The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 177: De Fei sincerity

各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

All the minions in De Fei Palace knelt down, and the maid had already peeed. This life is gone?

Others are all afraid, mind, how is this good! De Fei was so scared that she was about to cry, but anyway, she had been serving the emperor for years. (((Kartino Novel Network

"Emperor, this new maid has never seen the emperor. It is naturally exciting. What are you angry?" De Fei glared at the maid: "I can't understand what I said. Get out quickly, don't want The emperor's eyes are obstructed here."

The emperor didn't actually want her to die, she was angry, so she didn't speak.

The maiden was even going out on a roll, but it was a life-saving, and she was so scared to urinate when she went out.

De Fei's legs trembled, and she looked at the emperor with a smile. This smile seemed to be drawn with a pen. The emperor looked very tired.

"What are you doing? The six princes are newly mourned, the queen is gone, and you can laugh? Do you think you deserve the title of virtue? I think you just want them to do something?"

De Fei knelt down without saying a word. The emperor got up: "Well, I have nothing to say to you! De Fei was imprisoned for a month and fined for a year!" Waiting for the people to leave, De Fei's entire body was paralyzed so that he could not sit on the ground.

Several slave-servants supported De Fei together. It doesn't matter if the punishment is paid. I have been a concubine for a lifetime. I don't care about the money at all, but what if I lose my sacred heart? There are nine princes too!

De Fei held her veil to cover her lips and did not let herself cry out: "The emperor is blaming me! What does Lin Weixin have to do with me? The emperor doesn't believe me!"

Several maidens persuaded together: "No, the emperor does not mean this, you want to open up!"

"Yeah, mother, the emperor has punished you for confinement, and has no intention of punishing you. This matter has nothing to do with you."

De Fei was distraught, not just her. Several palace concubines were seen by the emperor. The result was that they were punished in the same way, two feet were banned, and one penalty for kneeling for one hour. Even the most beloved Xiangfei Palace was killed by a staff.

Among them, Song Wan'er was also punished for kneeling and copying for three hours in the Buddhist temple because of discordant manners when serving tea. Emperor Lin Weixin did not see him, but he made people talk: From today on, he will abide by his duty, be cautious, and do not provoke trouble. Otherwise, I don't mind dying you.

After these words were finished, the emperor's anger ceased, and went to the queen mother's side, please go.

For a while, everyone in the harem panicked, not knowing where the emperor's anger came from. But all of a sudden it shrank, and none of them spoke. Even when it was time, they dared not go to dinner.

Just eat a little snack. Otherwise, the emperor knew that it was time to say, the harem was unlucky, everyone was honest, how come you have such a big meal? Are you so happy?

Song Waner cried on the couch and felt that she was completely out of favor, but Lin Weixin was awake a lot. She was sitting at the table, she already knew the rumor, the emperor came to beat herself? If it really kills me, do you still have to talk? Just die. Lin Weixin did not like the emperor at all. So I don't care if I can be favored.

What she wants is a heir now, as long as there is a heir, everything is easy to handle.

Just now a little girl passed a note and came from Princess Du. It said that her mother-in-law did not know why she fell into the lotus pond and drowned last night. In order to save his wife, her father also fell in. Although he saved a life, he has suffered a stroke and is unable to speak at all.

Lin Weixin was in a state of ecstasy. She entered the palace for revenge. The two people who had insulted her mother most deeply had already been unlucky. She was very satisfied. The next step was to give birth to a prince. Her hands touched her lower abdomen.

Scourge! Can I escape the misfortune?

Everyone has their own calculations. Li Wanruanan Ruyi entered the palace in such a situation. When the two came in, they felt that the situation was not right. Why is this palace so quiet everywhere, like a temple? Are all maids and eunuchs like dead dads? An Ruyi said nervously: "Sister, did something happen."

"I don't know, we will know when we go. Also, I am now your slave-in-law, do you pull my hand as if to speak?"

An Ruyu was surprised, let go, looked at Li Wanrou's yellow face, and thought to herself, Li Wanrou was much smarter than me. I just had to follow her, which was also reminded by my parents.

The two entered the palace of De Fei, and saluted together. De Fei was upset, and no matter how to ignore these useless etiquettes.

"What about Li Wanrou?"

"The courtier is here." Li Wanrou stepped forward.

De Fei smiled, it was really unrecognizable. She took Li Wanrou's hand and turned back to An Ruyi: "Ruyi, this palace is going to say a few words with Li Wanrou alone. Go out first. This palace will talk to you later."

"Yes." An Ruyi whispered to go outside. Gongnv said: "The lady hasn't used any food till now."

"What?" An Ruyi exclaimed: "What time is this?"

"That's exactly the case. So help your slave to make some porridge."

In the homes of ordinary people, serving mother-in-law is a matter of course. It is very difficult for the palace concubine to serve mother-in-law. The same is true of the princess. This is the opportunity given to An Ruyi by Xiao Fei. This kind of thing spreads to her and is also good for her. So An Ruyu was very grateful and gave the slave-servant a purse and went to the kitchenette.

Of course, she doesn't need to make porridge anymore, and it's filial to watch on the side. And Li Wanrou has started talking with De Fei.

De Fei is a neat and straightforward, said things. Li Wanrou pondered for a while, and then said: "I think this matter should be that the emperor beat these people who are related to the rumor. The lady thinks about whether the punished palace concubines are all in the rumor, or are involved in the rumor. ? Or some concubines with a prince."

After thinking about it for a long time, De Fei hurriedly said, "Yes, that is it! The emperor believed?"

Li Wanrou shook his head and said, "No, I think the emperor should not believe it."

"Ah? Do you mean..."

"I mean. If the emperor believes, he will keep quiet and get rid of his servants. After all, I haven't married a prince. It is easy to abolish my position or die directly. "

De Fei nodded: "Yes!"

As long as Li Wanrou died, the two concubines had nothing to rely on. Now Li Xiang has resigned and the eldest daughter is dead. The emperor will not be afraid of this, not only Lin Weixing, but also Song Wan'er, without Li Wanrou. , That is, the rootless weeds, the status is not very high, and the slaves can be killed in a few days, but the emperor did not do so, but scolded these participating messages and the mothers of the princes.

Li Wanrou said: "Well. This means that the emperor doesn't believe it. And the emperor is afraid. The courtiers feel that they are related to Du Fei at this time, and South Xinjiang is testing the emperor further."

De Fei turned to look around and no one was around, and then he was relieved and held Li Wanrou tightly: "Why do you know so much?"

"Sisters and daughters don't know, but the prince knows."

"Yes, this is indeed the case." De Fei nodded: "My family's Jiuer is the most honest, and I really don't have the heart to win the heir!"

Li Wanrou smiled; "That's natural, otherwise the emperor's first thing to clean up is him. Because his criticism is the best."

De Fei grabbed her shirt and breathed quickly, her tears falling: "How can I... keep my son."

"Don't worry, the emperor has already set up a fief. It is the safest to let the nineth prince leave the capital. Of course, the prince will send troops to protect him." Li Wanrou said: "Wait until the emperor... until that day, the prince will greet him When he returns to Beijing, your mother and son will be reunited."

De Fei did not speak, but looked carefully at Li Wanrou. She didn't know if she should believe Li Wanrou.

Li Wanrou said: "Don't worry, the lady. The nine princes are precious, and they are a figure of the free cloud wild crane. The prince likes it very much."

The meaning is very obvious, as long as you don't have malicious intentions, we will not be difficult for you, we are now on a boat. Yes, you must get along well. De Fei thought about it and took down a step on his head. It was a step with a golden phoenix and a peony. The crystal hairpin below was a very beautiful step.

The original Phoenix's step rocking emperor concubine and queen can only be worn. But the last time the emperor had a head of Xiang Fei, it was Jin Feng. The next day, Xiang Fei slammed into the city. The emperor was not angry, so the other empresses also wore them.

Because De Fei's phoenix is ​​shaped like a luan bird, it doesn't matter. This is also the wisdom of De Fei.

If someone is right, it is Phoenix. But it is actually the Luan bird.

"Maid De Fei, you are..."

De Fei said, "I have nothing to give you. This headdress is actually a very important thing for me. Open the hair ring. There are a few beads in it. You take the beads in this headdress to the various silvers in the capital. One bead can be exchanged for one million two silvers."

Li Wanrou looked at De Fei in surprise: "What do you say..."

"This secret is not even known to my son. I want to wait until the nineth prince is married. But now the situation is special, I will tell you in advance."

"Well." Li Wanrou nodded.

"I am willing to use this gold hairpin in exchange for the life of my son, and the peace of my life, I hope the crown prince will succeed."

She said salute to the crown prince and was held by Li Wanrou.

"Niangniang, you are an elder, can't..."

"It's okay." De Fei laughed. "What I want is my son's safety. I don't care about these false ones."

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