The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 437: Contaminated Dark Lord

Coming to the dark latitudes with confidence, I was ready to tease Domam with deaths and negotiation terms again and again. I didn't expect that the situation would be completely reversed when it was actually operated.

It was not Leon who teased Domam, but Domam stopped Leon with a word.

Really, just one sentence.


In the huge dark space, the distorted colors and graphics constantly change in the endless places that seem to be in front of you. It seems that the only piece of rugged land where you can stand on, the two have no long faces, or "faces". The strangely long guy is looking at the big eye to the small eye, and no one speaks.

Lyon looked at Domam, the line stranger, and tried to find clues on its spliced ​​face that could analyze intelligence.

In the same way, most of his body is hidden in the darkness, and even Domam, who is integrated with the entire dark space, is always watching Leon’s constantly changing "face", as if trying to keep changing on it. Find evidence to support what he said before in the graph of.

For a while, the entire dark space was silent.

Until Leon couldn't help it at first.

After all, if the competition is sensitive to time, a guy like Leon, who is still a normal creature, will definitely not be able to survive the old monster like Domam who doesn't know how long a person has lived alone.

Hesitating, Leon asked, "Uh...Domam...Mr.? Maybe it's a lady...

Anyway, what I want to ask is...Did you admit the wrong person?

Or, in my body, have you seen or heard something, the shadow of someone you used to be familiar with? "

As soon as Leon spoke, Domam actually...


"Hahahahaha! well~well~well~



Leon interjected directly: "Can you speak Chinese? I'm afraid there may be some discrepancies in the content of English expression. Let's use Chinese instead. I am more familiar with that."

Don't worry about why Domam speaks Chinese. It all speaks English. It's well-well. It can speak Chinese. There is nothing wrong with it.


Leon’s original intention was actually to stimulate Domam to get angry, to make it feel like he was provoking something, and then to kill himself, and then...

Then Leon can come and feel it again: Do you have a familiar smell?

It doesn't seem right...

However, the course of things did not follow the path Lyon had envisioned.

Domam, not only was not angry, he really started to communicate with him in Chinese!

"Human, tell me your name."

Domam's voice is round and round, and he does not miss the corner of the Chinese cram school to practice oral English.

"Me? My name is Nick Fury."

"Nick Fury... this is not a familiar name."

Domam's big face was faintly visible in the darkness, as if he was thinking about something.

"Then, Nick Fury. Can you tell me why, when I meet you, I have such a strange sense of familiarity...

Ok? "


You ask me why I ask who to go!

I know you, but that was a matter of my previous life. As a dignified dimensional lord, can you not just be so polite in this suit as soon as you come up!

Killed me cleanly, and watched me coming from the hole over there again. Isn't it a routine operation you should have!

"I...Is it possible. I'm actually your long-lost old father?"

In order to stimulate Domam, Leon dared to die again.


"Old father? Haha... There is no such thing as a parent in my existence.

You got the wrong answer. "


I will answer you a big watermelon!

I'm mocking you, brother!


laugh at!

Cursing, do you understand, cursing!

"Then~ maybe I forgot to bring the paper last time and came to you to deal with hygiene problems? That's why you are ~ familiar with my...smell?"

Domam didn't even change his expression, of course, it could also be because he was born with no expression.

"Then, what do you have the problem of not carrying paper again now, so..."

"No no no! Absolutely no!"


He tried to mock Domam again, but it didn't work.

Is this the realm in which I stand still in the legend? !

Lyon had no choice but to adopt a more direct approach.

Stretch out a finger.


After a hundred bursts of Ling pills.

Lyon got the result he wanted.

No matter how much Domam had the "big man's aura", he couldn't have any pity for a bug that dared to attack him.

A black light flashed from the edge of the space, Leon, dead.


Lyon, rubbing his neck, flew over from the big hole at the edge of the space.

After landing with a grin, he raised his hand and stretched out a finger: "Hehehe... Lingwan!"

Then, tens of thousands of crystal spikes suddenly burst on the ground.

Leon, the second dog leash.

Then... Leon, who was scratching this scratching that, flew back again.

"Hehehe... Huo Dun: Red Lotus Dance!"



"Hehehe... Mu Dun: The Art of the Wooden Dragon!"



"Ice Age!"



"Ahhhhhh! Eat my forty-meter machete!"



"I'm a clone..."

Only the body: death.


"Gatlin in the blue fire! Da Da Da~"



"Relentless Iron Fist! Huh? You don't have a nose?"

Torn apart, the one who died is called a miserable...


"Double Transformation Technique! Eight Gate Dunjia Seventh Gate... Fuck you can't hold it! I'm so cracked!"

This... This is considered self-determined.



"I... I didn't want to hit you, I just came to negotiate terms..."



"Don't fight! Let me say something!"



"Grass mud horse."



"You see that b-like look! It seems like you are on the order! I Leon, just **** *****! You have a special code..."



After not knowing how many times he died, Leon came over again with a cigarette in his hand.

Sighing out a smoke ring, Leon stood still and glanced at Domam: "Hurry...hurry up, I'm in a hurry."


The Time Gem can deal with Domam but can't reproduce the same method to deal with Thanos. The specific reason is that Domam is too powerful.

It is so powerful that it can ignore the time law of another universe, stand out of time, watching Leon come and die one by one, and come back from that space again and again.

In other words, the power level of Domam is completely stronger than the gem of time.

Therefore, it can realize that it has been "fooled" by the gem of time.

If you replace it with Thanos who can be affected by the Time Gem and you are completely unaware that you have entered an infinite loop of time, the situation will become that the person holding the Time Gem will be killed by Thanos again and again, but Thanos Never realize that this time, it is actually the "next time".

He will continue to kill and take this action tirelessly.


However, what Strange used to deal with Domam now seems to have failed for Domam.

The time gem is still the time gem, Domam is still the Domam, but the person holding the gem to negotiate terms changed from Strange to Lyon, and then...

Domam became inexplicably interested in killing Leon indefinitely.

Leon... has died almost two hundred times.

To be honest, it's kind of...



"Hurry up! Kill me! I'm still waiting for the next trip!"

Obviously waiting for the other party to kill him effortlessly, but I don’t know why, from Leon’s mouth, there is a sense of high-level bullying. It seems that he wants to kill Domam, not Domam. Go kill him.

"You have your ears at home! You didn't listen to what I said...

Oh, sorry, I didn't see it. You don't seem to have long ears. "

Leon hurriedly put down the cigarette, righteously speaking: "I also have a disabled friend. His name is Nick Fury."

Dommam smiled slightly and slapped Leon to death.

Not long after, another Leon flew over from the Great Hole.

"How do I say, should I scold you first, or do you just do it?"

These more than two hundred deaths allowed Domam to thoroughly appreciate the profoundness of Chinese from Leon's mouth.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Leon came over these two hundred times, not a single curse was repeated.


Without doing it directly, Domam spoke to Leon for the second time since he killed Leon for the first time.

"Didn't you say that your name is Nick Fury. Why, you have another friend named Nick Fury."

"Yeah! The level of Chinese has risen! But don't learn swear words, you will be deducted from swear words!"

Lyon looked indifferent, took another cigarette from his pocket, and raised a hand to Domam.

"Don't you draw a man?"

With a tremor in his body, Domam's body seemed to gradually merge with the dark dimension, and soon disappeared completely in Leon's eyes.

After that, in the endless darkness, a bald young man wearing a black robe, with a shape similar to that of the Supreme Temple, and even a little like the ancient one, slowly walked out with his hands behind his back.


Leon's hand fell to the ground.

Picked up the cigarette from the ground, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. After a long time, the young man said, "The guy who was against me before, likes to boil the leaves and drink it. You are even more annoying. It's a bit more straightforward.

I don't even need water anymore, I actually use fire to light it. "

Glancing at Leon, the young man put the cigarette directly into his mouth, without seeing any other actions, it ignited directly.

Leon was completely dumbfounded.

After holding back for a long time, he said: "You have to click that side to smoke..."


"Well, reverse smoking day fairy... Ah no, reverse smoking Li Baotian. Normal people definitely don't do that."

"So you think I'm a normal...person?"

"...You go on."


Two "people" silently smoked cigarettes in this dark space where weird and uncoordinated everywhere, like young people worrying about internet fees in the dark.

It's just that the content of their chat is somewhat frightening.

"You all smoked one, you don't have a health maintenance like you..."

"Then you pour some water, I will boil it and drink it."

"...You may have seen Gu Yi boiled tree leaves and drink, but my leaf and hers are not on the same tree. You boil the is poisonous."

"Can you poison me?"

"That's not possible."

"Pour a cup."

"...Okay. Um...I don't have water, can I have wine."

"Wine? Is it something from the entrance?"

"Uh... that definitely is."

"A drink."


"Why is this on fire?"

"...Um...I want to say that no one on earth does this, believe it or not."

"Can I be at the level of them?"

"That's true. They add up to nothing."

"Hang? Isn't this a curse?"

"...Sometimes it's a boast. For example..."

"You don't need to explain this, hurry up and cook, you stubborn."

Leon: "..."

It seems that this plot is going...

It looks a bit wrong? ! ! !

Looking at Domam with a grin, pouring a cup of hot, bubbling alcohol, boiled tobacco leaves into his mouth, smacking his lips in doubt and tasting the taste, Leon felt that he really saw the truth today.

Compared with Domam, Mephisto doesn't have the style of a high-ranking boss.

Wearing black clothes and putting on black eyeshadow is what it is.

Look at this, a toast can scare people to pee.

"By the way, should we do it now. Or... I will punch you again?

Now you have a nose, my hands are itchy..."


Lyon was divided into two halves in place, dead neatly.

After a while, another Leon flew over from the big hole.

Smoke, light, and curse, all in one go.

Then Lyon came again.


"Don't you feel annoying."

"It's not unpleasant, but I think this seems to be better for you."

"Geying. I understand the word. You scolded me."

After drinking Lyon's fifth alcoholic tobacco leaf water, Domam didn't know what to use for it.

Standing up, Domam looked at Leon and said, "After playing this game a few times, I get a little tired.

I will close that channel, but not because I don't want to continue killing you. But I have something else to do, do you understand. "


More than understanding, it is simply understanding!

As long as you can turn that stuff off, I believe you are going to deliver the baby to the court of life.

"You have the breath of that guy from Gu Yi, the halo in your hand, huh... Gu Yi's broken stone.

But apart from Gu Yi, there is definitely something else, something I am familiar with.

what is that. "

The topic went round and round, but came back here.

Leon hesitated for a moment, but decided to give an answer.

"Um... Mephisto and I are friends. Maybe..."

"okay, I get it."

Domam nodded: "You can go now."

"Huh? Really?"

"Well, do you want me to send you off."

Domam raised his hand.

"No! No! I have legs, I will go by myself."

"Wait a moment."


"Then what leave some for me."

Leon: "..."


After closing the space channel, the human form Domam thought for a long, long time in the dark space with only it.

"Mephisto...Speaking of it, it's been a long time since..."



A space door opened, and a bald young man in a black mage robe came out with a cigarette in his mouth.

After looking around, he muttered to himself: "It's really been a long time since I've been here, and the doors are opening crookedly."

Immediately, it lifted its chin slightly and shouted: "Mephisto! You stubborn hair, Lord Domam is here!"

The sound is like Hong Zhong Dalu, cracking clouds through rocks. Resounded throughout hell.

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