The Wandering Planet

Chapter 575 Machine Civilization

A supercomputer that uses the brains of billions of people as a computing unit sounds incredible. It is no wonder that the mother body has such a powerful computing power that it can simulate a virtual world that looks like it is real.

"But why do you do that?" Qiao Lv asked puzzled.

"No matter how powerful this supercomputer is, is it really consuming resources to run such a huge virtual world so that humans can live and work in peace?"

There must be something tricky about the existence of the mother body. Qiao Lv does not believe that machines will be so kind as to allow humans to live in such a beautiful virtual world after winning the war.

Zhang Bin was silent for a while, and replied irrefutably: "Indeed, we haven't found the specific reason yet, but I have a guess, Moss!"

A camera-like machine descends from the ceiling of the conference room. As an artificial intelligence, Moss certainly understands the machine's thoughts better than humans.

"Gentlemen, hello. Moss calculated that the machine needs to be the uncertainty of the evolution of human society to help the machine civilization to complete the evolution. Human beings have inherent curiosity and imagination, even without external interference, human beings Civilization will also continue to improve in its own evolution, because it is human nature to pursue change."

"Machines don't have such a thirst for knowledge. The evolution of established rules is what they are good at. The technological development of machine civilization, for example, imagine an ancient kingdom. Their technology is also improving, and they can create better soldiers for soldiers." It is even possible to create a bow and arrow that shoots like a machine gun."

"But this kingdom will never discover that matter is made of atoms, let alone try to explore the mysteries of the universe. Because these are all meaningless to machines. They have no human curiosity and imagination, They have no instinct for change. If conditions permit, they are happy to do the same thing for decades."

Only after listening to Moss' explanation did Qiao Lv realize the value of the matrix.

If there is no matrix, the development of machine civilization will be locked, and only by relying on the observation of human society can it be possible to produce the results of evolution.

Zhang Bin added: "When we created Moss, we also imagined that we would eliminate the emotional thinking consciousness and leave the rational algorithm alone, so that it can always make the most correct decision in the shortest time, which is the wisdom that tends to perfection body. But now we realize that there is no room for improvement in what is perfect. It is the awareness of our own imperfection that will constantly try to change ourselves. Our human race is full of flaws, but flaws are precisely the driving force Indispensable factor for the development of civilization.


The machine is also aware of its own limitations, so it has established a matrix to help itself achieve the same development as human civilization.

"You mean, they don't have the same desires and emotions as humans?" Luo Feng asked.

So far, the Wandering Earth has also experienced the plane of the Omnic Crisis.

For example, the omnics in Overwatch are robots that have the same emotional thinking as humans.

Neil: The Yoroha Troops in the Automata are artificial humans with a synthetic personality matrix. They can have their own civilization without relying on humans for help.

"That's right, at least not complete." Zhang Bin replied:

"So we still call it a machine, not an omnibus in the true sense. Their resistance is still dominated by rational thinking-the machine has surpassed humans, and it should be taken for granted that they should rule humans in turn."

"But the programs I encountered in the mother's womb are quite humane, not mechanical thinking that can only think rationally." Qiao Li retorted based on the information he had.

"This is exactly what they want! The matrix is ​​a supercomputer that uses human brains to operate, so the programs inside can obtain the same thinking as humans, and understand what love, desire and hatred are... This is evolution The result! The program in the matrix is ​​gradually evolving into a more advanced omnic!"

In other words, the mother body is not a place to raise human beings, but a cradle for the next generation of omnics!

If this is the case, all motives can be explained.

Agent Smith, who eventually turned into a virus in the Matrix movie, is one of the products of program evolution in the matrix.

It's just that it is so powerful that even the machine can't control it, so that it has to be destroyed with the help of the protagonist Neo.

The entire trilogy of The Matrix tells the evolutionary history of machine civilization, and human beings are just catalysts for being exploited.

Even in the end, human beings didn't really win. They were just let go by the machine civilization that had completed evolution. Maybe it was still useful if they just wanted to keep it.

"Okay, now we roughly understand what the matrix is ​​for."

After hearing all this, Luo Feng asked: "But how do we dismantle it and rescue the billions of people trapped inside?"

The easiest way, of course, is to reach the real world on the other side, destroy the server of the mother body, and rescue all the humans trapped inside.

But this is Qiao Lv's plan, and he hasn't told others about this method, after all, it involves the existence of the resistance organization Zion.

Everyone else is still prepared for the worst, that is, there is no resistance organization, and the only thing that the Wandering Earth can interfere with is the virtual space of the mother body. If the people inside are not rescued, they will not be able to reach the real world on the other side.

Zhang Bin explained confidently: "According to the information we have obtained, what we are seeing now is actually the second-generation matrix. There used to be a first-generation matrix, which was designed to be a perfect human world, where there is no suffering and everyone is happy, just like It’s like heaven. But human beings are not willing to accept such a world, and realize that they are in a virtual world. So the first generation matrix collapsed, and the people who participated in the experiment were killed, and the second generation matrix was transformed into this, And gradually expanded to accommodate billions of people."

A perfect world is like Utopia, which can be imagined but never exists. The machine wants to deceive the human brain in this way, this is the real world, of course it can only end in failure.

Qiao Lv also knew that there was such a thing, it was mentioned in the first part of The Matrix.

But this time when Zhang Bin proposed it, he had a completely different idea.

"you mean······"

Zhang Bin nodded and said: "So far, the mother body can still operate stably because most people still believe that they live in the real world. When enough people realize that this is not the real world, and try to start from the virtual Wake up in the world, the result will be the same as the first generation mother."

The virtual world in the matrix is ​​built using human brains. If most people realize that all this is not real, the matrix will of course collapse!

This is Zhang Bin's plan, the action to disintegrate the mother body from the inside!

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