The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 690 1.2w for votes, Dak Dimon strategizes

In the sky, the soaring Wrestling Eagles are slaughtering the blue cube magic ball.

Above the high wall, the Shadow Demon was being beaten to the ground by the blue-eyed young dragon. The Shadow Demon was almost instantly killed by the Magical Beast: Moon Ibrahimovic. Minas and the Magical Beast: The Variety Monster split into two sides and swam to the blue square half. .

On the ground, the pot of ghost vines is quietly waiting for the second summoning opportunity. Dozens of ghost snakes summoned by the ghost king in the pot quickly climbed up the wall and rushed towards the blue-eyed dragon and the magical beast: Moon Eevee. , and the other two black dogs were still fighting, and Hu Hu was watching a play.

As for the ghost king himself in the pot, he had already swam up to the high wall, and his eyes were coldly scanning the battlefield.

Among its three nirvanas, the seal in the pot is a self-limiting passive. Although the ghost snake carnival is very useful at certain times, it can only play a harassing role in the face of high-intensity battles. Only the last sealing technique left - the pot of sealing!

But Stewart Foun's real purpose is actually to let the rest of the magic wizards die very naturally while protecting the ghost device from being destroyed in advance.

But how to send death is also a knowledge, neither too fast nor too slow.

If it is sent too quickly, the weapon of the ghost will not be mature yet, and the success will be lost.

If it is sent too slowly, the Shadow Soul Tool will not be able to absorb the shadow energy transformed by the death of those magic wizards, and it will not be able to breed.

Therefore, how to choose an opponent to seal is a very difficult thing to decide.

Stewart Fonn spoke very quickly to command and dispatch his own magic wizard, and stretched out his right hand at the same time, releasing magic power to control the magic ball, causing the blue square magic ball to drop rapidly and return to the back of the ghost king in the pot.

Wrestling Eagle is just a very ordinary three-star magic wizard, and it is impossible to break through the obstruction of the ghost king in the pot.

Stuart Forn is very clear about this.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the countdown of the battle phase above the projection.

Time flies very fast.

The fifth round is almost over.

"Shadow Demon, incarnate the shadow - the shadow is coming!"

Stuart Forn's voice suddenly rose, and the Shadow Demon, who was being beaten by the blue-eyed young dragon, suddenly exuded an unusual aura.

It suddenly turned over from the ground and roared at the condescending blue-eyed young dragon. The power of shadows gathered in its body jumped like flames and shot into the sky.

That beam of black light converged into a line, and after reaching a certain height, it rapidly expanded around. It turned into a thin line that became the thickness of the wrist, and then became the thickness of the bucket, which became thicker and thicker, and expanded to a diameter of three or four meters in a blink of an eye. , forming a black giant column.

And the Shadow Demon stood in this huge beam of light, with his arms outstretched, his head raised and his roar raised, his murderous aura shot straight into the sky.

In the first attack, it did not use this ultimate kill, and now it has finally been successfully released under the orders of Stuart Forn.

Its body began to swell wildly in this black beam of light, black sharp horns were born on both shoulders and the top of the head, the back bulged into a peak, and suddenly burst, a pair of demon wings broke apart and opened angrily. !


The shadow demon who completed the transformation vibrated its wings violently, and the whole body took off upward.

Its arms have become extremely thick, its muscles are bulging and strong, and its claws are as sharp as knives.

And on its panel, whether it is defense or attack, it has received an unprecedented surge!

The audience outside the venue suddenly shouted.

Shadow Demon is a race in a higher order among Demon Races.

They are second only to vampires in sequence, and while inconspicuous because they always lurk in shadows, they inflict horrific casualties on humans in times of war.

There are very few of them with the talent of transformation, which can call the power of the shadow in times of danger, and temporarily transform into a more powerful demon!

Among the magic wizards, shadow demons with the nirvana of shadow falling are also extremely rare.

This transformation finally made the three-dimensional combination of the Shadow Demon surpass the six-star magical beast: Moon Ibrahimovic, which truly has the strength of the third-step magic wizard.

It fluttered its wings and flew high, suddenly rushed towards the blue-eyed young dragon, and wanted revenge!

But when it finally rushed to the front of the blue-eyed young dragon, it found that the blue-eyed young dragon had a grim face, and the anger rising from its eyes seemed to be real.

"Nirvana - Dragon's Reverse Scale!"

It's just a transformation, who doesn't?

The anger of the blue-eyed young dragon has risen to the limit, and chaotic white light is surging all over his body. The attack that was originally as high as 3000 points has been greatly improved by 50% to 100%.

But its rationality was also disconnected at that moment, and instinctively attacked the nearest creature - the shadow demon just hit it!

Before that, he was successfully provoked by the Shadow Demon Bull and slaughtered the past magical beast: Moon Ibrahimovic.

After that, Ibrahimovic: Moon Ibrahimovic stayed in place for a few seconds, then suddenly woke up, and noticed dozens of ghost snakes besieging.

Of course, it was impossible for these ghost snakes to cause any damage to it. It completely ignored them and looked at the ghost king in the pot behind the ghost snake!

The ghost king in the pot felt threatened, he turned his head suddenly, and the scarlet snake pupil glared at the petite but extremely powerful magical beast: Moon Ibrahimovic.

It suddenly realized that this black cat, which is also a six-star, is an extremely terrifying enemy.

And almost at the same time, Stuer on the blue team's stage

Tefun also made a choice: "The ghost king in the pot, use the sealed pot on it!"

The Sealed Pot is the most core nirvana of the Ghost King in the pot.

After being sealed by it, the magic wizard will not only be locked in the pot, but also will be suppressed in consciousness, absorb the magic power, and quickly lose the ability to resist.

A magic wizard of the same rank, unless it has a targeted countermeasure ability, once it is sealed by the pot of sealing, it is almost impossible to break free.

At the Easter Duel Festival, the sealed pot of the ghost king in the pot accidentally shot the magical beast: Sun Eevee, and the result was tragically reflected and locked himself in the pot.

But this time, it won't go wrong again!

Among Dak's magic wizards at the moment, the blue-eyed young dragon activated the dragon's reverse scale. Although it dragged the shadow demon, it also fell into a state of chaos and the threat was reduced.

Minas has used three nirvanas since his debut, and there is only one left at most.

Magical Beasts: The Variety Monsters are just "pretentious" after they are released from the transformation.

Wrestling Eagle Man skipped.

If there is a real threat to the device of ghosts, there will be only magical beasts: Moon Eevee!

As long as it is sealed, Dark Dimon's offensive will be greatly reduced.

Stuart Forn saw the situation in an extreme amount of time. After he made this command, he immediately put his hand on the top of the deck, ready to wait for the moment when the round was switched to immediately draw the card, and strive to win every second!

On the red player stage, although Dak was surprised by the transformation of the shadow demon, he knew something about the sealed pot of the ghost king in the pot.

So when Stuart Forn made a decision, he also ordered the magical beast: Moon Ibrahimovic in time.

"Moon Eevee, use black eyes on it!"

The moment the two magic wizards looked at each other, they performed their own nirvanas after hearing the orders of their respective wizards.

The ghost king in the pot suddenly raised the ghostly tail, and a black light quickly lit up on the tip of the tail.

A seemingly non-existent "black pot" quickly condensed in the flickering black light.

The dark and dense aura burst out in an instant.

When the "black pot" finally congealed, it swung its tail suddenly, preparing to throw the "black pot" at the magical beast: Moon Eevee.

Once this "black pot" is thrown out, a black beam of light will be projected from the mouth of the pot, covering the magical beast: Moon Ibrahimovic!

But its series of "preparatory actions" are too many and too complicated.

And Magic Beast: Moon Ibrahimovic's black eyes (bliss) only need a stare - the pair of amber-like pupils exudes magnificent colors, becoming captivating,

Just as the ghost king in the pot made a move, he was stared at by black eyes, and then in his patience, the contradictory emotions of joy and fear quickly rose.

And its huge body was shrouded in black light and could no longer move.

The two six-star magic wizards were frozen and moved.

On the blue team's stage, Stuart Forn's expression suddenly changed.

Magical Beast: Moon Ibrahimovic's black eyes (Bliss) first controlled the ghost king in the pot.

In this way, it is equivalent to one-for-one.

There is a huge gap from the one-for-zero he expected.

Therefore, in this way, he lost the card to resist Minas and Mythical Beast: Variety.

The only things left to act in his field are the ghost cane pot in an empty stomach and the three-star black dog.

Stuart Forn, who sensed that the situation was deteriorating infinitely, hurriedly looked at the two magic cards he had just started.

If these two magic cards can't play a role in delaying time, then he can only make the device of ghosts start in advance!


Fate did not seem to favor him this time.

Among the two newly acquired magic cards, there is no magic wizard card.

If it is a six-star magic wizard card, he can immediately perform a sacrificial summon.

But neither.

"In the name of Stuart Forn, the Magus Summons - Shadows!"

Under this urgency, Stuart Forn can only do this helpless strategy and use one of the special magic spell cards!

This spell card called Shadows is also his usual method, but there is a hall of light in the current venue, which is in conflict with its attributes, and the final effect is likely to be extremely unsatisfactory.

But he could only pin his hopes on it.

At that moment, a pitch-black light shot out from the shadow-heavy card face, and the pitch-black light turned into a curtain, sweeping the entire venue like a cloak.

Shadows are coming!

This heavy shadow can not only block the view, but also provide energy for the ghost pot.

It's a pity that Stuart Fern's hand has no high-star magic wizard card, and this sixth round will not be able to pass smoothly.

The dark curtain made by the shadows was affected by the hall of light, so the white light was extremely thin and could not block any sight.

His hand was obviously useless.

And on the red player stage, Dak also started a new magic card at the same time.

Pride 4

war horn

The appearance of Pride 4 gave him the backbone.

"It's a pity that it's not April of Bliss, and the power of April of Bliss cannot be verified in this duel"

Of course, he didn't actually have the magic wizard card that could evolve to the third step in April with Bliss.

Even if he really won the April of Bliss, he could only evolve one more magical beast: Moon Eevee.

So this Pride 4 is the best choice.

He was lucky.

As long as you summon the garbage slime in your hand and offer it as a sacrifice with the remaining black dog or pot, you can sacrifice and summon Dilumon.

The duel that follows will be the stage for the goddess beast!

Stewart Furn's magic wizards are all dark types, and even if he tries his best, he can't be the opponent of the goddess-unless he has a winning card that can make the goddess fall.

But Duck doesn't think it's possible.

He watched Stuart Forn activate Shadow Heavy, and then watched the curtain created by Shadow Heavy being washed away by the Hall of Light, and then looked up at the opposite side.

Minas and Magical Beasts: The Variety Monster has approached the weapon of ghosts.

The Wrestling Eagles, ignored by Stewart Forn, slaughtered towards the Blue Square Magic Ball again.

Stuart Forn's nervousness could no longer be concealed.

This duel has come to an end.

Stuart Forn had a few bright performances, surprising him several times during the course of the duel.

As a fourth grader who lacked resources to support, he has done well.

Thinking of this, Dak summoned the trash slime with a snap of his fingers, and then sacrificed and summoned Dilumon.

"In the name of Dak Dimon, offer garbage slimes and black dogs as sacrifices, and summon the magician - Dilumon!"

The white cat, which the audience is quite familiar with, manifested from the sacrificial summoning array and landed safely on the high wall of the red call area from the air.

It bent its knees and squatted, looking around, its eyes gradually sharpened, and in a flash, it noticed the ghost weapon floating in the air.

Minas and Magical Beasts: The Variety Monster has been double-teamed from both sides.

Minas swam to the front of the Soul Tool faster, and when he lifted his tail, he slapped the Soul Tool fiercely.

"Shadow entanglement!"

Stuart Forn took another Magic Card.

After this magic spell card called Shadow Entanglement was activated, it immediately drove the power of shadows floating in the air, condensed into countless tentacles, and densely wrapped around the huge body of Minas.


A slightly disgusted expression appeared on Minas' face, and the magic power on his body exploded instantly.

Those tentacles condensed by the power of shadows were smashed by this water flow, and they all changed back to the shape of black mist, and quickly collapsed.

Then the Magical Beast: The Ever-changing Monster came first, and the raised tail slammed heavily on the Soul Tool!


The spindle-shaped special device hummed, and the sharp rays of light emitted from its mouth flickered.

—but it was not shattered by this blow!

The death of the Shadow Gravekeeper and the Shadow Demon Bull has given it a certain degree of strengthening, and the outer surface has become very hard.


The shadow demon's roar sounded.

Under the compulsive order of Stuart Forn, it finally broke free from the violent attack of the blue-eyed dragon at the cost of suffering a dragon claw, and rushed to it frantically.

Magical Beast: The Variety Monster was about to launch a second round of attacks on the Soul Tool, when he suddenly found that the light above his head was blocked, the Shadow Demon descended from the sky, and the sharp giant claws fiercely grabbed its head.


It let out a scream, and its body suddenly deformed, changing from the posture of Minas to the appearance of a wrestling eagle.

In the case of this ordinary transformation, it cannot inherit the flying instinct of Wrestling Eagle, and can only rely on its own efforts to flap its wings.

Therefore, after it avoided the sneak attack of the Shadow Demon, it staggered and fell.

And the real Wrestling Hawkman has already attacked the life enchantment of the blue cube magic ball twice.

The magic value of this life enchantment is only more than 4,000 points.

Stuart Fawn, who was completely unfocused on it, suddenly found that the value symbolizing his own health plummeted at this moment, he lowered his head suddenly, mobilized his magic power in a hurry, and controlled the magic ball to avoid the attack.

But in the process, the Blue Cube Magic Ball once again endured a full blow from the Wrestling Eagles.

The magic value of the life enchantment plummeted to only three thousand points left!

The situation changed in an instant. From the fierce scenes that seemed to be equal to the present, the blue side's disadvantages were all revealed, and it was only less than a minute later.

But that's the charm of Magus Duel.

The pace is stifling, and the outcome is never predictable.

What made Stuart Forn even more uncomfortable was that the blue-eyed young dragon, who was clearly in a state of chaos, was chasing the shadow demon and flew over!

Seeing that the Shadow Demon and the young blue-eyed dragon were fighting again, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer!

"Shadow Demon, swear to attack!"

The last order was issued, and Stuart Forn fully controlled the magic ball to dodge.

He didn't pull the magic ball into the sky, the sky was the home field of the flight department, and he couldn't escape the pursuit of the Wrestling Eagle no matter what.

Under its control, the Blue Cube Magic Ball flew into the labyrinth of the Tomb of Shadows, relying on extreme steering, pulling, and constantly dealing with Wrestling Eagle, and successfully obtained a chance to breathe.


Immediately after receiving the order, the Shadow Fiend launched a fearless attack on the blue-eyed young dragon - and then, it really died!

The blue-eyed young dragon also found a trace of clarity after being seriously injured, and turned into a dragon egg on the spot.

The whole relatively chaotic situation has so far been very clear.

From Duck's point of view, the only thing Stuart Forn didn't do well was that he didn't order the Shadow Demon to kill the ghost king in the pot pinned by the black eyes on the spot.

This extremely cold approach can actually maximize the benefits.

But Stewart Forn didn't do that after all.

This is a big plus for Duck.

However, the sense of people and things does not affect the duel.

Duck didn't hold any hands and raised Pride 4 on the spot.

"Are you ready? Dilumon."

He whispered a word, and quickly chant the normal summoning.

"In the name of Dark Dimon, the wizard summons - Pride 4!"

Brilliant light dispels the darkness.

The thin black curtain that spread to the half of the red square was completely dissipated.

Dilumon stood under the beam of light condensed by Pride 4, and his body and limbs quickly elongated, turning into a tall human shape.

With the four snow-white wings born from behind, the divine and pure angelic breath spreads out.

It is no longer a secret that Dark Dimon has an "angel", and it has even been spread in the Holy Cult Academy.

But every time they witness the evolution of the goddess beast, the audience who are fans of him still feel extremely excited.

And Dilu Beast's Easter egg model is probably going to sell well for a while.

When the female beast successfully evolved that day, the outer shell of the Soul Tool was just shattered, finally revealing its inner essence.

That's not a Sorcerer Card.

In fact, the device of ghosts is a ritual item, which has both a secret card and an item card, and it can only be triggered after certain conditions are met.

And when it is successfully triggered, it will give birth to different types of ghosts according to the power of the shadow inhaled in the body!

At this time, although the capacity of the Soul Tool has not been filled, it has absorbed a six-star magic wizard, a three-star wizard card and a seven-star wizard.

The fusion of these three shadow powers gave birth to a very terrifying ghost!


The inner part of the ghost tool is a vortex that emits a dark light.

Shadow Grave Keeper, Shadow Demon Bull, and Shadow Demon's remnant ghosts flashed alternately in that vortex.

The vortex exploded in an instant, and the terrifying ghost was born from it!

Minas stopped attacking.

Magical Beast: After the Variety Monster returns to its original shape, it stands beside it.

The goddess beast showed disgust, and the two wings extending outward from the left wrist have turned into a sacred bow. It lifted the right hand, and the two fingers condensed the arrow of light, and it was wound!

The battle is imminent.

The ghost born in the ghost device has an appearance close to human shape. It is tall and thin, with horns on both sides of its head, a golden mask on its face, and demon wings on its back. It holds a half-meter-long handle in its hand. 's sceptre.

Above that short staff, it exudes an extremely dangerous aura!

But there was not much joy on Stuart Forn's face.

There is a discount for the power absorbed by the Shadow Soul Tool. The shadow power of a six-star magic wizard, a three-star wizard and a seven-star wizard born after the death of the shadow power is only equivalent to seven stars. the magic wizard.

Although the same seven stars are also divided into high and low, but no matter how high, can they be higher than Dak Dimon's celestial beast?

Stuart Forn's heart was unusually heavy.

Magic Duel is said to have infinite possibilities.

But as the duel progresses, the number of magic cards left in the deck gradually decreases, and the magician will have a very clear understanding of how much he can do.

The so-called possibility is under the premise of having a chance of survival.

If there is no lifeline.

Then the rest is just "do your best".

Stuart Forn was mentally prepared to lose before the start of the game, but he did not expect that he would fall into this "best effort" after giving birth to a ghost.


He took a sharp breath, trying to calm himself down as quickly as possible.

The duel wasn't over, and his mission wasn't over.

Bet on the odds that don't exist.

"Pull that lofty angel into the filthy abyss! Dark ghost, shadow claws!"

For a split second, Stuart Forn pulled the Blue Cube Magic Ball towards the Wraith, then tried to revive his morale.

The newly born ghost floated in the air, and after receiving the order, he raised the short staff in his hand, and made a hoarse, unpleasant sound like a cracked silk from under the golden mask.

The sound seemed to be some kind of chant, but in any case, the short staff in its hand had already emitted a pitch-black light.

Tiannu Beast immediately realized that the ghost was targeting itself, it sneered in its heart, and the arrow holding the hand suddenly loosened.


The bowstring falls.

The holy arrow burst out!

The light-converging electric shock arrow carries a strong electric light, like a beam of light, running through the entire field.

Just the next second. ,

A pitch-black vortex appeared at the foot of the beast of heaven, and a dry and terrifying claws suddenly emerged from the vortex and grabbed the ankle of the beast of heaven on the spot.

Then the magic claw suddenly exerted its force, which was to pull the beast into the abyss!

The black substance flowing out of the devil's claws spread upward along the delicate skin of the celestial beast, gradually dyeing its calf black.

A strong suction also erupted in the vortex.

The celestial beast floated in the air and flew into the air with four wings. At this time, it was pulled down by this sudden attack.

But when the toes touched the vortex, the Heavenly Girl Beast suddenly spread its wings and stopped the downward trend.

It looked down with icy eyes, and the blazing white light gathered downwards along its gaze, and the power of light gathered under its feet, and it was actually abruptly melting the shadow claws.

The sacred arrow that was shot just hit the ghost's body without any deviation.

The power of light poured into the body of the ghost along the head of the arrow, and caused a large area of ​​trauma after an instant explosion.

And the electric current attached to the arrow climbed up the body of the ghost, making it paralyzed and unable to move.

Although the burst of electricity was short-lived, the ghost quickly regained its normal mobility.

But when the disappearing consciousness gradually returned to normal, its body was bound by Minas with a long tail, and it suddenly tightened!

Pain struck immediately.

Yin Soul only felt that the bones in his body seemed to be crushed and shattered, and his chest burst into suffocation.

But what really suffocates him is the amazing charm of frantically squeezing his mind!

Although it is not active, it is in the most intimate contact with Minas.

To experience the amazing charm of Minas at such a close distance, the nirvana-beautiful god, has undoubtedly played a role.

This ghost was actually fascinated when it was in deep crisis!

Despite the "suspension bridge effect" that confuses fear with emotion in times of crisis, the ghost is clearly not the "suspension bridge effect" at the moment.

After it was completely fascinated, it even felt that the feeling of being squeezed and crushed was not bad!

In short, it was completely addicted, accepting the execution of Minas motionlessly.

With such a phenomenon, even the celestial beasts that came flying had nowhere to start.

The heavenly purple light above its fists lit up and subsided repeatedly, and the smooth offensive that was supposed to be tight was interrupted instantly.

But the next moment, Minas suddenly let go of his body, leaving only the tail end to continue tying the legs of the ghost, and then looked up at the goddess beast.

The goddess beast instantly understood, and a beautiful and soft purple light gradually radiated from the right fist.

Then it gave a light drink and slammed a punch at the ghost!

"Nirvana - Heavenly Purple Light!"

The purple beam emitted from the fist pierced through the chest cavity of the ghost in an instant.

The purple light of heaven is dedicated to evil.

Increases damage to demons by 100%, damage to dark attributes by 50%, and damage to evil attributes by 20%.

This ghost is transformed, both the devil and the dark.

Damage increased by 150%!

No matter how strong the body defense of the ghost is, under this punch, he can only die calmly.

"Yin, lethal infection!"

Stewart Fonn's next order came urgently, but it was too late.

The nirvana's nirvana - lethal infection, can release infection rays from the eyes, causing the close range target to be devoured by the shadows. The most intuitive phenomenon shown is the change of race and attributes.

Deadly infected targets will turn into demons and darks during the infection.

If it is successfully used, all the nirvanas of the celestial beast will not be able to be used!

It was the only card Stuart Forn could turn over in a desperate situation.

This card may not change the final outcome, but it can bring more troubles to Dark Dimon, creating a feeling of "defeating after all".

But after the ghost was fascinated by Minas, he couldn't respond to his orders at all.

Stuart Forn, still did not think that the one who really executed the ghost was actually Minas, not the celestial beast who killed it on the bright side.

And after the ghost was truly destroyed, the Blue Cube Magic Ball was once again exposed to many crises.

The Wrestling Eagle followed closely and completely shattered the remaining life barrier of the Blue Cube Magic Ball!

Stuart Forn, the magic goes to zero!


The whistle sounded.

"Victor: Dark Dimon!"

The applause that should have been thunderous did not appear on the spot.

The audience seems to have not yet reflected that this duel has ended.

Originally, after Stuart Forn summoned the ghost weapon, the whole process of fighting was getting more and more exciting.

With the ghost finally conceived after many hardships, it should have been the time for Stuart Forn to sound the horn of attack.

But not to mention the horns of attack, not even the whining of pain.

Stuart Forn lost so much.


Many viewers made similar sighs because of this, but did not know that he had done his best.


Audiences who were disappointed by this finally integrated into the

Amidst the waves of applause.

The duel is officially over.

Dak put his hand on the card table, and at the end of the duel, he was still thinking about what kind of nirvana the ghost still had not used.

"It's a pity that the celestial beast still starts too fast."

He made a guess, and then started to clean up the magic card.

Stuart Forn made a sound at this moment.

He whispered: "In the end, you still won."

Dak raised his head and said with a smile: "A duel always needs a winner."

Stuart Forn was startled suddenly, and after a while, he said, "You're right."

Dak smiled and said politely, "I hope to have a chance to fight with you."

"That's what I want, too," Stuart Forn said, clenching his fists slightly.

The exchanges between the two before and after the game were very harmonious on the surface.

At the corner of the ring, Angus Jeffrey stood up abruptly after watching the duel and left quickly.

What happened next has lost its meaning to him.

He will wait for Stewart Foun's report at the appointed place and begin preparations for the duel next week.

Only victory can wash away the humiliation!

The two-handed players leave the field.

After Dak put all the magic wizards back into the cards, he walked off the stage.

But he did not leave, but quietly replenished the magic card in the waiting room for the players.

Because he has a duel this afternoon.

Although the target of this duel is only a third-year student, since it is the regular schedule arranged by the duel club, he will also abide by it.

To this day, he still maintains a 100% record in the Golden Race.

But the main reason for this is because the regular opponents arranged by the dueling club are all third graders!

He couldn't deal with the idea of ​​a fight club, because the consistent victories that came with it didn't really show his strength.

He paid a little attention, and other sophomores who signed up for the Golden Cup seemed to be treated similarly.

The opponents that the second-year students normally matched in the Golden Cup were either their classmates in the same grade, or the third-year students who were only one grade above.

This kind of "care" goes against Professor Pava Jones' original intention of letting the second-year students participate in the Golden Cup.

The sophomores didn't see the absolute difference between themselves and the seniors at the Gold Cup, and some of them were even able to win a duel with the juniors.

Although they are not enough to accumulate points in the points race

In the current Golden Cup, only Dak Dimon is in the forefront of the second grade, and has the possibility of entering the main game.

An hour later, Duck stepped on the stage of the duel again, but the third grader who faced him looked very lacking in the desire to duel. Neither his mental appearance nor his attitude towards duel could be compared with Stuart Forn.

It seems that he felt that he had no chance of winning from the beginning, so this duel was just a passing game.

Duck was unhappy about this, but didn't say much.

Everyone has their own way of living, and it is reasonable to choose to give up a duel that is doomed to fail.

So he stepped down quickly after winning without saying anything more to him.

And his schedule this week has officially ended so far.

Next, he first went to the Fantastic Animals Club to release the magic wizards one by one, and then went to Traveler Street and came to the branch of the National Dueling Club.

A new batch of flower cards were delivered directly to Eve, and they are now on sale!

He walked into the store and saw that in addition to Eve, there was only Nana, the maid of the Scorpio Palace.

"It seems that the handover has been completed."

Duck nodded slightly.

Nana and Josie have been rotating the Death Coffin since last Saturday.

Nana changed her schedule and adjusted her sleep time to six in the morning to two in the afternoon. Not long ago, she slept in the coffin of the death coffin.

——That's right, Duck didn't add the death coffin to the deck.

When he was dueling in the open-air dueling hall, the death coffin was still diligently absorbing the power of the fire of the underworld.

Now that two o'clock has passed, Nana came to the store to exchange with Josie after washing and eating.

Josie presumably had already fallen asleep in the death coffin.

She sleeps from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Of course, there will be some differences in the specific time arrangement, but generally this is the case.

They turned day and night upside down. During the day, before it was time to sleep, they soaked in the library and roamed freely in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This time is not difficult for them.

Except for rarely seeing the young master in the academy, the rest of the place is as comfortable as a vacation.

With the passage of time, the proficiency of the death coffin has continued to increase, and it has been able to clearly distinguish the fire of the underworld from the human soul.

After such a long experiment, Nana and Josie both stated that there was no damage to the soul.

This means that the ability of the death coffin has been fully proved.

The first of the three experimental goals that Dak had originally planned has been completed.

while the second and third goals

The experimental results will also be available in the next two days.

Considering that he had to observe the changes caused by the flower cards in the past two days, Duck decisively gave up his previous plan to enter the secret passage again before the end of November.

The so-called plan could not keep up with the changes, and he could only postpone the plan of the secret road expedition until December.

Sales of flower cards continued to increase.

The fermentation during this period has accumulated a good reputation for it, and many students are waiting for the opening of Traveler Street.

According to Eve, the hottest time period is between the opening at twelve and two o'clock, and Duck just missed it.

The students rushed into the shop, excitedly picking out their favorite suits.

Josie, who is not very good at dealing with this kind of thing, was in a hurry and almost made a joke.

Now, Nana, who is well-rounded, has taken over Josie's work and cooperated with Eve to keep the store in good order.

Duck didn't interrupt their work, and after learning the specifics, he started the planned shopping.

He spent a lot of basic materials in this week's experiments, and everything that is missing needs to be added.

And with the increase of the Luna version of Bliss, he is also considering to continue refining, so he needs to purchase the corresponding basic materials and auxiliary materials.

In addition, since this week's Sunday is already the first day of December, if he wants to try to become a carp king or a carp dragon next week, he also needs to buy accessories in advance.

The Carp King is a magic wizard with pure water attributes.

Tyrannosaurus is a water + flight type.

The super evolved form of the Tyrannosaurus is water + evil.

Therefore, when refining it, it is also necessary to consider adding materials of flight and evil to guide the results more accurately.

However, Dak's affection for the Carp King and Tyrannosaurus is mainly out of feelings.

Under the current circumstances, even if they are truly refined, they can only be added to the deck as a single card without a link, which does not greatly enhance the deck.

So there is no need to worry about their refining.

At present, it can only be said that it is to take a stroll and take a look.

He has also learned to visit the stalls now.

Among the materials that the senior students put on the street stalls for sale, there are indeed some high-quality materials, and he occasionally found that he would buy them for temporary storage.

Shopping time is always very short.

When Dak woke up, a burning sunset had already appeared in the sky.

He picked and packed food from the restaurant, brought it to the store to have a simple but not minimalist dinner with Eve and Nana, and checked the sales by the way.

The sales situation is very gratifying.

But Eve frowned when he mentioned: "Selling is really fast, but it seems that because of the limit on the number of purchases for each person, it has stimulated consumption. Basically, all customers from noon to the present are buying. There are three Magic Wizard cards in total. And whoever disclosed it, they probably already know that our flower cards are limited edition products, and sales will be suspended after clearance."

When he said this, Dak subconsciously looked at the maid Nana.

Nana immediately closed her lips, shook her head vigorously, and retorted: "Nana is not a big mouth!"

"Yes." Duck nodded.

Although Nana looks like a big mouth, in fact, as a battle maid of the Scorpio Palace, she has special training and her mouth is very tight.

In this way, the only person to reveal the information can be Eve or Josie who is not here.

"It should be." Duck couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Contrary to Nana, Josie is completely tight-lipped.

But if she really leaked the information, I'm afraid she wouldn't even realize it.

Perhaps, this is the difference between a Scorpio maid and a Leo maid.

"But that's a good thing," Duck said lightly.

After the news of the limited supply, there will only be more people who come to snap up the flower cards.

Three thousand flower cards, if each person buys three cards, is one thousand people.

Considering that many sixth graders are not in the castle, the preparation of this thousand must be more than enough.

If one of the students is interested in collecting flower cards, they may ask someone else to buy it instead.

Of course these are not bad things.

Originally, it was unrealistic to have one flower card in hand. If the flower card was distributed to everyone in the way of the academy, it would be disruptive, and it would easily lead to rebellious psychology and reduce the effect of the flower card.

Therefore, his purpose from the beginning was to divide the cards into everyone's hands as much as possible.

According to the current sales enthusiasm, if all goes well, this small goal can basically be achieved by the end of this weekend.

At that time, let alone how much Luna version of Bliss he can harvest from it, the cultivator who hides in the academy is likely to reveal his tricks as well.

According to the prediction made by Professor Mitia, they need to go through several twists and turns in this matter to unearth the truth.

Then the first traces should come out.

He had a hunch that maybe the plan to find the initial target through the cards would really succeed.

After ten o'clock that night, Josie opened her eyes from the coffin of the Death God's coffin, pushed open the lid of the coffin like a vampire, turned over and sat up.

Since bedding was laid in the coffin before going to bed, she slept fairly comfortably.

After she got up, she habitually looked inside herself,

Check out the fire in the underworld.

After nearly a week, most of the fire in the underworld in her body has been absorbed by the death coffin, and there was only a small flame left yesterday.

Today, after lying in the body of Death God's coffin for eight hours, the little flame became even weaker.

She knew the final hour was coming.

In the end, the remaining fire of the underworld, I am afraid it will only take an hour or two, and it will be eaten up by the coffin of the god of death.

And the final result of the experiment will come after that!

If the experiment fails, her magic power and memories associated with the fire of the underworld will be completely lost.

That's certainly not a good thing.

"How's it going?" Nana asked casually, taking a sip of the milkshake.

Josie said, "You can inform the young master tomorrow that it's time for the final experiment."


The last day of 2021, brothers, do you still have the monthly pass? If you don't vote, it will expire.

From June 26, 2020, I happened to enter the cat station all the way to the present, from the first of the newcomers to the first of the year, I really want to have a happy ending in this last month, ending with the first monthly ticket, can give the monthly ticket to me? Ow. orz

Too tired, I went to sleep first, woke up and continued writing.

Update 19,000 before 6:00 tomorrow morning.

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