The Wandering Planet

Chapter 558? Huge Harvest

After Darth Vader's death, there was no suspense about the fate of the Death Star. The collapsed imperial soldiers had no intention of fighting at all. They either hurriedly boarded the escape boat and flew away, or obediently captured them.

The Imperial fleet fell apart under the pursuit of the wandering earth, the Executor announced its surrender, and the remaining Imperial-class star destroyers were either blasted into pieces by the 10,000 noises of the Spring Festival, or fled into hyperspace in a panic, and fled to every corner of the galaxy .

Although the Galactic Empire still has a lot of troops and fleets, the tyranny that has been implemented for a long time, coupled with the prevalence of internal egoism, let the dictatorial emperor Palpatine die, and the empire will soon face the situation of warlords. Die for the empire with you?

Especially the military strength shown by the Wandering Earth in this battle. The Earth cannons are enough to destroy the Death Star head-on, and the 10,000 rings of the Spring Festival wiped out the Imperial fleet like a rotten one.

In the face of such power, the remaining forces of the empire did not dare to act rashly at all, or they would see you on the shooting list next month.

The Wandering Earth officially took over the Death Star, and gradually disassembled its parts and moved them to the New Moon Base. The most important thing is of course the Death Star's supermatter reactor.

According to Galen Erso, this is the key to transforming the crescent base into a starkiller base, and the super laser cannon of the Death Star will reappear on the crescent base in another form.

The Rebel Alliance still felt a little unbelievable about all of this, and when the Death Star approached step by step, they were already ready to die rather than die.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of the Wandering Earth would turn the situation around in an instant. The few starfighters they sent out did not serve any purpose other than serving as war reporters.

They can't be blamed for this. After all, the savior that the rebels have been waiting for—Luke, the Chosen Son, ended before returning to his throne. They are destined to be unable to do much.

Qiao Lv's plane's main task was successfully completed, and at the same time, he also obtained an unprecedented bumper harvest.

[Battle of spoils: Battle of Yawen IV]

Death Star battle station (84), civilization point +30000

Executor star dreadnought (94), civilization point +14000

Wreck of the Destroyer (26), Civilization Points +2800

Imperial-class star destroyer, tie starfighter, at-at imperial walker and other miscellaneous, civilization point +11000

A total of 58700 civilization points were obtained!

Among them, the Death Star alone has provided up to 30,000 civilization points. In comparison, the Executor, which was already very exaggerated, seems nothing.

The gains this time, together with the 57,000 points that Qiao Lv had saved before, allowed the civilization points to break through the 100,000 mark in an instant, reaching an astonishing 115,000 points, which is really a very scary number.

Obtaining so many civilization points is probably enough to bring the technology of Wandering Earth to a new level, so that Qiao Lv will have much more confidence in the next plane!

However, this is only the harvest of civilization points. After the Galactic Empire is going to perish,

This plane also provides a variety of resources.

Including the industrial facilities left over from the empire, Mandalore, which is as strong as vibrating gold, and even the Kyber crystal, which is used as the energy source of the Death Star reactor, can be used by the wandering earth.

For this reason, Wandering Earth also needs a new regime to govern the Milky Way. It must be a regime that is familiar enough with this world and has certain authority.

It can be said that the Rebel Alliance is doing their part. Before the arrival of the Wandering Earth, they have been carrying the banner of resisting the empire.

Although it was not used in the final battle, it also provided key support in the Battle of Scarif and paid a lot of sacrifices.

It's just that Qiao Lu can't just watch the rebel army follow the old republic's standards and repeat the same mistakes to create a "new republic" without changing the soup.

So the Wandering Earth sent diplomatic envoys to guide the reorganization of the Rebel Alliance into the Galactic United New Republic, earnestly taught the governing philosophy of the coalition government, and formally invited them to join the One Ball Road Project.

Although the empire has fallen apart, the galaxy is still ruled by warlords, and a thousand things are waiting to be done.

The Rebel Alliance must rely on the military power of the wandering earth to quickly complete the reunification of the galaxy. For this reason, they readily accepted the proposal of the coalition government and established a republic with a new concept.

Among them, Princess Leia, who was rescued from the Death Star, played a key role.

As one of the important leaders of the Rebel Alliance, she expressed her sincere gratitude to the Wandering Earth who rescued her from the Death Star, and was the first to agree to establish a new republic based on the concept of the Wandering Earth.

Speaking at a meeting of the Rebel League, she said:

"We must be aware that although the Galactic Empire is a brutal regime, the reason why it was able to overthrow the Old Republic was also because of the flaws in the system of the Old Republic. The deep-rooted bureaucratic democratic system has rejected the possibility of forming any flexible government agencies. sex, all peoples would want the Galactic Empire to bring about change."

"Facts have proved that the rule of the Galactic Empire is worse, but we are rebuilding the old republic. Isn't it the opposite? The Galactic Parliament in the past was a mess. Politicians were arguing with each other, and they all cared about maintaining their own interests. They didn't even think about how to make the republic change. better."

"So we need to re-learn the national system, abandon the narrow city-state thinking of the past, and truly achieve the great unity of the nations of the galaxy. Only in this way is the long-term solution to bring peace, otherwise we will fall into civil war again one day, or even face The situation is even more serious than today!"

Princess Leia is quite politically farsighted. With her hard work, the establishment of the New Republic of the Galactic United was quite smooth, and she maintained a close cooperative relationship with the Wandering Earth, step by step to take over the galaxies under the rule of the empire in the past.

The most important thing is to incorporate and nationalize the various military enterprises left by the Galactic Empire in the past, including, for example, the Kuat Power Shipyard, the manufacturer of the Executor, and the Sienna Fleet Systems Company, which is responsible for the construction of the TIE series of starfighters. etc.

The important military industries left by these empires have become the foundation of the New Republic, especially the interstellar docks that can build various types of star destroyers, some of which are even larger than the docks on the New Moon Base on Wandering Earth.

The coalition government took advantage of the opportunity to lease the giant interstellar shipyard that once built the executor-class interstellar dreadnought, and started a new round of space fleet construction on the wandering earth by using the industrial facilities left by the empire.

As the saying goes, great construction creates miracles. After experiencing this Star Wars, the space fleet of the Wandering Earth should also expand to a certain scale. After all, it is impossible to rely on the Wandering Earth itself to fight every time.

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