Chapter 1014 Sequence One (4K)

Not long after, only Duck and three maids were left in the shop. Pandora's schedule has always been very tight, and she belongs to the type that squeezes out water from the sponge.

And these days, because of Dake's trip, she has been unable to calm down and study hard, and the time after that must be made up for.

And Diana and Rose have just set a small goal, even if it is only a three-minute enthusiasm, they still have to work hard.

As for Aurora, the study subjects she arranged for herself are actually very full, otherwise, it would be impossible for her to stand out among the talented first-year students.

Dake's side was free for a while, and he immediately immersed himself in writing the plan

— This is the second day back to the academy, and he has to start working.

Some things are easy to say, but once written down, there are many details that have to be adjusted and fixed.

Therefore, he spent the whole afternoon writing the proposal, and then he picked up Eve's lemon black tea, sipping it while listening to her tell the stories that happened in the college during this period.

The things worthy of attention in the academy basically revolve around [Holy Son] Evan Pearson and [Saint] Audrey Joan of Arc.

But during the week that Darke and the others were away, Evan Pearson and Audrey Joan were not abnormal.

They keep their own place, as if they really came to exchange and learn. Of course, during this week, Evan Pearson still maintained the habit of challenging a senior from time to time, which really allowed him to win a few senior students.

But according to Dak's estimation, a few places ahead, he will be kicked to the iron plate

At that time, you must comfort him well.

Thinking this way, Dak asked Eve to talk about the progress of the [Golden Cup].

Although he was eliminated due to his absence, his soul is still with the 【Golden Cup】.

The top six finalists of the Gold Cup last week were [Silver Dragon Girl] Pandora Doragon from the fifth-year Academy of Magic, [Son of the Stars] Dak Dimon from the second-year Academy of Nobility, and fourth-year Fool [Future Foretelling] Philomena Bach from the Academy, the super dark horse [Battle Soul] Mars Carey from the fourth-year Knight Academy, [Daughter of Winter] Winnie Skadi from the fourth-year Academy of Magic, [Thunder Blade] Torrey Wadsworth of the fifth grade Noble House.

Winnie Skadi defeated [Dragon Slayer] Luke Becky from the sixth grade Fool's House in the loser's bracket.

[Thunder Blade] Torrey Wadsworth, who qualified first in points in the audition, also barely hit the base after defeating [Iron Warrior] Tyler Spencer, who was also in the fifth grade.

And in this week's [Golden Cup] semi-finals.

Pandora Doragon played first, and ended the super dark horse Mars Carey's road to victory with a nearly crushing situation, sending him to the loser's bracket.

Then [Foretell the Future] Philomena Bach met Dak Dimon who was not there, lucky bye.

[Spirit of Battle] Mars Carey, who was kicked out of the winner's group, met [Thunder Blade] Torrey Wadsworth after the break. In the end, after a fierce battle, he just defeated [Thunder Blade] Torrey Wadsworth.

Torrey Wadsworth, who was originally number one in points, was tragically reduced to a stepping stone and contributed an indispensable force to Mars Carey in winning the crowd

Dak Dimon, who fell into the loser group due to a defect, faced off against [Daughter of Winter] Winnie Skadi.

In the end, Winnie Skadi waited bored on stage for half an hour before being declared the winner.

As a result, the top four of the [Golden Cup] were finally decided. The final result exceeded many people's expectations.

In the end, besides Pandora Dragon, who was in the fifth grade, there were three fourth-grade students who remained on the court, and they were the Academy of Fools, the Academy of Knights, and the Academy of Magic—except that there was no Academy of Nobles!

Dak Dimon, who was originally regarded as the strongest new star in the House of Nobles, was absent for some reason, and Torrey Wadsworth, who was later called "the last hope of the village", was also upset and eliminated.

On the final day of the last week, there was not a single student from the Academy of Nobles! This tragic result made the students of the Academy of Nobles excited. The night before yesterday, they almost developed into gang fights with the students of the Academy of Knights who mocked them.

But fortunately, Professor Holder Bode was present at the time and prevented the large-scale fighting in time.

"I really hope to see blood flow into rivers..." Duck couldn't help but feel extremely regretful about this.

But when I think that I'm not here anyway, and I can't eat melons at all, it doesn't seem so bad?

Dak shook his head slightly, and then continued to make up for this week's "Daily Sage" and "Daily Clown".

Probably because the parliamentary election is really going to be on the agenda, and the two newspapers are almost making articles on this topic.

Although Dak said that he was not interested in such topics, he read them with great interest.

Building a government is still interesting!

This time, there are a full five vacant seats in the parliamentary election, which can be called the election with the best chance of becoming a parliamentarian in history.

So all kinds of ghosts and monsters were dispatched.

Newspapers published information every day that new nobles joined the council. Duck couldn't put it down, and almost forgot about tonight's meeting. In short, after dinner time, after eating a bowl of takeaway fried noodles brought by Eve, he continued to watch, and discussed with the maids who had a chance to be elected.

In a blink of an eye, it was half past seven in the evening.

Duck took the planning book, called Eve, left Traveler's Street, returned to the castle, and then walked towards the tower of the Noble Court.

Diana, Rose, Aurora, and Nix were already waiting in the common room of the tower of the Noble House.

After Duck picked them up, they walked towards the upper floor of the castle together, and then entered through the wall at the entrance of a secret passage.

Not long after, they followed Professor Sylph's guidance and came to the conference room located in the secret passage.

[Snake of Wisdom], all members of the academy, all here

Among them, even Professor Holder Bird of Sequence Eight. Yes.

Although Professor Sylph did not notify Diana and Rose, he notified Professor Holder Bird.

It can be seen that Professor Broad is indeed quite trusted.

Besides the members of [Snake of Wisdom], there were two more people from other organizations present.

One of them is [Snake God] Nix who seems to be stuck together with Aurora

There is another one, of course, is Principal Cynthia Saint Alter who will soon join [Snake of Wisdom]!

When everyone was seated at the conference table, Professor Sylph, who was sitting next to the main seat, clapped her hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet and get to the point as soon as possible.

Sitting on the main seat at this time is naturally Dak Dimon who is the "Void Lord".

Dak's chief seat is still very secure, even if Principal Arte has returned, he is not qualified to replace him.

After all, the main reason for choosing him as the apparent leader of the organization is to "check and balance".

If this position is given to Principal Arte, the meaning of checks and balances will be lost.

After everyone calmed down, Professor Sylph said, "Eve, can I project now?"

Eve glanced at Dak, nodded after receiving the signal, "It's fine."

Professor Sylve nodded slightly, then pushed a small prop in front of her to Eve's side, and said, "Adjust the position and project on this prop, their influence will appear on the vacant seat."

Eve looked at the palm-sized prop curiously, and then cast [Consonance Art] on the spot.

Alvette, Claire, who had already spoken, and Ollie, Angorie, who had already woken up, were projected onto the seats on both sides one after another.

It seems that they are also participating in this rally.

In this way, among the members of [Snake of Wisdom], only the fulcrum who is performing the spell—Irene, and Werther Gold, who is still an exchange student in the Academy of the Holy Order and Mysteries, are not present .

But Irene was actually there, and Werther didn't care. The meeting officially begins.

"As everyone thinks." Professor Sylph said, "The primary purpose of this gathering is to vote to decide whether to admit a new member.

Principal Arte blinked, raised his hand and said: "Hi everyone, I am a newcomer who volunteered to join [Snake of Wisdom], just call me Cynthia."

A trace of boredom flashed in Professor Sylph's eyes.

Among the others, some of them were really amused by her.

"Let's just follow the procedure." Professor Sylph, who was really too lazy to listen to her continue to play tricks, advanced the procedure as quickly as possible.

The first was an application for membership from Principal Cynthia St. Alter. Then the top three members of the sequence with voting rights will vote

There was no suspense about the outcome of the vote.

Principal Arte's membership is a procedure. She was originally scheduled to be a member of [Snake of Wisdom].

But just adding [Snake of Wisdom] is obviously not enough, and her sequence level must be determined next.

Professor Sylph said: "In addition to Principal Arte's sequence level, I have another proposal, which is to increase the sequence level of Professor Darke and Bode."

Leaving Dak aside for now, Professor Bode's sequence level is indeed a bit low. But it is not appropriate to directly merge him into Sequence Three.

Professor Sylph's proposal is to enter Sequence Five first and be a link between the previous and the next.

Since Sequence Five does not have voting rights, there are very few opponents

Professor Holder Bird was promoted from Sequence Eight to Sequence Five. Although Dak intended to increase the sequence levels of Diana and Rose, he gave up this obviously unfeasible proposal after careful consideration.

Immediately afterwards, it was his turn to improve his sequence. But he was already a Sequence Two, wouldn't he reach the top directly if he improved again?

[Snake of Wisdom] Sequence 1 The Big Three are Professor Sylph, Alvette, and Professor Kazel.

Dak thinks that he cannot be compared with the three of them no matter what.

However, after the voting started, he passed with unanimous votes, and jumped into the first sequence of [Snake of Wisdom].

From now on, only [Sequence 0] Elgani is left above him! But it's not over yet.

The reason why Dak was promoted to Sequence One, besides his good performance in the [Heavenly Court] trip, was also because he needed to pave the way for Principal Arte to take over.

After all, if Principal Arte is added to the original three Sequence Ones, then the academy will have too much say in the organization.

Under such circumstances, a Sequence One of the Valkyrie faction must be added to balance the forces.

And Dak Dimon became the best choice.

Therefore, Principal Arte and Darke were promoted to Sequence One at the same time, and each received

Six votes.

The personnel adjustment of [Snake of Wisdom] ends here.

After that, the meeting entered the second link, which is to jointly discuss the planning for future development.

Principal Arte started directly, telling Duck what he said before, starting with the college competition, and got unanimous approval.

Then Dak took the opportunity to express his idea of ​​the duel disk, which also gained support.

St. Mary's College will fully support him in setting up the [Magic Duel Society], and Professor Kazel will personally design a new duel disk suitable for magic duels.

He even made a very constructive proposal on the spot - for the convenience of the duel disk, make it into the shape of a metal ball, or in the form of a wristband, and then use the projection method to form the duel disk.

Once this proposal was put forward, it won the approval of most people. Duck couldn't help asking about the cost.

Professor Kazel thought for a while, and said directly: "Then make two versions."

Two versions. One is basic. The other is an upgrade.

The basic model is a physical dueling disk, because the cost is low and can be mass-produced, even ordinary magisters can afford it.

The upgraded version is a duel wristband, but after activation, it can project a duel disc, which can achieve the same effect as a physical duel disc.

In addition, on top of the mechanism of the duel board, the mechanism of the duel trading system should be added to display the bets of both parties.

This kind of change made due to different perceptions of technical power is amazing. Dak has no further objection.

After discussing for about half an hour, this side hung up the communication with the Duke's Mansion.

The gathering of the [Snake of Wisdom] ended here, but the St. Marian College meeting began.

Eve left voluntarily. Duck stayed.

The meeting was taken over by President Arte, and the content was about the selection and training of professors of the college.

The academy has to select some suitable ones from among the many professors, inform [Shinto Ceremony] in advance, and train them to become duelists!

If one of these professors passes the review, he can also absorb the [Snake of Wisdom].

Regarding the topics of the professors, Darke couldn't intervene. At most, he could say a few words for the first-year mathematics professor-Lars Meiernau.

But after the topic about the professor was over, the meeting turned to the 【Secret Snake】.

[Secret Snake] Strictly speaking, it belongs to the "Youth Training Camp" within the academy

Principal Arte hopes that Dak can assist Professor Bode to select some of them and cultivate them as real "youth training".

[It's been another year that doesn't look like a birthday. 】

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