The Underworld Detective

Chapter 595: Horror video

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Half an hour later we came to the City Museum. The case happened the night before. It has been closed here since yesterday morning. The fox's eye was not so much theft as the looting, because the murderer killed three security guards.

"Kill, this may be a bit inaccurate." Huang Xiaotao frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"I will show you something in a moment."

We walked into the empty museum, and in front of the gate was a miniature model of the ancient city of Nanjiang. To be honest, I'm usually too busy to have time to visit. For the first time, I walked in under such empty conditions, and I felt a little excited.

I asked, "What about corpses?"

"No, you don't have to perform an autopsy this time. Would you like to go to the scene of the crime?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

"Of course!" I nodded.

We went straight to the extinct biodiversity exhibition area. In the middle of the Chinese rhinoceros and sickle-wing chicken booths, there was a huge glass cabinet with a model of Mongolian blond foxes made by skillful craftsmen. A dozen foxes were looking for food on the grassland and looking at the wind , Playful, different looks, lifelike.

Three meters away from the glass cabinet is a separate booth for the eye.

The eyes were soaked in formalin. The following signs read some introductions, and the last line read: "This exhibit is provided by Mr. Song, a kind citizen."

But now the eye is gone, and the tempered glass, which is as thick as a finger, has been broken, the fragments have been scattered, and a circle of white rope surrounds it.

Huang Xiaotao said: "According to preliminary analysis, the glass was broken by a cylindrical blunt device. We found a fire extinguisher under the window, which should have been hit by that thing."

I frowned: "Did the alarm trigger?"

"Triggered! But the security guard on duty at night died, so there was no alarm and no one outside heard it." Huang Xiaotao sighed.

"I remember that eye was soaked in formalin. It was so dead that it didn't make any sense to steal it." I was a little puzzled.

Sun Bing said, "Maybe this eye has any special meaning to the killer!"

"Are you a fan of the blond fox?" Huang Xiaotao said: "Or, the murderer didn't know it."

"Let's look at the body first!"

I care more about this than the stolen items, but Huang Xiaotao said: "No, the CCTV in the museum was still running at the time, so I took pictures of the dead."

Speaking of which, I noticed that Sun Bingxin shuddered and his face became unnatural. Could it be said that this video was very special.

We came to a security room, and the Chief of the Security Section was also here, and he asked, "Comrade Police, have you caught Xiao Wang?"

"Xiao Wang?" I was surprised for a while: "The efficiency is quite high, the suspect has been locked?"

Huang Xiaotao waved his hands again and again: "I don't have anything, I will explain this again and again, please let me have the video at the time."

As soon as I mentioned the word ‘video recording’, the section chief was also a bit stubborn, which made me more and more curious! He operated on the computer for a while, and soon an image came out. I sat down. The picture was in an empty hall. The picture was moving slowly to the left and right. The camera had a swing function.

Huang Xiaotao pointed at the plan on the wall and said, "The picture is in this position." There is very close to the main entrance, and the security room on the right hand side.

"Brother Song Yang, look at it fast." Sun Bing shook my shoulder and kept pushing.

I turned my head and saw a middle-aged man in a security uniform appearing in the picture. He seemed to have seen a ghost. He collapsed with his buttocks and sat down on the ground.

The picture swings to the left, but there is nothing in that direction.

Huang Xiaotao whispered: "This is the first deceased, security guard Jia."

Jia crawled up with hands and feet, and fled panicly towards the museum. Suddenly he stopped, as if an invisible door behind him caught his clothes. He grabbed the clothes with both hands and pulled hard.

Although there was nothing behind him, it seemed that Jiamou took great strength to break away, and even stung because of inertia, he stumbled away and disappeared to the right of the screen.

Huang Xiaotao turns off the video and switches to another.

In the second video, it is still Jiamou. I saw Jiamou jumped onto the window sill and hit the glass frantically with his shoulders and arms, and looked back while hitting it, his expression panicked. The window was clearly pushed to both sides, but he seemed to have lost his mind. He smashed the glass with his arm, and then broke through the window. Since the first floor of the museum is higher than the road, there is a gap of about one meter outside. Jia Mou slumped out.

The picture was silent, but judging by Jia's mouth, he was always shouting!

Huang Xiaotao switches to the next video.

This sight was captured by the camera in the backyard of the museum, where a flagpole stood, and Jia fled panicly. I noticed that there were multiple scratches on him, apparently due to broken glass. Then he jumped onto the flagpole, and because of his fatness, he bumped the flagpole and shook it.

Jiamou climbed the flagpole with his legs, alternating his hands constantly, and climbed up. The smooth flagpole itself was extremely difficult to climb. He slid down five or six times in the middle. He crawled very hard, his body was shaking, his shoulders and back were quickly wet with sweat by a large triangle, and we all saw a sweat for him.

The whole process was extremely long. Jia crawled one side and freed one leg to kick down, as if there were any invisible monsters there. When Jiamou climbed about five meters from the ground, he suddenly lost his balance, leaned back, and kept waving his hands to try to grab the flagpole.

Sun Bing screamed subconsciously and covered her mouth with both hands, although she had seen this video long ago.

Jia eventually failed to grab the flagpole and fell straight from a height of five meters. I seemed to hear a click. His neck was broken, and he spread on the ground in a weird posture, motionless, his eyes rounded, and stared at us indifferently, his face gradually turned pale as white as paper, and it looked very strange against the night.

After watching it, no one spoke in the security room for a long time, and there was a strange and silent atmosphere, so quiet that we could hear everyone's breathing. I looked at the lower right corner of the video, the time of Jia's death was 9:45 that night.

Huang Xiaotao was the first to break the silence, and she shook her head and sighed, "No matter how many times I have seen it, this video is so incredible."

"Yeah!" I nodded: "Jia, the deceased, has been playing a 'one-man show'. He seems to be desperately trying to avoid a monster he had imagined, and finally fell unfortunately ... yes, does this person have a history of drug abuse? "

Huang Xiaotao said with his fingers, "Those three types of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and sleepwalking may have been ruled out."

The huge doubt filled my heart and made me feel a kind of long-lost excitement. I waved my hand: "Don't discuss the cause of death, let's watch the video of the other two dead!"

Huang Xiaotao said: "In the next video, a suspected murderer was photographed."

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