therefore, it is imperative to obtain the ignition source first, and cooperation with Autobots has become more important at the same time.

Biao Qiaolu once again contacted the Wandering Earth United Government using the video communication system built into the Thundercloud battle armor, and now it is time to decide whether to disclose the truth to Optimus Prime.

He also recorded the content of the previous conversation with Optimus Prime and sent it back to the video. The coalition government will carefully discuss whether to believe Optimus Prime and other masses of Transformers.

After a long debate, the coalition government finally passed the resolution to seize the source of ignition with the Autobots.

After all, in terms of risks and benefits, this solution is the best plan at present.

Luo Feng said to him on behalf of the coalition government: "Qiao Li, the conference has studied and decided that we will do our best to cooperate with your actions on Cybertron. Wandering Earth is moving closer to Cybertron, and it is expected to be one week later Arrive. Until then, you are on your own. "

It doesn't take a ton of superconducting ore to get the pilot space station to Cybertron quickly, but it would be a bit extravagant to let the stray earth approach so quickly.

At present, neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons have yet to find the temple of science and technology left by ancient civilizations, so Qiao Li can probably afford to wait a week ~ ~ Moreover, he is not alone now, on Cybertron His other detection teams, as well as Autobots represented by Optimus Prime, will be on his side.

很好 "Very well, I will work with Autobots to find Cybertron's Temple of Science and Technology first, and cooperate with you to launch an attack."

In the final analysis, this is still a battle between two civilizations, depending on which side can show greater strength.

德里 The representative of the United States, Derek, said happily, "It seems that the thousands of nuclear bombs we have been stockpiling can finally come in handy!"

Vasily, a member of the board of directors of Russia, laughed, "Can our tsar bombs finally be put into actual combat? I thought that stuff could only be displayed!"

You two sad guys!

Although Qiao Li wants to say so, but in the current situation--

"Throw what you have. Anyway, this is the last Autobot stronghold on Cybertron. As long as you don't hurt your own people, you can bomb as much as you want!"

赛 The thick crust of Cybertron should be able to withstand before the tinder source is taken out.

Finally, Luo Feng officially announced: "So I would like to remind all members and immediately go to the ground to prepare for the launch of the missile. We are going to conduct the largest strategic bombing of humankind in history. Of course, the target is not on our planet.

If there is any psychological burden to detonating a nuclear bomb on Earth, then there is no need to worry about an alien star ball that is hostile to itself.

Limping star missile launch pad-stray earth, ready to go!

满足 Satisfy all the needs of fire phobia patients at once!

It's time for a wild bombing with all human power!

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