The Wandering Planet

Chapter 156 Welcome to the Wandering Earth

With Iron Man's last-ditch nuclear bomb offensive, the hearts of all people on earth sank to the bottom.

Tony has already sacrificed himself so much to make this last fight, why is it still meaningless?

Did he just sacrifice in vain? Drifting yourself forever in the universe for a pointless attack?

If even superheroes die in vain, what's the point of their ordinary people's sacrifice?

Suddenly, a strong sense of fate shrouded the hearts of everyone on the earth. Since even the death-defying blow of a superhero had no effect, it was even more difficult for them to believe that what could be achieved by the unity of ordinary people.

Sure enough, this is the end of mankind!

On the battlefield in New York, Loki was initially taken aback by Tony's crazy behavior, thinking that he still had some secret weapon that he hadn't used yet.

But Loki finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the entire Chitauri fleet remained unscathed after Iron Man's super nuke exploded.

He laughed again and said, "This is all you can do? Hahaha..."

"Loki, shut up!" Thor tried to warn him one last time, but at this point Loki was no longer afraid of anything.

Loki continued to mock arrogantly: "It took so much effort to gather so many people, what's the point? You are mortals, you are ants, even if there are billions of them, they can't escape us. Destiny to die with one foot! Unity and victory? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard! Hahaha..."

Although Loki's words were harsh, the rest of the Avengers were powerless to refute them. They all tried their best, but even Tony couldn't save him, let alone how to win.

Unity is a joke. Although they disagreed, they couldn't find a way to refute it.

Just when the Avengers had to keep silent, a voice suddenly came from behind:

"That's hard to say."

They turned around one after another, only to see Qiao Lu standing on a metal platform with Loki's scepter in hand, and that sentence just now was what he said.


Loki recognized his scepter for the first time, and then finally saw Qiao Lu's face.

Black Dwarf, Ebony Throat, Ronan,

They all died in his hands one after another, how could this make Loki not feel afraid?

But thinking that his fleet was already overwhelmed, Loki still summoned the courage to ask:

"What else can you do now? Don't think it's great to have one battleship. My fleet has hundreds of battleships!"

Qiao Lu was able to stand up at this time, of course, because the Wandering Earth had already arrived at the predetermined position and was ready for the final battle.

The platform under his feet is the item teleportation point set by the Ark, and this teleportation point is not to teleport him to the Ark, but directly back to the Wandering Earth!

Qiao Lu's real trump card was finally revealed.

"Just watch it, what is the miracle created by the power of human beings!"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Lu's figure turned into blue light and disappeared into the air, leaving behind stunned Loki and the Avengers, wondering what kind of weapons Qiao Lu had.

In the next second, Qiao Lu returned to the Wandering Earth Headquarters with the scepter. Here, Luo Feng and other council representatives have been waiting for a long time.

At this time, the wandering earth has come to the rear of the Qitarui space fleet with the help of the orbital movement around the sun, opening the sky screen and entering the perfect ambush position.

After Qiao Lu came back, Luo Feng decisively ordered:

"The shield of the world is closed! The Wandering Earth has entered a first-level combat state!"

At the same time, on the holographic projection of the headquarters, the figure of Iron Man wandering alone in space also appeared.

Luo Feng asked Qiao Lu, "It looks like your friend has arrived, what should you do?"

Qiao Lu smiled and said, "Then let's say hello first."

In space, Iron Man Tony was still drifting aimlessly. With the initial speed when he escaped the earth's gravity, he relied on inertia to quickly pass through the entire fleet of the Chitarians.

At first, he wondered why the other party didn't shoot him immediately, but then he realized that he was just a piece of space junk who had used up the energy of his steel suit, and he couldn't do anything, and there was no need to let the other party waste ammunition. .

Next, he could only desperately wait for the oxygen to run out, let this steel suit become his coffin in space, and take him to wander in the universe forever.

From the moment he chose to make this last shot, there was no going back.

In the endless vast and dark universe, Tony relies on the heat generated by the Extremis virus to provide the last bit of energy for the steel suit.

Although the price of doing this is to deplete his own oxygen in advance, rather than being trapped here and waiting to die, Tony decided to do his best to leave something at the last moment of his life.

Due to the lack of oxygen, Tony could only breathe heavily when he spoke. He activated the communication system of the steel suit, hoping to send his last words back to Earth via radio waves.

By that time, it is estimated that these words have become his last words.

"Hey Pepper...Are you okay?...I'm fine...except the oxygen is running out..."

He had to take a deep breath after every sentence to calm himself down, making Tony realize that his last words couldn't be too long.

He tried his best to say, "Before I left...I dreamed of you...I love you...I love you more than three thousand times..."

——But I can’t go back to Earth, I told you myself.

When Tony wanted to say the last sentence, the oxygen had already been exhausted by him.

He struggled to open his mouth to finish this final confession, but his mouth couldn't make a sound no matter what.

The reality was so cruel that he didn't even have the chance to finish his last words.

At this moment, Tony's eyes completely collapsed.

He felt despair that was deeper and darker than the vast universe outside. In this silent darkness, only his heart was beating slowly.

Immediately this heartbeat will stop.

Just as he closed his eyes in despair and waited to die, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

It was the steel suit's communication system receiving a signal, and the signal was stronger than any signal he had encountered before.

At the same time, an inexplicable gravitational force grabbed his body and pulled him in one direction.

Suddenly Tony finally heard the sound of the signal, a continuous space broadcast:

"Mr. Tony Stark, the Beijing Third District Transportation Commission reminds you: There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority. Irregular driving, two lines of tears for relatives."

"Welcome, Wandering Earth!"

"We're coming to pick you up."

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