The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 54: It's all knowledge

   In Tony’s impression, Leon should be a peer, at least not so young.

  Because Tony always feels like a confidant in the communication with Leon.

   Many times, there is no need to explain during the dialogue, and Leon can understand what he means.

   Mind reading is a joke of course. Tony knows this well, so in Tony’s imagination, Lyon’s mask should be a middle-aged face, maybe he still has a beard similar to himself!

   But today I suddenly saw Leon’s true face, he was a child in his 20s!

   Tony feels that his feelings have been deceived.

   For a while, I felt a little speechless, not knowing what to say.

   Instead, Pepper nodded in satisfaction.

   Isn’t this a hundred times better than street robbers (mask state) and mental patients (painting magic state)? !

   enthusiastically invited Leon to take a seat, and a few people started a formal chat for the first time.

   I have to say that no matter how hard a strong woman is in her career, her heart is still emotional.

   Little Chili saw that Lyon was obviously not yet over the age of college. The words were full of parents' shortcomings, food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and he suffocated Tony, who was sitting next to him with a stomach problem.

   Lyon is also happy to see Tony's sullen expression, hahaha, on the surface, he talks about the difference between Chinese and Western food with Pepper.

   talked like this for a long time. In the end, Pepper felt sorry for Tony. Seeing his boss couldn't talk, he bit his finger for a long time, and braided all the tassels on the armrest of the sofa.

   I'm talking for a while, I'm afraid it's not because my face will change color.

   A purple Tony Stark appeared in his mind, and Pepper couldn't help covering his mouth and almost laughed.

   "I guess you two have not eaten yet, right." In fact, Pepper didn't have to guess at this point. He knew it by looking at the piles of CDs, cassettes, and various types of game consoles in front of the TV.

   Tony's character is an older child. Although he is a lot more stable now, his essence has not changed.

   Not to mention this one. Lyon is simply a big kid!

   Don't think that Pepper is a woman. Years of experience as a nanny for Tony made her very clear: how important a game is to a man.

  Playing games and forgetting to eat?

   is too normal.

   " seems..."

   Leon is still hesitant to speak, thinking whether he is more polite in Chinese style or more straightforward in American style?

   The owner Tony spoke directly: "Yes, Pepper, I ate some potato chips and tomatoes today."

   As soon as the chat box was opened, Tony's broken mouth couldn't be controlled.

   "Maybe the weather is good for steak, but I think cheeseburgers are also fine. Those tomatoes are not fresh anymore. Didn't you ask someone to clean my refrigerator."

After speaking to Pepper, he turned to look at Leon: "Your "mantou", my pronunciation is very standard, right! Mantou! Anything else? After I came back, I tried various chef's mantou many times. Not as delicious as the one you gave me that day."

   Pepper interrupted Tony and said, "Well, for today's dinner, the staple food is steamed buns."

   Leon was surprised, because Pepper’s pronunciation was so standard.

   I just thought about it, it couldn't be more normal.

   Tony's character, Pepper is not by his side, he is omnipotent, strong enough to hit the pinnacle of human technology with a hammer in a cave. But as soon as Pepper appeared around him, he was immediately indifferent, and Leon even had reason to suspect that Tony didn't know what clothes he had in his closet!

   He wants to eat steamed buns, would he find it by himself? Didn't he tell Pepper and ask Pepper to get it.

   Maybe even the pronunciation is taught by Pepper!

   smiled politely at Leon, and when he returned to Tony, he had a small white eye. Pepper went out to arrange lunch, but it was actually dinner.

   Leon saw that Tony was smiling even after he rolled his eyes, and said to his heart: This is love!

   This time, the air is indeed filled with the sour smell of love.

   Watched Pepper leave. As soon as the door closed, Tony changed his face at the speed of light and turned to look at Leon.

   "What are you looking at!"

   A sentence in Chinese can't be done to Tony.

   The atmosphere and aura that had originally been brewing for Xingshi's questioning of crimes suddenly disappeared.

"What did you say?"

   Lyon started running the train again: "I said business is booming and financial resources are growing, and I will try my best to do whatever he wants."

   Tony:? ? ? ? ?

   With this interruption, Tony was completely reimbursed if he wanted to account for Leon’s age.

   Posing his lips, Tony looked up and down Leon: "Are you really at this age? This won't be any magic or something, in fact, your true age is more than 100 years old?"

   Leon replied earnestly: "Yes, I even hugged you when you were a kid. You will see your promise when you hit the ego!"

   "You and I are still good friends if you speak well."

"When I tiled the pyramid that year, the one under the snow was called a big one... Khufu was not a good man, and he owed me three months of wages. Sure enough! The evil was rewarded, and the grave was smashed! "


   After confirming that Leon was talking bullshit, Tony finally lost interest in Leon's age. No longer care about this issue.

   "Your is really gone?"

   Tony had already reacted. The bun that Leon gave him in the desert was definitely not an ordinary thing, maybe it was also a magical item.

"No, that steamed bun is specially made by the youngest special chef in history. He left home when he was young, and first studied in Lanxiang for two and a half years, and then was taken by the chef Xiaofugui to New Oriental for further studies. Sophisticated skills. Later, under the circumstances, he felt that even his beloved woman could not be protected, what a hairdresser! So he resolutely sealed the knife and went into hiding. That piece of steamed bread was his work."

   After finishing speaking, Leon looked at Tony with an expression that you had earned.

   Seriously and really stroked what Leon said from start to finish, and Tony finally confirmed: It's still bullshit.

   However, that piece of steamed bun is definitely not an ordinary steamed bun, Tony can still confirm it.

   Leon's gag reluctant to say, maybe because he doesn't want to make himself feel owed to others.

  Thinking about this, Tony decided to ignore the fact that he concealed his age and pretended to be his peers.

   Anyway, I didn't ask at that time.

  While waiting for the meal, the two people chatted a lot of unbelievable topics. For example, is it a gang fight when a pregnant woman hits someone?

   Why do meteorites always fall in the crater?

   How much does it cost to equip a 10,000 yuan computer?

   After the poison has expired, is it no longer poisonous or more poisonous?

   Zhang San saw a remote control falling from a beautiful woman in a skirt next to the subway. Zhang San picked up the remote control, and the beauty smiled shyly at him. Zhang Sanxin understood and pressed the remote control...

   The subway exploded.

   What crime did Zhang San convict?

  This, this...this is all knowledge.


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