The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 322: Don't move

"Quil! It's time to divide the money now!"

In a dense wood, from the campfire, there was a raccoon in clothes squatting, a man with headphones, a green-skinned woman sharpening a knife, and a...wood that was adding wood to the fire.

"Hey, Groot. Don't burn yourself!"

After the Rocket Raccoon yelled at Grout, the treeman, he immediately turned his head to look at Quill, grinned, and jumped directly over the fire sensitively and jumped onto Quill's face.

"Star shit! Hand over my money!"

"It's Xing Jue!!"

The two quarreled again, and Kamora who sharpened the knife on the other side had become accustomed to such a scene in the past two days.

If it wasn't a last resort, she really didn't want to get together with these guys.

However, when she handed over the Power Gem and allowed Quill and the little panda to sell the Power Gem to Emperor Fan, it also meant that she had completely broken with her adoptive father and enemy, Thanos.

The place of nothingness is not a good place to keep secrets. Now, maybe Er Thanos already knew the news of his betrayal.

Now, a whole day has passed since they left the land of nothingness. They randomly found a planet and prepared to take a break first.

Camora didn't know where else she could go. Before she had her own spaceship, she thought it would be better for her to follow these two people.

As for the tree... well, that is to follow the three of them.

"Hey! That woman, don't you like to stab people with a knife? Quickly stab this or something! He is greedy for our money!"

The Rockets raccoons are uniting their "teammates." In a vain attempt to isolate the star.

However, Kamora didn't buy it.

She stood up with two short knives. The arguing Xingjue and Rocket Raccoon separated immediately.

They are a temporary community of interests. Although they have had a preliminary cooperation with each other, they are equally wary of the woman Kamora. For the time being, they are allies in this matter.

"I'm not interested in that money. Take out my money for a bigger spaceship. Quill."

"Huh? Ah! Okay, okay!"

Hearing that Kamora, as a temporary teammate, was so insightful and righteous, Xing Jue, who had originally made money to exchange for a larger, more advanced spacecraft, was not too happy to mention it.

But the Rocket Raccoon who witnessed this ally instantly turned into an enemy camp was not very happy.

"Okay, then it's more than half of the money."


Xing Jue raised his eyebrows: "You only have one third at most."

"Do you want to swallow Groot's share?!"


"It's not that I want to take your money, it's this or something that wants to take your money!"


"This is not the time to talk about that, Groot."


"Yes! Hahahaha! Did you hear Xingjue? Ahahaha...!"

Xingjue was shocked just now by the Rocket Raccoon who held up his gun at a disagreement. He turned his head and was forced to appreciate a crosstalk that was not well understood.

"Okay, okay! Rockets, divide you in half."

Xingjue didn't want to cause too much trouble, and the money was a lot. His share and Kamora's share were enough to complete his original idea and replace it with a larger and more advanced spacecraft.

Give him the part of the raccoon.

"You seem to have forgotten my share."

A red skin, with patterns densely covering every inch of his body, the brawny man with his arms walked out from the depths of the woods holding a bundle of firewood.

"Oh, Drax, how could it happen! Of course we didn't forget your share! Right?"

"Uh... yes! We didn't forget your share."

Urgently looked at each other with Xingjue, exchanged a wave of eyes, and the two of them instantly evolved from an opposing state into temporary allies.

These five people can shoot a Game of Thrones by themselves in an hour.

This faction has changed, and the speed at which the covenant is concluded and changed is too fast...

"My money is used to buy weapons and equipment for the new spacecraft." When Drax spoke, he glanced at Kamora deliberately.

He still had a little care about the matter of Kamora's daughter-in-law.

Camora didn't speak, just looked at the knife in her hand. Camora had seen that look in Drax's eyes countless times.

Everyone who knows that she is the adopted daughter of Thanos will think of her this way.

It cannot be hidden, hatred.

Quill didn't pay much attention to these details, his attention was all on the money.

To be precise, it was all on the new spacecraft.

"Pretty! Hahahaha! Don't worry Drax, I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, I know there is a place selling second-hand starship guns, and we will get one at that time. Send that silly Noth to see the goddess of death."

Camora raised her head and glanced at him. Just as she was about to speak, another abrupt strange voice came from deep in the woods: "That... it's really great..."


Only Quill spoke out, and the rest of them directly took out their weapons and attacked.

Groot doesn't count, he is a vegetable.

" do you say, before I speak, can you tell me how far from the land of nothingness here."

A step late, but at any rate he raised his gun. Quill has always been alone. The first time there were so many teammates by his side, he was not very gentle at first, but this time he was even more arrogant.

"Mouse! If I were you, I shouldn't stand there and talk now. I advise you to report your name and then raise your hand to walk out.

Of course, you can also choose..."

"Kill you all? Hahaha!"

Step by step, the sound of footsteps stepped on the dead branches and leaves, and came out slowly.

"Oh! Brother, your injury is as terrible as your makeup! Did you fall into the bear's cave? You don't have one of your hands!"

Dragging unobedient, **** legs, Leon walked barefoot outside the woods and stood still in front of a few people.

"Bear cave, not really, it's just one, wormhole."

The dagger that Camora placed in front of him was slightly raised by a point. Years of experience in fighting and fighting told her that this person...

Not quite right!

He is watching me!

He seems to... know me? !

"A little bear, a small tree, a half-blood, a big fool enlightened by a god, and..."

Nodded along the head, and finally stayed on Kamora's face: "Ha ha ha... Also, an adopted daughter of Thanos.

Miss Camora, I may have some questions for you to answer, I hope you won’t feel abrupt. When meeting for the first time, please allow me to introduce myself: My name is Leon, the nemesis of your dad's fate. in addition……

You want to send me back to the land of nothingness. I still have some things to deal with. Do you think it is convenient to help me? "

Back to the land of nothingness? !

How can it be!

Not to mention that the accuser Ronan has just left from there, and may have already reported to Thanos, even those Star Wanderers who only have money in their eyes are not easy to deal with. Now everyone knows where they got a lot of money from Difan.

Hunting the people who came out of the treasure room of Emperor Fan was already a business, and Emperor Fan didn't care about this kind of thing. Finally escaped, and now go back, isn't it looking for death?



Camora rushed directly, and before Quill could react, he had killed him with Drax, the reckless man.


Leon didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky.

He overestimated himself, but also underestimated the power of the cosmic rough stone.

The energy exploded by the space gem made Leon's body shattered to an unprecedented level.

To be precise, if he hadn't been protected by the black lamp ring, he would have broken into many pieces now, and he would have died pretty well.

Fortunately, as long as he didn't die, Leon could recover little by little.

It’s just that when the space gem was finally pinched by Leon, he directly teleported him to an unfamiliar planet. This is Leon dragging his severely wounded body and flying to a high place with air dance, confirming that there is absolutely no possibility on the earth. Such a vast forest was initially determined.

And when the night passed and the sun rose, Leon also completely gave up the illusion that he might be on the earth.

The red sun also has the earth.

But with two red suns, the earth has absolutely no drops.

There is no doubt that this is a strange place.

And Leon, it seems that it is not good to leave here.

Let alone whether the question of crossing the universe is reliable, Leon doesn't know the direction!

What can we do? Let's take care of the injury first.

This time, the injury did not last for seven days or eight days, and it is estimated that it will not heal.

But it was just a day's work. When night fell again, Leon saw a "shooting star" falling in the distance.

When Leon came here looking for hope, he was happy.

Ha, it's such a coincidence...

So, after "pecking into the screen" for a while, Leon chose to take the initiative to show up and discuss with them in a more civilized and polite way.

The reason why Leon, who was able to try his best not to make any noise, "counseled" this time, really had nothing to do with the wound on his body.

Mainly, it is angry now.

In case you can't keep it, do it, and the group is destroyed.

Without a gun butt, the hero who played the Fourth Avenger League will be able to deal with it, this spacecraft, Leon will not be able to drive away.

So, if you can, if you can not fight, Lyon does not want to shoot.

However, if others take the initiative and even stubbornly stiff, that's another matter.

The clown costume on part of his face was smeared by the blood on his forehead, Leon in this state was a bit less mad, but more terrifying and cold-blooded.

"Hehehe... there are people in such a hurry to die..."

Leaning over and avoiding the dagger that Drax swept across, Leon put a finger on Drax's chin: "It's night now~~ Lingwan!"

Rising into the sky, Drax fell heavily into the woods he had just walked out of.

On the other side, the veteran assassin and teammate Kamora took advantage of Lyon's distraction to deal with Drax. After finding the right time, he stabbed Leon's shoulder with a backhand!

Then, her knife could not be taken out.

"Actually, I'm pretty strong, right. It really is Difan's problem, not mine."

I didn't care about the pain at all, Leon jammed Kamora's knife with his muscles and bones, raised his hand, and instantly armed and domineering around his arm, he grasped the other pierced blade of Kamora.

"You may have to change your weapon."

With a kick on Kamora's chest, Kamora released both knives and let out a muffled sound, flew out and knocked down Drax who had just stood up and rushed forward with a roar.

Throwing down the short knife he had snatched from his hand, Leon reached out to pull the one stuck in his shoulder.

It's troublesome to have only one arm, otherwise this move empty-handed will definitely not be so rough and without technical content.

The knife was thrown on the ground and cried.

Leon walked forward slowly, still considering whether to kill or not.

"He has a problem with his leg! Not as fast as us!"

After Xingjue discovered Lyon's weakness, he hurriedly reminded his teammates. After firing two shots, he decisively turned on the spray equipment on his shoes and pulled back.

After he landed, he looked up again, and the man who claimed to be Lyon was gone.


Rocket Raccoon shouted: "Behind you!"

"Yeah. Behind you." At the same time, Quill heard the words behind him.

Turning around is a shot!

no one!

"You are so insidious!"

That voice was still behind him.

"As sinister as I am."

There was a pain in his shoulders and legs, and Quill knew that he had been shot.

Holding a black and white gun with a beautiful pattern, Leon pointed the gun at Quill lying on the ground and smiled horribly: "Hehe, you can lie down for a while. You will be used later.

Don't move~ I will kill you. Hmm... forget it. "

With four more shots in the limbs, Leon decided not to give Quill a chance to make a mistake and put himself in a dilemma between killing and not killing.

Forced Quill to be honest.

At this moment, a vine suddenly appeared on the ground, binding Leon's scarred feet, while Quill lying on the ground also had vines dragging him back.


"Hehe, tree. So will I."

Mu Dun! The Art of the Wooden Man!

It just so happens that this planet is full of trees. Calling out a few small wooden people to entangle Groot, Leon laughed: "I also have a little fire power, and I will show you a..."


The Rocket Raccoon, who ran to the tree just now, found a good angle and jumped down. When it fell to the height in front of Leon's face, a big spray hit Leon's face.

Lyon fell down.

"Ha! You bunch of useless rubbish, in the end I have to save your life from Master Rocket!"

Rocket Raccoon carrying a gun proudly: "You lack a strong leader like me. I decided to be your captain with reluctance."


"Now there are two votes in favor."

"I... I agree. Anyway, I only need someone who can drive a spaceship. I don't care who is the captain."

Leon propped his arms and lay his head on his side: "So, now, can we talk about it. Take the opportunity~

I'm not so good at talking all the time! ! Stand for me if you don't want to die! "

Taking a deep breath, Leon exhaled slowly.

"Hi...whee.... If you move again, you will die."

This time, except Drax, everyone stood still.


Armed with domineering entanglement, Leon opened the eight-door Dunjia third door and rushed over.

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