The Underworld Detective

Chapter 496: Killer

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

A few days ago, the same classmates of the year met, and the five parties got together again after a lapse of ten years. When they talked about the past, everyone reacted differently. For the blogger, things were pierced in his heart like a thorn, and one of them even talked aloud that Teacher Xu was a lifeless teacher and was also a victim of sin.

Another stood up and slapped the fan, shouting, "Do you look down on the teacher?"

The original cheerful classmates party suddenly became very stiff, and everyone broke up. After that, the blogger was busy with work and didn't contact them until he saw someone dead on Weibo that night. He searched the Internet and knew the previous case. Immediately he thought that it was Mr. Xu's undead who came back for revenge.

Because anyone who has been a student of Teacher Xu will never forget. Teacher Xu has a good voice, and he likes to recite ancient poems. Every time, he is full of emotion, as if people are in that situation.

At the end of the article, the blogger said a lot of "Sorry Teacher Xu!" And "Sorry Teacher Xu!"

After watching it, I sighed for a long time, Huang Xiaotao sighed: "This blog post has been reposted 100,000 times, there are also cursing bloggers, sympathizers, and comforters."

I said, "It seems that the murderer was one of these five, but is he going to kill himself?"

There were two pieces of women's clothes and five pieces of men's clothes, indicating that he had counted himself.

Huang Xiaotao said: "No matter how much it is, since this important clue has surfaced, we will split the road in two groups, one to go to the private high school that happened and the other to the blogger."

I was excited: "If you can find it, the problem will be solved!"

Huang Xiaotao intends to act with Wang Yuanchao. I was with Sun Bingxin and Song Xingchen. Sun Bingxin suddenly coughed and pushed me to Huang Xiaotao, saying, "You should still be with Xiaotao sister."

Huang Xiaotao and I looked at each other and smiled: "Let's go, Song Yang and I go to a private high school, you go to the blogger."

I added: "Things on the Internet, ask your uncle for help!"

After the three of them left, Huang Xiaotao and I started searching for private middle schools in Jiangling City. There were dozens of them. All of them were asked again. They all said that such things hadn't happened, and they must have concealed the news.

It was not realistic to visit in turn. I cried, "Then check the enrollment rate!"

Upon inspection, we found that the enrollment rate of the three private middle schools was moving. We immediately drove to the nearest one.

On the way, Huang Xiaotao laughed: "I was arrested by Sun Bingxin that night, and I was forced to talk to her all night."

"What did you talk about?" I asked curiously.

"This little Nizi is in a very complicated mood. I am looking forward to you and I am a little jealous. I can only enlighten her! I said that even if I get married in the future, I will let you play together and be good friends for a lifetime. After all, the feelings are also Can share. Alas, what is this called, I actually enlightened competitors. "Huang Xiaotao laughed abruptly.

In this regard, I have nothing to say, and exclaimed: "Xiao Tao, you are very broad-minded."

"I just trust you!" Huang Xiaotao smiled sweetly.

We went to two middle schools, met the headmaster, the director of the teaching department, and others. During that time, I had been using the mysterious pupil to detect lies. Neither of these middle schools seemed to be the only one left—the Yingjie High School.

Yingjie's high school is far away. When he was about to go, the old man suddenly sent a message. It was relatively rare for him to send a message. The screenshot above shows two IDs: 'I'm a monkey' and 'Qing Qingzi'. Private chat record-

Qing Qingzi shouted: Monkey, I saw your post. Did Mr. Xu's undead come back to seek revenge from us?

I am Monkey: Yes, you, me, Da Zhuang, Xiao Fei, Viagra all have to die!

Qing Qingzi cried: Don't be so negative, right, are you free now? I want to ask you out to meet and talk about it.

I am Monkey: What is there to talk about, after all, it will come.

Qing Qingzi said: This is actually the case. I had a friend who was a police officer and said that he wanted to know some of the situation at the time. I hope you can come.

I'm the monkey: What, did you go to the police?

Qing Qingzi yelled: The police have already said that this case was artificial and not the revenge of Teacher Xu's undead. Don't worry! Can you go to the teahouse at 23 Jiankang Road? The police and I are here, hurry up.

I'm Monkey: Okay, I'll be right there.

After reading it, I screamed, "Oops! The murderer saw the blog post and took the initiative to invite the blogger out. He definitely wanted to die."

I immediately called my grandma: "Where did you get this chat record?"

The situation was 100,000 urgent. This time Lao Xun did not joke with me and went straight to the subject and said: "Yes, just now Pharaoh asked me to check this ID. I immediately hacked into the database of the forum. This ID has been old for years. Register At that time, there was no real-name certification, so I don't know who it was. I accidentally found that this chat record was half an hour ago. By the way, Pharaoh they are rushing over. "

"Thank you very much!" I called.

"I'll check the IP address again, you guys are busy!" The old lady answered.

Hanging up the phone, I called Huang Xiaotao to go to this address immediately. Huang Xiaotao made a sharp turn directly on the road, violating three or four traffic rules at one go, and went straight to Jiankang Road.

We were apprehensive along the way, and if we were late, we might have another life.

When we arrived, Wang Yuanchao and his party arrived at the same time. We asked the waiter at the teahouse, did two men just come in? The waiter said no, but he saw a van at the door, dragged a man into the car, and suddenly drove away. He was hesitant to call the police, but the police came.

After asking for directions, we hurried to the car and contacted the traffic police department to find the van through the monitor. This car is most likely Ke Wenyuan's car.

The traffic police found the suspect's car at no cost, because the van was overtaking all the way, was retrograde, and was photographed many times. We chased to a crossroad, and the sound of collision kept coming in front of us. Fortunately, Huang Xiaotao was so skilled that he made a sharp turn on the sidewalk, avoiding the serial collision in front.

"What happened, why do so many cars rear-end at the same time?" Sun Bingxin asked on the phone.

I said, "You can't control this. Follow the suspect first, and let Captain Tang come to deal with it!"

We continued to catch up, and the surveillance video showed that the van finally disappeared at a crossroad on Liancheng North Road. We parked there, spread out to find it, and kept the cell phone to maintain communication.

After looking for a quarter of an hour, Sun Bingxin said on the phone: "I found it, I found it, in a machinery factory called Dongfang Energy."

I said, "Don't move, don't move, we'll hurry up!"

Sun Bingxin sighed: "In fact, I was already on the scene, but the murderer ... committed suicide!"

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