In an uninhabited wilderness, above the woodlands full of low bushes, two luminous things flew past the trees at high speed.

One after the other, the fast-moving air flow made many small animals in the bushes quickly run into the cave in shock.

Looking carefully, in the light group in front of the red, yellow and blue flowing light, a yellow-haired young man in a yellow tight-fitting battle suit and a blue cape is raising his hands, trying to speed up and change direction. Throw away the light group behind.

And the light group at the back is naturally not an ordinary luminous body. It is also a guy with blond hair in a tight-fitting battle suit, his eyes glowing, and he is flying with his hands raised.


"You... can you please stop chasing me!"

The person flying in the light group in front of him couldn't get rid of the person behind him, so he could only helplessly stop, standing in place a little embarrassed and overwhelmed, and said helplessly.

"No. Unless, you admit your crime and pay for it."

Now that he has caught up, the person behind is no longer hidden in the light group. He also shows his body and falls to the ground, facing the former face to face, across a distance from the bushes.


The Sentinels have been having a really bad time lately.

Although he possessed great power, he also successfully got rid of those who controlled him.

Logically speaking, with his strength, on this earth now, it should be enough to do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants.

After all, even that guy from Leon can't do anything to him. With this strength, he should live very casually.

But this is not the case.

It was his few consciences that prevented the sentinel from doing what he wanted.


As a born loser, Sentinel has been living like mud in the past twenty years of his life.

He also had a childhood, and there were times when he dreamed of standing out and made others look at him with admiration.

But what happened later, although it could not be attributed to the trick of fate, the sentinel couldn't think of any words that could escape reality.

With powerful power, the sentinel dreams, how much will he be able to realize his childhood dream?

But reality gave him a big mouth.

He found that he was not perfectly in control of his own power.

The first time he shot to stop a thief who was grabbing a bag, the sentinel simply blocked his chest with his arm, and he swore that he would never use too much force.

As a result, the kid broke more than ten bones and died on the spot.

The blood-covered sentry picked up the robbed bag blankly, and turned around to return it to the poor old woman. As a result, the old woman who had just been robbed and couldn't run away saw the blood-covered sentinel, who was on the spot. Back to the top, with both hands raised, you can run at the same speed as the wind without balancing.

At that moment, the sentinel's heart was desperate.

As he "helped" more and more times, the troubles became bigger and bigger, and at the same time, the sentinel also discovered that there was another self in his heart.

That which he made into nothingness.

Starting to deliberately control his own power, the Sentinel gradually lived his previous days and became more and more depraved.

But even so, the sentinel found that the nihilistic personality in his body still showed no signs of disappearing, but instead grew stronger and firmly rooted in his heart.

Then the sentinel didn't even dare to fall.

He is obviously capable, but he dares not do good deeds, nor does he dare to do bad deeds. The sentinel is afraid that he will "disappear" and be taken over by that nihilistic personality.

So, relying on the fact that he could not starve to death, the sentinel started a life of seclusion, staying at home every day and not coming out.

That's it, the sentinel couldn't imagine that someone would come to the door to fight him!

Why do you want him to turn himself in as soon as he comes up, and strive for leniency? !

Just because I don't want to be a good person doesn't mean I want to go to jail! !


Can't you provoke me, can't you hide!

I really can't hide, isn't this caught up?


Captain Marvel was very interested in this guy in front of him.

Although in her worldview, the earth should never give birth to such a powerful existence, nor should two or three be born at once.

She herself has Kree ancestry, and has also irradiated the original cosmic stone, and has inherited the power of the star, and there is reason to be strong.

The guy from Leon, although he doesn't like him, Captain Marvel also admitted that this guy's life experience is all in S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this sentinel...

This powerful power is as simple as giving it when drinking water!

The most important thing is that although Leon is not good and unpleasant, it is obvious to all that he has done something.

But this sentinel is...


"You should know what you did yourself."

sentinel:? ?

I know what! I just stole some potions to drink and used too much force when doing good deeds.

Is this also wrong? !


The sentry didn't talk to him, just impatience was written all over his face.

Captain Marvel has always been an actionist and pragmatist. Seeing that the other party had no intention of communicating at all, she didn't want to continue wasting her words.

Anyway, the purpose of her coming here today is mainly to test the specific combat ability of this guy.

Since that guy in Leon said that this sentinel is a more difficult existence to deal with than him, then this guy insists on doing evil, but it is too scary.

If he doesn't get rid of him now, Captain Marvel feels that he can't safely return to the rest of the universe to maintain peace.

His hair was automatic without wind, and his eyes glowed like a small light bulb. His feet slowly floated off the ground and floated in the air. Captain Marvel shouted, "I'm here!"


Captain Marvel, who was attacking quickly, volleyed his knees and hit the sentry's arms, which were crossed and blocked in front of his face.

"I said that……"

The sentry roared in a low voice: "...I don't want to fight you!"

His arms stretched out, forcing Captain Marvel to retreat, but before he had time to speak, a golden-red fist slammed into the sentinel's face, and flew out in a circle like a normal spinning arrow he hit.

"I hope you can figure it out for yourself," Captain Marvel said. "It's not a question of whether you want it or not. It's a question of whether you have to choose between fighting with me or being beaten by me."

Before he finished speaking, Captain Marvel flew out again at the speed of light, the light on his body was great, and he turned around and slammed the sentinel's folded arms with a violent fist.

There was a muffled sound in the wilderness, and the white air waves visible to the naked eye swept the low bushes back and forth again and again.

Captain Marvel really wanted to fight the sentinel with a dead hand, and the sentinel himself also wanted to understand the truth after passively receiving seven or eight punches.

[Sometimes, if you don't provoke trouble, trouble will come to provoke you. 】

At such a time, besides fighting back, what else can you do?

Two scorching high-temperature rays erupted from his eyes. The red rays of light were beautiful but unsafe, and they directly knocked out the captain of the surprise who suppressed the sentry.

"It doesn't matter! You will die for me!!!"

Unusually, the Sentinel was no longer passively defending, but started an active attack.

The sparring between the two was extremely serious, and every time the **** of their fists could sweep out a row of ravines in this desolate land, revealing the yellow-brown land under the turf.


He raised his leg and kicked straight, this time he was dodged by the sentinel who also had the ability to fly, and then the side kick of the other leg that Captain Marvel turned over successfully kicked the sentinel's neck.

Pressed by the powerful force, he almost knelt on the ground, and the sentinel's counterattack was also received immediately. He took the attack of Captain Marvel, and after eating three legs in a row, he finally caught the opponent's flaw and hit it with one punch. Captain Marvel's shoulders.


The overall situation of the battle can basically be summed up in the several fights in this short one second.

Although the Sentinel is faster, even in rage, it is always a little restrained. It is used to deliberately suppress its own strength, and it is distracted. In addition, its own combat experience is not too much, so even if the combat power is stronger, But still can't make a fortune to beat that woman. Instead, she beat herself up quite a bit.

Three kicks for one punch, basically this is the way of fighting.


The sentinel was annoyed, and Captain Marvel was simply frightened.

When Leon fought her before, the kind of blood-thin and anti-beating attributes that Leon showed surprised Captain Marvel very much.

But Leon lost to her in the end, so these things were not taken into account by Captain Marvel.

Just a slightly stronger ordinary person.

But this sentinel...  

"...stronger than me"

Three legs and three legs, three legs and three legs.

Captain Marvel had forgotten how many times she kicked the guy called Sentinel. But he can stand up every time, carry her attack hard, and smash her with a punch.

The last time I fought with Leon, I went home that night and looked at the Band-Aid on my nose in the mirror. Captain Marvel also laughed at himself that he had not been injured outside the earth for many years. all of a sudden.

At that time, Captain Marvel himself just felt a little ashamed, and had no other ideas.

But now this sentinel, Leon is really right!

He is definitely much stronger than Lyon!

Also stronger than yourself!

This is the conclusion that Captain Marvel concluded during the battle.

It may be a little difficult to beat this guy.


Isn't that what she's here for?

Find a strong enough opponent to fight and finish him off.

The body was radiant again, Captain Marvel was in the light, and he was the light source, and her face could no longer be seen outside.


She shouted and rushed over, the long-legged battle axe slashed, and opened a crack like an earthquake in the ground under the sentinel's feet after dodging, and then followed the sentinel's retreating direction and slammed his head on his forehead.


Hong Zhong Dalu, shaking like thunder.

Even a guy like the sentinel was hit with gold stars by this head hammer.

When he woke up, he saw a smear of red blood on the head of the woman standing in the sky opposite. And the woman was looking at him, smiling particularly brightly.

He stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, blood.

The forehead hurts a lot, and I don't know who the blood is.

The sentinel laughed in anger, baring big white teeth hideously: "Okay...Okay! You forced me!"

The hot heat rays in his eyes opened the way, and the sentinel also turned into a luminous body, raising his fists and fighting with Captain Marvel.

The sound of dense bubbles bursting continued in this wilderness, but the sound could be heard, but no one could be seen.

The speed of the two people in the fight was too fast to be recognized by the naked eye. Only when a certain person was knocked away could one know where the battle just happened.

Just as the two of them were fighting more and more seriously, there was a burst of happy laughter in the sky, and then in the clouds, two scorching heat rays cut through the battlefield wantonly, scorching the entire land with blood. imprint.

"Hahahaha! Take me one take me one!"

The two in the fierce battle stopped at the same time and looked at the sky.

Bang! !

An oversized fireball hit the ground, creating a flame-shaped tornado.

With a bang, Leon dodged and came to the middle of the battlefield. Without saying a word, he punched Captain Marvel in the nose. After the opponent avoided him, he turned around and raised his leg and kicked the sentinel's chin.

"Lion! Wait..."

Don't wait!

"You are crazy!!"

Yeah! I've gone crazy so early!

Due to the sudden addition of such a spoiler in the battle, the situation where the two were almost evenly matched was instantly broken.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two of them couldn't react a little, Leon punched and kicked each of them a few times, and he felt relieved: "Hahaha! Come, come! Fight!"

Captain Marvel and the sentinel saw that Leon had no intention of communicating at all, and the knife was swung! The two of them also gritted their teeth at the same time, without words, they fought into a ball.

The battle changed from two people to three people, not only did not appear out of balance, but strangely fell into a new balance.

Leon couldn't beat Captain Marvel, but restrained Sentinel.

Captain Marvel can't beat Sentinel, but he can beat Lyon.

The Sentinel couldn't do anything about Leon, but he was able to suppress Captain Marvel.

Triangles are the most stable, so right.

The battle became more and more intense, and the three of them became more and more angry. Gradually, no one made a sound. Even Leon silently gritted his teeth, blocking Captain Marvel's fist on the left, and gave the sentinel a big mouth on the right.

The same is true for the other two people. While being injured and beaten, they are also constantly causing new injuries to others.

It's just that the animals who lived in this land have not only lost their homes, but they have also sacrificed themselves in the aftermath of the battle.




At a certain moment the three people who were in a ball were all pinching each other's wrists and clasping each other's fingers, like three sumo wrestlers, raised their hands high and froze in place.

Time passed, and the three of them still didn't speak, and not only did no one want to let go, but they were even constantly increasing the strength in their hands.

The air seemed to be stagnant, and thunder and lightning rose from the surface and kept spinning around the three people.

The three single-universe-level people continued to exert their strength in a perfect "system". Gradually, small cracks appeared in the surrounding space. All three felt that the problem was a bit wrong, but after looking at each other, no one was willing to take the lead. Open your mouth.

The power in the hand is still increasing, and the cracks in the space are also increasing.

Finally, after a distorted light flashed, all three suddenly disappeared without a sound.

In place, there is only a big pit left, as well as a mobile phone, a hat, and a cloak.

(Ps: Sentinels can tear up space by themselves.)

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