Although Li Wanrou had been a queen, she did not have a deep understanding of the imperial power, but now she really understands what a real imperial power is, you can take life and death, dispose of it at will, the life of a family, a few hundred people, It was between the emperor's thoughts. (((Catino Novel Network Li Wanrou doesn't envy, but just feels horrified.

Once Nangong Chengde becomes the emperor, will he kill in a single thought?

"Xiangye is the cornerstone of our country. Who is he? I know it best. You don't need to worry anymore. I believe his loyalty! I won't do such a thing."

Li Wanrou let out a sigh of relief, and thanked Emperor Shengming, but she also knew in her heart that the emperor had suspicious personalities. Where would he easily believe a person? If you really believe whatever you say, you won’t be in the position of emperor for so many years. One day, if you can't find the real murderer, you can't believe in Xiangfu!

But now Li Wanrou is just a boudoir girl, how can she tell the real murderer? Even the prince would not have a chance to learn about Gardenia, so he could only find a way to let the emperor know. But his medical skills can not let the emperor know, otherwise the queen's death will be doubted by the emperor, how is this good?

She glanced quietly at the emperor, did he already know? Contrary to the emperor's gaze, Li Wanrou shuddered and said, "Emperor, his servant is wrong."

"What's wrong with you?"

"The courtier should not look directly at Longyan." Li Wanrou kowtowed.

The emperor waved his hand: "You are the future prince, don't need to pay more, go in. Boudoir girl, it's better to talk less."

"Yes, the courtier understands." She is an unmarried girl. She is not married yet, so it is not appropriate to go to a junior high school. So she behaved with fear and sincerity, and always followed the emperor without saying a word.

After the emperor entered, he saw the three princes kneeling in front of the emperor with some staff.

"Children see the emperor! The emperor's son is wronged!"

The emperor glanced at his son lightly, and his face was haggard. The folds of the clothes were obviously scared and he had no time to change. The anger in his heart was less, and he pulled him up: "Get up, I know you don't mean that."

"Children...Children really don't know what the **** is going on." Even though he was so vicious and vicious, he didn't dare to show up in front of the emperor just to cry.

The emperor patted his son's shoulder: "I believe you, don't cry. Follow me in."

"Yes, my son knows." The male and female don't accept each other, so the third prince dared to nod to Li Wanrou. Even if he was so awkward, he dared not take any action at this time.

Li Wanrou admired in his heart that it was not the people who got the throne in the previous life, who really could cover up and be able to bend and stretch!

The emperor also brought some people with him. In addition to the guards, there were many doctors. Those who tested poison must make sure that these things were understood. The emperor did not like the six princes, but that was his son! Dare to kill my son, I don't think you want to live one by one! He entered the palace of the three princes with a somber face, and everyone was silent.

Someone lifted the corpse of the Sixth Prince, and the Emperor only looked at it. The pale-faced son couldn't bear to look at it again, and asked the Taiji doctor to examine it, and at the same time pulled up the Laner who had started.

Laner saw that so many people were scared to death. She looked at the crowd and found Li Wanrou and shouted loudly: "Prince Princess save me! It's not me, I didn't kill anyone!" "

"Indiscriminate! So many people have seen that you have dealt with the six princes, but they still don't accept the knowledge?" The emperor glanced at Li Wanrou, very dissatisfied: "Why did she call for your help."

Li Wan Judao said: "She used to be the girl of our Xiangfu. She has served the side concubine."

Li Shifu shuddered and said hurriedly: "The concubine has been healing, and I haven't seen Lan'er for a long time. I really don't know how! Although it is my girl, but my relationship with her is known to everyone in the government, I hate Can't let her die! And Li Wanren has a good relationship, otherwise she won't call her name just now. The concubine doesn't know anything!"

Li Wanrou sneered. This sister, self-preservation is the most important thing anytime, regardless of other people's affairs. It doesn't matter whether it will lead the disaster into the Xiangfu. The three princes did not speak, anyway, it would have no effect on themselves. Lin Xue thought, she was not a pig head.

The emperor nodded: "The girl climbed the bed, the lady was naturally angry, I don't doubt you."

"Yes, thank the emperor!" Li Shifu breathed out and stared at Li Wanrou. "Why do you want to harm the six princes? Don't hurry to recruit them!"

Li Wanrou frowned, then knelt in front of the emperor: "The courtier was wronged. The courtier didn't see the six princes once, how to harm? Besides, Laner and the courtier had only met a few times since they were married. Instructed. And I don't think Lan'er meant anything."

"Really? You mean my six princes are damn?"

"No, the courtier thought that even if the other party was going to kill the prince, they would send a very powerful killer to come, and they would die after they succeeded. They would not leave a live mouth, but Laner did not know martial arts, nor would he Any knowledge of poison, after fluke's hand, is still alive, it is clear that the other party wants to plant our government."

Before waiting for the emperor to speak, Li Shifu said: "It is clearly you who caused it. You are a vicious woman, and you just want the emperor's children to have an accident. You worry that these emperors will affect your husband's future!"

Li Wanrou said coldly: "You still have to be careful!"

"I'm talking about what's in your heart!" Li Shifu was more proud: "The emperor, it's her! She did it!"

The emperor did not speak, he thought, how could the Li family raise such a woman! The brain is as stupid as a pig, and no matter how important it is, you know that it is framed and ridiculous! If the Li family really did it, would you be able to run? He looked at the three princes displeasedly. The three princes had very tickling teeth and bowed their heads: "It's not good to be taught by children. The emperor atoned."

Li Shifu still did not understand why the three princes had confessed their sins, and hurriedly said: "The real mistake is Li Wanrou! Why do you confess your sins, not yours, Your Highness!"

"Shut up for me!" The three princes gritted their teeth. Lin Xue also wanted her to shut up, but she had climbed to the front, and the wife behind did not dare to move. Fear of being killed by the emperor.

Li Wanrou said: "You are also Li's family! Li Fangfei! If Xiang Fu is implicated in you, it will be no better!"

"No! I'm already a married man, the concubine of the third prince, my grandfather selflessly corrects you! Who of you can say that I am not! The emperor will also praise me!" She sneered coldly.

The emperor sighed, and said, the three princes are also smart, even feeding such a fool!

He didn't believe that the three princes did it. Even if he tried to kill his brother, he had to find the cleanest time. How could he do it when he was hosting a banquet! Too stupid. He also did not believe that Li Wanrou did it.

The crown prince is a well-deserved future monarch. No matter how little these secret princes do in the dark, they dare not go too far, because they all know that the crown prince loves the crown prince.

It is more realistic for her to kill the six princes than to kill me the emperor directly! You can ascend to the throne directly!

Even killing him doesn't need Laner. Li Shifu knew that he was arrogantly arrogant, and he was not at all brain-conscious. It was really disappointing.

The emperor said word by word: "Principle! The third concubine Li, the mistress, misbehaving, thinking maliciously, framing her mother's house, but also pulling the future concubine, is unworthy of being a concubine, not even worthy of being a royal wife. dead."

Li Shifu was stunned, and Li Wanrou was also stunned. She had thought that she would fight Li Shifu in this life. You live and die, but did you expect it to die? But thinking about it, I thought about it. Since the Zhao family died so early, it is not surprising that Li Shifu died early. Now Li Shifu is like a headless fly.

Nonsense, the emperor can't stand it either.

Although the three princes were extremely disgusted, they were always their wives and could only prostrate themselves: "Father emperor, son..."

"If you plead, I will die to you." The emperor said lightly.

The three princes dare not say anything, just kowtow. No matter how unwilling to say this in his heart, Li Shifu is now dead, and he has solved a serious problem. Otherwise, according to her character, it will be dead sooner or later!

Li Shifu was completely dumbfounded. She kept struggling and shouted: "The emperor, the concubine is wrong, the concubine is only for the emperor, and my sister framed the six princes, not me! Why did you kill me? I Did nothing!"

The emperor sneered: "I still don't know why I should die to you? You should die quietly. Otherwise, I won't let you leave a whole body."

This kind of heart is like a viper. If some sick woman continues to be the concubine of the third prince, she still doesn't know how many heirs are going to die in her hands. She is still the same to her mother and family, not to mention strangers, and the third prince. How important it is to meet with the families of the envoys of various countries in the future. From time to time offensive, it is so open-mouthed, what if the face of Da Yinguo is lost!

At the same time, it is also a reminder to the Li family, you can be honest, I can stab to death your daughter, just like you.

What Li Xiang is most dissatisfied with with him is that he wants to make friends with his friends. Few people refute the opinions he puts forward. This time he gave your daughter a death, and also let you choose how to go in the future!

Li Wanrou knelt there silently, she did not dare to plead, if the pleading was estimated to harm the entire Li family, and she thought, after going back, she had to discuss with her father, and let the old lady write down the resignation of the resignation. come out. You cannot be a prime minister anyway.

At this time, Li Shifu has been dragged aside. Someone covered her mouth.

Lin Xue and other concubines didn't dare to speak, and at the same time they felt happy, but they also felt that the royal family was too scary. Li Shifu's background is so strong, so dead, what about them? If you don't do things well, sooner or later you will die.

Li Shifu was pressed into his room, and all the slaves were rushed out. The final ending was also sold. Although it was miserable, he still had a life. Only Li Shifu could not survive, she was still in a trance. In the environment, I did not believe that I was going to die, until the **** came with three things.

Poisonous wine, dagger, white damask. Li Shifu was finally awake and shouted loudly; "I don't want to die! I didn't hurt anyone! I also see the emperor, I don't want to die! I want to see my sister, she is the prince!"

The **** said: "It doesn't matter if you hurt or not, the emperor will let you die, and you will survive? You, hurry, I will go back and serve the emperor!"

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