The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 108: Who is the flower

What Yuchongyi sent to Li Wanrou was a hairpin, the five-phoenic Chaoyang jade hairpin, a bright pearl shouted at the corner of his mouth, and gold beads beneath it, with some jade hanging down in the middle, very gorgeous and dazzling, such a jade hairpin Not everyone can bring it. (((Kartino Novel Network

Li Wan Judo: "This is..."

"You are a prince, you can wear it in the future, this is given to her by the emperor, but Yu Chongyi is not qualified to wear five phoenixes, so I will give it to you, I hope you can carry such a phoenix hairpin in the future, it must be very beautiful ."

In fact, the prince's princess and side concubine can wear the Phoenix, but the only difference is the number of Phoenix's tail. Li Wanrou will be a princess in the future and can wear nine Phoenix hairpins. This is the only person who can wear it except the queen, but under normal circumstances, the princess would not wear it in order to show respect for the empress and the queen. Half will wear, five or seven phoenix tails. The other side concubines and the concubines in the palace can wear three or five.

There can only be three of them, so this one was passed on to Li Wanrou, who smiled and took it.

"Thank you for charging the instrument, I like it very much. This jade is warm, and it is a good thing at first sight."

"It's not. It is said that it is the jade tribute from southern Xinjiang, and the whole country is like this." Mrs. Song is also very proud. Since her daughter entered the palace, there were good things sent out at both ends of the three days. The days before were much better. This time, the crown prince helped, and the matter was resolved so smoothly. The crown prince even made an idea to make her and Wang Zhaoyi get close, and received the emperor's care. It is really a benefactor of the family. So flattering the crown prince was very attentive.

Li Wanren said a few words, and put away Yuchai. Mrs. Song will leave.

After thinking about this screen, Li Wanrou sent people to Mrs. Tai: "I am a junior and should serve the elders well. Grandma should like it. Send it over."

"Yes, the second lady." Several girls greeted her and went to Mrs. Madame.

Mrs. Madam saw this screen and nodded in satisfaction: "This girl is still in my heart."

Hua'er beat her on the shoulder; "Yeah, it is said that the three princes were reluctant to marry Lin Xue, or Li Wanrou asked the prince to help, so the emperor would seal Lin Xue as the county master, otherwise, it would be a concubine at most. After all." After all, it was a very despising act to engage with people before marriage. Madam Madam was also very angry. Thanks to Li Wanrou too.

Madam Tai said: "She is afraid that Lin Xue will be spoiled in the past. What if the prince likes Lin Xue? I don't know her yet. But Li Wanrou doesn't want to think about it. Even if there is no Lin Xue, there will be others. As the concubine of Prince Fu's Fuzhong, I helped her choose a family member, isn't it good? Dare you happy?"

Hua'er smiled and said, "You mean, she doesn't understand a little girl naturally, but who wants to get one without crossing the door? Let me see the slave, this forest snow, it's really not good, vanity and not No matter how obedient, you don’t have any manners of behavior. Even if you went to the palace of the third prince, the prince was still a little worse, not to mention, she was not beautiful enough.

Mrs. Tai glared at the flower, and the flower was not afraid, and said with a smile: "The slave-servant is telling the truth! The second lady is as flowery and jade-like, and you have to look for someone who loves it!"

"Also." Madam Tai thought for a while: "Which other child in the family looks beautiful?"

Huaer thought about it and shook her head: "The slave-servant really can't remember it. The longest and most beautiful one should be the lady, but it's not good now."

"I have a lot of relatives. If I can find them, I will surely find some good girls!"

"Madame, you are not looking for a housekeeper woman."

"Dare you dare to control me now?" Madam Tai's face was somber.

"No." Hua'er said with a smile: "Lin Xue's matter, although Miss II was not happy, she agreed, and even helped Miss Lin Xue to marry the third prince as a side concubine. How honorable is it? Madam, your face, will she do this? You have given her once, don't give it again, otherwise the face will not look good."

Why is my granddaughter always embarrassed? In the future, it will be the crown prince, and it will be second to make the face ugly, mainly because the crown prince is not happy, how will you be angry in the future?

Mrs. Madam naturally knows the meaning of flowers, but if you don’t send them in, you won’t be reconciled! The three princes have two members of their own family, but there is only one Li Shifu there?

Hua'er said; "I think it's better to find a few dowry girls. They are beautiful and have a low status. In the future, the second lady will also be in control. Now the quotas for the two dowry girls have been booked. They must be Tingting and Furong. , The other two, we can think of a way, look for the kind who looks beautiful, can sing and dance, and will also wait for people to look at people's faces, if the family is rich, it is meaningless. Always care about the rules, prince Lord may not like it."

"It's a good idea," said Mrs. Madame. "You are really smart. I'll find it."

"Yes. Madam must be far-sighted." Huaer thought, finding a girl is always better than finding a girl with a good background and sending it to Li Wanrou to add more plugs. It is not a word to sell or sell at that time. . Anyway, even if you don’t like it on the surface, you don’t have to show it.

"You go, send my jar of honey to Miss II. Thank you for her screen."

"Yes, I know. Ma'am." Huaer went to Li Wanrou's side in the afternoon by sending honey to tell the things, and then said the things that Mrs. Tai prepared two girls for the prince.

"The slave-maid is helpless and can't persuade. It's better to let her deliver it directly. You just have to wait until you go there and sell the people directly to Zhuangzi." she whispered.

Li Wanrou glanced at Huaer and smiled; "I don't know who Sister Hua'er is? Why did he help me several times?"

Huaer smiled and said: "The slave-servant is the wife of the wife, ma'am, the slave-servant does this just for the sake of family and everything."

Li Wanrou didn't believe it. She stood up and walked around the flowers for a few steps, and then said, "You helped me a few times, it was silent. Obviously, I didn't want to expose my identity. Are you at ease? I won't say Yes, but you said it was just for the wife, I couldn’t believe it. You better say it. I’m good to you. If you don’t say it, I can only suspect that you have your own purpose. Although I can’t fix it Others, but there is still a way to deal with a girl."

Hua'er hurriedly knelt down; "No, Miss Two!"

"You're telling the truth. I'm the crown prince. If I put something in the love honey and say this poison is from you, guess what? Or I won't kill you, I just want to distribute it to the small in the house Hey, the most gambler and drinker, that kind of thing, will you be wronged?"

Huaer shuddered: "I have been helping you, but you are ungrateful?"

"Bold! How did you talk to our young lady!" Furong shouted.

Li Wanrou waved his hand: "You are indeed kind to me, but are you really trying to bait me, or are you really going to help me? How can I know? Who knows if you are a spy sent by you? So don't blame me for being vicious."

Huaer hesitated and said, "If the slave-maid said, can the lady let me go?"

"No problem, you always help me, I will not care about your life and death."

"Yes, the slave-maid is the emperor's man." Huaer said as if he had made a lot of determination.

Li Wanrou froze, and Furong and Tingting behind him also froze. The two looked at each other and hurried out. They kept the door tightly and let no one know about it. They didn't expect to take a girl to the prime minister's office!

Li Wanrou helped Huaer up: "Just why?"

Huaerdao said: "The emperor wholeheartedly wants to weaken the prime minister's rights. But Li Xiang has been operating for many years and has no handle, plus the emperor is also worried that he will contact the group ministers and build his own party, so he simply sent people to come. In addition to slaves and slaves, there are several male servants in the front yard who are also emperors."

Li Wanrou nodded: "It turns out that this way, the emperor knows what happened in our house!"

"Yeah. He knew everything about Miss Mistress’s second calculation, and poisoning the prince."

Li Wanrou's hands tightened: "The emperor means..."

"The slave-maid didn't know. The slave-matrix was just instructed to tell the story, but the slave-maid who didn't ask the meaning above didn't know what the emperor meant. Your business."

Li Wanrou nodded: "Thank you Emperor."

"The slave-maid is the emperor's business. Please keep the lady secret. You... you have also stayed in the house for a few days."

That means don't control it. What do you have to do to manage what the emperor has to do?

Li Wanrou nodded: "I know. I didn't think about it, but you also saw it. My sister and I didn't get along. She repeatedly hurt me several times, and the three princes stared at the throne."

Huaer pursed her lips and smiled, "The slave-servant really doesn't know what the emperor means, but he still cares more about the prince if he wants to come to the emperor. Don't worry about it."

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "If he really cares about the three princes, why doesn't he care about it."

"Princess, if you don't move, how can you catch the wrong place?"

Li Wanrou froze for a moment, and then nodded: "It's true. I understand, go back and continue serving Mrs. Madam."

"Yes, the slave-maid quits." Hua'er seemed to go out like Li Wanrou hadn't said those words.

She was still the big girl beside the wife, and she had no arrogant expression.

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