After all, the two countries of Nanjiang and Dayinguo are far away. There are many different places on the diet. Many things are not eaten by Dayinguo. The girls have a very delicate spleen and stomach, so I worry that they will eat their stomachs badly. Who Knowing that both people shook their heads to deny that this was not the case, but they did not know why such a thing happened. (((Kartino Novel Network

Yuan Wandao said: "When I woke up, I felt a headache and dazzled. After seeing the thrush, I knew that it was the same. It was strange. But when the imperial doctor was pulsed, everything was normal. Even the doctors in southern Xinjiang had seen it. It’s always normal to say, but who knows how it is.” Her expression was sullen, and she didn’t have any spirit.

Li Wanrou’s first feeling was what strategy she was using. After all, it wasn’t the first time she had done it. At first, she had done experiments on herself and Mrs. Qing’s hands to detect her own medical skills. What's wrong, so this time Li Wanrou didn't act lightly, but when I saw that they were uncomfortable and uncomfortable, I got up and said, "I also have a little fur, I don't know if I can see my pulse What about?"

"Thank you, I don’t know what to do now. Your Highness, you know, did not return yesterday."

Li Wanrou naturally knew that the crown prince did not come. They were left by the emperor of southern Xinjiang because they took too long to attend the banquet. In fact, the three of them had a little idea. Will these princes come from afar and will be given to some women? sleep? What kind of maidservant, slave-servant, or some female officials in some lower-ranking palaces may be servants, and then they will either be sent directly to the two lords to enter the backyard, or they will be generously rewarded and married.

Li Wanrou still has a little confidence in the prince, but the women of the three princes dare not have any ideas, who the three princes are, and they all know what they are. So awkward, how could they refuse? Feeling comfortable, and worrying about it, Yuan Wan was really unable to support it. She was really not acting. I'm still pregnant, how can that courage poison my body?

Li Wanrou stepped forward to show her the horn, and then suddenly looked at Yuan Wan.

"Side concubine, you... are you eating something."

"Is it serious?"

Li Wanrou shook his head, then said to the thrush again; "Come and stretch your hand, I will give you a pulse."

The thrush is relatively calm. She is not afraid of life or death at all, and she doesn't care about her personality at all. After Li Wanrou's pulse, she frowned and said to the two; "You two are poisoned."

"What!" Yuan Wan stood up, the tea bowl in his hand was all overturned on the ground, his face shocked

Not only they, but also the slaves of the other courts are not far away. They are the slave-servants of the great princes of southern Xinjiang, and they are sent to the other courts to serve these female hostesses. If something goes wrong, it is not ordinary. Things! One is the future concubine, the other is the concubine of the three princes, she is still pregnant, and the other is obviously favored. If all three of them died in the other hospital, what will happen to the national quality inspection will go without saying, just These minions cannot survive alone! Not fortunate that even the nine tribes were so happy, a maiden headed by a maiden said a servant injustice! Then he knelt down and everyone else knelt down,

"Who did it?" Yuan Wan had time to ask their life and death, staring at Li Wanrou directly; "Is it serious, will I die? Will my child be in trouble?"

Li Wanrou waved his hand: "You can rest assured that there is nothing at all. Although it is a poison, it is not contaminated on your body, and it is not directly consumed, but it is mixed in the air. You breathe in, and you will only feel sullen and headache. It’s fine, as long as you don’t continue to contaminate. As for the fetus, you just need to use a calming medicine."

"But what is the poison!"

"Well, it is just a kind of flower that is often found in southern Xinjiang. It can be toxic as long as it is boiled with some strange things at once, but this thing is very strange, not everyone reflects it, and some people are very good. It’s okay. Some people have bad body constitution. It’s okay.” Li Wanrou’s expression was not easy, but it wasn’t too nervous either, so both of them were relieved.

"So what should I do now? The doctor can't diagnose it!"

Li Wanrou said, "The reason why Tai Chi cannot be diagnosed is because this flower is everywhere in southern Xinjiang, and the taste of pollen is also very normal. It doesn't matter. I just have to say that a simple recipe to drink it will be fine. You all get up. Well, didn't say that you are harming people, so as to be scared like this?"

The servants hurried up and let out a sigh of relief together. A courageous **** hurriedly said, "Master, you are really well-informed, and your medical skills are better than the imperial doctor!"

Li Wanrou first glanced at Yuan Wan, and then smiled: "I am not good at medicine, but just read a lot of books. Before coming to South Xinjiang, Prince Edward gave me some books that introduced many special flowers in South Xinjiang. This is what One of them. Don’t be idle. Take photos of all the clothes you wore yesterday. I want to check. Haven’t you washed them yet?”

"Yes, we haven't washed the clothes yet."

In general, they are going to wait for their masters to wash their clothes after dinner, so at this time the clothes changed by the slaves are still in the washing room. Li Wanrou asked those people, especially those who waited close by, to bring them over. Then he asked the side concubine and thrush to find out the clothes they wore yesterday.

"Although this kind of flower is not very toxic, it will be bad for some people with weak constitution if you wear it for a long time. Besides, you are still pregnant and even more dangerous."

Yuan Xiangfei looked at Li Wanrou embarrassedly: "I used to calculate you, but you helped me wholeheartedly."

This woman really has self-cultivation and temperament. Although she had framed Li Wanrou at first, Li Wanrou didn't remember her hatred. Instead, she taught the three princes a lesson, and now she is helping herself. Imagine if Li Wanrou pretended not to know this time, She will never die, and her children will certainly be affected. At that time, the three princes will only blame, it is not good to take care of the children. She really has more demeanor than herself.

. Li Wanrou said to Yuan Fangfei: "Although I don't like you, I won't die, because we are out of the house, we are all people of Yin Guo, I won't let you have an accident, say something bad, if you guys Something went wrong. It was also our fault that the emperor blamed me when I went back. Similarly, if you want to frame me, don't go on this road, do you think?"

In a word, Yuan Fangfei was blushing and red ears. When she framed Li Wanrou at that time, she didn't care what she looked like, it was really too much. Although I won a Phoenix pick, the real Phoenix is ​​still Li Wanrou.

"Go change clothes, what do you think?"

"Yes, I know." Yuan Fangfei nodded and asked people to help themselves get dressed.

After Yuan Fei and the girl went down, the thrush would salute, but Li Wanrou waved his hand: "No need, you have to change your clothes, if you don't need to say anything,"

Throwing her eyebrows for a moment, then she understood that Li Wanrou knew that she was the crown prince, so she didn’t need to talk more. Now those who know who the nails are from are still cautious. She nodded. Followed by changing clothes.

Li Wanren and several doctors who came over to check these clothes together and found that the two girls had the smell of this pollen and had special toxins. Of the two girls, one had no symptoms and the other had a headache. very. But because they are minions, they dare to say if they feel uncomfortable and ask for leave, they are still waiting.

The emperor was ashamed and still had to rely on the woman's reminder to find the source of the disease.

Li Wanrou said, "Where did the two of you go yesterday? Don't complain that I have seen it, and there are no such flowers."

The two thought for a while and said together: "We came from the Grand Prince's Mansion. We let go of some things together and then sent some pastries Tang Fei asked us to transfer to the pastry room."

Li Wanrou nodded: "The problem is that it appears in the backyard of the crown prince."

The doctor said: "Is there any problem with those pastries?"

The two girls knelt down together; "No, it's impossible. The pastries we took were rewarded to the outside door for some chases. They were delivered by the side concubine, not for the two noble guests. We didn't get them. Go ahead!"

Li Wanrou said: "It will not be a cake, otherwise the symptoms will not be so soft. I believe that there will be more serious patients at the Grand Prince's Mansion yesterday. Let's go and see."

Since the girl who just returned to the house could be so serious, not to mention the women who have been staying in the backyard, Li Wanrou wanted to see where the problem was, why did that person use this method Have all the women in the courtyard been killed? Impossible, this drug's toxicity will not be fatal, and so many female dependents have an accident at once, the eldest prince is not a fool, can you not doubt it? I always feel that it was deliberately violent. Did someone want to ask for help?

Li Wanrou had approached the truth unconsciously.

So she told the doctor to go to the palace of the great prince.

The emperor is a little embarrassed. This is not so good, is it possible for those of us outsiders to enter the palace of the eldest prince? Not to mention women.

"This fear is inappropriate..."

Li Wanjuo said: "Human lives are close to the sky, you still have to think about how to tell the eldest prince, otherwise something really happened. If you are not informed, you must be a dead person. I am not a native of China anyway. You're done."

The doctor coughed nervously, and the man was quite powerful.

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