“Father! Eldest brother! ”

Seeing his relatives bound by trees, the wooden cane in Kim fell to the ground with a “clatter”, and the whole person also sat on the ground.

“Kim! What the hell have you done!? ”

Seeing his young son, the face of the old man of the family showed eight points of anger, one point of pity, one point of distress.

After a night passed, when he woke up, he found that he and his eldest son had lost all their strength, and they were tightly entangled by the vines, unable to move at all.

Looking around, although the house is still there, the outside environment is obviously not in Sky Territory City.

And those broken walls and collapsed courtyard buildings, this is obviously unknowing, even people with their homes were forcibly removed…

This unfathomable power… When did your own family get into trouble with such enemies?

Just when the old man and his eldest son were calmly analyzing there, Kim came in from outside the gate on a wooden crutch~.

The chairman and old man, who had a keen sense of smell, immediately realized that this matter was related to himself, the youngest son.

“It can’t be… This can’t be!? ”

His father and eldest brother appeared here in this form, and the deepest fear in Kim began to overflow.

“What’s going on? What does it mean that he caught his father and eldest brother? Is it…..”

Some kind of terrible thought came to my head …

“It won’t be… No way! Unless he’s crazy! ”

At this moment, Reze’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Kim.


With a scream, his other knee was also trampled on.

“Your Excellency, if the dog offends Your Excellency in any way, I am willing to make any compensation, and please raise your noble hand.”

Although he didn’t know who the man in front of him was, and he didn’t know why he would abuse his son, the old man understood that this might be a critical moment for the survival of the family, and he must be cautious in every step!

“No need, after today, it will be the day when other shareholders of Jinliwang compete for the top, and there will be no more you in this world.”

The indifferent and merciless words, like buckets of cold water, poured them cold.

“I was wrong! I kowtowed to you, you let us go! I have no eyes! I can’t see Tarzan! ”

Ignoring the pain of breaking his leg, Kim quickly begged for mercy with a handful of snot and blood, and the two fat hands still fanned on his face, which was already fat, and this fan was swollen again.

“Your Excellency, how did you let us go? We promise to transfer the shares and wealth in my hands to Your Excellency, and we only ask you to spare our family. ”

Lei Ze walked in front of the old man of the family without moving, and looked down at the trapped two, without any emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

“You think, ants… What can be supplied? ”

In a word, everyone was stunned.

“Your Excellency, since you are a tiger, why are these ants bothered?”

“Because when you climb on me, you will scratch and annoy, so I will serve this ant nest of yours in one pot, saving worry, time, and effort.”

Seeing that the other party was so ruthless, the family owner still gritted his teeth and fought for it:

“Your Excellency, please let my eldest son go? He has nothing to do with this matter, he is innocent, I will make it swear never to retaliate against Your Excellency, and all the wealth in my hands is handed over to Your Excellency, I only want to let my eldest son live, I beg you!” ”

“Dad! Father! And me! ”

“Rebel! You shut up! ”

Seeing that the culprit who guided the downfall of the family was still there who didn’t know how to do it, the old man couldn’t wait to strangle this evil son at this moment.

Lei Ze, on the other hand, laughed out loud.

Immediately afterwards, a large pile of information appeared in his hand.

“These are the sins committed by your family, and your two good sons alone account for two-thirds.

This little animal in your family killed the girl, and the parents sought justice, and then you, the old one, sent someone to destroy their family, you are ruthless, not worse than me~

Now come and beg for mercy, are you insulting me, or are you insulting yourself? “

After the younger brother sent his brother to send, the older brother sent it to his father, this feeling of squeezing toothpaste, Old Lei was lazy to play with them.

At his current level, these guys are at most sugar-packed, and dishes are not counted.

Take the initiative, take it away in a nest, once and for all, it is very convenient.

······ Ask for flowers0····

The light in his hand flashed, and a blue energy ball had already floated in the courtyard.

“In ten minutes, this place will be razed to the ground, rest assured, except for the three of you, everyone else has passed out, they will not feel any pain, this can be regarded as your last comfort.”

“You! You beast! You must not die well! I won’t let you go, I…”

Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the family patriarch spewed hysterically, saliva splashed everywhere, and his face was distorted.

This is finally venting his heart.

But after a long while, the three people trapped by wooden branches could no longer spew a word.

Because they found that on the trees that wrapped around them, a basketball-sized bud suddenly grew, and the bud was slowly opening…

…….. 0

An ominous breath made them tremble.

The open bud was not a beautiful petal, but a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and it also emitted a disgusting fishy saliva.

“This… What is it! ”

This terrifying scene in front of them frightened the three of them at once.

“This is the demon eater flower of the demon world, rest assured, they will crush your bones inch by inch, including your spouting mouth.

Enjoy the remaining 10 minutes. ”

The ability of the demon fox to hide the horse in the white is that it can summon and control any plant in the demon world, and it is very functional.

“You devil! O devil! ”

“Ah!!! Don’t bite me, I don’t want to die!” ”

Because of the stimulation of the smell of blood, the demon eater flower next to Kim was the first to catch!

Muscular smell, crunchy!

Even the monsters of the demon world can gnaw it, let alone humans, and after a few mouthfuls, Jin Er Shao’s fat thighs are gone.

Under this miserable howl, Lei Ze’s figure has long disappeared here…..

“Boom !!!”

Ten minutes later, the energy ball exploded regularly, directly bursting into a crater in the forest.

Mansion…… Person…… All in ashes.

The last step… Family…… It has to be neat…. Six._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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