Li Wanrou also said: "Actually, the courtier wants to visit Wang Zhaoyi later, don't you know?"

"Of course it is. ((((Catino Novel Network") Yu Chongyi smiled: "No problem, even if you don't say it, I want to let you see her." She has also been talking about your benefits. After all, if it were not for you, she would not be able to get a higher position, and she could also speak out about the pregnancy blatantly. Now in the court, many people know that she has a good relationship with you , And no one is doing harm in the back ground, she can rest assured."

Yu Chongyi had a good relationship with Wang Zhaoyi because of Li Wanrou's relationship. The emperor loved Wang Zhaoyi. Therefore, Yu Chongyi was regarded as a love house and a raven. He came to visit from time to time. Naturally, Yu Chongyi knew that if he had a hard time with the future prince.

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Yeah, I should visit her, but before that I want to see another person, I don't know if I can lend me a maid's clothes, let me go out once. As for who I see, I hope you Don’t ask too much, just don’t know. I’ll be back in one hour at most.”

Yu Chongyi frowned slightly, thinking to herself, what should I do? I don’t want to be like this. If something goes wrong, will it hurt me? I just want to benefit, and I don't want to have an accident!

But Li Wanrou seemed to have heard what she said in her heart, and said lightly: "You just want to get my benefits, do you want me to force you? Then you can give up, I won't."

"No, I don't mean this..."

"Since you are willing to stand on my side and want me to help you, always understand that I will not help you in vain, there is no lunch for nothing in the world, I want you to return me. You want Just accept my benefits and let me help you. What is your relationship with me? Are you familiar with me before?"

Of course Yu Chongyi understood that when she was Song Waner before, she had always had a very cold relationship with Li Wanrou and looked down on her maiden status, and Li Shifu looked for opportunities to bully her everywhere! So now it is like this, natural people will not help themselves, the last thing, already owed Li Wanrou's affection.

Li Wanrou stood up: "How about, are you willing or unwilling, if not, I will leave. You may not know that Lin Weiping was also recommended by me, it is already Lin Jieyu."

Yuchongyi naturally knows! At that time, Li Wanrou was still scolded in his heart. Why did he still have to find another person next to the emperor to compete for favor? Go crazy! Now when I hear Li Wanrou's meaning, is it that you are disobedient, you have to hold up Lin Jieyu? She doesn't want to! So I agreed.

"No! Don't go! I will give you whatever you want, don't be nervous."

"Okay, thank you Yu Chongyi."

"But it really won't happen?" She looked at Li Wanrou with some hesitation; "Is it because you are going to see which concubine in the cold palace? I don't want to..."

Li Wanrou said: "No, not only do I not go back to the cold palace, and the person I want to see is a person with high weight."

"Really? That's good." Yu Chongyi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't a criminal concubine.

Li Wanrou got a set of court ladies' clothes, let Ting Ting serve herself, then took off her makeup and went straight to meet people. The person she was looking for was naturally the Queen Mother. This time, in addition to exposing the concubine Xiang, it is also necessary to protect the Queen. Make it clear to her that the Emperor already has the heart to kill the Queen. Plan ahead.

Li Wanruo Tingting was wearing Gongren's clothes together, lowered her head and holding a box in her hand, and came to the front of the Queen's Palace. She was stopped by a grandma in front: "Who is it?"

Li Wan Judo said: "The slave-servant is a member of the palace of Baiyang Palace, who sends fruits and vegetables to the empress queen."

There is an old concubine living in the Baiyang Palace. This is what the prince had told Li Wanrou before. This concubine was a concubine very respected by the emperor and had a life-saving grace to the emperor. In addition, this concubine and the queen belonged to the family Man is a surname, so he often sends something, and the emperor knows and won't say anything. Grandma looked at the box. There were only a few lychees in it. Sure enough, there was nothing else.

But it was still very tense. After all, it involved the Queen's Pavilion, so I couldn't relax at all. Once the Emperor knew what should not happen, their life would not have to be preserved.

The grandma took a look at Li Wanrou: "How did you make a big face. I don't know what you are doing? Since when did you serve the concubine? How can I not impress you?"

Tingting's legs are trembling, very nervous, if a little careless, it may be deadly! However, Li Wanrou didn't panic and smiled lightly: "Lu despised the new branch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, called the water lily, and asked Grandma to take care. Xiaoyu has been out of the palace since then."

Grandma think about it, the lady was almost thirty years old this year, and she was indeed out of the palace. Seeing that Li Wanrou was not nervous at all, she seemed to let her go in a very indifferent manner.

Li Wanrou walked in with Ting Ting. The queen’s palace was large, and the flowers and trees outside were well trimmed. Very exuberant, but it gives people a feeling of quick desertion. Li Wanrou knows that this is because the place is too big, but there is no one there. The emperor has done a good job on the surface, but after a long time, it is not worth the queen. Is it a cold work? There are also reluctance to wait, and many people in the palace have asked to leave the palace, or have to wait for someone else. So now the palace basically has only two close waiters besides rough messengers.

Li Wanrou said: "What do you think?"

"Huh." Tingting thought about it: "I think it's a little too much. Half of the queen is about 70 afterwards. Now there are only two people left. How is this good? Why does the emperor hate the queen so much? Treat her as queen?"

Li Wanrou said: "There are many reasons, maybe the emperor needs the power behind the queen, maybe it is to protect someone, maybe there are more conspiracies, maybe she has to seal her, I'll go and ask."

"Miss II!"

"This is the purpose of me coming in, don't worry, you are here, I will go in now."

After she finished speaking, she went straight in. The two maidens inside were dozing, and they were both very sleepy. The queen looked at a book in her bedroom. She lost a lot of weight and looked a little decadent in spirit.

Li Wanrou walked in and had to teach the two maidens, but the queen refused: "Okay, don't blame them, it's not a big deal, it's all poor girls."

"But the queen is the queen!"

The voice awakened the two maidens and knelt down quickly.

The queen waved her hand out: "It's not a big deal, now besides you and the prince. Does anyone else know me this queen? I don't care at all. I won't blame them, I think once I'm going to die It is estimated that these two people will also be buried together. Why are they so difficult for them? Just live alive while they are alive."

"But you are the queen after all!" Li Wanrou was sad.

The queen doesn’t matter, sit aside: "What are you doing here? Or go back, if you are known by the emperor, you have to worry. What if you are found to be poisoned by you? What about you and the prince? , I can't make you unlucky."

Her tone was faint, but her eyes were very serious.

"If you have anything to say directly, just leave when you are done."

"Ma'am! Don't you want to live? I just want to know why the emperor killed you? If I can, I hope you live well for a long time and live happily!" Li Wanrou said.

The queen froze for a moment, and then said, "Well. I really want to live, but it's impossible..."

Li Wanrou knelt down and said, "Please give me a chance, I want to protect the Queen Mother! You give me a chance!"

The Queen saw Li Wanrou's firm appearance, first stunned, then sighed, and helped her up.

Li Wan Judo: "Ma'am, would you like to tell me?"

"Actually, there is no other reason why the emperor is going to kill me. It's just that I discovered a secret of the emperor, so he must let me die."

Li Wanrou moved her heart and looked at the Queen Mother in shock: "You mean..."

"Yes, the emperor did not have any fear of my mother's family, it was purely necessary to let me die, but this secret can't be uttered, he always thought I didn't find it, so he didn't dare to stimulate me, once I found out I’m going to say it..."

"I don't know what the secret is?"

"You even want to know? Are you afraid of dying?"

"Sisters and daughters just want the queen to live so that the prince can feel at ease." Li Wanrou said seriously, since it was decided to take care of this matter, he must live alive.

"Well, I think you are also a tough and determined person. I will tell you well. I discovered this secret on the day of the wedding. No one but me knows it."

Li Wanrou became nervous. The queen's lady came together and whispered a word in her ear. Li Wanrou looked at her in shock. The boss with her mouth open almost sat on the ground: "What you said...what you mean..."

"Yes, that's the secret. You are just like me now. If the emperor knew about it, you must die."

Li Wanrou said, "I don't want to die!"

"But you know the secret."

Li Wanrou gritted her teeth and said, even if she knew the secret, I would not die.

I really can't think of the queen dying for this reason!

Should I tell the prince about this?

No, don't say it, it can't hurt her.

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