The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 1084 Dak Dimon and Wine and Beauty (4K)


Chapter 1084 Dak Dimon and Wine and Beauty (4K)

In the middle of the night, the moonlight is hazy, and the figures are blurred.

Seeing a lightning-like back kick from the one-horned black horse, it kicked the flying black shadow into the air, then slammed into the wall hard, and slid down like a puddle of mucus.

Dak suddenly opened the curtain, and saw a black shadow paralyzed there. Touch porcelain?

of course not.

The wave of magic power that came just now was obviously a spiritual spell, but the spell was too shallow to affect it at all.

And let alone him, even Emma was never affected. "Luna."

Darke muttered in a low voice, and the [Moon God's Soul] emerged from his body, passed directly through the carriage, and flew in front of the black shadow. Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up.

[Soul of the Moon God] can switch between virtual and real, and indeed has the ability to pass through walls. The figure lifted up by it was suddenly awakened by a strong sense of suffocation, but what followed was an even stronger suffocation, as well as an unspeakable great fear.

The haze of death suddenly shrouded, and even the pain of being dismantled was buried by fear.

Dak asked Ashe and Emma to be vigilant, and then took [Xie Mi] out of the carriage, and came to the man in two or three steps, staring closely.

"It's that person at noon!"

Emma, ​​who was lying on the window, suddenly called out.

Dak immediately realized that this was the murderer who used hypnosis to kill. He showed no mercy to the attacker.

"Give him a breath, don't kill him." Duck reminded.

[Soul of the Moon God] let go of his fingers slightly, letting fresh air pour into his throat

The man suddenly coughed and struggled, but in the face of the absolute power gap, he looked ridiculously like a toad.

"How did you escape, and why did you attack us?" Dak looked into his eyes and asked seriously.

Then, without waiting for the man to answer, he patted his temple lightly.

Spiritual power and magic power poured in instantly, and the [Soul Lost Curse] was triggered.

He twirled his fingers again, and actually squeezed out a wisp of air bubbles from his brain

With the promotion of [Death Art] to the intermediate level, Dak's control over mental power became more and more powerful, and he actually extracted the memory that surfaced from the surface of his brain without using the [Magic Brain Dropper].

The point is to highlight a convenience, despite the irreversible brain damage it would cause.


Dak crushed the bubble, and immediately knew how this person escaped.

After all, he is a native of Fenghuang City, and he is a circus magician who has mastered a little spiritual magic. He has a very wide network of contacts. With a little spiritual magic and bribery, he bribed one of the guards and escaped smoothly. .

The first time he escaped, he wanted to kill the cheating woman who hadn't been killed yet, but on the way, he happened to find Emma who had solved the case, and immediately became murderous, and followed him all the way.

Seeing that the carriage was about to drive into Suzaku Street, he couldn't bear it and finally made a move, and was kicked away by the unicorn black horse reflexively like touching porcelain.

After learning the truth, Duck pondered for a while, then groped his hands into his arms for a while, and then took out a small cup.

This cup is so small that it can only hold a sip of wine. The body of the cup is made of copper, with patterns engraved on it. When held in the hand, it feels unusually cold.

"Is this the thing that gave you the courage to attack a magister?" Duck looked at it carefully against the moonlight, quite interested.

There is an unseen rune engraved on the bottom of this wine glass. According to the magician's memory, it can enable a person without any magical talent to master superficial spiritual spells and strengthen them.

Once the cup is removed, the circus magician can no longer perform hypnotism.

"Take it as the mental damage fee caused by your attack on us." Duck sealed the wine glass in a bag, put it in the bag, and signaled [Soul of the Moon God] to pick up the confused magician and head towards the interior of Suzaku Street. go.

When he approached the carriage, Emma carefully poked her head out and asked, "How is it?"

Dak said: "Only one person happened to see you and felt revengeful.

In this world of murder at every turn, detective behavior is indeed too dangerous, and it is very easy to call disaster.

Fortunately, this magician is really weak and has no companions, so what happened tonight should be the end.

03 Suzaku Street. "Bang bang bang." Duck knocked on the door.

After a while, Ronald Broheim opened the door and came out with a look of astonishment

Duck briefly explained a few words, and Ronald suddenly understood, and immediately took over the murderer: "Did you ask who helped him escape?"

Duck said a name.

Ronald's expression became a little serious, and he tied the murderer into a rice dumpling in twos and twos, and then took him to the police station.

Dake didn't want to continue to join the cooperation, so he declined the company.

After that, he sent Emma back to No. 32 Suzaku Street, agreed to leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and returned to the hotel room he had reserved.

After entering the room, Dak and Ashe took a bath alternately, and then ordered him to activate the [Consonance Art], briefly explaining what happened here.

At the other end of [Consonance Art] are Ai Li and Ms. Jasmine. The two of them did not expect that the young master caught a criminal as soon as he went out.

After Ms. Jasmine found out, she immediately told him to be careful and careful

Dak nodded yes, then hung up


Then he sat under the quilt, facing the moonlight coming in from the window, playing with the little wine glass.

"Since it's a wine glass, it should hold wine." Dake's mind moved, and an idea suddenly came to him.

This wine glass can actually make a person who does not understand magic gain magical talent, so what if the holder is a magician or a magister who is inherently talented?


Ashe bought a bottle of wine from outside, and also brought a dinner plate by the way. Duck put the dinner plate on the bed, put the wine glass on it, and poured the red wine.

The wine sank to the bottom, and the drinking on the glass gave off a faint fluorescence. Then the wine suddenly sank and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Dak continued pouring wine.

As a result, the entire bottle of wine was absorbed, and the wine glass remained unchanged except for a little red light.

But he was pleasantly surprised.

This means that his method is probably right.

Sure enough, after changing to water or other tea, it can't trigger its ability

This cup is definitely a wine glass, but I don't know how much wine it takes to fill it up. Duck became curious, so he asked Ashe to buy more wine, and poured it bottle by bottle.

But the inside of the wine glass looked like a moon, but the red light emitted became brighter and brighter.

Qian Duo willful, continue to drink.

With a flash of inspiration, Dak asked Ashe to pour the wine into the washbasin, and then put the wine glass in. Sure enough, the effect was the same, and the wine was quickly absorbed.

But in this way, the speed of pouring wine will not only increase by 10 to 20%. After about half an hour of continuous pouring, the red light on the glass finally stabilized, and the poured wine never disappeared.

Dak took back the wine glass and looked at it carefully, and a very strong aroma of wine came to his nostrils, making people intoxicated.

Taking a breath closer, even he felt a slight trance

But other than that, it's pretty much useless.

The first thing he thought of was that this wine glass had the ability to purify the wine into a higher level of fine wine, just like the [pot pot].

But the aroma of the wine is there, but the wine has not returned.

However, he had an extremely strong premonition that this wine glass would be of great use! "Speaking of wine, it is Dionysus, the God of Dionysus. Could it be that this wine glass is related to the God of Dionysus?"

Dak guessed out of thin air, and then shook his head to deny that there was no divine aura in this wine glass, not like a fetish.

Of course, there are also insufficient conditions and the possibility of failure to unblock. Or the time is too long, obliterating its divinity.

But anyway it's a good thing.

To be able to get a treasure by accident on the first day of going out can be called going out auspiciously. This expedition should be a lucky star.

June 12th, eight o'clock in the morning.

【Luna Car】Slowly stopped at the gate of No. 32 Suzaku Street. Immediately, the door of the room opened wide, and Emma walked out surrounded by her parents, with a big bag in her hand, a little embarrassed.

"I've said it all, I'm going on an adventure, don't make it look like you're going on an outing... We have food, clothing, housing and transportation..."

Emma was still complaining when she was pushed out the door. "Good morning, Aunt Thelma."

"Good morning, Uncle George."

Duck greeted him one after another, then took the bundle from Emma, ​​and directly put it on the carriage.

Anyway, he has transportation, and he doesn't have such a little thing.

Selma and George immediately looked "Look how nice he is" on their faces, and showed expressions of hatred for Emma.

Emma made a fuss, and boarded the carriage with a snap. "Then let's go." Duck said to Emma's parents. "Go, be careful." George Metis instructed. Selma also repeatedly urged, safety first.

Duck responded repeatedly, and then returned to the carriage, this time he directly boarded [Fairytale Animal·Little Rabbit] to drive.

A silvery white flame appeared from the hooves of the one-horned black horse, and it was already in the air as soon as it stepped out.

[Moon God's Chariot] Unfolding the enchantment of night travel, the speed of the carriage increased sharply, and it reached the sky in a few seconds.

The scenery on the ground shrunk rapidly, the houses became boxes, and the figures disappeared.

After confirming the direction, Duck commanded [Fairy Tale Animal Little Rabbit] to accelerate the flight.

The desert of death is far away, and he and Emma have drawn up a long way. But if you can bypass the territory of the orc tribes and towns, you will save more time and reach the desert of death faster.

It is estimated that the itinerary will take nearly two days, because [Fairy Tale Animal·Little Rabbit] does not need sleep and can travel day and night.

Dak and Emma will also stay together in the small carriage for two days and one night.

Darke didn't care, he had the experimental notes in hand, and couldn't stop for days and nights.

Emma will not be bored by it, she is also a person who can read alone without sleep.

Both of them have rich experience in "how to pass the time alone", let alone this time there are two people, so naturally they will not feel boring.

After Duck set off, he took out his wine glass and explained the research results of last night with Emma in detail.

Emma picked up the wine glass and looked at it for a long time, until a blush appeared on her cheeks, before returning it to Duck in a hurry.

She is a little drunk.

Just smelling the aroma of wine can make people drunk. Duck withdrew his wine glass.

Emma raised her head and said, "No wonder I saw [Secret Qi] entangled on that magician's body yesterday."

The [Secret Qi] of [Sage of Mystery] can guide her to find the "Secret Treasure" that is beneficial to her.

But as soon as Dak was by his side, that perception was gone.

It will be disturbed by the cloud-like dense [Secret Qi] wrapped around Dak, making her unable to look elsewhere.

Now that the wine glass is in her hand, she can also see [Secret Qi] floating on the wine glass.

This cup is good for her.

In a flash of inspiration, she suddenly felt moved, and immediately turned around, took out the notebook from her backpack, and quickly flipped through it.

After a while, Emma showed Duck the notebook that had turned to a certain page, and said excitedly: "Look at this, I read it in one of the books, a wine merchant walked through the desert and encountered Seth more than once. Beast. Travelers in other records only met once at most, but this wine merchant encountered three or four times in a row, so he avoided several disasters. I thought it was just a coincidence, but what if it wasn't a coincidence?"

Dak looked at the notes she copied, and couldn't help frowning slightly: "So, the set beast actually has the characteristic of drinking? And then we got such a wine glass that can emit the fragrance of wine before we went out? If that's the case, no Don’t you think it’s too much of a coincidence?”

Emma raised an argument subconsciously: "Throughout the ages, which one of the experiences of those great adventurers is not full of coincidences? This is not the guidance of fate, but a harbinger of the inevitable success of this trip."

Emma's words are quite far-fetched.

But after careful reflection, there is some truth to it.

However, Dak Dimon, who has just experienced the trip to the [Heavenly Court], will not take these so-called "destiny" for granted.

Behind the obvious destiny, there is usually a pen writing the trajectory. Duck would rather believe that some kind of will delivered the wine glass to their hands.

But as Emma said, without this will, how can we find the El Dorado ruins that others have searched for thousands of years but have not been able to find?

In the language used by prophets, El Dorado is about to be unearthed! And he and Emma just happened to meet.

This is the so-called "fate guide".

Two days in a row.

Dak is immersed in the research in the car. When a topic encounters a bottleneck, he changes to another topic and continues to study. After getting inspiration, he continues the previous research o

After so many repetitions, he intuited that he had made breakthroughs in the secondary refining research of [Yagu Beast] and [Gabu Beast], and only one experiment was missing.

And the research of [Holy Soldier Curse] has advanced several stages again, and it is no longer far from success.

This time the expedition returns, it is estimated that it will not take long before the research can be completed

What bothered him the most was actually the compilation of Mathematics II. It was a real chore.

Two days later at night, the [Moon God's Chariot] landed silently in the night and drove into the first oasis on the edge of the desert of death.

[I got 2,000 more monthly tickets yesterday, thank you very much, although it is enough to write in the blink of an eye, I am still very grateful. The bounty continues today until 24:00. )

[The last day to recycle the guaranteed monthly pass and blade, don't miss it! 】


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