The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 309: Black screen

This is an arsenal that has been abandoned for a long time, or a place such as a weapons warehouse.

At least on the surface, it is true.

But when a few people fell on the ground and stood at the door, they heard the voice of the US team standing in the door.

"Everyone, you should come in and take a look, what's inside, um..."

Saul had an indifferent attitude, nothing would surprise the knowledgeable Prince Asgard.

Leon's mask is a good thing. At any time, everyone can't see the expression under his mask. This is a good hidden function.

It stands to reason that Tony's visor also has the same function, but sometimes, people's mental state is not just judged by facial expressions.

There are also physical movements.

Tony's physical movements are more obvious now. He clenched his fists and breathed clearly. At the same time, he really showed the mechanical stiffness of a robot as a whole.

Tony stood there for a long time, until someone pushed him from behind him.

It's Lyon.

"Let's go, Tony, let's get revenge and clarify the truth~ It's very interesting to see the enemy's face and the painful expression on his face because of failure, isn't it~"

Lyon can always break the inherent atmosphere, everyone hates it, but at this time, it seems to have become an advantage again.

Smiling, without making a sound, Tony moved his hands and feet and walked into the door, the dark passage first.


Because of the length of the passage and the long years of disrepair, there is no lighting in the passage, so when you look from the bright outside to the inside, it's just pitch black.

After walking inside and walking through the long passageway, Tony saw the US team who came here first, and at the same time, saw what the US team wanted him to see.

That is, rows of... glass jars.

If it's just this kind of thing, then of course it won't let the US team have that kind of performance, it's mainly the things in the glass jar.

They were human males with strong bodies and muscular bodies. They were all young and looked only about twenty years old, but they were all dead, a long time ago.

[Eggs-Raul, male, 25 years old, injected with modified SHL Serum No. 1 serum, in good condition, unknown adverse reactions, reserved for observation. 】

[Billy-Descartes, male, 22 years old, injected with SHL No. 4 secondary variant serum...]

[Wells—Parry, male, 19 years old, taking...]

Everyone followed the US team and flipped through the paper documents roughly placed there on the center console in front of the glass jar. Everyone was silent.

These should all be super soldiers who were controlled by Hydra like the Winter Soldiers, and were injected with serum after brainwashing.

Although most of the experimental records and report data are written in [good condition], [no adverse reactions] and the like, but seeing the date on the experimental report, everyone knows that these injections are variously different. The young man with the super warrior serum must have died.

Although they were soaked in the light green sealed liquid, they all looked lifelike.

Hydra’s super warrior plan, at least, in this secret base, only Bucky has successfully turned into a super warrior, controlled by Hydra, doing evil everywhere.

Everyone looked at it for a while, and then closed the record report in silence.

Although these jars are all members of Hydra, the report clearly states how they have gone through many screenings and investigations before they are the strongest, the healthiest, the most suitable, and the most loyal. The Hydra warriors participated in this "great" project. It stands to reason that as members of the Hydra, it is not a pity to die. Even if they are still alive, they will not hesitate to jump out of the glass jar. Fight those guys and kill them mercilessly.

However, seeing these things, after all, was still terrified. Not only psychologically, but also physical discomfort.

The US team looked at a dying Hydra warrior, shook his head silently, then sighed slightly, and said with great emotion: "Hydra has been working hard to make their own super warriors in order to rule the world.

But in addition to the two monsters of the Red Skull and the father and daughter, it took so many hearts and died so many people, and in the end only Bucky was successfully turned into a super soldier.


What irony! "

Lyon didn't know whether the irony of the US team was about Hydra or himself, but the mood of the US team was very bad and depressed. He could still see this.

Originally, Tony came here, and his mood wasn't very good. Now he hasn't seen him yet. A bunch of enemy specimens made the US team feel uneasy, even a little emotionally tranced. What is this? !

Aren't we here to take revenge!

Let's come to the base of Hydra, okay!

What the **** is the sadness of spring and autumn!

Look at Saul, why is he okay?

Why is your mentality so fragile? !

Lyon looked at Tony, who came forward to comfort the US team. The big red lips of the mask were about to reach the roots of his ears. He put his arms on his chest, and Lyon said to Saul disdainfully: "We have to be both of us. The two are the real fighters! Are they, Thor."

Thor flicked his cloak: "You're crazy, you know what emotions are."

After that, Sol also went to comfort the US team.

Leon stayed where he was, and he was surprised that Sol was "beat" by surprise.

"Oh yo yo~~ It's really rare, you are the Avengers in the end~ Unlike me, I only know my heart... No, I'm just an outsider~~"

Lyon's pretentious tone of grudge made all three of them awkward. If it weren't for the time, they really wanted to unite and beat Leon to get out of their anger.

However, this state of sentimental heart was still "disgusting" passed by Leon.

The American team took the lead to clean up their mood, glanced at the shield on their arm, and after nodding to the crowd, they once again took the lead and walked in the forefront.

Tony followed closely, Sol followed, and Lyon was the last.

I passed many rooms along the way, and everyone went and checked them one by one, but they didn't find any useful things or news.

However, they have come a long way now, but they still haven't fully explored the entire appearance of this fortification.

I have to say that this place is really big, unlike what the Hydra can make out of the time when it was chased all over the ground.

But if it is a little longer, Bucky's time period will not match, so there is no other explanation for this time period.

"Lyon, this is not built by the Red Skull."

Among the few people here, only the US team knew the most about the Red Skull period, so he was the first to discover this problem and ask it out.

"No, hehehe..."

Leon responded immediately, and he was smiling very much...


However, everyone has known Lyon for a long time, knowing a little about Lyon's condition, and directly extracted the most direct information from Lyon's weird laughter.

"Here... was built by S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau?!!!"

"Yeah~~ Oh, why are you so smart today?"

Facing the unanimous voice of Tony and the United States, Lyon felt a little strange.

The American team over there walked sideways silently, revealing the mark painted on the wall behind him.

The circular eagle shield symbolizing SHIELD.

"Then what you ask me to fuck!"

Without time to pay attention to Lyon, the US team and Tony started to move forward again.

Sol still followed directly.

Leon jumped cursively for a while at the end, and no one really paid any attention to him. He gave up the performance art performance and walked up slowly.

A few minutes later, everyone came to a huge central control room.

There are no other things everywhere here, none of the used weapons, paper documents, lost daily necessities and white coats that can be seen everywhere before.

There are only a lot of old computers connected in one piece, and a huge display screen.

"Here... there is nothing here!"

Tony looked around for a few times and confirmed that this was the last room of the fortification, and they also carefully searched almost every house, and even to some extent, they spoke loudly without concealing their figure and position. , Are all to lure the enemy, let them feel that they have the opportunity to expose themselves.

But now, there is no one here.

Except for corpses, paper, and this pile of things that should have been eliminated long ago, there was nothing.

"Eh~ This is a bad word."

Leon pulled a sentence in Chinese, then walked to Tony's side and stood in front of the monitor: "Everyone, this is the purpose of our coming here today."

After speaking, Leon kicked the computer behind: "No one is a ghost or a ghost, what do you hide? Come on, what is your name... Doctor Big Head Ghost? Doctor Little Dwarf? Or..."

"I am Dr. Zola! I am a genius!"

Some distorted mechanized synthetic sounds came from all sides of the room, and there was some echo in the big empty house.

Sol immediately raised the hammer in his hand, and Tony and the US team were also prepared, only Leon was still so careless.

But he seemed to be dead like this at all times. Everyone is not surprised and used to it.

"You're a doctor, you're a genius, you're a shit." Leon turned around and tapped on the huge, some unsuitable monitors: "I'm still pretending to be a ghost here. I smashed your face. Believe it. Do not believe."

A bright white dot appeared on the black monitor screen, and then it fluctuated continuously, moving up and down, and finally lit up.

The American team, Tony and others finally saw the picture on the monitor.

It was a simple and crude face image.

"I am left..."

"Tony, that's the bastard."

Leon didn't even hang the face on the screen. He pointed his thumb back and said to Tony: "This **** did everything. Now, it's up to you."

Finding a place, Leon sat down, took out his full set of equipment from the space, and picked up food.

And here Tony, looking at the guy who called himself Dr. Zola on the "TV", asked his own question very calmly.

"Dr. Zola? You call yourself Dr. Zola, then, if I remember correctly, you should have surrendered from Hydra to S.H.I.E.L.D., I have seen your name in my father's notes."

Hearing Tony saying this, calling himself Dr. Zola, the man living in the computer asked eagerly: "Your father, hahaha... Howard Stark! How does he comment on me?!"

Tony lifted his visor: "He said you were an idiot pretending to be smart."

"Hahahaha! How! Hua! De!"

Some crazy laughter sounded from all directions, and Dr. Zola hatedly said: "I knew it! I knew it! He never looked down on me! Why and why!

you! You are Stark, you are his son. You know I killed him, you know! That's why you are here, hahaha! "

Hearing this "Frankenstein" said that, the American team was so angry that they almost wanted to go straight to a choke-throat and strangle this old robot!

But he finally held back.

Leon was right. Even if he really wanted to do this, the person who did it should be Tony.

The US team was furious, but Tony still behaved very calmly.

He lifted his visor, looked at the monitor and said, "Do you want to prove that you are better than my father? Oh, you failed. That's why you used the least intelligent way to kill him.

Because you know in your heart why my father looks down on you. "

Taking a step forward, Tony said, "My father is right. You are indeed an idiot pretending to be smart."

"You...! Ha! You're just... You're just... He still died in my hands! Everything about him should have been destroyed! Including you!"

Spreading his hands quite innocently, Tony smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm having a good time. And..."

Tony scratched his head with his fingers, and said embarrassingly: "Although it is a bit arrogant, but since you know my name and can recognize me, you should know.

I am better than my father. Surprise? "

Dr. Zola was almost dead by Tony. He looked at Tony fiercely and then at the US team: "Just a little bit, just a little bit! Almost I will succeed!

It's you! You ruined everything! ! "

Lyon who sprinkled the chili noodles raised his head in astonishment: "Huh? Me? What's the matter with me, I'm just a skewers! I'm wronged, my lord!"

Dr. Zola didn't know what he thought of, and he still didn't want to mention his [nearly] successful, but ultimately failed plan. Turning his head to look at Tony: "So what! Howard is dead, but I'm still alive!"

" Zola, do you eat skewers. I think you may not have eaten in a long time."

Leon over there held a skewers and spoke.

"Drinking? Good wine! Erguotou. Oh, you can't drink it, so how do you spend your time watching the teacher's video? Um... not right, you don't even have a reaction organ, you don't have this need.

Then you...could it be that you smoke a panda and burn incense? "

After taking a bite of the skewers, Leon asked the last question: "Nothing else! I'm just curious. Tony and Howard can't answer this question, only you can."

Dr. Zola wanted to curse at first, but when Leon said this, he endured it: "Ask!"

"This...Is it good to listen to songs from thermal power or from hydropower?

wind power? nuclear power? Battery? ! ! "


Dr. Zola, the screen is black.

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