The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 1029 The Miracle of Dak Dimon and Diana


Chapter 1029 The Miracle of Dak Dimon and Diana

late at night.

Principal's office.

Even the strong aroma of black tea could not dispel the gloom between Principal Arte's brows.

The leader of this exchange and learning activity—Professor Hopkins stood in front of her with cold sweat all over his face.

Because the principal's daily personality is so good, it is difficult for the students and new professors of St. Mary's College to feel her majesty.

But the professors who have served in the college for a long time know how terrifying it is when she really gets angry.

But today's matter has not reached that level.

Professor Hopkins wiped off his cold sweat properly, and said quickly: "The thing is... Justin Wayne stayed at the Academy of the Mysteries of the Holy Order out of his own will."

"Oh?" Principal Arte frowned slightly, and said, "Why, he still has something to do last night? In that case, you can actually wait..."

"That's not the case." Professor Hopkins took a sneak peek and said, "Actually, he intends to transfer."

"Transfer?" Headmaster Arte leaned back in his chair, tapped his fingers on the table, and pondered, "Let me think about it, Justin that kid...the one from the second-year Knight Academy...well, Witte, what do you think of Justin's situation?"

Whit Gold and Betty Berry stand on the left and right sides of Hopkins.

He was not nervous, and said directly: "Justin's idea is easy to guess, he just wants to be a paladin. This time, he also volunteered to join the team because he wanted to know how to become a paladin. .”

"Is that so?" Principal Alter looked at Professor Hopkins. Professor Hopkins said: "That's the case. He entered the Holy Knight Academy after he arrived at the Holy Order Mystery Academy. I often talk about him with a professor who teaches him. It seems that he has studied well."

Hearing this, Principal Arte's face has completely returned to normal. Not only is she not angry, but she is concerned: "Then he is rejected by other students in the Holy Knight Academy?"

Professor Hopkins glanced at Werther.

Werther couldn't help sighing: "Among the three of us, he is the most popular one. I always thought he was really suitable for the Holy Knight Academy, but I didn't expect him to be able to make up his mind to apply for a transfer school. Maybe this is also related to him. It must have something to do with passing the Sword in the Stone trial."

"The trial of the sword in the stone... is getting more and more interesting." Principal Arte said with a smile, "Since it's just like this, then sit down and talk about what you have experienced in the academy. Well, pick something convenient to say That’s enough.”

Seeing her like this, Professor Hopkins finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly took Werther and Betty to sit down on the other side of the sofa. They didn't know each other before they set off, but during the month of living together in the Holy Church Mystery Academy, they obviously already had a teacher-student relationship.

Duck sat on the sofa opposite them, gave way to Professor Lily who came out at some point, and ate the melon openly.

To be honest, he was also quite interested in what interesting things Werther had experienced in the Holy Church Mystery Academy.

It's surprising, though, that Justin Wayne managed to pass the Sword in the Stone trial!

"If there is a chance, I really want to try it... Well, let the magic elves!"

So, Dak drank the black tea made by Professor Sylph himself, ate the small snacks presented by Principal Arte, resisted Professor Lily's harassment, and listened to the three of Werther talking about their experience in the Academy of Sacred Mysteries. Experience the story.

One month, whether it is long or not, is not short. It mainly depends on their own subjective wishes.

During the month that Witt Gould was an exchange student at the Academy of the Holy Order, the outside world had turned upside down, but he didn't feel it inside the academy.

For him, his study life at the Academy of Holy Religion and Mysteries was rather boring on the whole.

Professor Hopkins started and handed the "microphone" to Werther.

Werther got the "microphone" and started talking endlessly. Just like St. Marian's College, they also have a welcome party in the Holy Church Mystery College.

That night, as if they had received special orders from the professor of the Academy, the students of the Academy of Holy Cults and Mysteries behaved so politely that they couldn't help shouting in their hearts: "This is the Holy Cult!"

But as the evening wore on, the politeness at the party suddenly turned into apathy and disregard.

The three of Werther were divided into three branches like the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter. Betty Murray entered the Holy Lady, Justin Wayne entered the Holy Knight, and Whit Gold was naturally the Holy Son.

Unlike the warm and friendly St. Marian College, they encountered cold violence from all the students on the first day of class.

But after all, it's just cold violence, and other than that, I haven't been bullied too much

This somewhat shows that the quality of the students of the Academy of Holy Religion and Mysteries is still there. People who don't like it just ignore it, that's almost how it feels. After failing to make friends with people at the beginning, Werther was also happy to be quiet, and directly began to inquire about the location and entry requirements of the Sword in the Stone trial and the Holy Soul Spring.

But the courses at the Holy Son's Academy were more arduous than he expected.

Only through comparison can we know how happy the students of St. Marian College are.

In short, he was overwhelmed by the heavy etiquette and theology lessons in two days.

etiquette lessons

The middle, the minutiae, let him know what to do.

And the large amount of content that must be memorized in the theology class also made him feel ashamed. This made most of his initial time when he entered the Holy Religion Mystery Academy wasted.

It turned out that Senior Betty had collected all the information about the Sword in the Stone trial and the Holy Soul Spring and gave it to him.

As for Professor Hopkins... After all, he is not a figure like the chief archbishop, and it is basically difficult to move an inch in the Academy of Holy Cult Mysteries, and his mobility is not even as good as the three students.

However, in a different place, Hopkins, as the team leader professor, can be said to be the spiritual support of the students. Therefore, although he is in a mess, he always maintains calm and calm on the surface, giving the students great spiritual support.

Therefore, he cannot be said to be useless.

At least there are 10 people a month in the cafeteria to take up meals. Let's skip this matter for now.

"Wait, are you still cooking for the little ones?" Principal Arte asked suddenly.

So the "matter" that was not mentioned for the time being was brought up again. Professor Hopkins said with some embarrassment: "Isn't this idle? And compared to those priests, the chefs in the cafeteria are much easier to talk to. I have dug out a lot of secrets from them."

Professor Lily's eyes lit up, she bit a biscuit and said, "What what? What secret?"

Professor Hopkins had no choice but to say: "For example, [Saint of the Battlefield] Jena Joan of Arc, especially likes to eat Muggles. The chief archbishop, Caleb Norris, turned out to be a supporter of salty tofu brains...heretical!"

Professor Lily asked: "What about the Pope?"

"He did not eat in the college cafeteria," Professor Hopkins said.

"Cough cough cough!" Senior Betty attracted attention, "Let me talk about it next. I receive a little less attention than the professor and Werther, and the scope of action is a bit larger..."

Betty Murray played an irreplaceable key role in the entire exchange and learning activities.

Because almost all the information was collected by her...

Werther is the focus, Justin is obsessed with paladins, and only she can do things for the society.

Before leaving the Academy of Holy Religion and Mysteries, relying on her own charisma, she established a fairly deep friendship with two students of the Saintess Academy, and she was going to develop into a pen pal.

The two main purposes of Werther's trip are the holy soul spring and the trial of the sword in the stone. Among them, the [Sword in the Stone] trial was unexpectedly a public trial.

Any student of the Holy Cult Mystery Academy can participate in the [Sword in the Stone] trial after meeting the conditions.

Witte naturally meets almost all conditions, except for the seals obtained from the professors.

There are three professors in the Academy of Sacred Teachings and Mysteries who are in charge of the [Sword in the Stone] trial. Only with their approval and three seals can they enter the [Sword in the Stone] trial.

Therefore, after confirming the information, Werther and Justin found the three professors together, accepted the tasks assigned by the three professors, and began to work hard for them.

And Betty began to look for [Sacred Soul Spring].

[Sacred Soul Spring] is different from the trial of [Sword in the Stone], it does not exist in a specific location.

In the Academy of Holy Religion Mysteries, it turns out that only the "destined people" can find the 【Holy Soul Spring】.

At first, Betty felt that the rumor was false, after all, it is impossible for [Sacred Soul Spring] to be so casual.

But as she got to know more, she gradually discovered...the rumors turned out to be true

Moreover, the main function of [Sacred Soul Spring] is not to repair the soul, but to wash and purify the soul, making the power of the soul more pure.

Only with a pure soul can one be favored by the gods.

Anyway, that's what it says.

Forced to be helpless, Betty could only sneak out of the dormitory every night to look for it. At first she was looking for it alone.

Then bring Werther to look for it together. Finally found her.

But she and Werther didn't know who was the "destined one" until they finished soaking in the spring water and left.

The matter of [Sacred Soul Spring] is full of luck and metaphysical elements.

Exploring the Holy Cult Mystery Academy late at night is also a very scary and exciting thing.

They've had a lot of adventures because of it, but it doesn't fit here—one to name a few.

Relatively speaking, the [Sword in the Stone] trial seemed a lot more dull. Werther and Justin worked together to complete the tasks of the three professors, got the seal, and entered the trial ground.

The final place of the Land of Trials is a battlefield full of countless swords

The land where the battlefield is located, as well as all the swords, are surrounded by a very special force.

It was also that power that petrified the entire trial world. And if you want to enter that battlefield, you have to bear the risk of being petrified by that force.

Only by finally finding the [Holy Sword] among thousands of "Stone Swords" can petrification be stopped.

So just taking that step requires unparalleled courage. Werther and Justin all stepped out.

Then the two of them passed the [Sword in the Stone] trial at the same time!

For the Holy Cult Mystery Academy, passing the [Sword in the Stone] trial is an extremely special symbol.

Both Witte and Justin gained respect after that. But they are all respect, and there are differences between people. Justin was supported by his classmates from the Holy Knight Academy,

Werther, on the other hand, remained the same.

"Justin Wayne, born to be a paladin!" Judy Murray couldn't help but exclaim


There was nothing abrupt about Justin Wayne standing among the students of the Holy Knight Academy.

Witt Gold is obviously an outlier among the students of the Holy Son. It is no wonder that there is such an obvious gap in the treatment of the two of them. And things have progressed here, and it is almost over.

The purpose of the group of them to come to the Holy Church Secret Academy has basically been achieved

As for what happened to Justin Wayne in the last few days before the end of the exchange and learning activities, and what made him finally decide to apply for a transfer school, that is beyond the knowledge of the three present.

After all, it was his personal behavior, the result of his own decision to sit down, and he had to pay for it himself.

St. Marian's College is not a college that has no capacity for people. For those who want to transfer schools out of their own will, they will generally choose to cooperate.

It's just that letting go of a potential stock that got the [Sword in the Stone] like this still makes people feel distressed.

Professor Sylph was not too happy.

It formed a very sharp contrast with the expression of [Blood Princess] beside her.

[Blood Lady] Of course Ophelia Bullard is happy. After all, Werther is the biggest beneficiary of this business. Not only is his soul healed, but he also got a [Sword in the Stone].

— [Sword in the Stone] is not necessarily all [Holy Sword].

But the [Sword in the Stone] that can be chosen by the [Brave] must be the [Holy Sword].

Today, Werther Gold finally got the first [Holy Sword] in his life.



"We'll talk about Justin tomorrow. You must be very tired after traveling day and night, so let's all go to rest."

After listening to the story, Principal Arte finally let the three of Professor Hopkins go

The three left quickly, followed by Ophelia Bullard

In the principal's office, only the principal and vice-principal and Dak Dimon... and a little Lily!

"come here."

Not long after Werther and the others left, Principal Arte waved at Duck.

Duck stood up obediently and walked to the desk.

Headmaster Arte was mysterious, and suddenly pulled out a jar of bright red liquid from under the table and put it on the table.

For the first time, Dak almost thought it was a local tomato sauce brought to Victoria.

But it's not just real blood, it's also god's blood! "God's blood?" Duck asked in surprise.

Principal Arte nodded and smiled: "That's right. And this bottle is the blood of Ares, the god of war! Take it, this is the one that will be shared with you."

Of course Dak would not refuse, he reached out and took the bottle of God of War Ares' blood in his hand.

"The Brave, Joan of Arc, the Soul of the God of War, the Blood of the God of War...the Holy Cult has a lot of things related to Ares, the God of War."

"But now, we also have it." Principal Arte smiled and said, "Go and feed your [sword scabbard] with this bottle of divine blood, and it will turn it back into a real divine weapon."

Duck nodded: "Understood."

Back then, the [Demeter Skirt] on Professor Sylph had absorbed enough Demeter's blood, which turned it into a key that could open the door to the [Heavenly Court].

This shows that [Demeter's Dress] has indeed undergone fundamental changes after absorbing the blood of the gods.

Although from the current point of view, it is still impossible to know what the essence of the change is, but it will always be useful in the future.

Moreover, Dak really needs a usable weapon.

He readily accepted the bottle of [God of War's Blood], and continued to watch Principal Arte distribute the spoils.

This time, the Holy Church did pay a considerable price in order to keep Audrey Joan of Arc.

The [Blood of God of War] obtained by Dak is only a small part of those costs.

There are many others, and most of them are things that professors want but can't ask for.

In addition, there are some costs that are not in kind, which will make St. Mary's College take the initiative in the follow-up exchanges with the Holy Church.

But after distributing the spoils, the expression on Principal Arte's face gradually became serious again.

"This time, Justin Wayne chose to stay at the Academy of Holy Order Mysteries. Although it was a voluntary act, he would not have done so without sufficient guarantees. After tonight, let someone check who is in The paladins who teach at the Academy of Holy Cults and Mysteries dare to steal from our Saint Marian Academy!"

"Understood." Professor Sylph replied flatly.

They are happy to see students actively choose the truth they want to follow. But of course, he will not turn a blind eye to those who are instigating behind that.


Duck took an opportunity to leave the principal's office and returned to the dormitory first. The first time I opened the door and walked in, I saw a [blue-eyed girl] sitting at a desk reading a book.

It is holding a scroll, its upper body is slightly sideways, and its long silver-white hair hangs down straight like a waterfall, exuding an intellectual and graceful temperament.

But when Da Ke walked into the room, she turned her head suddenly, destroying that temperament completely.

"It looks pretty good when it's quiet."

Thinking regretfully, Dak took out the [Blood of the God of War] and temporarily put it in a drawer.

Let's look at the matter of feeding the [sword scabbard] later, he has to take the [blue-eyed girl] to the grove to learn more about it.

"Cute beast, super evolution!"

Pink radiance from 【Elysium 4】

Instant burst. A corner of the dense forest was illuminated at that moment like a fairy tale forest. [Cute Beast] narrowed its eyes, and evolved into a [Fairy Beast] in the light of [Bliss].

Then it reached out and snapped its fingers, and summoned the [Fairy Barrier]! At that moment, Dak immediately looked at the [Blue-Eyed Girl] and said, "It's time to start."

[Girl with blue eyes] raised her head suddenly, and let out a dragon's roar from her throat.

It opened its arms, and its body instantly turned into a white light and flew towards the sky. When the white light flew into the air, it suddenly bloomed, and the slender dragon wings stretched out from the shining light, and instantly stretched to the wings of the giant dragon!


【Blue-Eyes Girl】 roared as if venting, and she has completely transformed into 【Blue-Eyes White Dragon】!

This [Blue-Eyed Girl]'s [Blue-Eyed Incarnation] can last for a full fifteen minutes.

Moreover, it is different from the [Blue-eyed Avatar] of [Blue-eyed Sub-White Dragon] in that its [Blue-eyed Avatar] is closer to reality, which is more conducive to the research of directional refinement.

But only fifteen minutes is indeed too little. Dak didn't even touch every corner of its body. It has already retreated from [Blue-Eyes Avatar]. "It's a pity, but I can only come back tomorrow night."

Dak grabbed the [Cute Beast] that degenerated almost at the same time, and walked out of the dense forest.

From [Little Evil Beast] to [Pot Pot] to [Blue-Eyed White Dragon]. His research on directional refining has deepened step by step, and now he has finally reached this step.

Although it is still very difficult to walk through this road, Dak already has a clear plan, and he is no longer a headless chicken.

Research on [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] must start with obtaining deep information. But getting deeper information takes time.

He has this patience and will not be too anxious because of it.

As for the free time during this period, it is just used for the review of the final assessment.

Today is Wednesday.

Since the final topics of the two elective courses were announced last Thursday, the final assessment requirements for all courses have been given up to now.

Most of the seniors have already been in the hell of reviewing since this afternoon.

Although Dak was a little late, he planned to spend the next two days on reviewing.

In addition, although he took a tricky approach, he actually completed the final project of the [Alchemy Class] a long time ago.

- The final assessment of the [Alchemy Class] is to require the students to refine a [Pseudo-level] golem that is close to the academy's patrol golem before the exam week begins.

And the [Little Magneton] that Dak had refined before actually met the standard. Therefore, after a little communication with Professor Kazel, he passed the most troublesome and time-consuming [Alchemy Class] subject ahead of schedule.

But the condition is that in the next school year, a [simulation level] golem must be added

[Simulation level] The structure of the golem is almost the same as that of real life, and there is almost no difference between it and real life. The intelligence level is super 3.

The most typical example is [Secret Puppet].

For the vast majority of alchemists, [Pseudo-level] is already the end point. If you want to refine a [Simulation-level] golem, you need talent and luck... Forget it, it's impossible!

Therefore, the final assessment of [Alchemy Class] is only to refine a [Pseudo-level] golem.

But Dak has the innate condition to refine [simulation-level] golems, and the mastery of this technology has always been within his plan.

After all, his ultimate goal is to refine a [real level] golem that is one level higher than the [realistic level]!

Therefore, he really complied with Professor Kazel's request and bought himself more time at the end of the semester.

Relatively speaking, the final assessment of [Astrology Class] is more difficult. Dak is ready... to find a way to deal with it when the time comes!


Starting from this Thursday, [elective courses] are mainly self-study. Although the professors will also be present, they are only responsible for solving doubts, leaving all the students in the classroom to the students.

Duck simply didn't go to the [Alchemy Class], but spent a whole day reviewing in the reading room of the library before being forced to go to the top of the Spiral Bell Tower to continue the [Astrology Class].

When he came out of the [Astrology Class] classroom, Diana and Rose were already waiting for him in the club room.

Everyone is very busy at the end of the term, Katrina and Britney-senpai have not appeared in the club classroom for a while.

However, Katrina-senpai, as the [Potion Science] professor of the magic elves, did not forget to arrange the final project.

So when Dake came to the club classroom, he was severely smoked by the stench mixed with countless medicinal herbs.

Diana was instructing [Wrestling Eagleman] to cook the medicinal materials, and immediately put aside the things over there, and trotted towards Dak.

Duck knew from the expression on her face that there must be some good news. "What could it be?"

Thoughts were spinning in Duck's mind.

Then I heard Diana shouting excitedly: "Dakdak, I have learned [gathering Qi]!"


Dak's mind skipped a beat for a moment. "I actually learned it!"

[Gathering Qi] is the ultimate skill of [Apprentice Xiong] - an additional skill of [Martial Arts], and it is also a way to use "Qi".

But to say a thousand words and ten thousand, it is the nirvana of the magic wizard. Although Darke spoke clearly and logically at the time, when he thought about it afterwards, he would suddenly feel that he was really


So in the period after that, he didn't pay much attention at all. Presumably Diana, who is busy with various matters at the end of the term, should not have so much time to study.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before Diana actually learned one of the nirvana skills!

【Air Gathering】!

Humans have learned the nirvana of magic elves!

This is a miracle that can make headlines just by talking about it. Dake took a deep breath, and said: "How did you learn it, tell me." Diana stopped abruptly in front of him, and proudly said with her hands behind her back: "It's not a big deal, I let [Apprentice Xiong] Demonstrate it to me a few times, and I will learn it by watching."

Duck: "..." That's great.

"Come with me and watch me demonstrate."

Diana walked in front, and Duck followed behind. Rose shook her head while watching this scene. If she could learn it after watching it a few times, it would be like a sow can climb a tree.

After a while, Duck followed Diana to the open space in the middle of the floor.

[Dragon Dragon Grass] soaked in the fountain pool poked its head out very sensitively, and made an intimate call towards the two of them.

Duck said, "Is it okay?"

Diana stopped, turned to face him, and said with a slightly solemn expression: "It's all right. Look carefully!"

After finishing speaking, she retreated slightly with one foot, and slowly raised her right hand, facing Dak with her white and jade-like palm, and then suddenly turned to one side, like clasping palms together.

Immediately afterwards, she began to gather her energy, her expression more serious than ever before.


After a while, she suddenly let out a low cry, her silver hair raised slightly backwards, and a transparent wave of air suddenly ignited on her right palm!

Dak's brows twitched, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't move away from staring at her palm.

After all, he had practiced qi and learned martial arts, so he naturally knew what Diana's behavior at this time represented.

——The "Qi" mastered by humans in this world and the true Qi in martial arts stories are two concepts.

In principle, they can only flow in the warrior's body, strengthening the body like strengthening magic.

Only by opening the seventh chakra - [Vatican Chakra], can the "Qi" be released and a powerful "Position" be formed.

But the so-called release of "qi" here to form "momentum" is still not the same as "release of true energy" in the concept of martial arts.

However, the [Qi Gathering] used by Diana has completely subverted the concept of "Qi" and truly released her own "Qi" from her right palm!

The "sword qi" and "sword qi" in our usual concepts are the extension of this kind of external release.

Duck hesitated for a moment, then drew a magic card from the card pack, summoned a three-star [Magic Beast: Ditto], and ordered it to transform into a human form.

"Come on, try it."

As he said that, he let the changeling monster rush towards Diana,


Diana let out a little excitement, moved forward, and fiercely slashed at the Diversified Monster with a hand knife.


The chest of the Divers was cut off from left to right in an instant! Then it turned into magic power and disappeared.


Diana stopped in her tracks, and muttered clearly dissatisfied. On her right palm, there is still the released Qi, which makes the outer edge of her palm become as sharp as a knife.

Obviously, there is already a prototype of "air blade". "awesome!"

Duck clapped his hands and praised.

Diana flicked her hand, and immediately smiled like a flower.

Dak said: "This [Gathering Qi] is used by human warriors. It can replace weapons and extend the distance of unarmed attacks. Maybe it can be added to weapons to make them sharper."

Diana nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, that's it! It's really powerful."

Dak said: "Then how can I learn it?"

Diana patted her chest hard: "Of course I learned from Diana!

Dak said: "There is still a little time tonight, can you teach me?"

Diana smiled from ear to ear: "Of course." Duck immediately tried to learn.

Then he quickly realized that [Qi Gathering] was not an easy skill to learn.

He almost copied it, and did what Diana said, not to mention releasing the "qi", not even a "qi eye".

"Don't be discouraged, persevere, the iron rod will become a needle." Diana patted Duck's shoulder like an adult, comforting.

Dake was not discouraged, and said on the spot: "In short, I have memorized the method, and I will see if it works after I am proficient."

If he can't learn it, it means that this is a nirvana that only people like Diana can learn, and it lacks the most crucial universality.

But if even he can learn it, it means that his idea is completely successful!

Of course, this doesn't squeeze his time.

He also just took out the time for morning exercise and replaced it with learning [Qi Gathering].

Back in the classroom, Darke told Diana not to neglect the final exam just because of learning these nirvana skills, so she took [Blue-Eyed Girl] to the dense forest to learn more about it.

Immediately after he left, Diana raised her hand to Rose and clenched her fist vigorously.

Rose shook her head and said helplessly, "Look at your beauty."

"Hey." Diana smiled and said, "

[Qi Gathering] is just the beginning, when I learn [Rabbit Tooth Fist] and [Storm Qi]..."

Rose said: "You might as well transfer to [Armed Forces]." Unexpectedly, Diana said directly: "This is what I think." Rose opened her mouth, showing a look of surprise.

Diana said confidently: "I've already figured it out. When this semester is over, I'll find a way to learn from Aunt Yalvette, starting with her three-in-one weapon refining method!"

Rose opened her mouth, and finally sighed: "You have already figured out your own path, but I still have no idea."

Diana said: "With Rose's words, no matter what you do, you can succeed!"

"Hey, it's not that simple." Rose said sadly, "Obviously nothing is right."

"Where is it?" Diana put her hand in her arm and hugged her tightly, "Why don't you ask Duck?"

Rose shook her head slightly, and said, "How can you ask him everything. If it's not possible, I'll just be the most orthodox magister."

After she finished speaking, she also smiled, and together with Diana said good night to the magic elves present, they left the club room.

Friday night.

Duck put down the last note and let out a hard breath.

"it is finally over!"

From Thursday morning to now, he has finally reviewed all the textbooks for the two semesters of the second grade.

I have indeed sorted out the knowledge I have learned, and completed the checking and filling of vacancies, and I have gained a lot.

Next, no matter what the final exam result is, he has worked hard—at least he will not regret it.

"Keep going, Dak!"

Dak patted his cheek hard, stood up and said. "It's time to go, [Girl with Blue Eyes]."

Saturday morning.

After Dac Dimon practiced 【Qi Gathering】for a while, he put on his coat and went out.

Today, he has a very special appointment.

The morning in May is not considered cold, but it is not yet the time for warmth. But the girl waiting under the spiral clock tower was wearing a single tulle skirt, pure and pitiful.

Dake walked towards the girl with steady steps, but the moment the girl heard the sound of footsteps, the girl subconsciously retreated into the shadow under the stairs.

"It's me." Dak said flatly.

"Huh~" Shirley Augustine breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately showed a happy expression, "Dark, you are finally here."

"Actually, you can go alone." Duck said.

"Don't be like this. When people are nervous, they always want to find someone to rely on. The only person I can rely on is you." Xue Li said.

Darke said: "Actually, the professors are also very willing to help you." Shirley Augustine waved quickly: "No, no, I can't get along with them. Stop talking, let's go. Professor Harvey said that today is the last day." As long as it succeeds... it will definitely succeed!"

Darke said: "Don't be nervous, it's just to make a body for you to parasitize. This is not difficult for Professor Harvey."

Shirley Augustine covered her mouth and said in a low voice: "But Professor Harvey said that it is not an ordinary body."

Dak was slightly curious: "What is that?"

Shirley Augustine said: "It's a body that can use magic!" Duck: "..."

Well, as long as you are happy.

Dak Dimon, had a busy day too

Back in April, Darke visited Professor Steven Harvey with Shirley Augustine.

Professor Harvey certainly welcomes him a hundred times.

And he is also very interested in helping Shirley Augustine make a physical body.

It's just that Dak meant that he was supposed to help make an ordinary body that can move normally.

But I never thought that Professor Harvey could be satisfied with an ordinary body? In addition to the gift that Shirley Augustine prepared for him to help... Professor Harvey worked even harder.

As a result, with a physical body, he insisted on making it to today.

As for Shirley Augustine's gift - it is a lost technology called [Water Phase]!

Dak didn't check it, so he didn't understand it, but it presumably was a special technique for storing corpses.

If that's the case, it is indeed quite attractive to necromancers.

Professor Harvey's laboratory is hidden behind the faculty dormitory.

The laboratory in that place is basically only used by Professor Harvey now.

He is quite happy to monopolize such a large laboratory by himself. Dark took Shirley Augustine into the secret place, and soon after, he changed into a white coat and came to the laboratory where Professor Harvey was currently in.

On the experimental bed in front of him, there is already a human body that is no different from a real person!

Alchemists create life by making golems. Necromancers create life directly with life!

The fleshy body was covered with a white robe, and only the parts above the neck were exposed—that was printed from the same mold as the face of Shirley Augustine herself!

Shirley Augustine was visibly agitated at the sight of the fleshy face

Such a human body, even if it is ordinary and mediocre, as long as it can parasitize, it will not produce any dissatisfaction.

But Professor Steven Harvey raised his hand and signaled for silence: "It's not done yet."

In other words, he is still pursuing the ultimate!

Duck stopped directly at the door, grabbed Shirley Augustine by the way, and said, "If you don't want to lose arms and legs in the future, you'd better not go there."

Shirley's expression froze suddenly, but she obediently stopped. The two waited quietly at the door of this laboratory for about half an hour before Professor Steven Harvey stopped and said, "Completed!"

Duck also walked in: "Professor, what's so special about this body?"

Professor Harvey said a little proudly: "There's nothing special about it, it's just that some ice attributes are implanted so that the parasite can manipulate it to release ice attribute magic, or... Now that it's here, let Shirley try it by herself Right. But now is not the time, at least another hour will be required before this body reaches the most suitable state for parasitism."

"Well, before that." Professor Harvey pointed to the side and said, "Let's sit there for a while."

[The last day to ask for a monthly pass, the top ten of the monthly pass. 】

"About the fact that a certain author has more than 10,000 daily updates but no one votes after becoming positive"


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