The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 711 Dark Dimon Youqing (4k)

Despite Angus Jeffrey's performance of Call of the Devil on Saturday's duel stage, the students' day-to-day wasn't affected.

As soon as Monday began, the heavy end-of-term assignments suppressed them firmly.

And Duck also learned on Monday night that Earl Jeffrey worked day and night, arrived at St. Marian's College at noon yesterday, and took Angus Jeffrey away from the college this evening.

For Angus Jeffrey at that time, the second consciousness had been removed, and some of the apparent lack of concepts and distortions had also been repaired to normal.

But... the gaps in memory still exist.

And according to Sister Carrian, it is very likely that there will be sequelae.

"What sequelae?"

When asked by Duck, Sister Carrian said:

"Sometimes, he might feel like he's not himself."


Tuesday night, December 10.

Dak took out the last of Yue's [Sin], silently glanced at the glass jar on the corner of the table, and put the [Magic Brain Dropper] away.

In the next five days, he drew two points of [arrogance], four points of [greed], and four points of [bliss].

As for where these [sins] came from, I won't go into details here.

In short, as of this time, his [sin] reserves are as follows:

【Arrogance】: 6

【Rage】: 1

【Greed】: 24

【Gluttony】: 1

【Bliss】: 6

After a wave of outbreaks over the weekend, the reserve of [Lunar Edition Bliss] has exceeded 700 points, and is moving forward bravely towards the goal of 800 points!

If it wasn't for Angus Jeffrey's incident to cool down his brain in time, the more than 700 points of [Lunar Edition Bliss] would be enough to make his brain heat up.

In addition, this morning, he still received a lot of applications for duel challenges from seniors.

But considering that the end of the term is busy, and there is no favorite target in the challenge list, he did not accept one.

Another day passed after that.

The professors of the remaining subjects also released final projects.

He got busier.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that Dak had time to observe the [Brain Fluid Demon] embryo in the glass jar.

Yet three days later, the embryos were still embryos.


In fact, two days earlier, he had discovered that the embryo was motionless.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is just for further verification.

Next, he opened the lid of the glass jar, removed the immersed embryos and carefully cut them.

A turbid slurry slowly flowed out from the incision, and there was a sour smell.

"already dead."

Duck was not surprised to dispose of the dead embryos, and poured the liquid in the jar into the pool. wAp.

He is not going to try to cultivate again, at least not for the time being.

The [brain fluid demon] cultivation method described in "Into the Abyss" is not difficult, and he doesn't think he will make mistakes in this process.

And since there is no error, it means that there is a problem with the cultivated Dharma body.

Or all wrong.

Or something is missing.

And Angus Jeffrey can cultivate success, there must be the existence of other elements.

[Third Party], helped him complete this element.


However, not preparing to continue to cultivate, does not mean giving up the investigation.

After all the experimental waste was disposed of, Dak sat down again.

He spread out the notes, picked up the pen and thought about it.

Now it has been determined that there is a problem with the cultivation method in "Into the Abyss". Angus Jeffrey can cultivate so many demon materials with this, and there must be a [third party] intervening.

This is in line with his guess that he obtained the [Flash Bug] from the [Third Party].

And this being the case, another question arises.

Then why did [Third Party] help Angus Jeffrey?

In other words, what did he want from Angus Jeffrey?

"Maybe if you understand this, you can get some clues."

Duck turned the pen in a circle, then put the cap under his chin, thinking divergent.

"If you want to know what the [third party] wants from Angus Jeffrey, you must first understand what Angus Jeffrey has and what can he offer?"

"Among those things, there must be something that [the third party] does not have, or is missing."


Just thinking out of thin air, of course, impossible to find the answer.

Duck didn't even think he could figure it out right away.

He recorded his analysis and went to bed to rest, and there would be [alchemy class] tomorrow.

Since the assignment of this semester's topic, Professor Kazel's lectures have been based around the topic.

Duck has also spent a lot of free time recently studying the content of [Alchemy Class].

After this class, he already had some experience in making a [similar] golem.

However, the subject requirement of the [Alchemy Class] is to refine a golem that is close to the [Pseudo-level] before the start of the next semester.

【Similar Level】is different from 【Similar Level】 by an entire rank, which can be described as a long way to go.

But there is no rush to study in this area, we can only take it one step at a time and take it slowly.

He intercepted Professor Kazel after class and briefly informed him of the results of his research and analysis.

After Professor Kazel heard that there was a problem with the cultivation method in "Into the Abyss", although he was a little surprised, he quickly accepted it.

Then he took Duck to the office and carefully asked about the experimental details related to it.

After Duck came one by one, he said: "It turns out that, I have a good idea."

But when Duck asked, he smiled mysteriously and said, "How are you preparing for your assignments?"

Duck shook his head and said helplessly: "It may have to wait until after Christmas."

"Come on, I'm looking forward to your work." Professor Kazel smiled politely.

Most of the students in [Alchemy Class] are high-level seniors. It is indeed difficult for the second grader to complete the subject within the time limit.

But he is not prepared to lower the requirements, but hopes that several students in the second grade will also work hard towards this goal.

Of course, in the next semester, he will relax the standard appropriately, and will not really use it as an assessment item.

Dak touched the bridge of his nose and had to answer, "I will."


After coming out of Professor Kazel's office, Duck completely forgot about the incident.

Next, he should also use "Into the Abyss", but not to cultivate some demons, but to continue to study [Brain Fluid Demon], and then use alchemy to alchemically transform [Demon Brain Dropper].

But he pushed the subject to next semester, ready to wait until the dust settles before continuing.

Next, he plans to continue his research on golem making while enjoying the increasing joy of [Luna Version Bliss].

In any case, before the next semester starts, a [simulation-level] golem must be made.


Time flies fast when people need it.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday afternoon, and Traveler Street opened again.

When Duck was sitting in the common room by chance, he suddenly reacted from the words and deeds of the other students.

With less than two weeks left until Christmas, he didn't even have a Christmas present ready.

Then he turned his head and gave up thinking as if escaping from reality.

"Instead of thinking about Christmas presents, think about how to make a prom invitation..."

Friday afternoon.

The main match of the [Silver Cup] continues.

Emma Mertes, Diana Greatbair, Heidi Euphemia and Sara Swati advanced to the upper bracket in last week's Silver Cup first day, while Werther Gold, Vanessa Bolt, Pistan Kellogg and Justin Wayne fell into the lower bracket.

After that, Pistan Kellogg of [House of Nobles] and Justin Wayne of [House of Knights] were the first to be eliminated in the knockout round of the lower bracket.

And this afternoon, two people will be decided from the four people in the winner group, the winner will advance, the loser will fall into the loser group, and the two left in the loser group will duel.

Therefore, after noon, Dak was pulled by Rose and entered the open-air dueling hall together, ready to cheer on Diana.

[Silver Cup] The schedule for the second day has already been announced, but Duck didn't care, and didn't know it from Rose until he was seated.

There are four games this afternoon, one every hour.

The first match was between Emma Metis from [House of Knights] and Heidi Euphemia from [House of Magic].

The second match was Diana Greatbair from [House of Lords] against Sarah Swati from [House of Magic].

"Diana's bad luck!"

After learning the schedule, Dak couldn't help sighing.

No wonder Rose had a serious face from the beginning, and Diana entered the player lounge early, which was extremely stressful.

In the [Silver Cup], after he abstained, Sarah Swati of [Magic Academy] undoubtedly became the favorite to win the championship.

Although his stance is on Diana's side, Sarah Swati is indeed a very strong opponent.

"Dark, what do you think Diana has a chance of winning?"

Rose asked worriedly, holding a card for refueling.

Dak blinked, but said very frankly: "San Qi Kai."

Of course, Diana three, Sarah seven.

Rose couldn't help but puffed up her cheeks and said melancholy, "If I start praying devoutly for a miracle now, will the winning rate increase?"

Duck couldn't help but smile, and then he focused his attention on the [Alchemy Lesson] notebook in his hand.

Time is like a sponge, when you squeeze it, there will always be.

[Silver Cup] There was nothing fancy at the opening of the second day. After the host announced the schedule, the two contestants of the first game appeared one after another.

Just like Diana and Sarah, there is a gap in strength between Emma and Heidi.

Therefore, Heidi Euphemia was also under considerable pressure when she came on stage.

Duck tilted his head slightly, noticing that Doron was mixing with the second-year students of the Magic Academy, cheering her on. Read the book

He couldn't help but smile.

"I don't know if he

Have the courage to issue a prom invite? "


As the backbone of the [Knights Academy], Emma Metis did not seem to focus on the game when she appeared.

Through the magic projection, Dak saw her on the contestant stage and put a note on the corner of the table.

Some people may mistakenly think that it is a document that records the opponent's information, but Dak, who has suffered the same hardship, can see through it at a glance. It is obviously a note from the [Alchemy Class]...

However, Emma's state adjusted very quickly, and when she took out the card deck from the card pack, she concentrated her attention.

As the referee's whistle sounded, the game entered the [preparation stage].

Duck temporarily closed his notebook and concentrated on watching the game.

The duel styles of Emma Metis and Heidi Euphemia are actually quite similar.

Both of them are good at using their brains. In addition to the magic wizard card, there are many magic cards and item cards in the deck, which provides support for the flexibility and change of tactics.

So this game is also very good.

When the duel first started, the two were evenly matched, each with their own style.

But as the duel continued, it was ready to show the difference.

Later, Emma Metis seized the advantage and continued to expand the advantage like a snowball, and finally won.

At first glance, the whole process seemed quite thrilling, but it was actually within Emma's grasp.

[Magic Academy] Emma Metis, the first to advance!


"It's Diana!"

"Don't worry, there's still an hour left."

Duck comforted and continued to watch, not paying too much attention to the winner's interview.

The dueling hall did not stop because of the suspension of the [Silver Cup] competition. Duels in other competitions were still going on in an orderly manner, and the audience outside the venue would not feel bored.

Nearly an hour later, the double conveniences of the second duel appeared one after another.

Diana looked calm, but Sarah was more calm.

So far, Diana is the only one left in the aristocracy, so the second-year students of the aristocracy naturally try their best.

And Sarah's popularity has always been extremely high, and the cheering voice of the second-year students of the Magic Academy is not weak at all.

Duck put down the note in his hand again and watched the game.

The second game was more exciting than the first.

Compared with last week's competition, Diana has improved again. She has a very strong momentum and a particularly domineering style, which is completely contrary to her petite and cute appearance.

But his opponent, Sarah Swati, is not weak at all.

Moreover, after entering the second grade, Sark has been making up for his shortcomings, and the current deck is no less than pure strength.

The two sides, you come and go, fight hard. .xiumb.

However, Diana was unable to turn things around in the end, and unfortunately lost.


After the game, Diana quickly came to the ring belt. After finding Duck, she sat down on the other side of him, and held her chin in thought.

Duck blinked and was about to speak.

Diana suddenly burst out: "The turtle is talking, Diana is thinking."

So Duck said nothing.

Even Rose was fooled by her to shut her mouth.

Half an hour later, the schedule of the loser group was finally announced.

Heidi Euphemia vs Werther Gold.

Diana Great Baier vs Vanessa Bolt.



[In the last week, I finally passed this section, shark! 】

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