The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 1002 Brand New Dueling Rules: Graveyard (15.5k)

Chapter 1002 Brand New Dueling Rules: Graveyard (15.5k)

Hermes is the god of commerce, with powers related to contracts, and can accurately identify equivalents.

The duel witnessed by Hermes will be added with the attribute of commodity transaction, and the ownership of the item will be exchanged.

This alone can change the rules of the existing game.

The magister cannot use most of the plundered magic cards except for general types. Although this feature protects the magister individually, it also hinders the development of the whole, making it impossible for the magisters to pass through magic cards. Exchange of cards to communicate.

After more than ten years of explosive development, the development speed of magic technology has actually slowed down again, and they have encountered a bottleneck.

In order to continue to promote the further development of magic technology, proper communication and cooperation are very necessary.

In addition to this, if the magisters want to truly embark on the path of divine enlightenment, they must obtain some other things.

That is something that pure research cannot give.

And the duel rules established by Hermes can give them the necessary elements to walk on the road to God.

He called it "God's Cause".

God's factor, God's cause!

But "God's cause" cannot be born out of thin air.

Even if Hermes succeeds in becoming the God of Magic, he will not do charity and distribute his divine cause.

But in this specific period of [Resurrection of the Gods], [God Cause] can be said to be everywhere, but humans cannot see or touch it.

And Hermes, as one of the twelve gods of Porobos, of course he can clearly see and identify [God Cause].

The ceremony to be completed on the [Tower of Endymion] is just a pawn

Based on this ceremony, he will leverage the entire human world and arrange an unprecedentedly huge world-class ceremony in the human world!

And the [God Cause] that is constantly growing now will be attracted by this super huge world-class ceremony.

All duelists participating in the ceremony are part of the ceremony.

The duel between them was a small ceremony. [God Cause] will gather due to the duel, and will be attracted by the duelist after the duel is over.

Therefore, even if the duelists have not made a contract with each other, they can still benefit from this duel.

Duelists who have obtained a large number of [Divine Causes] will naturally encounter many miracles.

Enough 【God Cause】, it is possible to attract fragments of the soul, and lodge them in the Magister's Magic Card—this is the embryonic form of the 【God Card】!

"【God Card】?"

Professor Sylph raised her finger and tapped the table lightly, using this behavior to hide her uneasiness.

When they had a thorough insight into Hermes' thoughts, it was impossible not to be shocked by this great plan.

Hermes not only wants to create a brand new divine way, but also wants to use this to attract the recovering gods and let them participate in this ceremony in the form of [God Cards]!

His dueling trading system based on the authority of the Shang God exists specifically for this purpose.

What promotes exchanges and cooperation is actually just a by-product.

What he really wanted was for the duelists to circulate the [God Card] through duels after they obtained the [God Card].

[God Cards] have self-awareness, and their personality is high enough so that they will not be restricted by the mandatory orders of the magister.

Instead, they lead the magister to a duel to collect other fragments of his soul.

As the soul gathers, the power of the god will gradually recover until it is resurrected. And duelists will also absorb and integrate more [God Causes] in this process, and truly embark on the road to becoming a god.

This set of rules can be said to be a perfect connection between the [God Card] and the Magister.

The consciousness of Hermes and the other eleven gods will become the soil for constructing this set of rules.

When the first god is resurrected because of this, when the first magister becomes a god because of this, the divine way they created will be considered truly smooth!

And they themselves will also be revived from it, and they will become [Gods of Sorcerer] in one fell swoop, returning to their peak...even beyond their peak state!

During this process, Hermes and other twelve gods' soul fragments will also participate in this world-class ceremony.

Duelists in this ceremony also have the opportunity to obtain their [God Card].

And because [Heavenly Court] is bound to the consciousness of the twelve gods. During the process of this ceremony, [Heavenly Court] will also change

In Hermes' conception, the "Heavenly Court" where they are located will eventually evolve into the Kingdom of the Sorcerer God and become a holy place for duelists.

At the time of introduction, duelists who hold the [God Card] can enter the Holy Land to worship.

If there is a chance, a [God's Cup] duel competition can even be held for duelists from all over the world.

Hermes has long coveted this kind of large-scale competitive event

He was originally a god who likes to be lively.

"Why don't we just hold the World Cup every four years!" Dak couldn't help but complain.

He found himself gradually attracted by Hermes' plan. If Hermes' plan can really be implemented.

All duelists who hold the [God Card] will pour into their

Kingdom of God, duel with duelists from all over the world in the holy place of duelists.

In this level of competition, they will not only compete for the championship, but also the god position!

Countless [God Causes] gathered together will allow them to ascend to the throne of God the moment they win the championship.

If it can be done.

Then this [God's Cup] will live up to its name, and will make the whole world boil over it!

At this time, the era of national duels may really be coming. unimaginable.

What kind of grand scene would that be?

Even without mentioning [Sorcerer Kingdom] and [God's Cup].

Hermes' plan is also very large.

In the whole ceremony, the most shocking handwriting is the effective combination of "Resurrection of the Gods" and the real ceremony.

Under such circumstances, if any gods are successfully resurrected through this ceremony, they will surely become the bricks and tiles of this Shinto, contributing to the creation of Shinto

Although those gods will not be completely classified into the magical lineage because of this, they will definitely be related to it.

Then this divine way can take advantage of the wind, expand its territory in a very short period of time, and surpass those divine ways that have existed for countless years in scale.

As the gods who created Shinto, Hermes and other twelve gods will naturally benefit a lot.

However, from his forward-looking perspective, Hermes' conception of this rule system is still a bit superficial.

Although his overall idea is advanced, some details are questionable

The [God Card] that Hermes mentioned can be said to be the real [God Card].

Past rules are gradually overturned as new rules come into force

The magic wizard card of the fifth step can no longer be called the [God Card].

However, taking the demigod race like [Angel] as an example, the magic wizard card on the fifth step can be renamed as [Demigod Card].

The magic wizard card of the fifth step is also suitable as a link between the previous and the next.

Darke mentioned this concept a little bit, and it was widely accepted. Then he took this opportunity to export his other suggestions. The biggest drawback of Hermes' plan is that it only has a framework, but no flesh and blood.

In short, it is big and empty.

Human beings are not like you plant an apple tree on the top of a mountain, and they will climb up to pick it and eat it.

You must first tell him that there are apple trees on the top of the mountain, otherwise he may starve to death without knowing it.

And after telling him that there is an apple tree on the top of the mountain, you have to tell him how sweet and delicious the apples from that apple tree are, otherwise he may turn around and dig the weeds on the ground and eat them.

Finally, if you only tell one person that there is an apple tree on the top of the mountain, and the apples are sweet and delicious, then there may only be one person who can eat the apples


If Hermes' plan is to be carried out smoothly according to his ideas, in fact, it is inevitable to cooperate with others from the beginning.

He needs someone to help him stabilize the position of public opinion, publicize externally and maintain order.

St. Mary's College, headed by Principal Alter, is a very good choice.

Now, of course, there are more options. The so-called alone music is not as good as all the music.

Principal Arte offered to call High Priestess Bellamy Artemis and Sabrina Melville, just because he wanted to share a share with them.

Hermes' plan is too huge. The interests that exist in it are also terrifying.

St. Mary's College alone...even with the addition of the Duke's Mansion, it would not be able to digest it.

Instead, it is better to be open and honest, and add a few partners. Holy Cult, Moon Elf, St. Marian College, Valkyrie.

With the presence of these four forces, it should be enough to fill in the lack of flesh and blood in this plan.

However, the whole plan still needs to be figured out gradually, so as not to take too long steps and mess up.

In addition, the duel trading system proposed by Hermes also contains a lot of loopholes.

Dak combined his years of experience in online games in his previous life to talk with eloquence, filling in the obvious loopholes one by one.

If the entire ceremony is regarded as a huge online game, then Hermes and the other twelve gods are the GMs in the game.

But if they don't understand the GM's rights and responsibilities enough, it will definitely be a disaster for gamers.

Under Dak's detailed explanation, Hermes went from being disdainful at first to listening attentively later. Although his face was still expressionless, he seemed to be listening.

In short, it is a very, very stupid thing to expect players to abide by the moral order.

Once the dueling trading system formulated by Hermes is officially launched, the shallow framework he initially formulated will inevitably be broken and used in a very short period of time.

For example, the "voluntary" principle he established can easily make people voluntarily sign a contract with their opponents only through charm, hypnosis and other not-uncommon means.

Even if the content of the contract is regulated by the authority of Shang God, there are countless ways for human beings to bypass this regulation.

And the value of an item is always relative. Even the power of the god of commerce cannot be truly and accurately positioned. The duel trading system formulated by Hermes will become a tool for plundering other people's magic cards in a very short period of time.

On the other hand, this need only be "voluntary" and "

"Equivalent" contracts will also become victims of money and power transactions, making duels no longer pure.

To put it simply, fluorine gold trumpets are rampant.

Of course, Hermes can say that he will monitor it himself.

But with the implementation of this plan, the number of duelists will only increase, and there will always be times when the monitoring is not timely.

Just relying on the title will never solve the problem. Hermes, the dueling trading system must be restricted. The easiest way is to classify the duelists, join the credit evaluation system, and then open the trading authority one by one according to the grade and credit.

Considering the problems of publicity and promotion, the corresponding transaction restrictions can be lifted in the relevant official events.

For example: Only duelists who are level 5 and have a credit rating of 90 or more can take away the opponent's second-tier magic wizard card after winning the duel.

However, in supervised official competitions, the restrictions can be relaxed, and everyone can take away the opponent's second-tier magic card after winning the duel.

Of course, the above content is only a metaphor.

According to Dak, it is better to simply allow duelists who hold the [God Card] to carry out this kind of transaction.

But Hermes seems to have a certain obsession, that is, to push forward forcefully. If you ask him further, he will blush and say something incomprehensible, "This is competition, and competition is about plundering".

old and stubborn.

In short, after seeing the stubbornness of the Twelve Gods of Porobos, Darke suggested that he add the [audit] system to the framework of the dueling trading system.

[Audit] It can be outsourced, and it can be audited according to the credit rating. Bishop Sabrina Melville said that she has rich experience in dealing with [audit] outsourcing.

In the end, before the ritual plan was implemented, the human side had already divided into several departments according to their respective suitability.

for example.

Shengjiao is responsible for [review].

St. Marian's College is in charge of the [event].

Valkyrie (Duke Mansion) is in charge of [Order Maintenance]. The moon elves are in charge of [diplomacy].

Let the autistic and arrogant Moon Elf be in charge of the diplomatic affairs between the major races, it is absolutely impossible...

But the human side is really not suitable for doing this.

Even St. Marian College, which has a good reputation everywhere, can only assist.

Of course, the real situation is not so clear.

After a series of discussions, everyone finally decided to temporarily sign the first version of the agreement, and make further improvements when problems arise in the future.

Although Hermes didn't talk much throughout the whole process, it could be seen that he was quite satisfied.

In the end, he used the authority of [Shangshen] to make a contract for everyone, and prepared to sign it with them on the spot.

But Dak, who had stopped participating in the discussion in the later stage, suddenly raised his head and said, "I have an idea, I wonder if it's okay?"

"What idea?" Hermes asked as he put down the contract paper. Darke glanced at him and said, "The existing system of dueling rules is actually not perfect, why not take this opportunity to revise it."

Hermes frowned fiercely and asked, "How to say?" This was a path he had never imagined.

If someone else said it, he would be too lazy to reason.

But the one who said this now was Dak Dimon, a human teenager who had let him taste the disastrous defeat not long ago, and who criticized the details of his plan to the point of bruising!

Isn't there no other way but to listen? Hermes looked at Darke quite seriously.

Dak thought for a while, and then said what he had been thinking about for a long time. "First of all, the magic ball."

"Magic duels use magic balls as a substitute for both duelists, because duelists who end up in person will cause problems such as injury and death."

"The essence of magic duel is training, just like using a wooden sword at the beginning of learning a sword, and using a real sword after learning. It can't be regarded as a real actual combat."

"However, if it is carried out according to our plan, the positioning of the magic duel in the entire ceremony will change, which is equivalent to forcibly giving it the weight of actual combat."

"Therefore, I think it is no longer appropriate to continue using magic balls here."

"What do you guys think?"

The magic ball has always been an irreplaceable prop in magic duels, and various duel techniques have even been derived from it.

The duelists of this era have already formed a habit of thinking, and they are accustomed to the existence of magic balls, and they don't even have the idea of ​​​​replacing it.

Everyone here, even Aurora grew up watching duel competitions, not to mention Hermes, a god who has been watching duels since the birth of duels.

But when someone comes up with a new idea, with their wisdom, they can see it at a glance.

As Dak said, magic balls are no longer suitable for future duels. Hermes' Ritual Plan gives a whole new meaning to the Magus Duel, making it no longer just a training in the eyes of the Magister, nor an entertainment in the eyes of the audience, it will become a real, god-elevating rank!

And it is the magister, the duelist himself, not the magic elf, let alone the magic ball, who wants to ascend to the god position.

If you continue to use magic balls as a substitute for duelists, will duelists really be able to become gods smoothly?

When this problem comes down to its essence, you will find that it actually involves the core of the entire plan, a very critical point.

Hermes bet everything on this, even taking another

The other eleven gods also took the boat.

How desperate would he be if there was an irreparable loophole in the whole plan because of a magic ball?

Leaving aside how desperate Hermes will be, even Principal Arte and others who have decided to board this ship will not feel too good about it.

At least a long period of hard work goes in vain. More importantly, it will die directly on the road to proving the Tao and becoming a god. Neither is impossible.

Although Dak didn't think in this direction at first, when he noticed that the expressions of Hermes, Principal Arte and others gradually became serious, he immediately realized the hidden problem.

His face became serious in an instant.

After a while, Principal Arte said slowly: "Fortunately, we found the most critical problem before the ceremony took shape."

"Think about how to solve it." Professor Sylph said immediately. High Priest Bellamy Artemis nodded and said: "The issue of the magic ball is very critical. A real duel is not a child's play. If you want to use this to become a god, you must end the magister himself."

"The high priest is right." The protagonist Sabrina Melville also said in a deep voice, "It must be the magister himself."

"The magic duel, how to judge the outcome?" This time it was Lucia Artemis from the elves who spoke.

Principal Arte glanced at her, and said: "Magic duel is a battle of life and death. Although we have been using magic balls to replace duelists, thus covering up this problem. But in fact it is so. Only one side dies, and the magician The duel is over."

"Is it possible, like a magic ball, to put a layer of life shield on yourself?" Aurora asked obediently, raising her hand.

Professor Sylph shook his head slightly, and said: "This is not fundamentally different from using a magic ball to replace a player. If you want to turn a magic duel into a path to God, you must end the magician yourself and personally participate in the magician's duel." In the middle of a duel. But this problem is almost unsolvable at present."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Hermes suddenly said, "Why don't you ask the person who raised this question?"

When he was talking, he kept staring at Duck so earnestly that Duck didn't want to speak anymore.

Dake came together in the eyes of everyone, and finally said: "I didn't think so deeply about this problem at first. But the solution is not without it. It's just that everyone's focus is different, and I haven't thought of it. .”

As he said that, he looked at Hermes and said, "Since we have already added the authority of the God of Shang to the duel rules, why not go further and add the authority of the God of Hades?"

Dak did not complicate the topic, but pointed out his own thinking very directly.

But in fact, his idea did not emerge because of the magic ball problem.

Because this was originally what he thought, the second question of improving the duel. Just thinking about it now, it seems that this idea can be used to solve the first problem.

And when he put forward the idea, Principal Arte and others immediately opened the gate, and various solutions to the problem came out in one go.

All eyes quickly gathered on Hermes. As a god, although Hermes lived in the house for a terrifyingly long time, he did not develop symptoms of social fear like the novel authors who also stayed at home and couldn't leave the house.

He immediately said: "Adding the authority of the underworld god, do you want me to give the duelist a second life?"

Dak nodded slightly.

Hermes sighed and said: "This is indeed a method. It is necessary to let the duelists go to the duel in person to determine life and death, but also to prevent them from dying quickly because of this. A mechanism that allows them to be resurrected after death is indeed needed. .To be honest, I can do it. But there are prerequisites."

Dak frowned slightly and asked, "What conditions?

Hermes said: "You need to open the gate of the underworld first. Only when the underworld is connected with the present world can I control life and death. Just leave a mark on the duelist before the duel starts, and I can fall into their souls." After the underworld, bring them back immediately. The faster this time is, the less impact it will have on the duelists. With my authority, they will not even feel that they have been to the underworld. But the premise is that the gate of the underworld must be closed first. Open."

Hermes said again emphatically: "Unless the gate of the underworld is opened, human beings may not necessarily be able to enter the underworld after death, and my authority cannot be exerted."

As soon as he said this, Principal Arte and the others became silent. Because if the gate of the underworld is opened, the entire present world will be invaded by creatures from the underworld, and it is absolutely impossible for them to let this happen.

At the beginning, Professor Dee Dee Maxwell just poked a hole in the gate of the underworld, allowing dangerous things like [Fire of the Underworld] to escape from the underworld.

If you open all of them directly, what's the point?

If it is necessary to do that to ensure the possibility of creating this Shinto way, it is better to give up altogether.

Hermes obviously also understands human thoughts.

However, he did show his sincerity at this time, and he did not use his authority as a deceitful god to fool Principal Arte and others.

Originally this road, although the future is promising, but the probability of success is very low, so he regarded it as the second option.

Now that it was about to fail, he had to consider whether to temporarily conceive the third option, or simply forget it... After all, although the ceremony according to the plan may not be successful, at least it can temporarily extend his life.

but here

At this time, Duck said solemnly: "Can you build a small underworld specially built in the duel system?"

Hermes subconsciously said: "How is it possible..." But he closed his mouth as soon as he finished speaking.

Because he suddenly realized that it was possible!

The combination ceremony, he seemed, could indeed add a small underworld to the framework of dueling rules.

And in this way, that small underworld is completely a product of dueling rules, and has nothing to do with the original underworld, so it will not be disturbed by the gods of the underworld.

"It seems that it can be done..."

Seeing the change in Hermes' expression, Duck was slightly relieved. This was what he had thought of from the very beginning, a way to improve the dueling rules.

If Hermes can't do it, then he can only g.

The source of inspiration for this method is the [Graveyard] in the world of "Yu-Gi-Oh".

That's right, he wanted to have graveyards in the dueling fields of this world too! However, what started as an idea to add depth to duels has now become a solution to the core problem.

After waiting patiently for a while, he saw that Hermes seemed to have figured it out, and then continued: "In the magic system, there are many ways to bring the magic spirit back to life, and there are also methods that must be used in the magic system. A deathrattle trap that can only be triggered after the guide elf dies. If these existing things are combined with a small underworld, more in-depth rules can be developed. Therefore, adding the underworld system to the duel system will not only solve the magic ball In addition, you can also improve the duel rules. Since you are creating a brand new Shinto, shouldn’t you use a brand new set of duel rules?”

Hermes pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "You're right!" Duck couldn't help smiling.

At this time, Principal Arte asked: "Can it work?" Hermes said very definitely this time: "It can be done." Duck said: "Then, in order to distinguish the real underworld, it is better to name it [ Graveyard] How about it?"

Hermes wondered, "The cemetery?"

Darke said: "The magic elves who die in the duel field will not immediately disappear into magic power, but will be absorbed by the [cemetery] first. Only in this way can the cycle of life and death evolve in the duel field."

Hermes' mouth opened slightly.

After hearing the word "reincarnation of life and death" from Dak, he suddenly had an unprecedented feeling that this time, the idea of ​​gambling with his life to create the magic and divine way might really come true?

In fact, the reason why he kept his face straight was because deep down in his heart, he didn't think he would succeed.

Perhaps it was his intuition as a god, he felt that his conception was flawed from the very beginning, but it was because he couldn't figure out where the flaw was that he had to bite the bullet and do it.

But now, after deciding to add the rule of [Graveyard] to the duel system, he suddenly found that everything has become smooth!

And all of this was brought about by the human youth in front of him.

Hermes said with a straight face, "The cemetery is the cemetery. All in all, it is to open a cemetery in the duel field, so that the cemetery can be combined with the entire duel rules. After the duelist opens the duel field, it is defaulted to be the same as the cemetery. After signing the contract, once they die, their souls will also enter the cemetery, but they will be resurrected after 30 seconds, and their injuries will be healed at the same time, and all abnormal states will be removed. It should be such a rule, right?"

Duck said, "That's right."

Hermes said: "As long as there is no problem. But I need a little time to adjust the ritual and prepare for the creation of the cemetery. Can you buy me some more time? Use the method you used before."

Duck said, "Okay."

Time is running out.

Everyone present is decisive.

While Hermes was preparing to create the [Graveyard], Principal Arte and the others were checking the contract provided by Hermes one by one.

Professor Lily released the statue of Hermes with a face of reluctance, and then put it back to its original position.

Although the idol was severely damaged, its energy core was not damaged at all. With a wave of Hermes' hand, it re-applied a layer of shell, and then injected a little divine power.

And Dak took [Xie Mi] to the lower floor, ready to clean up the pollutants that had already overflowed.

[Natural Regeneration] + [Seed Flash].

This time, [Xie Mi] spent quite a long time absorbing and purifying the excess pollutants before spraying out [Seed Flash] in the direction of the wall.

The terrifying explosion almost awakened all creatures in the [Heavenly Court], and the aurora produced even penetrated the black mist, illuminating most of the [Tower of Endymion] brightly.

Standing in the [Tower of Endymion] and looking out, it is like seeing a huge firework that lasts for a long time, as if celebrating the arrival of a new era.

From that day on, magic duels are not just magic duels. And the duelist is no longer just an ordinary job that is fancy enough to be competent

It will become a real combat profession like a series of professions such as magician, warrior, archer, swordsman, wizard, etc.!

Before today, although every duelist was a magister, not all magisters were duelists.

But after today, the magister and the duelist will probably be completely equated!

It is very lucky for [Gemini Paladin] and others who happen to be here to witness the moment of changing times with their own eyes.

It is a pity for Professor Kazel and others who are still trapped in the passage of flesh and blood and are considering whether to return.

But this is fate.

Everyone's fate trajectory is different, it is impossible to see all the fireworks

Hermes is worthy of being the last remaining god among the twelve gods. His control over authority surpasses most of the gods. Even the native gods of the underworld, only a very few can compare with his [underworld] authority. .

He finally completed all the ritual adjustments before the pollutants flooded the top of the [Tower of Endymion] again.

The whole ceremony is finally about to start and finish the last part.

Hermes said in a flat tone: "In order to add the cemetery to the dueling rules, I have consumed a lot. So after completing the ceremony in front of me, I will temporarily fall into a deep sleep. But this will not affect the real ceremony. I have opened the corresponding authority to Arte through the contract. If the plan goes well, I should wake up sooner. I hope that our future can take the same path."

Principal Arte blinked slightly, feeling extremely surprised.

She has stayed with Hermes in this [Heavenly Court] for so long, and she has never seen him say such soft words.

This old god who has lived for an unknown number of years, in her feeling, has a somewhat distorted personality.

But now he is able to say this kind of words... There seems to be sincerity in it.

different from others.

Principal Alte has a clearer understanding of Hermes' contribution in this plan.

Creating a new Shinto seems to be full of enthusiasm, as if there is a feeling of willingness to sacrifice everything on the way to complete it.

But in fact it is not the case at all.

Especially for a god who lived thousands of years in the form of a consciousness in order to avoid [Ragnarok] in this place where there is nothing, that is simply unimaginable.

Hermes ended up taking this path simply because he had to. The essence of this ritual plan, to him, is the same as feeding birds with his own flesh and blood, with "sacrifice" as the majority.

After the ceremony begins, the consciousness body of the twelve gods of Polopos will turn into the soil for creating the divine way, opening up a road for the magisters to at least step on the mud.

Without their sacrifices, if the magister wants to break through the bottleneck and ascend to the throne of god, he can only find another way, instead of truly becoming a god with magus.

To open up a road, someone always needs someone to lay the foundation.

If everyone doesn't want to be dirt, then everyone just stands still

Therefore, Principal Arte finally said "goodbye" to him softly.

After that, the rest of the people also raised their hands to say goodbye to him.

——Although because of Hermes, there are still two people who are still lying there and have not woken up.

Dak is holding [Xie Mi] in his arms, with a [Little Devil Beast] on his shoulders, and standing at his feet is the [Tillu Beast] who has already returned, and behind him are [Magic Beast: God of Destruction] and [Magic Beast: Heart Eyes] Goddess], looking at Hermes.

And [Devil Lord Eldridge], he has taken back the magic card. During the time spent in this [Heavenly Court], [Devil King Eldridge] provided him with great help.

But the devil is the devil, and he will not really treat the devil as a kitten just because he has become a kitten.

【Devil Lord Eldridge】is useless now. The ruthless Dak Dimon took it back into the magic card.


When Dak was slightly distracted, he suddenly noticed that Hermes was still standing still.

He suddenly realized that the last step of the pre-ceremony used to leverage the world-class ceremony needs to be completed by him!

After covering up the embarrassment in his heart with a smile, Dak took out twelve gold medals, and then... personally placed the twelve gold medals collected along the way before the statues of the twelve gods.

During this process, Hermes' consciousness has disappeared without a sound, and he should have gotten into his own statue like other gods.

After a while, Dake finished placing all the gold medals and returned them. But to be honest, he didn't feel at all that he had done anything remarkable.

This ceremony did not give him any feedback at all.

But shortly after he backed away, lights of different colors lit up on the bodies of the twelve statues.

And directly above the [Tower of Endymion], the huge halo formed by the convergence of twelve beams also slowly rotated after that.

An extremely vast divine power started from this, and suddenly burst out from the [Tower of Endymion]!


There was a sudden loud roar inside the [Tower of Endymion]. The whole tower shook because of this.

But when Darke and the others thought that something had happened, they saw that the twelve god statues had lifted off from their original places and flew straight up.

The top of the tower above disappeared directly under the shining light.

Twelve beams of light rushed up to the sky from where the statue was originally located, connecting with the huge halo in the sky.

The idol flew up along the beam of light.

Dake and the others glanced at each other, and immediately walked out. Professor Sylph stretched out his hand, and the wind element rolled up, making everyone walk in the air as if walking on flat ground.

[Magic Beast: Little Rabbit] driving [Moon God's Car] with

behind. The two people who were still in a coma were lying in the [Moon God's Chariot]. They left the top floor of [Tower of Endymion], and stood high above the sky like that, looking up at the huge halo above the night sky.

Under their feet, all kinds of creatures roared continuously, among which was even faintly mixed with the sound of a terrifying dragon's roar.

The creatures living in the black mist around the [Tower of Endymion] were the first to be alarmed.

But the divine power emanating from the sky was so terrifying that no creature dared to fly upwards.

[Tower of Endymion] began to shake violently after that.

As a result, the entire tower made a terrifying sound, as if it might collapse at any moment.

But it didn't fall.

Even the pollutants in the tower did not overflow at all. The pollutants that are about to spread to the top layer even have a tendency to retreat. No, they did start to roll back!

If the field of vision can penetrate the wall of [Tower of Endymion], you can see that the pollutants inside are receding rapidly downward, just like the tide receding.

And the pollutants clinging to the walls of the [Tower of Endymion] also retreated from the windows of each special floor.

Even the black mist floating in the air was affected and was completely sucked in by [Tower of Endymion].

Dak couldn't help but glanced down, and suddenly noticed the creatures below who had lost the black mist.

Those creatures became panicked as if they were suddenly stripped of their clothes, and scattered in all directions.

From the receding progress of the black mist and the pollutants on the wall, the progress of the receding pollutants in [Tower of Endymion] can be vaguely discerned.

That was amazingly fast.

That is, the [Tower of Endymion] is too high, so it takes some time.

Looking up again, the statues of the twelve gods have already soared above the huge halo.

They stood above the halo, exuding a powerful aura of divine power from their bodies.

In the middle of nowhere, there was a sound of raving.

Listen carefully, as if someone is chanting a spell, or someone is singing. Dake and the others who were in the air felt an abnormal emotion in their hearts at the same time.


Among the twelve cities from which beams of light shot out, something exploded and made a loud noise.

An unprecedentedly huge angel phantom stood up from the twelve cities. There are ten wings growing on the back of those angel phantoms, which obviously belong to the [ten-winged angels] second only to the twelve gods.

But these [Ten Winged Angels] are obviously not real, and they are even different from the [Seraphs] that Dark and others have encountered.

They do not have any great power, they are just a symbol, an element that constitutes the entire ceremony.

When he was on the top floor of [Tower of Endymion], Dark thought that the pre-ceremony was not big.

But now I suddenly realize that the arrangement on the top floor is only the tip of the iceberg of the whole ceremony.

That's just the core, not all of it.

The real ceremony enveloped the entire city in the [Heavenly Court]. When all the pollutants in the [Tower of Endymion] recede into the ground

The ritual circle located in the ground was finally triggered. The ground of the entire central city shook crazily. City roads suddenly split open.

The creatures hidden in the city fled crazily. The coercion of the gods crushed it.

Twelve colors of light suddenly shot out from the ground, forming twelve avenues of light leading to the twelve surrounding cities.

An unprecedentedly huge ritual circle finally took shape. The huge halo in the sky suddenly stopped spinning.

Those raving voices that permeated the ears suddenly disappeared the moment it stopped spinning.

Immediately afterwards, the twelve god statues standing on the halo all moved towards the center of the halo.

The statue gradually melted away in the radiance, revealing the consciousness inside.

That is a different and more realistic form from the statue.

Dak looked up, and saw the true appearance of all twelve gods, and engraved them into his memory.

Not surprisingly, among the twelve gods, he saw a figure very similar to Elgany.

That is obviously [God of War and Wisdom] Athena! "It's a pity that Elgany is not here."

Suddenly, Dak's heart once again raised this thought that had arisen before.

Obviously, a lot of preparations have been made for this trip to the [Heavenly Court], but the two most important gods failed to enter the [Heavenly Court].

Elgany failed to see the statue and consciousness of [God of War and Wisdom] Athena.

Nix also failed to see the city ruins full of pollutants. And all of this will be completely over after this ceremony is completed, and then usher in a brand new future that has never been imagined.

The current [Heavenly Court] will also be closed forever as all the twelve gods fall asleep.

The next time it is opened, it will be when Hermes wakes up... or when the other gods wake up before him.

Hermes originally wanted to personally monitor the duelist who used the contract, but now he had to fall into a deep sleep.

Of course, this is also to create the [Graveyard], which is the result of Dak's guidance

He hadn't expected it either.

Fortunately, the duelist grading and credit system has also added rules, and even the review authority has been temporarily handed over to Principal Arte.

With this double guarantee, the initial stage of the ceremony should not bring too much confusion.

Dak looked at the consciousness of the twelve gods in the sky, but his mind was racing.

He couldn't help but start imagining the scene after the ceremony started, and how to publicize and promote the ceremony.

In addition, after joining the [Graveyard], what will happen to the magic duel after the duelist can personally enter the field?

He really wants to know!

Although he came up with the method, the duel rules in this world are completely different from the duel rules in "Yu-Gi-Oh", even with the addition of the [Graveyard].

And in the duel of "Game King", the duelist will not end himself.


Get excited!

Dak's eyes widened suddenly, and the huge halo in the sky finally produced a new change.

The consciousness of the twelve gods also melted into the huge halo along with the melting of the statues.

And after the gods' consciousness sank into the halo, light suddenly shot out from twelve directions, gathering in the center of the huge halo.

The twelve rays of light shone on the same point, creating a wave-like shape.

At that point, a colored core gradually forms.

The core began to extend upwards and downwards, gradually elongating into a fusiform shape.

Then, at a certain moment, in an instant, that fusiform core of light suddenly stretched into an extremely long line!

That line almost coincides with [Tower of Endymion].

But it penetrated the entire [Tower of Endymion], and illuminated the [Tower of Endymion] that should have been a solid body into a transparent luminous body. And the upward part of the light directly penetrates the entire night sky—even the [Heavenly Court]!

This light that truly penetrates the sky and the earth began to extend outward after that moment, as if it wanted to swallow the entire sky.

"time to go."

Duck was fascinated, and suddenly heard Principal Arte's voice. Principal Arte's back is still the same, with a sense of nostalgia.

She said softly: "The last step of this ceremony will clean up the entire 【Heavenly Court】, we can only see here."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her tender white fingers and drew a palm-sized circle in the air.

The circle grew rapidly after it was formed, and soon reached a diameter of three to four meters.

What appeared on the opposite side of the circle was not the tunnel of flesh and blood, but the top of the highest peak of [Mountain of Gods].

"Don't miss it. I can only open this door once." Principal Arte said.

Dake and the others trembled, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

It's just that on the way to the door, they still look back at the light that has become extremely wide from time to time.

When Dak finally left, he closed the [Magic Book] that had been open.

He recorded the entire ceremony scene with [Magic Secretary]

When you go back, you can even use the pictures it records to make animations. In short, when he closed the [Magic Book], his heart was relaxed.

After stepping through that door, the whole person has a kind of joy of rebirth

At this moment, he misses the academy very much, and just wants to go back to the dormitory in the tower to sleep.

As for the rituals and duels, forget about them all!

After the last [Moon God's Chariot] also passed through the door, Principal Arte took a last look at [Heavenly Court] and retreated into the circle of light.

When there are no outsiders in the [Heavenly Court], the circle of light disappears instantly

The ray of light that penetrates the sky and the earth swallows up the whole world

[Heaven] The last light disappears with the disappearance of the aperture. The coercion leaked from it also disappeared.

The [Fog Beast] hidden around came surging almost immediately. "Enter the [passage]."

Professor Sylph summoned a hurricane to blow away the raging fog beasts. Duck's eyes fell on the ground.

There, a seemingly "ordinary" piranha is taking root in the ground, but it is the [piranha monster] left on the top of the mountain!

Looking up again, it is the familiar thundercloud and the thunder and lightning jumping in it


The thunder was rolling, and the clouds were thick.

A dark vortex is quietly hidden in the dark clouds.

That is the passage to the [Heavenly Court], but it is a pity that it is already a passage that has been artificially blocked.

There was still an aura of fear emanating from that vortex, but none of the people present would be affected by it.

"Let's go to the carriage," Duck said.

Everyone around nodded slightly, and quickly entered the carriage of [Luna's Car] [Luna's Car] is not as spacious as Professor Mitia's pumpkin carriage, but it can barely accommodate everyone.

They may stand or sit, but they are comfortable.

Professor Sylph did not enter the carriage. She stood on the carriage, took out the magic card, summoned the barrier, and protected the carriage.

Then, [Moon God's Chariot] was driven by [Magic Beast: Little Rabbit] and rushed into the dark vortex surrounded by thunder.


A deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

The thunder pillar as thick as a child's arm slammed on the barrier outside the [Moon God's Chariot].

But the enchantment is only a few waves in the range, and the thunder and lightning

remove. Immediately after, more thunder pillars blasted down, but none of them could damage the barrier. [Moon God's Chariot] passed through the black vortex at an extremely fast speed, and entered the [Flesh and Flesh Passage].

Professor Sylph withdrew the barrier, and said to everyone in the car: "Wait here, I'll go get them back."

They are not afraid of the [Fog Beast] outside, nor do they want to re-enter the [Heavenly Court].

I just want to go inside and bring Professor Kazel and others back. Today's [Heavenly Court] is no longer suitable for entry.

After a while, when the ceremony is completely completed, [Heavenly Court] will enter a fully closed state, and even if you use those "keys", you will no longer be able to trigger the entry mechanism.

What Professor Sylph is more worried about is whether Professor Kazel will figure out another way to enter the [Heavenly Court], and then enter it before the ceremony is completely completed.

After all, they still have Elgany by their side, if they really want to break it by force, they can always find a way.

Fortunately, the worst did not happen.

When Professor Sylph turned into a gust of wind and came to the end of the passage of flesh and blood, there was not a single person who should be there.

But Professor Kazel and others all showed surprised expressions when they saw Professor Sylph appearing from behind.

When Professor Sylph appeared, Professor Kazel quickly asked: "What's the matter? Is Darke safe? Why did you come from there? If it wasn't for Lily...I should have gone in."

Seeing his annoyed face, Professor Sylph couldn't help saying helplessly: "It's already come out. All of them are at the entrance of the passage."

"Have they all come out?" Gavin North was the second to rush over, and he asked anxiously, "Professor Sylph, did you see Fred and Quintina? Are they all right?" ?”

Professor Sylve looked at Gavin North, and couldn't help being a little silent. Gavin North panicked for a moment.

Professor Sylve had no choice but to say, "Fred is fine."

Gavin North's eyes lit up, and he immediately showed a look of surprise, but just halfway through the look of surprise, there was no "joy", only "surprise".

"What about Quintina? Where's Quintina?" He obviously realized why Professor Sylph paused.

Professor Sylph paused again, and then said: "It's a little problem, but it's not necessarily a bad thing."

Gavin North was full of uncertainty, flustered like an old father—although he was indeed an old father.

Professor Sylph said: "Norma Rogier of the elves is seriously injured, but her life is safe, so you can rest assured."

After her words fell, those who had been watching this side all heaved a sigh of relief.

Professor Sylph continued: "As for what happened in [Heavenly Court]. You can ask Bellamy and Sabrina after you meet them. It is not convenient for me to talk about it here. Now, Let's go back."

After she finished speaking, she walked to Professor Kazel and walked to the pumpkin carriage with him.

After a while, the pumpkin carriage started again, galloping towards the entrance of the passage of flesh and blood at the fastest speed.

People from the other three forces also quickly followed after simple preparations.

Some of them doubted the authenticity of Professor Sylph's words, but in the end, no one stayed.

In the pumpkin carriage, Professor Sylph had to deal with the hundred thousand whys of Professor Kazel and others.

But in fact, she is just a passer-by in terms of what happened in [Heavenly Court]. Except for a little effort in the final negotiation, she is almost completely soy sauce.

Although this soy sauce, she played very happily.

After confirming Dak's safety for the first time, Kris and Trina glanced at each other and relaxed at the same time.

The nerves of the two began to tense after Dak disappeared, and they could finally relax at this moment.

Professor Mitia was full of curiosity and wanted to ask about all kinds of details, but Professor Sylph didn't know the details himself, so he could only try his best to perfunctory.

And Professor Harvey, who rushed to the top of the mountain alone on the way, and then plunged into the black vortex against the thunder, and finally arrived here to join the team, had a face of "what have I done, where am I going?" Leaning on the sofa seat

Nix lay on Professor Sylph's arm, asking about Aurora's news.

Elgany sat upright, and only asked a little after everyone had finished asking if she had seen [God of War and Wisdom] Athena.

Professor Sylph signaled Professor Mitia to strengthen the barrier, and then told what he saw and heard after entering the [Heavenly Court] from beginning to end.

On her side, there is no need to hide it from anyone in the team.

But the other three forces are not the same.

Whether it's the Sabrina Melville protagonist of the Holy Cult or the high priest Bellamy Artemis of the Elven tribe, it should not be candid with everyone on the team.

As for the Northland and the old king, Gavin North could learn some information from Fred North, but Sylph was sure that he would not be able to fully disclose it to Earl Stanley Longfellow.

The cooperation with Hermes, although it is not impossible to disclose, but keeping such things mysterious has the advantage of keeping secrets.

Now that the ceremony has just been completed, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Standing up too early will only become the target of public criticism.

Once a bad situation occurs, the sufferer will put all the resentment

Gather to them human beings, and don't care about it. It is the twelve gods who arrange the ceremony.

In short, although they signed a cooperation contract with Hermes. But there is still a lot of room for expansion in that contract.

There are many ways to fulfill the contract, and there are no mandatory regulations

Therefore, they reached a consensus from the very beginning, to be careful enough, to be careful enough, and to take it slowly.

First and foremost, research the new dueling rules! They're doing all Magisters a favor in this whole thing. But when it comes to individuals, they are also selfish.

Open information, yes.

But wait until they are familiar with the new duel and establish a certain early advantage before opening it!

In the final duel rules formulated by Hermes, duelists will only trigger the rules when they open the duel field.

And if you want to open the duel field, you must master the method of opening the duel field.

Although this method is not difficult, it can even be said to be very simple. Basically, it is equivalent to the difficulty of casting a normal summoning technique, but you have to know it!

The coincidence of a blind cat meeting a dead mouse is basically impossible. As for how to publicize, how to build momentum, and how to promote the new duel rules after mastering them, we need to wait until after that to talk about them in detail.

The identity of the person who signed the contract is not equal.

Principal Arte and others can completely control any affairs of St. Marian College.

Dak Dimon basically has no problems either.

Although there is an elf queen on the head of High Priest Bellamy Artemis, she has a high status in the elf race, and even the elf queen cannot interfere with her too much.

What's more, the elven princess Lucia Artemis signed the contract! Among the four parties who signed the contract, the only problem was Bishop Sabrina Melville.

Although the protagonist Sabrina Melville is only a little short of the qualifications to be promoted to the archbishop, she is still only a bishop after all. Even if she is successfully promoted to the archbishop after this incident, she will not be able to decide all the affairs of the Holy Church. She had to renegotiate the matter with Chief Archbishop Caleb Norris and Pope Sith St. Patricis.

Of course, she and the twin paladins also stayed behind at the end of the contract. If they don't get the permission of the Holy Church, their agreement with Hermes will be turned into a personal agreement, and they will reduce the price of weight and only participate in this matter in their own name.

[Finally finished writing, about 2,000 words were deleted at night, and the revision made me dizzy... There should be double monthly tickets for the annual event at the end of December, brothers, please save it for me , don’t be fooled by the wild women outside! Hit the top ten this year!]

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