The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 743 Sima Luo's Heart, Everyone Knows 6k

The Villain Young Master Only Wants to Live a Buddhist Life Chapter 743 Sima Luo's Heart, Everyone Knows 6k:

"Shouldn't you be there too?"

These words entered her ears like a shuttle, and Rose read it in a daze for a moment, only to feel a buzzing sound in her head, and she was stunned.

Her mentality at this time was like a little rabbit who was pulled out of a dark hole, and like a kitten who was found stealing dried fish, and she could not wait to shrink into a ball in an instant.

However, Pandora was a little surprised when she saw her reaction, and said to herself, "You're so obvious, you don't think you're hiding deeply, do you?"

Fortunately, after she was reunited with Hefeis, her temperament was much better, and she would not be too dismantled.

So she took another sentence: "But it's okay, sitting on the mountain and watching tiger fights is really not a tactic."

There was a roar in Rose's head, and she woke up suddenly, and quickly explained, "Sister, I, I, I don't have that idea."

Pandora folded her arms around her chest, the delicate ripples trembled slightly, and said with a smile, "I understand, I understand."

Rose's voice of refutation stopped abruptly, and her ears were as red as blood.

Taking advantage of her stunned time, Pandora-senpai took her to sit down, calmly brought a brand new tea set from the side, placed the tea cups in front of herself and Rose in turn, and poured it with a pot of black tea. Full.

The sweet smell different from bitter tea, accompanied by the curling green smoke, penetrates into the heart and spleen.

Pandora-senpai pulled a bunch of fruit plates, cakes, puddings, and cookies from the table, and called Rose to eat them.

Rose cautiously held the teacup, her heart was especially cautious.

But Pandora-senpai pointed at the girls who were staring at the stage with great interest, and asked, "What do you think of them?"

Rose didn't expect her to ask such a question at all, but based on her guilty conscience after being exposed, she subconsciously followed Sister Pandora's train of thought and said, "Very, very good, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Pandora chuckled and looked over to herself.

Those girls are actually very smart, but falling in love with a person does make people blind.

Knowing that they could not grab the first half, they chose to avoid the first half.

But I never thought about it, I didn't even have the courage to challenge her head on, what would I use to fight her?

Even the girl named Emma seemed to dance with Duck at last year's Christmas ball, but she didn't have a strong sense of presence this year. Pandora thought she had given up struggling, but she didn't expect that. Still undead, but that's it.

On the contrary, the girl named Eudora has always been unassuming, but her contact with Dak has become more and more frequent. Is she finally going to show her fangs today?

Speaking of which, the most free one is Diana!

It is said that the moon is the first to get the moon near the water tower. This child usually looks hot and hot, but when it is time to use the bayonet, it wilts again. Sure enough, the psychological age is too young, and it will take a few years before the threat.

Even Aurora, who is one year younger than her, is a bigger threat than her!

Pandora's smile narrowed slightly, and her eyebrows were a little dignified.

In her opinion, the behaviors of these little girls are all children's games, but Aurora's play is really like being out of the house!

Since she got the key card, she has often exchanged messages with Duck. Although she rarely sees each other in daily life, the communication time has increased.

Because of this, she now knows a lot about Dak's daily situation, and of course she knew that Aurora was doing her best to feed her every night before!

Although Pandora now feels that she has a huge advantage, she is not very good at getting along with people, and her handling of emotional matters is the first time in history. The mature surface cannot hide the clumsiness in her heart. She often I don't know how to deal with it, and I'm not sure how serious it is.

Therefore, she never said much about Dak's acceptance of Aurora's feeding.

And Aurora is a student of the noble house.

And she is the Magic Academy.

What Aurora is doing can be said to be at the right time and place, and it seems that there is no way to stop it at present.


After all, Duck defied the public opinion and took Diana's arm onto the stage.

Between Diana and many magic wizards, he chose Diana.

It can't be said that the magic wizards have a lower status in his heart than Diana, but Diana has officially invited him, and he must consider Diana first.

Duck's heart is actually very soft.

But when necessary, he can always be tougher than anyone else.

Those who are close to him can actually feel that the arrogance and indifference he shows to the outside world are just pretending.

The softness of his heart made him delicate, gentle and elegant.

The toughness when necessary makes him extremely decisive at the crucial moment.

With him, there will always be an indescribable sense of security.

This is his charm.

After being touched, he was firmly sucked and never wanted to let go.

Pandora looked at the stage, where Duck and Diana had already danced a circle dance on the stage.

Diana, like her, is not good at dancing, but she is very athletic and learns to dance very quickly, but she still dances very slowly, which is not in line with her acting style.

Diana's mental age is very young, and it's normal to be attracted to Duck.

But it's actually hard to tell exactly how much of that emotion is male.

How much of a daughter's love is reliance on parents and brothers?

Pandora distinguishes it from the perspective of a bystander, and thinks that it is mostly the latter.

Therefore, although Diana seems to be the most active at present, it is not a serious threat.

Not even as good as Roseflori next to her.

Pandora picked up a cookie and nibbled it into her mouth.

She had contact with Rose and Diana last year, when Rose was far from being as cheerful as she is now.

Rose is very insecure.

Just like her when she first came to St. Marian's College.

And someone like Duck, who is gentle and considerate, safe and reliable, is like a huge magnet for such a girl, and she is born with a fearful attraction.

What's more, his external and internal conditions are first-class.

If you don't control it, it's just a living little girl harvester.

In fact, last year's events have also verified this description, Duck received almost all the first-year girls in the noble house.

Therefore, it is very reasonable that Rose likes Duck.

At this point, Pandora actually feels the same way.

She couldn't fall in love with a man who didn't take responsibility.

Pandora continued to look at the blond boy dancing on the stage. As for the girl dancing with the boy, she no longer had any sense of existence in her eyes.

Rosefrotte was still uneasy at this time.

She didn't know where she had exposed herself, and she never thought about the possibility that she was actually full of flaws.

In a situation she couldn't figure out, she couldn't help thinking about the consequences of her mind being exposed.

Now that Pandora-senpai has seen it, will Duck know? Diana, will you know?

"Don't let Diana know!"

For some reason, this was her first thought, and she was even a little flustered.

But don't know what to do anymore.

She is also just a girl who has spent most of her life in a bird cage so far, a girl who has not been deeply involved in the world.

"What should be done?"

There is a saying that when you can see others, others can also see you.

Emma, ​​Eudora, and Aurora, although they are in different positions, actually pay attention to Pandora.

Emma's mind is actually relatively light.

She put on makeup again today, and she learned to do it herself.

What I want to do is just the same as last year, wait for Duck to dance 3, sit down and rest, go and disturb him a little, and simply dance to a song.

Then, they separated.

But this year, it seems that even if she deliberately avoided the first half and avoided Pandora-senpai, it would be more difficult to achieve her goal only in the second half.

Because the people in line are so good, there are more magic wizards in line

This really disrupted her rhythm. She didn't know whether she should get ahead of the group of magic wizards, or wait until the magic wizards were also having a good time. I'm afraid it will be the end of the dance, right?

My mind, which had always been organized and clear, was a little chaotic.

Emma was convinced that she was not good at dealing with such things.

Eudora pursed her lips and stared at Duck without blinking.

She felt like an assassin.

The kind that escapes thousands of miles if you miss a hit.

If she muster up the courage to rush out tonight and be rejected again, I am afraid she will really have to flee a thousand miles away!

I heard that the people on the Star Tower all speak very nicely, so she might have to go and see it (sad.

In short, she is now looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that is sure to hit.

During this process, she felt that a beast had been dormant behind her side and back, making her horrified.

But she withstood the pressure!

"Good job, Eudora!"

She cheered herself on, forcing herself not to care about the oppressive Longwei.

"You can do it, Eudora!"

Aurora's position is slightly behind Eudora and Emma.

Before today, she had invaded Duck's bedroom twice by taking the opportunity to deliver supper, but she failed to hand out the invitation to the ball twice.

Of course it couldn't really be because of forgetting - how could she have forgotten such a thing?

It's just that in her heart, there is always some stubbornness and restraint that belongs to a girl, and she hopes that it is Duck's initiative to invite.

So after thinking about it, she didn't make a move that night when she simmered the chicken soup.

On the second night, she came to the end, and Yuan 8's consideration was that if Duck didn't take the initiative to invite again, she would compromise - do it by herself!

However, when things came to an end, she froze again.

An idea suddenly popped into her mind.

Does it really make sense to just jump up and dance in the second half?

Once this thought came out, it was hard to restrain.

She only felt that her plans all along were false.

Between what she wanted and the status quo, there was a wall that was difficult to penetrate.

The name of the wall is called "Pandora"!

Before breaking down this wall, all the sweetness of seemingly "success" is meaningless.

It is a poisonous poison that corrupts the will, a lure that makes people learn to compromise.

she asked her

In your heart, what do you want?

Her heart told her the answer.

So after a short thought, Aurora was unable to hand out the well-prepared invitation to the ball.

And then to now.

She is still entangled in the question of "whether to go"!

If you do, it always feels like you are rushing to eat the bones thrown by others.

If not, I am afraid that even the bones will not be caught.

She originally 8 would not be entangled in this kind of issue.

But the girl's mind can't even guess the girl herself

For a moment, she was a little stunned.

The whole situation was much more complicated than Duck had imagined.

But the complicated situation gave him a gap.

If Emma, ​​Eudora, Aurora, and Rose appeared at the same time and surrounded him after jumping 3 with Diana, he would probably have a really hard choice.

As for the current situation.

For the time being, only Diana was in front of him.

Thinking about other girls while dancing with the girl you like is disrespectful to all girls.

Therefore, he deliberately stopped the thought, and immersed himself in the dance with Diana.

He has mastered the rhythm that Diana likes, and from following her rhythm to dancing slowly, to leading her to a more intense Gao Qi Dynasty, the two gradually cultivated more tacit understanding, and Diana also learned More poses.

Diana even felt that it was no big deal to be able to enjoy so much just after being aggrieved.

But happy times are always short-lived.

The ending of the song was relatively abrupt for both of them.

Diana hesitated, not wanting to stop at all.

After summing up last year's experience, she didn't put on stilettos to make herself and Duck more compatible.

The crimson crystal red shoes fit very well, she didn't feel sore at all, and she didn't have to worry about the high heels being broken.

She can continue to dance, like Duck and Pandora, for half an hour, or even an entire hour!

But she doesn't know, Duck can't wait

Professor Kazel has not been in this banquet hall since the beginning of the party.

He has not been before the party. He has been preparing for tonight's experiment since yesterday and the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday was Sunday the 22nd, and he returned from the dungeon.

And since that night, Ollie has also disappeared.

By the way, two new maids arrived that afternoon.

However, the two maids did not come to accept the experiment of removing the fire from the underworld, but to hand over the goods. The gifts for the magic wizards that Dak customized at the Duke's Mansion were also brought here.

And tonight, just before the second half of the dance started, Duck, who returned to the banquet hall, found that Professor Sylph had also disappeared.

Also, Sister Carrian, Professor Jones, Professor Mitia, and Professor Lily are gone.

As for the avatar of Principal Arte, it has long been missing.

Since then, the last time the professors sneaked into the dungeon together, only the innocent-looking Professor Nini was still squatting there and grabbing food with the little kabbi (Mist.

Since then, among the deans of the four branches, the only one left on the scene is the current dean of the House of Fools, the professor who teaches the magic language-Professor Holderbod.

He sat in the corner behind the teacher's bench, gloomy eyes like falcons scanning the entire hall, as if to catch a hundred or eight murderers from this hall.

Fortunately, Professor Nini blocked his sight of assassination with a huge body, and only a little can be seen from the side, which did not allow him to achieve the achievement of the atmosphere destroyer.

Seeing that the professors were all yo-yoing, Duck's heart was restless.

Even if he can't participate in this small experiment led by Professor Kazel like other professors, even if he can't get involved in the first part 3 of this experiment, he always wants to see the result of the experiment and the moment when the experiment is successful.

Such a precious and great moment, he did not want to miss it anyway.

He couldn't wait, and wanted to run to the secret passage, to the experimental site!

"At half past eleven!"

He set limits in his mind.

Get everything in order by half past eleven.

Can't delay any longer!

"Duck, Duck"

Diana raised her head, her lovely face that had begun to take on a beauty temperament slightly raised, her rare shy eyes stared at her, and those water-like eyes were full of anticipation.

Duck's heart throbbed, and his footsteps had already started to beat with the beginning of the second dance song.


Pandora pursed her lips and swallowed the tea in her mouth.

She found that Diana's threat level increased by one degree!

Cut constantly, the rationale is still chaotic.

Inner softness is Dak's strength and weakness.

There are always two sides to everything.

"After all, Diana came first."

The words suddenly sounded in her ear.

This made her eyes suddenly tighten, but she didn't turn her head to look.

Rose suddenly said such a word out of nowhere. Did she say it to her, or did she say it to herself?

Who knows?

Nobody knows.

The atmosphere of Christmas Eve was turbulent.

Each Christmas Eve dance song was shortened to between five and six minutes.

Thirty minutes, roughly five dances.

When the second song was about to end, Dak finally adopted the tactic of attacking first.

When the footsteps of the two were intertwined and their bodies were close, he whispered in Diana's ear: "Merry Christmas."

Christmas isn't here yet.

Diana wanted to say this, and was dragged off the stage by Duck in a daze.

"There are three more!"

The stage on Christmas Eve seemed to have instantly turned into a duel venue against time.

Dak let go of Diana's hand gently and turned to look at the magic wizards. Fairy Ibrahimovic was already happy and jumped over like a rabbit.


Finally it's Xianbu's turn!

It thought so.

But between it and Dak, a hexagram array of stars and moons suddenly lit up.

Eudora, who was in the trio of stealth, suddenly appeared from the magic circle, and then pursed her lips tightly, holding a small face that turned into an apple, and grabbed Dak's hand.

A look of astonishment flashed across Fairy Ibrahimovic's face.

Eudora, who had been rehearsing again and again by herself in the bedroom, looked down at her toes, and kept walking towards the stage with Dak's hand in her footsteps.

She won't ask out loud, although it's rude, but she won't be rejected if she doesn't ask, she knows that Duck won't move.

She has given up.

Sure enough, just after a pause, Dak followed her strength and walked towards the stage.

"The prophecy succeeded!"

She was overjoyed, she stumbled because she was too hasty when she stepped onto the stage, and she was almost overjoyed.

But Duck looked at her slender and weak waist that could be broken at any time with great grace.

She blushed like a rosy glow, and her heart was so sweet that she really wanted to melt into her arms on the spot.

After that, she didn't remember anything.

Although she has practiced in front of the mirror many times, it is difficult for her to make progress in dancing alone.

In the end, it was Duck who guided her through the whole song.

These five or six minutes were like being in a dream.

She couldn't tell if it was real or fake.

The dream shines into the present moment of reality.

She was completely drunk.

The alarm bell rang in Pandora Doragon's mind.

Eudora's threat +1

Eudora's threat +1

Eudora's threat +1

The sound of reminders that kept popping up in her head made her face change slightly.

She found herself underestimating the little pink girl.

The most irresistible thing for human beings is unrequited love.

Eudora's behavior pattern confuses her, who is actually more rational.

She even wondered, is this woman sick?

But she learned from Dak's mouth that not only was Eudora not sick, but she was also gifted with astrology.

The third dance song ended quietly.

Dark took Eudora off the stage and whispered in her ear.

Eudora shrank to the side with a face full of Hongxia, and was startled by Diana who patted her on the shoulder.

Diana didn't bite her.

Duck knew in his heart that time was running out.

But he found that he had lost control of himself.

Fairy Ibrahimovic looked at it angrily, and Victoria turned her little face into a meat bun.

Emma was already considering whether to leave.

Aurora was over there, pulling hard on the corner of his clothes.

Cannibalism is soft and short-handed.

Duck sighed, and had no choice but to aggrieved the goodies, and took the initiative to walk to Aurora.

He corrected his color reading, tried hard to make his pure and flawless self show the 8 colors of the Sea King, and then shot at Ou Ruoshang, who was bowing his head and tangled.

Aurora's mind was instantly empty, and she grabbed the bones thrown by others - no, since it was Dake's initiative to invite, of course it can't be regarded as the bones thrown by others.

She maintained her last restraint, grabbed Duck's hand with a slight tremor, and then took an elegant step and stepped onto the stage with him.

Twenty minutes into the second half of the dance, more teachers and students rushed to the stage, and some even jumped directly around the stage, making the atmosphere more lively.

She and Duck danced a beautiful waltz under the lights.

After this period of time, Emma keenly discovered that Duck was in trouble.

So she glanced at the group of magic wizards, chose to strike decisively after Dak and Eudora walked off the stage, and won a staged victory.

She decided to write this decisive victory in her diary.

And when she and Duck walked off the stage, it was already half past eleven.

Duck couldn't stop time after all.

He could only accept this reality, and then grabbed Fairy Ibrahimovic's ribbon tentacles with one hand and Victoria's palm with the other, ready to serve.


I was stuck for a whole day and finally wrote 3. I got up at four o'clock in the morning yesterday and now at six o'clock, the whole person was stunned. Get up after some sleep and write the first chapter of March. Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass and a guaranteed bottom blade!

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