The Wandering Planet

Chapter 48: Luo Feng's invitation

The Chinese sun will be reassembled within this month, and will be launched after reaching the new world, using the stars of the new world to regulate the climate on Earth.

Fortunately, the main project of this project has been basically completed, but some obsolete parts need to be refurbished, plus the damaged part replaced, and a little more details, the entire project can be restarted.

Of course, how to add details is the work of these scientists.

Biao Qiaolu strolled around the base and casually visited the restart of the project.

At this time, the oxygen supply in the base has returned to normal, and people have taken off their heavy protective clothing and oxygen helmets, and put them lightly into the field to engage in the research work of China Sun.

Just then, a white figure caught Qiao Lu's attention.

That is a girl with a handsome appearance in a white shirt and a white gown, with long soft hair.

穿着 She wore a pair of short jeans and black stockings on her slender legs, barely revealing a little skin, but still made people feel attractive.

Such a girl who appears among a group of unscrupulous scientists will certainly be quite noticeable.

I heard other people call her, this girl seems to be called-Luo Yun.

Qi Qiaolu immediately remembered that when Luo Feng sent him the ball flash rifle, this weapon was developed by his daughter Luo Yun.

I seem to be the girl in front of me.

Bian then Qiao Li stepped forward and greeted, "Hello, may I ask, is Luo Feng's daughter, Luo Yun?"

Luo Luoyun nodded doubtfully: "Yes, I am."

"Thank you for the ball flash rifle, it really helped Pandora." Qiao Li went straight into the subject and said that he really needed to thank the young female scientist.

I heard Qiao Lu say this, Luo Yun immediately guessed his identity, and suddenly realized:

"You are the special envoy of the coalition government, Jolly! Father often mentions you!"

It's great not to introduce myself. Qiao Li really has too much to say to others.

He scratched his head and said, "I hope it's not like I just touch the fish all day ..."

Luo Yun smiled with a smile: "How can you be a hero who singled out the enemy's flagship in the Battle of Pandora? At the same time, you are a bridge connecting the friendly relationship between humans and Neville people. The leader of the entrepreneurial star, my father praises you a lot. "

Although she said she was very happy, she could not find any reason to refute.

Yes, that's right!

Luo Luoyun seemed to see through Qiao Lu's mind, and gently covered her mouth and laughed: "But he did say that you are lazy, and you don't like to do business very much."

This is also a helpless thing. Qiao Li never intervenes in administrative affairs on the wandering earth. This will inevitably give people the impression that they don't care.

After all, he came through, and he was not familiar with the environment on the stray earth, and he was not clear about the most basic "laws of the stray earth".

So he naturally pushed out all these trivial matters, and only came out to save the scene at critical moments.

For stray earth, this is enough.

Biao Qiaolu shifted the topic and said: "When I heard your father mentioned you, I thought you would be a stereotyped female doctor, but I didn't expect ..."

"So young?" Luo Yun uttered what Qiao Lu wanted to say, and didn't seem to mind him thinking so.

Biao Qiaolu nodded: "Yes, you look like you have just graduated from high school and you are much younger than I thought."

Luo Luoyun turned to glance at him and smiled movingly: "I haven't just graduated from high school, I have already got my PhD this year."

"But you're only in your early twenties, aren't you?" Qiao Lu insisted, and the other party's age didn't seem to be older than himself.

"This is the harvest of the 30th year of the New Year." Luo Yun said playfully, and sure enough she was just a little girl in appearance and heart.

I just have more scientific knowledge than my peers.

Qi Qiaolu shook his head helplessly: "It really convinced you, the hegemons."

Luo Luoyun sighed softly: "I should admire you. When I was still studying the knowledge in books, you have successfully conquered a planet in outer space."

"Our respective jobs are different." Qiao Lu said meaningfully.

The two continued to talk to each other happily, and unknowingly talked for more than an hour.

Talking, Luo Yun realized that she still had a task, and she didn't come here for a chat.

She quickly apologized to Qiao Lu, "We actually talked for so long. I'm sorry I have work to do, so I'll have a chance to talk next time."

Qiao Lu nodded: "Well, sorry, I have disturbed you for so long."

Luo Luoyun hurriedly picked up the tools to keep up with her group, and disappeared into Qiao Li's vision like a white mist.

乔 When Qiao Li was about to leave here, Luo Feng suddenly stopped him.

This time, but not for business.

"Qiao Li, do you have time to come to my house for dinner on the weekend?"

邀请 This invitation really surprised Qiao Li ~ ~ Luo Feng almost never mentioned a private topic like this.

However, Qiao Li could not think of any reason for refusal, so he agreed.

Luo Luofeng and Luo Yun are really an incredible father and daughter.

After Qiao Liu stepped out of the laboratory, a long dragon howl suddenly came in the sky, and then a huge red figure fell in front of Qiao Li.

It is the giant monster Qiao Li conquered on Pandora-Phantom Flying Dragon.

"Little guy, you are here." Qiao Lu shouted with joy at his random name, stroking the phantom dragon's neck lightly.

Wandering Earth, while introducing Pandora creatures for breeding, the phantom flying dragon who has been with Qiaolu for three months naturally followed.

乔 Qiao Li was also worried that it would not adapt to the environment on the earth. I did not expect that it would not be difficult to defeat the powerful Phantom Dragon.

In just a few days, was able to soar freely in the sky of the wandering earth. As long as you do not directly touch the beam of light emitted by the planetary engine, almost nothing can threaten it.

As the sky overlord on Pandora, 依然 is still powerful even when he comes to earth.

There are also special personnel to raise and take care of it. The price is only regular physical examination and blood sampling.

With the presence of Qiao Li, of course, all this is certainly not a problem.

Qi Qiaolu was glad to ride the Phantom Dragon again, spreading his wings and flying up into the sky of the wandering earth.

Even if there is the intense heat generated by the combustion of the planetary engine, it will have little effect on this person.

With the speed of the phantom dragon, Qiao Li quickly returned to the entrance to the dungeon.

He still has more than 10,000 points of civilization that have not been used. He must deal with these things before he can play happily on the wandering earth.

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