The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 255: God's gift

After Hulk got angry, his mood became much calmer.

It doesn't work if it's not calm, there is no one who can move.

There was nothing else to smash him.

After this anger, Hulk was also happy, so happy that he had forgotten all the disgusting things Leon had before.

When Hulk is in a good mood, there will only be one result.

Accompanied by meaningless screams, after a painful struggle, Hulk's figure shrank bit by bit and returned to a normal skin color bit by bit.

Hulk is gone.

Instead, a normal human being: Dr. Banner.

Banner, who only wore a pair of long-lasting diamond incorruptible linen trousers all over his body, was supposed to have a period of power-off, usually after a period of lethargy, before waking up like a normal person sleeping.

But this time is different.

The Hulk this time didn't seem to have any violent physical exertion.

There was not much in the previous battle, and the Hulk at that time was acting under the power of the giant snake itself, and it consumed the power of the giant snake.

Really change back to the body, always in...

Run away.


Falling to the ground from mid-air, the rubble on the floor made Banner really hurt.

Rubbing his back, even though Banner's mind was a mess, he looked up at the mess in front of him and looked terrible, and then looked up at the big hole above his head.

Without thinking about what happened, Banner also knew that this must be Hulk's pot again.

"Are there no bloodstains! Ha!"

Thankfully, Dr. Banner let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Hulk had not killed any innocent people because he had just set fire to this room.

"Things are not as bad as I thought, so good, then good!"

Hulk's power is too strong, and there are almost no restrictions and restrictions, so every time after Hulk appears, Banner will experience a long sigh and yelling, so that it has become a habit, no wonder.

Holding his pants, Banner was about to leave this house, which looked a little strange and uncomfortable.

Just after taking a step, in the upper direction behind him, someone stopped him by speaking.

"The rude visitor destroyed my castle. You don't seem to care very much, and you don't intend to compensate.

You seem to be very happy. "

Banner turned his head awkwardly and saw a figure standing there on the corridor of the second-floor main hall.

Probably... won't be the owner of this house...

Blood-red armor, blood-red boots, blood-red cloak and eyes.

Although he was standing there with his back hands, and even being very polite in his words, Banner still felt very uncomfortable seeing the white-haired and red-eyed homeowner standing there looking at him expressionlessly.

It's like being targeted by a poisonous snake!

"Uh... I'm sorry for ruining your castle, although it wasn't me... Alas! It seems that I did destroy it."

Although he didn't want to admit that Hulk was himself, he was Hulk, but after all, what Hulk did was still counted on him. Banner never denied this.

But, this must be a bit expensive...

"Listen to me, uh..."

Carrying his pants and topless, Banner hesitated for a moment. Originally, he wanted the castle owner to introduce his name, but Banner waited for a few seconds. The cold-faced castle owner didn't seem to have that meaning. .

"Uh, all right. Dear castle owner, first of all, I apologize for the damage that you accidentally caused to your castle."

Hulk doesn't make sense, but Banner is the opposite.

"I know that there is some suspicion of evasion by saying this, but please believe me! I am not able to repay you for the cost of repairing the castle, but I will definitely try to pay for it.

I am a PhD and a professor in a university. I can repay it bit by bit with my salary. Although, the time may be longer, and it is also possible in a lifetime... Uh, what do you think? "

Although Banner is now in the state of a vagrant, but in order to solve the current dilemma, Banner also had to tell a little lie.

After Banner finished speaking, the castle owner was still indifferent, and then he jumped onto the railing of the second-floor corridor without expression, and floated down again.

Yes, Banner can swear that he was right. That is definitely not a normal way to land.

It's flying.

Although he is an ordinary person, he is still a scientific tester among ordinary people. However, Banner has seen more supernatural phenomena than most people on this planet.

Whether it's Thor or... Lyon, they are considered to be a kind of supernatural phenomenon.


When mentioning Lyon, Banner's body shook involuntarily!

"This is for..."

"I don't care about the length of time."

Before Banner's "self-inspection" started, the guy in the red armor on the opposite side answered abruptly.

"I don't care about the compensation you mentioned."

Oh? ! That's great!

Banner let out another long sigh of relief.

"I just need... you can pay for it with your life!"

"That's really so...Huh?!"

In his own doubts, Banner saw that an oversized bat was flying towards him!


The owner of this castle, who was called the Lord of the Blood Clan by those ugly guys who blocked Hulk, was the one who created the ancient existence of the thirteen clans that Lyon had been expecting him to come to every day: Dracula!

Speaking from the root, although the entire blood clan was created with one hand, Dracula is not the oldest blood clan, and certainly not the first blood clan.

Dracula is not old enough. He is only a few hundred years old. This doesn't seem to match the image of the blood leader, but this is true.

Since inheriting his power from the true first vampire, Dracula has fulfilled his previous desire as a human being. In the following years, for more than ten years, Dracula has some, no desires and no desires. .

After experiencing a longer life than ordinary people, Dracula became bored with everything.

Of course he thought of death.

Then, he discovered something more desperate than death.

That is, he can't die.

Since entering the sun for the first time, embracing the dawn and turning into ashes, and finally being reborn somewhere, with the shock in the memory of rebirth, Dracula has embarked on a journey of "persecution" against himself.

Howe is not an exaggeration to say that Dracula tried almost every method that could kill him.

But he was still disappointed.

He didn't even lose his memory, he still retained all the memories he saw and heard when he died.

Death, abandoned him.

Dracula who discovered this renewed his interest in life.

Conquer the interest.

Then, a bigger blow came.

Dracula is deeply aware of a fact that makes people feel helpless: he is just immortal, not undefeated.

It turns out that in the human, there are so many bosses living on this ordinary blue planet! !

Dracula was desperate, but he couldn't end it all.

So he chose to fall asleep.

In the middle, he was awakened many times by various reasons, but he didn't care every time.

What about annihilation?

As long as he does not die, the blood family will reappear again.

However, no amount of blood will help the dream of conquering the world.

Until this time.

Dracula, who had been observing in the dark for a long time, discovered that this ordinary human being, no more ordinary, seemed to be a perfect, gifted from heaven...


So, Dracula chose to bite his neck! Turn him into a blood race!

Then, conquer the world!

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