The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 298: Big dogfight, little spider.

The emotional catharsis brought about by revenge or killing is always short-lived, and they are not real. It's just a false fact that has been suppressed and deceived for a long time, and it is a false fact brought about by a certain established fact that I had imagined in the future is finally established.

But most of the time, hatred is longer and more eternal than love.

Few people can love something forever, but almost everyone can hate something forever.

This does not seem to be in line with universal values, but it is indeed an interesting and sad fact.

Everyone is caught in it, some use morality to restrict themselves, some use etiquette to restrict themselves, some...

Some people don't limit themselves at all.

Killing is cool for a while, killing always has been cool!

As long as my crowbar keeps going, then I will always be happy!

After swaying the crowbar again and getting rid of a certain hapless Hydra agent, Leon looked disgustingly looking for a bottle of water to rinse his physics holy sword, and received feedback from his clones.

"Well, it seems that the S.H.I.E.L.D. issue has been resolved. The rest... Oh, the rest is too messy, so I don't have time to catch prisoners all over the world.

Let S.H.I.E.L.D. solve it by itself. Even if it is, leave a little hand tail and let them enjoy the pleasure of revenge by hand! "

When the clones lifted themselves one by one, all the memories also poured into Leon's mind. For those Hydras who fled sporadically, unless it was the one who had fallen on the ground now and delivered it to the door, halfway through the bad luck. Ghost, otherwise Lyon would definitely not have the leisure to care about them.

Are there fewer hydras in this world?

In particular, no matter who wants to find it, you can find a few Hydra bases or something, like the treasure hunter in the novel, you can’t wait to turn over and fall under the bed to find the Hydra, it’s just Ferry and the others. Can't find it!

They still think that Hydra has been destroyed by their S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, and look so foolish that they can sit back and relax.

The US team is also, although his feeling is sharp enough, he can judge the possible problems of the plan as soon as he knows the insight plan.

But, to be fair, there is something wrong with SHIELD, so you can't find it out and it's over!

Change it!

Whose responsibility is who is responsible? Whose head should be cut off? What are you doing forcing Fury to close and disband SHIELD!

Does S.H.I.E.L.D. have any reason for his existence?

Is there love? It doesn't matter.

What's important is that the existence of SHIELD, or the existence of SHIELD under the leadership of Fury, most of the time provides a backing for these superheroes who are committed to their lives.

Official backing.

This is very important. Very important!

After Hawkeye disappeared from S.H.I.E.L.D., he became a dad at home on the spot. The widow sister became a fugitive directly.

The US team itself is similar, hiding in hiding, unkempt, and even has no money to shave.

They are not bad, at least they have the ability to ban knights with martial arts, you are looking at Hill, directly mixed into ordinary white-collar workers.

Without Tony’s help, I’m afraid I’d have to do something illegal in exile to support myself.

In fact, this kind of thing really happened after SHIELD was disbanded.

Without discussing this, what is the point of disbanding SHIELD?

What is it for?

Without S.H.I.E.L.D., without the existence of such a cold-hearted, good old man like Fury, would "S.H.I.E.L.D." really not exist?

What super soldier plan, super weapon plan, bureaucracy and the like that the US team is worried about no longer exist?

So what, what, why does the Sokovia Agreement still exist, and where did the Civil War begin? !

Simply mentally retarded! ! !

Playing with power, using it to control a powerful force for your own use, this kind of thing will inevitably exist and will never disappear!

It will only transfer from one person to another, from one period to another.

Fury is okay, at least his original intention is good, and his purpose is also good. At least if this inevitable thing is handed over to Fury, they can trust Fury.

But what is the result after the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

A tattoo enthusiast, Dr. Banner's old man, General Ross controls what used to be Ferry's rights.

Then what.

Make things worse!

It can't be stopped.

This is not what I am asking for, what is this not having a brain bubble? !

In the current situation, at least Lyon has preserved the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., and saved certain superheroes in the future from living so miserably.

There is such an official, at least it will not allow most superheroes to be forced to the opposite side by some people with some means when they have to.

Needless to think about it, **** like General Ross must have a lot of truth by then, and they will make a high-sounding claim that those superheroes who are committed to their lives are criminals who don't obey discipline.

This is a world where gods and demons are flying in the sky, and they can be destroyed at any time.

Without these superheroes, would you use your head to stop those guys? !

Mention General Rose's stupid Lyon.

He has a face and is qualified to attend Tony's funeral!

Special code!

If the plot of the fourth reunion is really inevitable, let this old **** take the lead at that time, and Lyon is determined to buff him at all costs to ensure that he will not die so quickly!


The dizziness caused by the sudden influx of memories in his head quickly passed. Although Leon’s four-dimensional attributes have improved a lot, correspondingly, the number of his clones has also increased by more than one-fifth, so Leon's dizziness still exists. It's just that it's better than when you fainted several times a day after releasing the clone.

"Oh~ These guys must have discussed it. Every time they relieve themselves together, can't they come one by one!"

After tapping his eyebrows a few times with his finger, Leon shook his head slightly: "Tony and the US team, I don't know what's going on, hiss...they can't fight anymore..."

There is one thing to say, it's not impossible!

Although Tony has untied his heart knot and no longer has the experience of fighting alone and almost dying, Tony still keeps in mind that alien life may invade the earth.

Tony himself was one of the people who participated in the resistance when the Zitarians appeared.

The more you know, the more you worry.

This has also resulted in Tony's sensitive character and always keeps worries deep in his heart.

It was Tony's parents that the Winter Soldier killed. It was no ordinary misunderstanding and small friction.

No matter how he reconciles himself, reconciles with the past, reconciles with everyone, Tony can hardly not feel pressure when he hears the name Bucky.

For the US team, the US team is even more problematic. At least in this regard, the US team has a problem.

As an idealist, but also an idealist who sets an example to demand others, the US team is sandwiched between Bucky and Tony. It must be extremely painful.

But he can't choose one, he can only pretend not to know, but this violates the American team's own principles of life.

If possible, Leon reckons that the US team is absolutely capable of trading its own life for the Winter Soldier's life.

The reason why there is no is because the US team knows that if he did, and said so, it would actually be an insult to Tony.

Baron Zemo, an ordinary person with average combat effectiveness, can actually tear apart the deep friendship of the Avengers fighting side by side, letting Ming know that the whole thing is his conspiracy. After the US team fought with Tony, the existence of the Winter Soldier accounted for it. Ninety-nine percent responsibility.

It's so ridiculous that a Hydra still has the face to avenge his family, and it's righteous!

Although the setting of Baron Zemo in the movie's plot has been modified for the identity of the Hydra, he still does not deserve sympathy.

Make sense. His family was killed, and Ultron must be the one who should be killed.

Ultron was made by Tony and Banner... Son of Tinhide. So Tony is responsible, right.

However, Baron Zemo killed the Black Panther's father with a bomb. What's the reason for this?

Is there any valid reason?

What about ordinary people who participated in the meeting?

This is what Baron Zemo wants... "Fair and Justice"?

The entire plot of "The United States Team III", Leon saw all kinds of stunned, all kinds of disgusting.

The plot of the Panthers is also very interesting.

At first, he thought it was the Winter Soldier who killed his father.

That's really called revenge not overnight!

The Winter Soldier who had been hidden for a long time was found on the spot, and the Winter Soldier’s home was blocked that day.

From outside the door to the street, from the side of the road to the tunnel. It is not easy for anyone to persuade him, and he will kill the Winter Soldier if he says anything.

There is a great meaning of killing the US team together.

He went to the base where Tony played against the US team!

Then, the Panther heard all the plans of Baron Zemo.

I also knew who killed my father. Seeing the real father-killer sitting in front of me, the Panther suddenly became "peaceful" and suddenly had an epiphany.

He suddenly entered the true peace of mind from the state of [the one who blocked me from dying] the previous second.

He suddenly felt that killing is not good. I cannot be blinded by hatred.

This special code... this plot is outrageous! !

Being in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is so outrageous and so headstrong. Things will always go the same way as they were destined.

Because the screenwriter needs the US team to play a game with Tony, it is obviously a matter of one sentence, an apology, but Tony and the US team miss this simple opportunity time and time again.

Let them fight, that is the arrangement of fate.

Black Panther's decision...

That is the arrangement of the brain watts.


Out of such considerations and speculations, Lyon's suspicion that the US team and Tony might still fight under his various arrangements is not so unfounded.

"Extraordinary...If there is a fight, I hope Thor can help stop it.


Otherwise, they will be beaten all over again! Arrange for them to reconcile after the fight! "

Leon summed up everything in his mind when he was flying.

In the end, he returned to his own best way of reasoning.

Use your fist.

Filled with special love, Fak's fist was numb! ! !


Angrily came to Tony's house, and when he was far away, Leon discovered something was wrong with Tony's house.

" does it seem to be really fighting! Don't do it, big brother! I'm kidding!"

When Leon Suo was full of his brain and the lawsuit flew closer, he realized that things didn't seem to be what he thought.

Fighting, really fighting.

However, there are Tony and the US team who are fighting, but not only Tony and the US team.

There were many people, and many of them were familiar faces.

And Tony and the US team, they both are fighting side by side.


"Hi! Boy, tell uncle, what happened next~"

Staring at an interesting "acquaintance", Leon drew up to him and caught the tights enthusiast who was swinging on the swing.

" are... the night watchman! Oh my God! You are the night watchman! I knew you would come here! The uncle with the hammer just told me that he said..."


Leon didn't expect that this boy's mouth was broken.

"Tell me your name, Peter Parker."

"Oh! My name is... I... eh? How do you know my name! Have you heard of me, Iron Man just called me the tights kid, he..."

"Good, good! Speak slowly, slowly."

Yes, there are many superheroes and supervillains wearing tights. The combat uniform is also quite red. There are even a lot of people who like to swing.

However, Peter Parker should be the only one who meets these conditions at the same time.

When Leon was watching the battle in the air just now, he "saw" Peter Parker yelling at a glance.

And now it seems that this Spider-Man is here, it may also be very reasonable.

Because, his old opponent is also there.


"I know~ I know."

Leon stretched out his hand and interrupted Tony who was hurriedly flying over: "Well, the green devil, I know who he is. But what is the name of this blue guy... I seem to have forgotten.

Why! What's your name, Xiongtai, do you have a code name? "

The battlefield was clearly divided into two halves because of Leon's appearance. Both sides temporarily stopped because of Leon's sudden spoiler, and all the attention was placed on him.

On this side of Lyon, everyone is in a more relaxed state. Tony in battle armor, the American team with a shield and jacket, are full of upset, and Sol, who looks behind him from time to time, and who is not clear about the situation, has been chasing. The pajamas baby talking to Leon: Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

At this level of scale, it would be almost the same as a single universe level.

The reason why he played back and forth for a long time was because the opposing lineup was also good.

Fashionable skateboarder flying in the sky: Green Devil. Shirtless, with red light all over, with a look of untamed and unruly host of the Extremis Virus: Kylian. And... there is no clothes at I don’t even wear pants, it seems that the whole body is composed of energy, and the whole person is glowing blue...

"Uh, let me ask."

Leon yelled to the other side again: "Are you called Doctor Manhattan? If you say I turn around and leave! You just fiddle with the Iron Man Spider-Man. Really."

Leon's unscrupulous speech did not affect his teammates at all, except for the little spider who was a little confused and so confused, everyone was calm.

The blue luminous person on the opposite side was not too happy.

Like Kylian, he hates being despised the most, and hates being despised by others the most.

"My name is Dianguangren! No... I'm Dianwang! You remembered you for me..."

"Okay, okay, okay~! I know you don't need to be so loud."

Leon buttoned his ears: "How come these stinky fish and shrimps got together..."

Now that they are killed, I don’t know if there is any purification value that can be harvested...

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