The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 1089 Dak Dimon and the Desert of Death


Chapter 1089 Dak Dimon and the Desert of Death

The wind was howling, and the yellow sand was all over the sky.

The sand and dust that obscured the sky came from the sky, and the originally sunny sky became dark in the blink of an eye.

The whole world seemed to suddenly change from day to night. People walking in the desert of death suddenly looked up at the sky, and the fear buried deep in their hearts was immediately forced out.

"A sandstorm is coming!"

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Without even being informed by the guides of the Sand Clan, everyone ran like crazy

At this time, nothing is as important as escape.

No one is stupid enough to fight against the power of heaven and earth. What's more, this is still a desert of death!

The sandstorm in the desert of death has another name called "Kiss of Death". The human beings involved in it have almost no possibility of survival. Even if he was blessed by the goddess of luck and survived, the vitality in his body would be corroded by the special power in the sandstorm, and he seemed to have aged decades from the inside to the outside.

Moreover, the scale of the sandstorm this time is so large that even the hyenas and sand clansmen who have lived here all year round feel fear in their hearts.

However, after a quick discussion, Darke and the others chose to face the "kiss of death" and fly over the sandstorm!

"In the name of Dak Dimon, call for a sacrifice, come out—【Fossil Pterosaur】!"

One sacrifice, summon three [fossil pterosaurs].

The two accompanying nine-star [sword beasts] have a five-meter wingspan and are of medium size. But the twelve-star [fossil pterosaur (ancient form)] is more than ten meters long in normal size, which can be called a giant beast.

If the [Super Ancient Power] is released again, the size of this [Fossil Pterosaur] will increase further.

But it's not necessary.

With the size of the [Fossil Pterosaur (Ancient Form)], it is enough to completely cover the [Moon Chariot] behind.

Duck stepped out of the carriage and stood on the deck, surrounded by the evolved [Cat Boss].

In the rear, the carriage door was not closed, Emma, ​​Ashe and Malt all stood at the door, squinting at the oncoming dust.

"Do you really want to cross the sandstorm?"

Malt grabbed the edge of the door vigorously, and couldn't help asking again: "The sandstorm in the Desert of Death is different from other places. And it's a sandstorm of this scale!

Emma raised her hands to cover her eyes. The turban she used to cover her hair had been scattered, and her naturally curly brown hair became messy under the strong wind, but it did not affect her overall appearance at all.

"Don't you think this sandstorm is strange?" Emma said. Malt's expression was tense, and he said: "It did come very suddenly, without the slightest sense of foreplay, as if it had formed such a huge scale in an instant. But this is the case in the Desert of Death. If you have lived here for a long time, you will know , most of the changes in this place are unreasonable."

Emma nodded slightly, and said: "That's the way of thinking. The other party is a person who knows the desert residents super well, and every thought of yours is within his expectation. From the incident just now, it can be seen that he is very Smart. And since I'm sure the other person is a smart person, I usually don't mind thinking of him even smarter."

Malt opened his mouth slightly, and then sighed after a while.

She finally understood Emma's thoughts, and after thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that her thoughts had great possibilities.

Among Alibaba's Golden Village thieves, he is the one closest to the Sand Clan.

He knows the Sand Clan very well.

But the people of the Sand Clan know very little about him.

His superficial labels are smart, kind, trustworthy, and not greedy at all.

That is out of tune with the desert of death, as if it is not a desert dweller at all. In the past, Mai Ya thought it was Alibaba's personal charm, and only felt that this person was very special.

But now that I think about it, how could it be possible for a person with such qualities to grow in the desert of death?

Smart, kind, trustworthy, etc., are just his mask. And through his long-term contact with the people of the Sand Clan, he successfully made people feel that the mask is his true face.

The preparatory work done at that time finally played a role today

Alibaba, take off the mask!

"Fossil pterosaur, please!"

After Dak briefly explained to [Fossil Pterosaur], he quickly conveyed the order.

It turned around and let out a soft cry, leading the two [Sword Beasts] to accelerate forward suddenly.

【Fairy Tale Animal·Little Rabbit】follow immediately, and 【Luna Chariot】 is flying under the wrapping of 【Night Travel Barrier】

[Fossil Pterosaur] open the way.

[The Chariot of the Moon God] followed behind.

The two continued to accelerate, accelerate, and accelerate again. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a black arrow and shot straight towards the terrifying sandstorm.

Standing on the car board with a straight spine, Dake observed the front very calmly.

A few minutes ago, the sandstorm seemed far away from them. But now, a few minutes later, it is approaching in the blink of an eye.

In just a few minutes of acceleration, [Moon God's Chariot] has been swallowed by yellow sand. From the outside, one can only see blurred shadows covered by countless yellow sands. Three pterosaurs lead the way ahead, forming a huge triangular arrow. The [Moon God's Chariot] followed closely behind, but it seemed to be in a windless belt. The [Moonlight Wings] protruding from under the car split the airflow. Dak is still standing on the car floor, with his hands on his back, his spine

Liang was straight and showed no fear.

[Moon God's Chariot] continue to gallop. A sandstorm is coming.

Huge and terrifying tornadoes hit from both sides, and the sound of roaring like a beast resounded from within the tornado.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the [Luna Chariot] will be crushed into pieces. But [Moon God's Car] still showed no signs of slowing down or turning. The [Fossil Pterosaur] flying in front did not flinch at all, but its eyes were suddenly sharp, exuding a powerful aura of ancient power from the inside out

"Sword beast, ancient power."

Although the sound was blocked by the wind and sand, the [Fossil Pterosaur (Sword Beast)] on both sides still heard Dak's order.

They suddenly opened their mouths, and the ancient power was condensed into the mouths. This time, it was like spraying white light, spraying out a beam of light that was the same color as the surrounding sand and dust.

The two beams of light changed from thin to thick after they shot out, shooting into the tornado in the blink of an eye.

The tornado swallowed the ancient power.

But after a short delay, the two tornadoes suddenly collapsed, and the sand and dust in front of them returned to calm.

[Moon God's Chariot] continue to gallop.

A few minutes later, 【Fossil Pterosaur (Ancient Form)】 took the lead and rushed into the core area of ​​the sandstorm.

Countless gravels collided head-on with special energy, and each grain could penetrate steel.

But when they landed on the body of the [Fossil Pterosaur], they were like raindrops, without any waves.

The twelve-star magic elf already has the ability to counteract the mighty power of nature in a short period of time.

What's more, it still has the passive [fossil pterosaur] of [fossil ghost]. But Dak did not let down his vigilance.

Only then did they touch the core area of ​​the sandstorm, and if they continued to go in, there would be stronger energy turbulence.

"Wait...what's that?"

Suddenly, a little light flickered in the field of vision.

Dak frowned suddenly, and immediately summoned the [Spider Orb], held it in his hand to enhance his perception, and then cast the [Death Art] instantly.

With the instant concentration of mental power, his perception ability was raised to the limit, and he almost immediately recaptured the light hidden in the sandstorm.

"Fossil pterosaur!"

The power of the mind is connected to the fetters, and the thinking is transmitted instantly through the fetters.

[Fossil pterosaur (ancient form concept) Yifangzhibwen Yixin hides the light in the sandstorm.

Then, it exploded in an instant! "Roar——"

The thunderous roar of the dragon collided fiercely with the howling sound of the sandstorm. [Fossil pterosaur (ancient form)] Released the ancient power in the roar, and an ancient sword more than ten meters long condensed at high speed above its head

"call out--"

There was a whisper.

The ancient sword had broken through the sandstorm, pierced through the turbulent flow of the sandstorm, and the tip of the sword reached the point of light.


There was no abnormal sound at all.

That little light was instantly destroyed by [Ancient Sword].

But after a short period of silence, an extremely terrifying breath of death erupted suddenly from the place where the little light disappeared.

The energy turbulence, which was already extremely dangerous, multiplied after that moment, and the energy intensity increased dramatically.

"It's going to explode!"

Dak opened his eyes suddenly, and the warning signs rose in his heart.

[Fossil Pterosaur] sensed his thoughts, flapped its wings at that moment, and the speed that was slightly slowed down by releasing [Ancient Sword] exploded again.

[Fairy Tale Animal·Little Rabbit]'s eyes widened, revealing a look of extreme excitement, and [Moonlight Wings] vibrated again!

Nirvana - [Charge]!

A triangular light array twice as large as the defense appeared on the head of [Moon God's Chariot], and the speed increased again.

As the three [Fossil Pterosaurs] and the [Luna Chariot] accelerated at the same time, the team once again turned into a jet-black arrow, rushing straight into the core area of ​​the sandstorm


[Cat Boss] opened his mouth and yelled, and released [Hold].

A white light curtain unfolded in front of him, blocking both [Fairytale Animal Rabbit] and Duck from behind.

Emma in the carriage quickly closed the door, and looked out through the window on the door with the rest of the people.

The incomparably manic energy turbulence engulfed countless gravel, swallowing the [Fossil Pterosaur] and the [Luna Chariot] like a winch.

The ear-piercing impact and the vibration caused by the energy tide made everyone in the car a little anxious.

But although the darkness shrouded it, it was broken by the light in an instant. The scene was as terrifying as the end, but the destruction did not come after all.

The [Luna Chariot] pulled by the [Fossil Pterosaur] broke through the core area of ​​the sandstorm, broke through the yellow sand wall connecting the sky and the earth, and flew out from behind the sandstorm.

The scorching sun that had disappeared suddenly reappeared, and the hot sunlight shone down from the sky and sprinkled on the gray scales of the [Fossil Pterosaur].

The roar of the sandstorm was left behind, and there was a brief silence around.

Dak suddenly looked up at the sky. Missing some excess.

The sudden appearance of the sun is obviously not in line with the laws of nature. Just like the sandstorm behind him, the same.

"Is it really man-made?"

He murmured slightly, and turned to look behind him.

Although there is no tendency to collapse at all from the outside, after passing through it, he intuitively feels that this sandstorm should end soon

"Man-made sandstorms, bait that died halfway."

"Sure enough, this is the opposite, in order to make latecomers mistakenly believe that this route is not correct."

"It seems that news about El Dorado has leaked out."

"Such a large-scale formation should not be purely to deceive the people of the Sand Clan."

Dake's mind turned, and he was convinced of his previous judgment. That being the case, then continue along this road and go to the place where the mutation happened!

[Moon Chariot] Hover in the air after a certain distance away from the sandstorm. Emma, ​​Mai Ya and the others also stepped out of the carriage, observing the backside of the sandstorm.

The sky here is not covered by yellow sand at all, and the back of the sandstorm also falls vertically like a wall.

It was as if the entire desert of death had been divided in two by this wall of sand. Just looking at it with the naked eye is shocking.

"Although I don't know how Ali Baba did it, the sword of the fossilized pterosaur should have shattered the core of this sandstorm." Dark said softly.

Emma looked at it for a while, then turned around decisively: "It's not too late, let's move on."

Mai Ya also took a deep breath and said, "Let's go. Since we have decided to take this route, there is no problem even if there is no 'Sha Yin'."

Duck nodded and said, "Let's go then!"

[Moon God's Chariot] suddenly turned around and galloped away towards the original trip. And since the three [fossil pterosaurs] had already been summoned, Darke would no longer take them back.

He has a vague premonition that maybe within today, he will be able to catch up with Alibaba's team!

[Luna's Car] Entered the high-speed driving state again.

And there are three [fossil pterosaurs] around the surrounding area, and the whole journey can be described as calm and peaceful, with no aerial monsters daring to approach at all.

The only thing that caused them a little trouble was the gray fog floating in the sky.

I don't know how the gray mist was born, it can weaken the life of the inhaled gray mist, and if you inhale too much, you will die.

The residents of the Death Desert call it "the breath of death" and are extremely afraid of it.

Because it is silent, rootless and unsubstantiated, it not only appears in the sky, but also occasionally appears on the ground, drilling out from the bottom of the yellow sand rock.

Traveling long distances in the desert is a very strenuous task. If the body becomes weak again, various diseases will appear naturally. Maybe they won't survive to get out of the desert.

Fortunately, there is [Xie Mi] half body, this level of abnormal state can be purified only by using [Aroma Therapy].

They passed through the gray mist in an instant, and then continued to move forward. It was very peaceful all the way after that.

Malt took the initiative to walk out of the carriage and sat beside [Fairy Tale Animal Little Rabbit]. While adjusting the route, he was also observing the traces of people on the ground.

But after an afternoon of observation, she still didn't see any other figures.

"It seems that the people of the Sand Clan couldn't escape their thinking after all, and were led to other directions."

Duck stepped out of the carriage, and handed an apple to each of Malt and [Fairytale Animal Little Rabbit].

When Malt got the apple, he bit it down, and the pulp filled his mouth overflowed with juice. It was not sour and sweet at all, and it tasted completely different from the sour apples brought by those merchants.

After entering Darke's team, she has been enjoying the deliciousness of fresh fruits. When she thinks that after this mission is over, she will not be able to eat such sweet fresh fruits for a long time, and her heart is full of regrets.

"Among the Thieves in the Golden Village, Alibaba is not the only one. Maybe there are other tribesmen who can pass through the other two and take the same route."

Malt finished an apple in two or three bites, and then stretched out his hand to Duck. Dak put another apple in her palm and said, "The other two, Nuggets and Sim, how do they compare with Alibaba?"

Mai Ya said: "The Nuggets are the most powerful, and Sim has the best brains...Of course that was their impression before. Now it seems that Alibaba is the most hidden. But..."

Malt subconsciously looked up at the [fossil pterosaur] soaring in front of him, and quietly swallowed his saliva.

Before seeing these three pterosaurs, although she had guessed how powerful Dak and the others were, they were all limited to her imagination of ordinary magisters.

It wasn't until she saw these three [fossil pterosaurs] that she really understood

She has lived in the desert of death so far, although she also knows that there are extremely terrifying monsters living in the depths of the desert, but she has never seen them—after all, no one is stupid enough to take the initiative to approach them, let alone she has the ability to "predict danger" special power.

Therefore, these three [fossil pterosaurs] are already the most powerful creatures she has ever seen.

Every time she thinks of this, she can't help but feel grateful for her "cooperation" in the tavern, and at the same time feel sympathy for the robbers in the Golden Country.

The Golden Country thieves who are excitedly looking for the Golden Country at this time must not have thought of what kind of opponent they are about to face.

However, Lord Karaha's mansion heard that there is also a magister. Compared with her employers, who is stronger or weaker?

Time gradually passed, and the sky gradually darkened.

The dusk of the desert of death is already approaching.

And the [Moon God's Chariot] with the [Night Travel Barrier] open all the time, also gradually blended into the night.

When dusk falls and the sun disappears, the [Luna Chariot] will completely merge into the night, leaving only three high-speed flying [fossils] in the sky.


Although [Fossil Pterosaur] also has an invisible nirvana like [Quiet as an ancient tomb], the [Quiet like an ancient tomb] that is activated on its own initiative has a duration and cannot be used indefinitely.

Even so, Darke had absolutely no intention of taking back the [Fossil Pterosaur].

He even wondered, if someone saw these three [fossil pterosaurs] now, would they think that they were native species in the desert of death?

Thinking about it carefully, the possibility of this is really not low.

After all, the shape and attributes of the [Fossil Pterosaur] are very suitable for the desert.

"There is fire!"

While his thoughts were floating, Dak suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and subconsciously restrained his breath

But he soon realized that he didn't need to restrain his breath under the protection of the [Night Travel Barrier].

Needless to say, the speed of [Moon God's Chariot] slowed down. Malt's expression was also instantly dignified.

Emma walked out of the carriage and said, "Could it be Alibaba?" Dake's mouth curled up slightly, showing a smile: "No matter who it is, go down and have a look first. After driving all day, I finally met someone who can talk." people."

"Am I not human?" Mai Ya glanced at him, with a trace of resentment in his tone.

Dak ignored it and ordered [Fossil Pterosaur] to fly into the clouds and stand by in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the [Moon God's Chariot] descended and stopped in the air hundreds of meters away from the fiery place.

A distance of 500 meters is enough to see the faces clearly. Dak glanced at it and asked, "Is it them?"

Malt squinted his eyes and said: "Yes, that skinny man with black hair and brown skin is Ali Baba. I heard that he is only in his early twenties."

Dak's heart moved, and he quickly locked on to the target. The light comes from the bonfire.

The team centered on Alibaba is sitting around the bonfire at this time, surrounded by pots and pans, some of which are still steaming in the pots on the fire, and several long-haired women are taking care of the cooking .

Except for those few women who are relatively thin, almost all the male members have big arms and round waists, with strong physiques.

There are only two thin men, one is the "Lone Ranger" Harry who met once at the Sandworm Tavern, and the other is naturally Ali Baba.

Ali Baba sat cross-legged on a rock with a leisurely expression, holding a piccolo in his hand and playing it softly across his mouth.

The Death Desert is beautiful in height, and a thin and thin man like him should not be welcome, but the female members who are cooking there are all looking at him frequently.

Some people are even more attractive than their gender, let alone their body shape.

Alibaba is indeed a very charismatic person. Dak's eyes moved, and he looked behind Alibaba again.

There was a giant black leopard that was at least two meters tall lying on its stomach. The black panther crosses its paws and rests its head on the paws, looking docile and quiet

But if you mistakenly think it is a gentle domestic pet because of this, you may have to pay the price of your life.

The sand clansman Ackerman, whom he had seen in the Sandworm Tavern before, was also nearby, but he was surrounded by only his team.

The entire team is actually divided into three distinct parts.

Harry alone, Ackerman with more than a dozen people, and the largest number of robbers in the Golden Town.

Although I don't know how they reached the cooperation intention, but the cooperation relationship does not seem to be as strong as imagined, they are still vigilant against each other, and they are not integrated.

With a lot of thoughts, Dake summoned the [Dream Demon], pointed to a woman near Ali Baba, and asked, "The thing in that man's hand is a compass that can lead them to El Dorado?"

The woman holding the compass has slightly brown skin, but her facial features are bright, and her slightly plump lips look even more alluring to the desert people.

If the compass in her hand is really that kind of thing, then the relationship between her and Alibaba should be quite close.

"Mi!" [Meng Yao] nodded vigorously. Duck suddenly understood.

Mai Ya said: "That's Lilian, the daughter of the previous generation leader of the human clan in the Golden Land, Alibaba's childhood sweetheart."

"Very good." Dak nodded slightly, and then sat down again under Malt's surprised gaze.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Malt asked tentatively.

Dak smiled and shook his head, "I've changed my mind. You see, they are a very professional team."

"Of course I know, but we are also very professional." Malt replied. Dark said, "That's not a conflict, Malt."

"Okay. You're right." Mait also sat down beside Dak. Emma, ​​on the other hand, summoned a pair of glasses-like props, put them on the bridge of her nose, and observed them carefully.

After a while, she put down her glasses and drew the appearance of the compass in her notebook.

"The mechanical compass with eight pointers, where do you seem to have seen it?" Emma couldn't help wondering.

Duck turned his head and glanced at her, then said: "It should have a special usage."

Emma said: "But we can't just speculate."

"So just watch them use it. We'll follow," Dark said.

Emma said: "It's a great approach and it's easy.

Duck took out the wine glass and played with it for a while, then said: "Not only that, we also have a new bait to attract Setmon."

Emma said: "You want them to be in danger?"

Dak said: "Of course not, after all, it would make them useless.

Law to move on. But even if they're in danger, we've got something else to gain, right?"

"Okay." Emma closed the notebook and sighed, "I hope everything goes well."

Darke said, "It will always work out."

Listening to their conversation, Malt silently gnawed on the apple again.

White hot air emerges from the edge of the pot lid, and the rich meat aroma overflows immediately

The desert thieves showed greedy eyes as they smelled the smell of meat.

Several female thieves filled large bowls with boiled meat and soup one by one, and distributed them to their companions.

The floating pieces of meat in the bowl were slightly black, which was the unique color of sand scorpion meat.

Professional desert guides can find food anytime and anywhere. This kind of sand scorpion meat only needs to get rid of toxins, and it is a rare meat in the desert.

Of course, they all brought dry food and water with them when they set off, but the duration of the expedition this time could not be determined, so they could keep as much dry food as they could, and they had to keep as much as possible.

Ali Baba took the big bowl from Lilian, took a sip of the hot soup, and then ate the meat with a smile.

"They are still amazing." He sighed and couldn't help but praise.

Lilian agreed: "They are all people who have been living in the desert, but the people who can find food and water at any time are the only people of the Sand Clan."

Ali Baba said: "Besides, they will never get lost." Lilian smiled and said: "We can do this too." Alibaba asked: "How, have you found your way?" It became a little dignified: "Temporarily confirmed. But the compass pointer is changing at any time, as if the city of gold is also moving."

"Hiss~" Ali Baba was scalded by the meat, subconsciously sucked in a breath

After a while, he continued: "A moving castle sounds good."

Lilian glared at him and said, "But the city of gold should still be buried underground!"

Alibaba said: "That's a castle that can move underground, it sounds even cooler!"

"#@%%%¥!" Lilian couldn't help cursing.

Ali Baba didn't take it seriously: "Grandma Mo said that this mechanical compass can guide us to find the ruins of El Dorado, but she never told us that this compass points to El Dorado."

Lilian was stunned in her heart, and asked subconsciously: "Then what does it refer to:

Alibaba spread his hands and said, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Lilian calmed down and pondered: "Could it be the key to open the door? El Dorado is actually not in the desert. What we can find is actually the door key?"

Alibaba said: "It's a very good idea, and I suggest making persistent efforts.

Lilian froze for a moment, subconsciously grabbed the mechanical compass, and wanted to smash it on Ali Baba's head.

But just before Ali Baba was bleeding, a thief who had been scouting around with a binoculars suddenly shouted: "There are dragons!"

There are dragons? What kind of dragon? How could there be in the desert... There really was one!

Many thoughts flashed through the minds of the thieves, but they jumped up instantly as if a spring had been installed under their bodies.


The dragon's roar suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked up subconsciously at this moment, and saw a gray pterosaur hovering high in the sky with horror on their faces!

That pterosaur looks ferocious, with a wingspan of more than ten meters. Just looking up, one can feel an astonishing dragon power.

Even thieves with weak resistance were frightened and missed! "Pack up your! Get on the sand cart!"

Ackerman of the Sand Clan shouted suddenly, threw away the soup bowl in his hand, and jumped onto the sand cart full of supplies.

His team, with one sand truck for every three people, brought a total of four sand trucks. On the other side, Harry drives a sand truck alone.

The robbers in Alibaba's Golden Town consisted of seven or eight sand carts, and there were also six or seven sand carts.

These more than ten sand trucks set off at the same time, with great momentum, and fled in the predetermined direction after a short formation.

The sand car that Ali Baba and Lilian were riding was in the middle of the second row, followed by the giant black panther.

And the sand car driven by Ackerman, a member of the Sand Clan, ran at the forefront, leading the whole team forward.

He meandered over the desert, constantly using the terrain to avoid the sight of the terrifying pterosaur in the sky.

At this moment of crisis, Ackerman showed a strong coping ability, and everyone, including the robbers in the Golden Village, followed closely behind, and no one was holding back.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ackerman abruptly led the team to get rid of the pterosaur's pursuit!

When everyone was convinced that the pterosaur was no longer visible above their heads, they all heaved a sigh of relief and slowed down a little.

It is very difficult for the driver of the sand truck to keep driving at the limit speed.

Ackerman's team can still support the rotation of three people, but only a few people in the Golden Town Thief team can drive sand cars, and most of the rest belong to "thugs".

Therefore, if they fail to get rid of the pterosaur's pursuit in such a short period of time, some of them will definitely fall.

Fortunately, there is no "if".

And after this battle, the cohesion of the entire team has also faintly increased. Now that the team has set off, they don't stop to rest again, just go straight

he slows down

Then drive the sand car and continue to move forward, but the speed is slightly slowed down to save energy.

"Jie Jie Jie."

The [Little Evil Beast] standing on Duck's shoulder let out a strange laugh.

Mait sat beside Dak, silent.

A quarter of an hour ago, she suddenly heard the employer next to her say "why don't you start?" The [fossil pterosaur] hiding behind the clouds suddenly swooped down, and then, Alibaba's team set off!

The speed of the sand car on the desert is very fast, especially when driving at the limit.

Malt thinks that her driving ability is also top-notch in the entire desert, but neither Ackerman nor Harry's driving ability is inferior to hers, and there are rumors that Ali Baba himself is also a sand car driver.

But a sand cart is a sand cart after all, and the speed of a sand cart has a limit, unless it is not a sand cart.

Malt has compared speed with [Moon God's Chariot], and knows what the difference is. At this time, 【Luna Car】followed Alibaba's team with ease.

And [Moon Chariot] flies in the air very smoothly. She even wanted to go back to the car and get a good night's sleep.

"That's a good idea, isn't it? Let's take a nap now, and we'll have more energy when it really gets dark. Don't worry, my magic wizard will wake us up if something happens."

Dak crushed the apple core in his hand into magic power, then stood up from the carriage, and walked slowly towards the interior of the carriage.

Mai Ya was stunned for a while, seeing that Emma on the other side had also got up and returned, so she quickly caught up.

Alibaba's team has just set off, and the probability of accidents is low. This is indeed a good time to rest.

In the next few days, they may have to follow the Alibaba team, and it is best to adjust their schedule as much as possible.

After a while.

Dak woke up from meditation, looked at Maiya who was still awake, and asked, "Do you need help?"

Malt blushed and nodded slightly.

So [Little Devil Beast] gave her a [Demon Hypnosis]! She immediately fell asleep.

In the sleeping bag beside her, Emma had already fallen asleep.

Dak closed his eyes again, then sat in a meditative sitting position, and went straight to sleep

But Ashe did not fall asleep, she had to abide by her duties and be responsible for vigilance and protection. After the magister fell asleep, she couldn't continue to replenish the magic power for the magus. The three [fossil pterosaurs] have been withdrawn from the Magic Card.

There are only a few self-sufficient magic elves left outside.

Although that is already a very strong guardian force.

But Ashe is a rookie on the road after all, so she always feels uneasy.

Two hours passed quickly.

After two hours of deep sleep, Dak woke up on his own initiative. He first asked: "Ai Xi, how is the situation?" Ai Xi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Nothing unusual."

Dak nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Go to sleep for a while, and leave the rest to me."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the carriage lightly, saw Ashe slipping into the sleeping bag, and closed the door.

"Little evil beast." "Come on!"

[[Little Evil Beast] flew onto Duck's shoulder.

Dak touched its head, then whispered: "They have been stable for a long time, right?"

[[Little Evil Beast] nodded vigorously.

Duck smiled lightly and said, "Then let's start."

The comfort period of nearly two and a half hours is coming to an end, and a new game is about to begin!

"In the name of Dak Dimon, a sacrifice call—[fossil pterosaur]!

Three [fossil pterosaurs] reappeared in the sacrificial summoning array.

Two [Sword Beasts] flew up to the clouds, and only the [Fossil Pterosaur (Ancient Form)], which was more than ten meters long, let out a dragon roar after flying to high altitude, and swooped towards Alibaba's team.


After two and a half hours, the gray pterosaur that was supposed to have been thrown away quietly appeared above the head again!

Ali Baba raised his head, furrowing his thick and long eyebrows. "Damn it, why are you here again?"

Ackerman roared, made a decisive decision, and commanded the team to accelerate again. After two and a half hours of recuperation, the sand riders' physical strength and magic power have been restored.

With full confidence, Ackerman led them to escape the pursuit of the pterosaur again.

In fact he did.

About twenty minutes later, relying on the Sand Clan's insight into the desert terrain, he finally passed the pursuit of the gray pterosaur, and once again received unanimous applause from the team members.

However, something unexpected happened.

This time, the gray pterosaur only gave them less than half an hour to rest before suddenly catching up with the dragon's roar.

"Boys, speed up! Speed ​​up!"

Ackerman suddenly felt the pressure doubled, but he couldn't realize that he couldn't confront the pterosaur head-on, and immediately encouraged his companions to accelerate to the limit again.

A formation of more than ten sand trucks ran at high speed in the desert of death, and the sand on both sides retreated rapidly.

The team goes deeper into the desert of death than planned.

Lillian held on to the mechanical compass, patiently waiting for the team to escape from the pursuit of the pterosaur, and then adjusted the direction according to the latest instruction results.

This time, Ackerman also led the team to throw off the pursuit of the pterosaur after more than ten minutes.

But the emotions of the team members are far from as passionate as the previous two times.

Ackerman himself looked extremely gloomy.

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

The first condition to completely get rid of an air overlord in the desert of death is that the air overlord does not regard them as prey that must be hunted.

Otherwise, no matter how they escape, they will be found again and again!


Just a quarter of an hour later, the gray pterosaur appeared again! This time, the interval was further shortened!

Ackerman looked tense, but he could only bite the bullet and call everyone to speed up, and sprinted forward at the limit speed again.

But in his heart, he already had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, after successfully getting rid of the gray pterosaur this time, it reappeared only ten minutes later, and then fled at full speed again!

As a result, the entire team keeps moving at a very high speed.

Thanks to Ackerman's superb command, they did not deviate from the correct route. But the sand car drivers were exhausted one by one. The gray pterosaur didn't disappear in a sympathetic manner.

When the sand riders took a sigh of relief, it appeared again!

"Lilian, do you have a familiar feeling?" Ali Baba asked calmly.

Lilian's complexion was not very good either, she said in a deep voice, "It's like a cat catching a mouse, it's playing tricks on us!"

Ali Baba nodded, looked up at the [fossil pterosaur], and said: "It has never really come down, and we have never fought against it, do you think it is possible..."

But as soon as Ali Baba said a few words, Ackerman, with his ears pricked up, roared angrily: "If you miss, you can go and die yourself! I will not accompany you! Brothers, go at full speed!"

The sand truck team fled at full speed again. The dust is still rolling, but the hearts of the people are no longer cohesive.

[Finally finished writing, I have been sitting for a whole day, brothers, vote monthly, good night! 】


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