The Wandering Planet

Chapter 341 Infected planet

After dealing with the invading swarm, the wandering earth continued to berth into the star orbit of this galaxy.

After ensuring sufficient light, the coalition government immediately turned off the planetary engine, and deployed the world-shielding sky screen to hide the traces of the wandering earth.

I dare not say that this will ensure absolute safety, but at least it will not be so easy to be targeted by the swarm.

This time, the Wandering Earth touched only a few airdrop sacs as space mines. If the main fleet of the Zerg was recruited, the consequences would only be even more unimaginable.

Hide yourself and clean up, this is the first rule of survival in this dangerous universe.

The biggest concern at present is whether there are other Zerg troops in this galaxy. According to common sense, the Zerg will not set traps outside this galaxy for no reason.

In the earth cab, the scan of the galaxy has been completed. Sure enough, a planet with signs of life was found in this galaxy, and the continents on it have been covered by purple creepers.

"Is this their home planet?"

Looking at the holographic projection of this planet, Luo Feng asked, no one would feel at ease with such a hive planet.

The observer in charge of the scan reported: "According to our observations, it does not seem to be the case. In the planetary orbit of this planet, we have also found the remains of some artificial satellites, whose design concept is very similar to our satellite, and even Some weak distress signals were received. Therefore, we speculate that this place was originally a human colony planet, but unlike us, they were not able to resist the invasion of the swarm."

In this way, it makes sense why the Zerg would deploy defenses on the outskirts of the galaxy.

Since they attacked the human colonies in this galaxy, they will inevitably attract the rescue of the human fleet. Those airdrop capsules used as space mines are used to ambush these human starships.

It's just that it was the wandering earth that just crossed over that finally bumped into this trap, so there was the swarm invasion that happened before. Thinking about it this way, I was really shot while lying down.

"Since we have run into their trap, even if we hide through the world-shielding sky screen, they must be aware of the arrival of an uninvited guest." Luo Feng said thoughtfully.

Qiao Li also nodded and said, "Yes,

I think they must be wondering why the prey that had already hit the net suddenly disappeared. "

After all, the world-shielding sky screen is a relic left by the ancient Cybertronian civilization. Even for the Zerg, it is not so easy to see through. This is why the Wandering Earth can temporarily ensure safety.

But if this continues, there is no guarantee that the Zerg will never be aware of the existence of the wandering earth, especially if they have realized that something has entered the interior of this galaxy.

If the Zerg sent a large number of eyeworms to conduct a carpet search of the entire galaxy, it is really hard to say whether the wandering earth can remain hidden forever.

"Should we withdraw from this galaxy?" British representative George asked, "It's too dangerous to go on like this."

Luo Feng turned to Li Yiyi and asked, "How far is the nearest galaxy from here?"

Li Yiyi replied: "About 1.5 light years, the Wannian Fengxue and the Ark can reach it quickly through superluminal retracing, but it is a bit difficult to move the entire earth there."

At present, the wandering earth can only travel at sub-light speed at most. If this is the case, it will take less than one-third of the distance, and half a year will be exhausted.

What's more, this may not be able to get rid of the pursuit of the Zerg fleet. The world-shielding sky screen cannot be turned on at the same time as the planetary engine is started, so the bugs may catch up from behind before they have run far.

Even under the impetus of 11,000 planetary engines, it is impossible for the 60-trillion-ton earth to run faster than the starship. This is the biggest problem at present.

"We can't hide, we can't hide, and we can't run away. Are we going to sit and wait for death?" Russian representative Vasily couldn't help but said.

Qiao Lu resolutely said: "We won't just sit and wait for death, even if we die together, we can't just sit and wait for death!"

"What do you want to do?" Luo Feng asked him.

"Take the initiative to attack!"

The Wandering Earth has hidden itself now. In order to ensure its own safety, the next step should be to clean it up.

This planet infected by Zerg is undoubtedly the object that must be cleaned up.

"But do we have a chance?" French representative Bevin asked worriedly.

After experiencing this swarm invasion, everyone on the Wandering Earth has seen the terrifying potential of the Zerg for war. If it is not relying on the planetary engine light prism tower to extinguish it, the insect disaster on the Wandering Earth does not know that it will evolve into What does it look like.

But now this infected planet is almost completely occupied by Zerg. Large areas of land are covered by creep, and the number of bugs on it may have reached an inestimable number.

Facing such an enemy, does the Wandering Earth really have the slightest chance of winning?

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to launch an attack on this planet right away. That really doesn't have much chance of winning." Qiao Li corrected.

Then he asked the observer: "You just said that you can still receive a weak distress signal. Does that mean there are still people alive on this planet?"

The observer replied: "It's probably so, but I can't guarantee it. After all, the entire planet has become like this."

Purple creep covers most of the planet's surface, and it's really hard to imagine anyone alive in such an environment.

"Anyway, since they can still send out a distress signal, then maybe the planet can still be rescued."

Qiao Lv is very clear that humans and protoss are the forces opposing the Zerg in this universe. Since the Zerg also want to ambush the human rescue fleet entering this galaxy, when will this fleet arrive?

Perhaps this is the breakthrough point of this operation.

"We need to get more accurate information, whether this planet will really be rescued, and what is the size of the human fleet that came to rescue. If we can figure out all this, maybe we still have a chance, and even get a reliable ally."

In fact, Qiao Lv also had the same idea about the main task of capturing the keystone fragments. Since this is the timeline of Wings of Liberty, at the same time looking for these Xel'Naga artifacts, there is also an important human force - Jim Raynor's rangers. Colonial planet.

If Jim Raynor can be contacted through the survivors on this planet, this mission will undoubtedly become much easier, and his ultimate goal is not to possess this artifact, but simply wants to use the keystone to take Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, turned back into a human.

This may further involve the Wandering Earth in the disputes among the three races of StarCraft, but this is also the only way to complete this mission!

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