The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 954 Dark Dimon spy on the mystery (4k)

Chapter 954 Dark Dimon spy on the mystery (4k)

The team that went to chase the giant elephant included all the remaining members of the academy, including Oli and other maids. They sat on the pumpkin carriage and brought two golden-armored paladins with the same purpose.

In order not to reveal his whereabouts in the eyes of the giant elephant, the [Fossil Pterosaur (Sword of Mountain Giants)], which is the "car driver", got into the carriage after being reduced in size.

The method they use to determine the direction of the giant elephant is a crystal ball!

Using a crystal ball to observe its shadow will not trigger the giant elephant's induction.

If they hadn't encountered the [Fossil Pterosaurs] sent by Dak on the way, they would definitely catch up with the giant elephant and even attack it after that.

But fortunately, [Fossil Pterosaur] had a very special sense of [Sword of Mountain Giants], and quickly managed to find them after getting close.

As a result, Oli and the others who received Dak's message finally felt relieved, and then returned to the team under his signal, leading the team to continue north.

Not long after, the [Fossil Pterosaur] lost its magic power due to the interruption of the connection with Dak, and finally returned to the magic card, and also brought back the information conveyed by Oli and others.

It was also part of that message, which attracted the attention of Duck et al.

Time moved forward to the time when the shadow of the giant elephant just appeared. Professor Steven Harvey, [Bloody Saint] and [Magic Weatherman] worked together to lead the giant elephant away, while Professor Mitia and others evacuated eastward with a large force.

Since it was a matter of life and death, they evacuated very quickly, and the monsters they encountered along the way were basically solved by Professor Mitia and a few golden-armored paladins.

So when Duck and the others returned to the hills, they had actually evacuated quite a distance.

And because they subconsciously didn't want the giant elephant to get close to Duck and the others, their evacuation route swerved a lot southward.

It was not until the black shadow of the giant elephant that appeared above the fog could be seen with the naked eye that the entire team gradually stopped.

But then, they smelled a very faint floral fragrance.

At first thinking that there were flowers growing nearby, they set about cleaning up their surroundings, trying to nip the possible threat in the bud.

But after looking around, I found that there are no flowers around! But if there are no flowers, where can the fragrance of flowers come from?

Professor Mitia calculated that it was the fragrance of flowers coming from a distance - but on the Mountain of the Gods surrounded by fog, flowers that can penetrate the fog and spread the fragrance to the distance must not be ordinary things.

Professor Mitia immediately judged that it was a flower of at least the same level as that [Flower of Demeter].

But unlike the [Flower of Demeter], they did not see the dark shadows of those flowers from the mist this time.

But out of prudence, she still made the decision to evacuate immediately. At the moment when Professor Harvey led away the giant elephant, and Professor Sylph, Professor Kazel, and Duck went to investigate the [Flower of Demeter], she had no intention of taking risks.

The rest of the team had no objection either.

Therefore, after confirming the direction from which the fragrance of the flowers came, they left in the opposite direction.

Afterwards, Professor Mitia and the others noticed the movement made by the giant elephant, and chased after them in a carriage, and then obtained the message that Dak wrote on the letter paper from the [Fossil Pterosaur].

Taking this opportunity, Dak also recorded the information related to the [Flower of Demeter] on paper and passed it on to them.

After reading the information on the paper, Professor Mitia quickly came to a conclusion.

In areas with dense fog, the things that can not be blocked by the fog must be divine.

For example, the [Flower of Demeter], or the giant elephant. And the fragrance of flowers they smelled before must be some kind of "sacred flower".

And Duck and others not only obtained a large amount of [Blood of God] from the [Flower of Demeter], but also obtained a very important golden key!

As a result, Professor Mitia said in the message to Dak and others that they will return to explore the source of the floral fragrance!

"It's a flower again!" Duck couldn't help frowning.

Plants are actually more dangerous than animals.

After all, the danger of animals is usually on the bright side, and the danger of plants is often too late when people find out.

Duck does not want Professor Mitia and others to take the initiative to take risks.

But in a rational analysis, if it is also the same type of fetish as [Flower of Demeter], maybe [Blood of God] and another golden key can also be obtained from it.

This is also the reason why Professor Mitya will change his mind and decide to explore the source of that floral fragrance.

[Blood of God] For the time being, that mysterious golden key always gives people a very important feeling.

If there is a chance to get more, Professor Mitia definitely doesn't want to let it go. Professor Sylph said: "Although it is also a flower, the probability that there is still the [Flower of Demeter] is almost zero. Then, among the twelve gods of Mount Poropos, which one is related to the flower? ?"

While Duck was still thinking, Professor Cazel said directly: "If it is a flower, the probability of being [the goddess of love and beauty] Aphrodite is quite high."

Duck said worriedly: "I don't know what will happen to them?"

Professor Sylph said solemnly: "This is the end, I can only trust them.

Bishop Sabrina Melville reminded at this time: "Instead of thinking about that, it is better to understand what is in front of you.

decision. How, have you observed any signs of spirit flow?"

What she asked was [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart and Eyes], but it was Dak who was looking at it.

Dak shook his head slightly and said, "Not yet."

Bishop Sabrina Melville folded her arms and said solemnly, "Can't it even perceive it? So are we going to enter this cave?"

——When they were rushing north, they also found a special place

It was a huge cave that lay quietly flat on the ground and could not see the bottom!

There is a fog covering this cave, if the eyes of [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes] can penetrate the fog, they will definitely fly directly above this cave.

Now it is descending and observing from the side of the cave.

The earth of the Mountain of the Gods has a self-healing mechanism, and there should be no such terrain as underground caves.

But it appeared out of nowhere, so people can't help but fantasize about it. Duck said: "You can let the magic wizard explore the way first."

As he spoke, he took out a magic card from the card pack and silently recalled the summon. "In the name of Dak Dimon, the magic guide summons - [Cage Cage: Little Evil Monster]!"

Finally got the chance to be summoned by the [Little Evil Monster], flapped its wings and landed on Dak's right shoulder, widening his eyes to observe the surroundings.

But the fog was shrouded in it, and it could only see the people on the side and the corner of the cave exposed under its feet.

Now that a large number of magic wizards are used to drive away giant elephants, there are not many magic wizards that Dak can summon instantly.

Bishop Sabrina Melville glanced at the [Little Demon Demon] and said, "Is this your familiar?"

Dak nodded and said, "Be prepared for battle. It cannot be ruled out that after the [Little Evil Monster] enters the burrow, it will trigger some kind of trap, or cause some kind of monster to wake up."

"But your familiar only has one star, right?" Albert Grantham finally spit out his doubts.

Dak took out [Pride 3], tapped on the forehead of [Little Evil Monster], and summoned it to activate.

The one-star [Curse Cage: Little Evil Monster] suddenly evolved into a four-star [Curse Cage: Evil Monster].

Although the four-star magic wizard should be no different from the one-star wizard in the eyes of the [Twin Paladins].

But in the end he kept his mouth shut.

What Dak emphasized during this time was the high intelligence of his magic wizard.

[Twin Paladins] and Bishop Sabrina Melville should have heard of it when they were holy, but the feeling of seeing it and hearing it is different after all.

Wisdom magic wizards have unique advantages in the fog-shrouded environment.

Although this [Curse Cage: Evil Warcraft] only has four stars, it may be more useful than the magic wizard of the third step.

When they were refreshed and prepared, Dak informed the [Evil Monster] of the current situation in a few words, which especially explained the characteristics of the fog.

[Evil Warcraft] I only heard half of it, and it has already begun to take care of it. Duck finally said "go and go back quickly" and let it out.

"Wait for my news!" [Evil Monster] slammed into the bottomless crypt with his demon wings open.

In the blink of an eye, its figure completely disappeared, as if it was swallowed by a crypt.

Duck made a quick estimate based on its flight speed, and immediately said: "This crypt is probably not as deep as we thought."

When the [Demon Warcraft] disappeared, the actual flying distance was not far.

It can only be said that there is something inside this crypt that blocks perception and vision, and also prevents [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes] from being able to perceive the flow of aura.

Sure enough, after only two or three minutes, the [Evil Monster] had used [Teleportation] to return from the hole.

It said clearly: "There is no fog here, but the visibility is 0. Fortunately, I can see things in the dark. I have just landed to the bottom and walked around. The depth of this cave is only about Twenty or thirty meters, there is an open space at the bottom, and there are several caves around the open space, and each cave exudes a dark atmosphere."

"Darkness? Are you sure you didn't perceive it wrong?" Duck couldn't help asking. [Evil Monster] frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "I am [Evil Monster]!"

Duck couldn't help looking at the two professors.

Professor Kazel pondered: "Among the twelve gods of Mount Poropos, there should be no dark elements."

Professor Shilf said: "It is also possible that it came from their subordinate gods.

Bishop Sabrina Melville said: "In the records, the angels in the [Heavenly Court] are mainly of the light attribute, and there are no dark gods among the twelve gods of Mount Poropos. Of course, it is also possible that The documentation is wrong."

Professor Sylph said: "So, what do you think there will be next?" Bishop Sabrina Melville shook his head and said, "I personally tend to think that it is a dark monster born in the Mountain of the Gods, but it may be better than ours. What you encounter on the road is stronger.

"If it's a magical beast..." Emily Grantham said, "then we don't need to go on an adventure at all. I suggest not wasting time here, and arriving at the entrance of [Heavenly Court] as soon as possible is the right way."

Albert Grantham said: "I agree with Emily's suggestion." The three of Duck looked at each other, and exchanged their thoughts only by this brief eye contact.

So Duck said: "I suggest going down and looking, maybe to find the second golden key."

Professor Sylph also

Said: "Since everyone over there has decided to investigate the source of that floral fragrance, we can't let the opportunity slip through our fingers."

Professor Cazel said: "Go down and see and you'll know everything." Bishop Sabrina Melville said: "I agree with Albert and Emily's idea that it's three-on-three."

"Don't forget me." Chris emerged from Dak's shadow and said, "It's four against three now."

Four to three, the conclusion is a hole.

Duck and the four actually had some guesses about the source of the "dark breath", but they all chose not to mention it for the time being.

In short, the [Snake from the Abyss] re-engraved by Professor Steven Harvey is the dark system.

The decision of the three people of the Holy Church was not so firm. In the case of four to three, they also chose to enter the hole.

After that, they sat on the [Storm Magic Carpet] again and flew towards the cave.

Sure enough, when they flew to a depth of about ten meters, Dak clearly sensed that they had passed through a layer of "membrane".

Then [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart and Eyes] immediately said: "I saw the flow of spirit!"

Bishop Sabrina Melville stretched out his hand and created several spheres of light with magic power, illuminating the surroundings.

There is no fog below ten meters in this crypt, but there is a very special "power of darkness" shrouding the surroundings, and the light ball created by Bishop Sabrina can't completely illuminate the wall of the cave.

Once outside the lighting range of the light ball, the outside is completely dark, and the dark aura is surging, as if something is creeping in the depths, which makes people shudder.

Twenty meters further down, the magic carpet finally reached the bottom of the cave, but the intensity of the "power of darkness" was getting higher and higher, compressing the illumination range of the light ball to within a radius of five meters.

However, Bishop Sabrina Melville spread the light ball with a flick of his finger, easily expanding his field of vision.

Duck takes a quick look.

There is nothing under this cave, and the surrounding seems to be just ordinary rock walls. On the surrounding rock walls, there are indeed several caves.

There are sticky and wet marks at the entrance of some caves, which are quite conspicuous by reflecting water light under the illumination of the light ball.

"There are more than 30 caves, and it is impossible to explore all of them." Professor Kazel opened the [Eye of Truth] and said, "Let's see which cave has a spirit flowing out."

[Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes] observed it with [God's Eye], and said after a while: "There are three caves with spirit flowing."

Bishop Sabrina Melville frowned: "Three?" Professor Cazel said decisively: "Choose one, together."

[In a blink of an eye, it’s already October 10th, and after the last bit of heat from the holiday, we have ushered in the slightly cold golden autumn. In this harvest season, you and I should work hard. Starting from today, the daily monthly pass has been added by 500, and the update on the second day will be bold and lengthened. 】

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