The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 997 Dak Dimon Collects All (6K)

Chapter 997 Dak Dimon Collects All (6K)

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Quintina North's figure loomed above the clouds

Fred North's eyes widened suddenly, and the sound of the conch stopped abruptly. He felt ecstasy at the first moment, but the mood that had just risen turned sharply down a second later.

Although Quintina North didn't seem to be dead, it was obviously not the deity who was manipulating her body at this time!

"Did she also encounter the same situation as me?"

Fred North's face changed slightly, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

But at the same time, the elves' attention was entirely on the last [Forest elf] who appeared.

The forest elf's name is Norma, Norma Rogier, and another [Forest elf] Isaiah Rogier is a distant relative of a branch.

Although the relationship between the two cannot be said to be very good, after all, there is a blood relationship, and it is easier to get close.

Norma Rogier and Quintina North appeared almost at the same time.

But unlike Quintina North, Norma Rogier is outwardly perfectly normal.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing of her appearance, Darke and the others might have accepted her as a normal person.

However, with this vigilant heart, and after prying through [Magical Beast: Goddess of Mind], she immediately found out that something was wrong.

Norma Rogier's mind was in chaos, and she had no normal thinking at all. Her current condition is very bad, even worse than Quintina North in the sky.

"Get ready to face the enemy."

Duck yelled softly, waking up Fred and the three elves. Although I don't know what happened to Quentina and Norma, what they can do now will not change because of this.

Darke summoned 【Devil Eldridge】and ordered him to transform into his real body to deal with Quentina.

On Norma Rogier's side, the three elves dealt with it personally. Ollie puts on the [Aries Holy Clothes] and is ready to respond at any time.

This is how the inevitable battle begins. But the whole process of this battle is not much suspense.

Although Quintina North came with the thunder and the weather changes were extremely frightening, her combat power was not as good as that of [Monster Angel], and [Devil King Eldridge] was quite easy to deal with.

It's just that she is a friendly side after all, and Dak has a little scruples when directing the battle, so he prolongs the battle.

And the elves are three against one. Although Norma Roger was unexpectedly able to summon the magic elf that manipulated her, it only caused some troubles for the three of Lucia.

Norma Roger's magic elves were quickly wiped out one by one, and she herself was blocked from the escape route, and then bound by the shadow, tied up and caught in front of her.

At this time, the battle between [Devil Lord Eldridge] and Quintina North is still going on.

Quintina North controls the thunder and calls the wind and rain, but unlike Norma Roger, she does not use magic cards, and the final fighting method appears to be very simple.

[Devil King Eldridge] Carrying her output hard, once the magic power drops below half, she will turn around and recover, and forcibly grind Quentina North's magic power completely.

After losing her magic power, although Quintina North could still control lightning, her power dropped significantly.

Her own physical strength is extremely limited.

【Devil King Eldridge】It didn't take much effort to catch her completely.

Afterwards, Lucia Artemis's [Forest Shadow Leopard] also separated a part of its shadow tentacles, binding Quintina North as well.

When the battle was over, Dak immediately ordered the crowd to carry the two people into the carriage, and quickly evacuated from the battlefield full of fighting atmosphere.

A few minutes later, [Moon God's Chariot] stopped at a relatively hidden place, and [Fossil Pterosaur] triggered [Quiet as an ancient tomb] again, hiding their breath and figure.

"What should we do now?" Fred North couldn't help asking, looking at his sister bound by the shadow.

Dak pondered for a while, and then said: "Let the goddess of the heart and eyes see first." [Magic Beast Goddess of the Heart and Eyes] stepped forward, and the third eye that had been opened already exuded a bright divine light, Quentina Noth's mind is invisible in its eyes.

The atmosphere in the carriage became a little anxious.

About three minutes later, [Magic Beast·Goddess of Heart Eyes] suddenly closed its third eye, and opened it again after a long while, with a tired look on its face.

"What's the matter?" Fred North asked hastily.

[Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes] said slowly: "There is another consciousness parasitic in her mind. But that consciousness is not clear, maybe it's just fragments, I can't be sure. But her own consciousness has not disappeared, unexpectedly It’s about being in a state of coexistence.”

"What about Norma?" Isaiah Rogier hurriedly asked without waiting for Fred to ask.

[Magic Beast: The Goddess of Heart Eyes] turned to look at Norma Rogier, and replied after only half a minute this time: "Norma Rogier's situation is not the same as Quentina. Her consciousness is squeezed Deep down in the heart, if the lockdown is not lifted as soon as possible, it will probably disappear."

As soon as it finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Quintina North's situation is easy to understand.

It was just the invasion of foreign consciousness, which caused her to lose control of her mind and lose herself.

Although it will be cumbersome to handle

Annoying, but not fatal, basically not life-threatening.

But Norma Rogier's situation is relatively complicated.

Her consciousness is blocked along with her soul, while her body is manipulated by external forces.

That external force probably escaped when she was defeated, so she couldn't find it in her body.

And what blocked her soul consciousness was the power of curse, which would cause her own harm.

After a long time, there will be no help!

"Let's check their bodies first."

Dak touched [Xie Mi] who had crawled on his lap, and said. Ollie got up and said, "I'll do it."

With Ollie making a move, Dak no longer cared.

Norma Rogier is more complicated, but simpler to solve

If it is an ordinary curse that blocks her soul consciousness, then using [Aroma Therapy] can relieve the abnormal state.

And if it is a curse that cannot be lifted even by [Aroma Healing], then it is probably because the cursed entity exists in Norma Rogier's body.

After Ollie carefully checks and confirms, you can take out the cursed entity, or use Xie Mi's [Natural Recovery] to suck out the cursed entity and then purify it.

In short, no matter what, there are methods and feasible methods, and it is not difficult. What is really difficult is Quentina North's side.

Dak has experience in dealing with such situations.

Similar to it, the most typical example is the soul entanglement between [Son of the Brave] Werther Gold and the predecessor of [Devil King Aleister].

Once the souls of the two consciousnesses are fused together, it is very, very difficult to cut them apart.

Now we can only hope that Quintina North's condition is not so bad.

Ollie's test results came out soon.

There are almost no injuries on Quintina North's body, and some small scratches have been treated smoothly during the inspection.

But Norma Rogier's injuries were very serious. She had obviously gone through a fierce battle. Although the superficial injuries were treated, the internal injuries to her internal organs were very serious. It was like the creature manipulating her was only repaired in order not to be exposed out of her skin.

This type of injury is more difficult to root out, but it doesn't hurt to save your life at the moment. After Ollie's examination, careful treatment began.

While checking, Oli also collected two gold medals from them!

Although puzzling, it is indeed two gold medals.

The gold medal found on Quentina North's body is engraved on the front, which is the [King of Gods] Zeus holding a thunderbolt!

The appearance of this gold medal made people unable to help linking it to Quentina North's current situation.

"Could it be..." Fred North said with a slightly pale face, "Could the consciousness parasitic in Quentina's body belong to [King of Gods]?"

Dak thought for a while, and said: "Theoretically, this is possible. But it is difficult to realize logically. Among the gold medals we got, none of them are consciously left. Gold medals are just gold medals."

"But..." Fred North wanted to say something, but he hesitated. Duck just looked at him without urging him.

After a while, Fred North took a deep breath, and finally said: "But Quentina has 【Blood of Zeus】in her hand!"

Darke frowned slightly and said: "This does not constitute a reason. We also have [God's Blood] in our hands, but none of them have summoned the consciousness fragments of the gods."

Fred North shook his head and said, "That's different, Quintina is special! That must be the fragment of Zeus' consciousness!"

"Well, you say it is." Duck picked out the gold medal from Norma Rogier and checked it.

In fact, he guessed from the very beginning that the fragments of consciousness in Quentina's body belonged to [King of the Gods] Zeus, and his behavior just now was just trying to get some words out of Fred North's mouth.

Now it seems that Quintina North may indeed harbor some kind of secret.

If according to the original script, Quintina North inherited the divine power of Zeus, she might get an unexpected transformation.

But now this situation is actually more or less the same.

Looking back, the current situation of Quintina North reminded Darke of the [Saint] Audrey Joan who should still be in St. Marian College at this time.

There may be the soul of [God of War] in Audrey Jeanne's body.

Norma Rogier's gold medal is engraved with the [God of War] Ares standing on a chariot holding a spear.

Dak was very surprised that she also won a gold medal. Theoretically, the creature controlling her body should be the creature chasing and killing her—but if that's the case, the gold medal of [God of War] cannot appear

And this gold medal is indeed here, which means that Norma Rogier has indeed killed a creature that hunted and killed humans, and there is a high probability that it was the creature that chased and killed her

But in this case, who would be manipulating her body?

Although there are a large number of dangerous creatures on the [Heavenly Court], except for the twelve creatures whose consciousness has been implanted, there should be few creatures that are so obsessed with them.

So, think about the simplest way of thinking.

It seems that the last creature that has never appeared can only control Norma Rogier!

Duck's gaze suddenly turned to Zenny Burns. The latter also happened to look over, and their eyes collided.

"No surprises, it should be it." Zeny Byrne

Si said with some guilt.

Obviously, in her mind, if she hadn't failed to kill the creature, Norma Rogier would not have suffered as she is now.

But Dak didn't have the heart to worry about her mood.

If this deduction is correct, it means that the creature that chased Zenny Burns is nearby.

That's the last living thing left, and that's where the final gold medal belongs. At this time, there is no reason to let it go!

"Find it out and hunt it down!"

Things are going well with Norma Rogier. There is indeed a cloud of cursed substance in her body.

Ollie did not rely on [Xie Mi]'s [Natural Regeneration], but used a magic card to summon a [Hand of False Reality], which penetrated into Norma Roger's body, directly killing the cursed ball. The substance is captured!

Then [Twin Paladin] summoned the holy light to purify it.

At this time, the effect of [Aroma Therapy] was highlighted, and the residual curse of Norma Rogier dissipated little by little in the fragrance of flowers.

After the curse was completely purified, her soul and consciousness were liberated. But she didn't wake up.

Norma Rogier's current situation is much more serious than Zeny Burns' previous situation, and it is basically impossible to wake up in a short time.

But at least her life was guaranteed.

Dark immediately launched a hunt for the last creature. Instead of searching aimlessly, he summoned [Garbage Slime], and then used [Greedy 3i] to evolve it into [Greedy Slime 2].

Immediately afterwards, he threw one of the gold medals into the body of [Greedy Slime 2], let it analyze it, and then used the nirvana—[Greedy] to find a new gold medal!

[Greedy Slime 2]'s [Greedy] has been seriously disturbed in this [Heaven].

But even if the creature was nearby, there was still a possibility of finding it by doing so.

However, Dak's idea is still too idealistic.

[Greedy Slime 2l] Can't perceive the new gold medal at all.

Gold medals are those that appear after the creature dies, not that they carry with them

Of course it is not possible to search on this basis.

However, [Greedy Slime 2] suddenly turned around and turned in one direction after the search failed, screaming "Puyo Puyo".

Duck's heart moved, and he immediately winked at 【Devil King Eldridge】.


[Devil King Eldridge] stared, immediately ran out of the car, and flew towards the direction selected by [Greedy Slime 2] out of thin air.

After a while, the sound of fierce fighting came from over there.

This battle was unexpectedly difficult.

Like Zaney Burns said, the creature that hunted her down came back stronger after his last fight with her!

Not only does it have a strong frontal combat capability, it can also curse the soul and control the target.

[Devil King Eldridge] At first, he didn't transform into his real body, so he was not its opponent.

And thanks to the passive existence of [Devil King], it doesn't worry about being manipulated.

But after turning into a real body, 【Devil King Eldridge】did not kill him immediately, but slowly consumed his vitality to a certain extent, and then a 【Devourer】terminated him!

The creature looked like an elephant without a head. It had twelve eyes, evenly distributed on the body, forming a circle.

And from the body below its eyes, there are countless transparent roots growing out.

Those roots turn into special tentacles in the process of its continuous growth, some of them have entities, which can transform into cutting-edge physical assassinations, and some of them are ghost-like incorporeal bodies, which can penetrate defenses and directly hit the soul!

[Devil Lord Eldridge] After digesting and absorbing it, he actually obtained the ability to curse and seal the soul!

After the ability to curse and seal the soul is turned into a nirvana, it is called [Soul Sealing Magic Needle], which can condense the needle shape with the power of the curse, pierce the opponent's soul, and crucify his soul to death.

[Lion of Despair], [Fire of Guilt], [Fire of Jealousy], [Soul-Sealing Magic Needle]... The number of nirvana attacks on souls seems to be gradually increasing.

And when【Devil King Eldridge】absorbed the power of the last creature completely, the last gold medal really appeared!

On the front of the gold medal, there is indeed [Goddess of the Stove] Hestia who is cooking on a fire!

Hestia is worthy of being called the [Three Goddesses] along with Artemis and Athena, and her beauty can be seen just from the portrait.

In the compartment of [Moon God's Car].

Duck took out all twelve gold medals and put them on the table one by one, trying to find the secrets that might be hidden in these twelve gold medals with everyone.

But the setting of "gathering seven dragon balls to summon the dragon" did not appear. Although there was a trace of divinity in the twelve gold medals, they could not trigger special power at all.

Everyone expressed their opinions, but in the end the discussion was still fruitless. They purposely spent time here, waiting for the arrival of the professors. So there is no rush.

Although Dak has the task of saving Principal Alte, his experience so far has made him more cautious-he doesn't want to take risks easily, and then add another name to the rescue list of the professors.

Up to now, the young people of all forces have no idea about the so-called "introduction" and "inheritance" before.

Doubts arose.

Norma Rogier, who was lying unconscious in the carriage, reminded them all the time how dangerous it was above [Heaven].

They want to know the truth, but that is under the premise that they can survive. Nobody wants to die for nothing.

What's more, under such obvious conspiracy circumstances, he died for no reason.

Therefore, everyone has reached a tacit agreement to wait for the main forces of all parties to enter before continuing to act.

Although it has been a very long time since they entered the [Heavenly Court], the main forces of all parties still have no sign of entering the [Heavenly Court].

But they still believe.

Of course Dak also has this trust. So he is also waiting patiently.

They did, however, be patient, ns

The time of [Heavenly Court] gradually entered the night.

The night sky without stars and moons was pitch black, and occasionally huge shadowy shadows could be seen wriggling in the pitch black.

However, the night sky cannot be seen above the ground deep in Central City. Dak and the others are still waiting.

In addition to not getting enough sleep, their status gradually returned to full, and they also replenished the magic power for their magic cards.

And the person behind the scenes seemed to be deliberately, "gentlely" waiting for them to recover to a better state, and then suddenly created a new variable!

[Fossil pterosaur]'s [Quiet as an ancient tomb] can't stop the prying eyes of the real gods.

The twelve gold medals that were put back into the backpack suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

Dak and the others almost subconsciously took precautions.

But where the brilliance shines, all human beings disappear out of thin air! This is very similar to the [God's Hidden] they experienced.

The belongings were still carried, but the magic elves were not sent away with them.

When they stabilized their bodies, they found that they were already on the [Tower of Endymion]!

The exact number of layers is unknown, but it is high anyway.

The backpack with twelve gold medals was in front of him, but it looked so eye-catching no matter how he looked at it now.

Fortunately, they were not passed on to different places, and they all gathered together. Surrounding it is a circular space as a whole. Apart from the pillars and stairs, there is nothing else in the space. It can be said that it can be seen at a glance, and the windows on the surrounding walls can be seen directly.

There is no glass on the window, and the wind keeps pouring in, making a gloomy whistling sound

Dak took a closer look and found that all twelve people were there—even including Norma Rogier, who was still in a coma.

"Don't panic."

Duck said calmly, gradually calming down the flustered emotions.

But he was actually a little nervous.

Because neither [Shamy] nor [Devil Eldridge] came with it.

But fortunately, [Magic Beast: God of Destruction] was not sent over

Once [Magic Beast: God of Destruction] reacts, you can directly use [Lost Prophecy] to find him.

Afterwards,【Devil Lord Eldridge】and【Semi】will naturally return to him.

—[Xie Mi] can be summoned at any time, but there is no rush. The important thing is【Devil Lord Eldridge】!

Re-summoning [Devil King Eldridge] will cause it to lose all the nirvana it has absorbed since entering [Heavenly Court].

And those nirvana skills are already a very important part of the overall strength of [Devil King Eldridge].

No matter what, keep it. "Summon [Xie Mi] here first."

Considering the threat of pollutants, Dak made a decision. The rest of the people also quickly summoned.

Soon, magical elves appeared beside them

[Good morning, it's the end of the month, brothers cast monthly tickets and razor blades, rushing to the top ten of the monthly ticket list! Woo!]

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