The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 916: Duck Dizhong Shao Shen Xian (Part 2)

If he can give him some more time, maybe he can really master the basics of orienteering in this semester.

Nearly half an hour passed after that.

Professor Steven Harvey, who stood motionless for half an hour, suddenly moved.

Instead of retracting his fingers, he gathered more magic power in the quality inspection sheet, and then used magic power to turn the knife into a knife, and he cut through the huge light cocoon!


The light cocoon broke open, and the dark poisonous gas burst out instantly. But Professor Steven Harvey remained unchanged.

Duck had to wear a gas mask when facing this poisonous gas, but Professor Steven Harvey couldn't see any protection at all.

Duck suspected that he didn't take the poisonous gas seriously at all, just used it as air and breathed normally.

But when you think about it, it doesn't seem surprising.

Necromancer was originally a profession dealing with corpses, and old corpses were often poisonous.

A master of undead magic, a little invincible physique, very reasonable.

Professor Harvey continued to cut open the cocoon of light.

The poisonous gas was followed by a dark poisonous mist that suddenly erupted as the light cocoon was cut open.

Professor Harvey took out the magic item that he had prepared, and pressed the button to activate it. The poisonous mist that had just exploded was instantly inhaled into a small bottle.

These poisonous mists are of good quality and are also rare materials.

After all the poisonous fog disappeared, Professor Steven Harvey began to clean up the viscous liquid flowing out of the light cocoon in an orderly manner.

After that, he carefully took out the magic card covered with sticky things and put it into the sink to rinse it.

Until he rinsed the magic card and waved at the door, the three of Dak passed through the soundproof barrier and entered the interior of the laboratory.

"It was generally successful." Professor Steven Harvey held the magic card between the index and middle fingers of his right hand and waved to the two professors.

"I'll take a look." Professor Sylph reached out and took the magic card. Dak took a step forward and leaned over to take a look.

Although only the card surface can be seen, the card surface of a magic guide card also contains a lot of useful information.

The first thing Duck noticed was the stars.

Professor Steven Harvey clearly used a lot of precious materials in the magic guide, but the star rating of the magic card that he finally made was not as high as he imagined.

- it only has six stars!

Six-star magic wizards are not high even in the existing system of magic wizards.

What's more, it is still a "snake" that can be related to [Ragnarok]! But Duck has also seen very small "snakes" in his lucid dreams, so it is not unacceptable.

In short, Dak looked at the name of the magic card immediately after that—this was what he was most concerned about at the moment.

From the name of the magic wizard when it was first made, a lot of things can basically be parsed.

"Snake from the abyss?" Duck read out the card name softly.

Slightly unexpected, the card name of this magic card is similar to Dak's self-naming, but it is obviously more straightforward.

"Abyss, another abyss, what is the abyss?" Duck couldn't help shaking his head.

Now it seems that the so-called [Abyss] is very likely to be the source of pollution, and also the culprit that caused a certain era to enter [Twilight of the Gods].

But [Snake from the Abyss] is actually a very general card name

The source of "snake" is indeed obtained from it, but that is obviously not an exact snake name.

No, names like Yermengard, Ouroboros, etc.

Just like there are thousands of snakes on the ground, there cannot be only one [Snake from the Abyss].

Keep looking down.

The race of this [Snake from the Abyss] is a reptile, and its attribute is darkness, which is not surprising at all.

And its three-dimensional attributes... not to mention.

As for the pattern on the card, there is not much strangeness in the shape, a black snake.

Duck looked back and asked, "Professor, do you see something?"

Professor Sylph and Professor Kazel are also observing this magic card. Professor Sylph, who was holding the magic card, immediately injected magic power, hoping to get feedback on the information.

But her act failed.

This magic card, denied her access.

"Snake from the abyss..." Professor Sylph raised his head and asked back, "What do you think?"

Duck said: "It looks basically the same as the snake I saw in my dreams. But that doesn't mean they're the same species, after all, it doesn't actually have any overly distinctive features. Let me make sure they're the same genus. Instead, it is the word [Abyss]. Specifically, it should be able to be further confirmed from its characteristics, abilities, and nirvana. Of course, it can also be summoned and brought to the side of [Oil Snake] to fight with it. Compare the breath."

"Steven." Professor Shilf returned the [Snake from the Abyss] to Professor Steven Harvey.

This magic card is not locked, but it is actually the same as locked, and only Professor Steven Harvey can find out.

Professor Steven Harvey took the magic card and said, "The ability of this snake is very special. I wrote it all out, and you can distinguish it for yourself."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked back to the experimental bench, took out a special photocopying paper, meditated silently in his mouth, and then spread out his right hand, facing it with the palm of his hand.

On the paper, slowly crossed.

When his palm was removed, the photocopy paper was already filled with dense words.

Professor Steven Harvey tapped on the sheet again, and it instantly changed from one to three to three sheets of paper.

Duck took one out of it and looked at it carefully. v

[Card Name: Snake from the Abyss] [Type: Elf Card] [Level: c8o8eo] [Race: Creeper] [Attribute: Darkness] [Magic: 2500] [Attack: 2800] [Defense: 1200]

[Nirvana: Abyss, Mimicry, Assimilation, Devouring]▲

As a six-star magic wizard, the three-dimensional attributes of [Snake from the Abyss] are not outstanding, and its defense power is quite weak.

But it's not a "solo" creature in and of itself.

This six-star snake is likely to be the smallest snake in the bottom of Dak's dream.

In other words, even the tiniest snake has the strength of six stars! In the face of this terrifying, infinite number of snakes' invasion, how can the kingdom of God still be dominated by ordinary humans? .

The invasion from the outside to the inside, the decay from the inside to the outside, the sudden collapse of the entire kingdom of God, is the erosion of the abyss, and it is also the doom of fate.

The snake from the abyss may just speed up the process.

Let all the destruction be presented at the same time when [Ragnarok] arrives.

Duck looked at the nirvana part about the [Snake from the Abyss] written on the paper.

Four nirvanas that fill the paper.

The first nirvana is [Abyss].


[Abyss: The snake from the abyss has the will of the abyss imprinted in its soul. Bit +1. 】

Excluding the various attribute bonuses and the additional poison of the abyss attached to it, this nirvana called [Abyss] seems to be more like a brand in essence, strongly declaring the fact that it belongs to the abyss.

Seeing this, Duck couldn't help but look up at Professor Steven Harvey

Professor Steven Harvey seemed to know what he wanted to say, and said in advance: "At the moment, I have absolute control over it. But that's only for now. If I guess right, once the will of the abyss When I come, my will to stay in it will be instantly destroyed. It must be the will of the gods. To be honest, this is not good news."

"It's really bad news." Professor Kazel couldn't help but whisper. Professor Sylph's face became ugly.

Duck also noticed the problem right away. That was an issue that had nothing to do with the affiliation of [Snake from the Abyss] itself. No one would care whether this six-star magic wizard would be invaded by the so-called will of the abyss.

But the [Oil Snake] they regarded as hope not only absorbed the divine power of [Sun-devouring Lion] and [Moon-devouring Divine Wolf], but also absorbed the power of those "snakes" that destroyed the kingdom of God.

Even, the power of those snakes may occupy more proportion in its body than the power of the sun and the moon.

This means that more than half of the power in the [Oil Snake] body comes from the abyss.

No one knows whether it already has the imprint of the will of the abyss in its soul.

When the will of the abyss comes, will its own will be robbed in an instant like the people of the kingdom of God eroded by "snakes"?

"Might be a working solution to make it Ergani's god?" Professor Harvey said.

But Professor Kazel shook his head and said, "If the will of the abyss can trigger the arrival of Ragnarok, it is definitely not something that a single god can contend against.

Professor Sylph said decisively: "This is not an issue we need to consider now. Now the gods are still in the recovery stage, even if [Ragnarok] will eventually come, it will be a matter of the future. We don't know anything about [Abyss]. , it doesn't make sense to speculate here. What should be done, can't be avoided because of it. When will the plan start?"

Professor Kazel said: "Tomorrow at six o'clock." Professor Harvey asked: "Will it be too rushed?"

Professor Cazel shook his head and said: "The preparation is sufficient, there is no need to delay any further.

Professor Harvey said: "After a while, go there for final confirmation."

Professor Kazel nodded and said, "You need to be 100% sure to be more reassured.

Professor Harvey said: "Wait for you to read it."

After 【Abyss】, 【Snake from Abyss】's second special move is 【Imitation】.

They can [mimic] human beings, mix into crowds, and differentiate human races from the inside out.

Duck saw it in a dream.

Those "snakes" that appeared in the Sun Moon Divine Kingdom turned into human figures, covered their eyes with bandages, and mixed into the Divine Kingdom.

After they entered the Kingdom of God, they moved people's hearts with wealth and silk, differentiated with words, spread rumors, spread plagues, and eroded the Kingdom of God from the inside out.

The chaos and plague, starvation and famine, darkness and filth they created, like sepsis, penetrated into the belief system of the kingdom of God little by little, and eventually turned into a deadly poison.

When the [Devouring God Lion] and [Moon Devouring God Wolf] came, their divine power had been eroded, and they naturally fled.

And what caused all this was the [mimicry] of the "snake"!

It's just that on the basis of the existing information, it is not impossible to distinguish those "snakes" that are [mimic].

[Abyss] There is no sun, and [Snake from the abyss] is also unable to see the light

They first appeared and had to cover their eyes with bandages to walk in the sun

But that's just an expedient measure to deal with [Mimicking].

The third nirvana of [Snake from the Abyss] is [Assimilation]. They make those around them gradually become like them. Their voices make people believe, and their actions make people follow. They are infectious and more polluting.

They are not pollutants, they are more pollutants!

By the time people noticed, it had turned into a "snake".

The fourth nirvana of [Snake from the Abyss] is [Swallow]. [devour] people, [devour] snakes, [devour] gods.

Everything is food for snakes.

【Abyss】, 【Mimicking】, 【Assimilation】, 【Devouring】. These four nirvanas make up the whole picture of "Snake".

Maybe, just the tip of the iceberg.

The limitation of the Magic Wizard card makes the information they can obtain limited, but at least they are not confused.

Now it seems that if you enter the [Heavenly Court], in addition to encountering pollutants, you are very likely to encounter "snakes".

All means of coping must be done.

Duck looked up after reading all the information, and the professors had put away the photocopies.

Professor Steven Harvey said: "Go to the bottom of the lake first."

Everyone had no opinion, so they covered their whereabouts with magic, and flew to the bottom of the lake by the night wind.

When they entered the space at the bottom of the lake, they found that there were already people inside. But they were not frightened, because it was a daily thing.

Aurora, as always, came here at night to connect with [Oil Snake].

Ergani also went with him. Professor Mitia happened to be there.

When they asked each other after meeting, they all knew their respective situations. Professor Shilf handed them the photocopy paper and briefly explained the previous analysis.

At this time, the [oil snake] was still awake, it was as cute as a baby, hiding its huge body behind petite Aurora, it looked quite funny

But after reading the information on [Snake from the Abyss], it is difficult to look at it with a comical feeling.


Aurora muttered a word and asked.

"Since the [Oil Snake] has super-normal powers, Mimuyuji Lanbei: in theory, it should also have the power of these snakes? Will it mimic?"

The question that Aurora suddenly raised is not unconventional.

In fact this is really just a regular question.

It's just that everyone including Dak focused on those four nirvanas and the consequences they would cause. Only Aurora was really concerned about [Oil Snake], and this was the first time he realized this problem.

But what is the answer to this question? [Oil Snake], can it be [Mimic]?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the timid [Oil Snake].

[Oil Snake] Obviously stimulated by these many sights, he subconsciously shrank his head.

"Let's study it later." Professor Sylph changed the subject. Professor Steven Harvey also said: "First summon the snake to have a look and prepare."

After a simple preparation, Professor Steven Harvey summoned the [Snake from the Abyss] with the ordinary sacrificial summoning technique.


That black snake, the thickness of the forearm.

It was pitch black, with no edges and corners, only the eyes were dull green. If you only look at the exterior, it's hard to see how scary it is.

Its poison glands contain poison from the abyss, which can not only be injected through its fangs, but can also breathe poisonous mist.

But it can't secrete black oil like pollutants from the body surface like 【Oil Snake】.

- It cannot secrete pollutants.

This shows that pollutants and snakes are likely to be two independent systems. 【Oil snake】can secrete because it can secrete black oil originally.

Of course, it is also possible that the [Snake from the Abyss] does not have it because the magic wizard can only have four nirvanas at most.

"Suck it~"

The sudden sound made everyone suddenly look up.

The [Oil Snake] hiding behind Aurora raised its head at some point.

It opened its eyes, the left eye shone the sunlight, the right eye shone the moonlight, and two hot and cold eyes shone on the body of the [Snake from the Abyss].

That nimble snake letter kept swallowing in his mouth. Professor Sylph looked up at it, frowning slightly.

Aurora said quickly: "It's just a little greedy."

Professor Shilf said: "A snake that eats grass will feel greedy after seeing it. Is it because their powers belong to the same source?"

Professor Kazel said, "It's [Devouring], right?" Professor Harvey frowned and said, "Even if it has [Devouring], does it make sense to eat a magic wizard?"

Dake faintly said: "I don't know if there is any meaning, but it should be able to satisfy my cravings.

Professor Mitia said enthusiastically: "Would you like to let it try?" Professor Harvey shook his head again and said, "How can it not be eroded by the will of the abyss, but what if it is infected after eating this snake? No take the risk.

Professor Mitia said immediately: "How many snakes have you eaten? It should have been eroded! Is it so difficult to satisfy a child's appetite?"

Professor Harvey said solemnly: "Yes, it's that hard!"

【Snake from the Abyss】Returned the magic card. Professor Harvey said: "From the comparison of breath, the consistency is very high, there should be no second possibility."

"It's confirmed," Professor Kazel said.

Then he turned to Aurora and said: "Communicate with the oil snake and let it prepare as much as possible. We will be here at six o'clock tomorrow morning to help it become a godhead!"


No need to communicate at all.

[Oil Snake] Through the communication in the past few days, I have been able to communicate with people. Of course, this should not be the credit of Aurora alone. The existence of Ergani is the main reason.

The enchantment of the space at the bottom of the lake has been completely arranged, and Professor Kazel's preparations have also been made. Everything is ready, just waiting for tomorrow.

The professors did not leave immediately, but continued their conversation here. They probably all have the idea of ​​brushing the favorability of [Oil Snake], but with the help of Aurora, their relationship with [Oil Snake] has become much closer.

When tomorrow comes, we will know success or failure.

Dak's mood was also somewhat excited.

Watching the [Oil Snake] become a god is also beneficial to them. And once successful, expedition and rescue will be put on the agenda immediately.

With the urgency of Professor Sylph, it might be the day after tomorrow. Thinking like this, Dak suddenly felt something, and looked in the direction of the cafeteria.


Inside the canteen.

The [Spiritual Trading Shop] of [Cosmic Brain Warcraft] is still open.

But this time, it welcomed a special guest. -(The Holy Maiden) Audrey Joan of Arc!

Audrey Joan did not come alone. Around her, there are many senior sisters from literary clubs. And Emma Metis was walking with her.

They originally held a book club in the forest coffee shop on the Traveler Street, but later, someone spread the news that there was a demon trading here, and a group of girls who didn't think it was a big deal came down to the [Holy Maiden] on fire. Exorcism.

Of course, they didn't really come to exorcise the demons.

[Two chapters totaling 20,000 words! The words are all finished, why hasn't the monthly pass been in place yet?

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