The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 76 The Magician and the Weather Wizard

Midtown, in a bar at night.

"James, it's nice to meet you. I invite you to do something." Mark Madden said to the magician James.

"Is it for your brother? Clyde Madden." James said without raising his head. Both of his brothers are weather wizards and have the power to control the weather.

Although James was in prison, he watched TV a lot. He also knew that Clyde Madden and Mark were brothers.

james jessie, known as the magician

Ordinary people, criminals who caused chaos in Central City 20 years ago, were imprisoned in Iron Mountain Prison, and were rescued by Mark Madden at night.

"That's right, I'm not strong enough alone." Mark said coldly with a hint of ferocity on his face.

"I joined to test my magic." The magician James said with a big laugh.

Mark thought of Tang Tian's difficulty, and frowned and said: "Our enemy is very strong. He used to work in a cutting-edge laboratory, but he has already arrived in Star City."

"We need to find other people, especially people with superpowers, otherwise we won't be able to fight against him at all."

Before Mark killed the forensic doctor, he got the amazing news that the person who killed his brother was still at ease, which made Mark extremely angry.

"A large number of superpowers in Midtown were hunted and killed by him. We must take revenge." Mark Madden thought about what he learned after coming to Midtown.

The splitter Danton Black disappeared mysteriously, and the Green Goblin and Blackout Man were killed, so his incomparable hatred for Tang Tian, ​​obviously this is an organized hunt to kill them, if it continues, it may be just waiting to die.

"I heard about these things, it is indeed dangerous, and he has close ties with cutting-edge laboratories."

The magician James also frowned. The Flash and Tang Tian had cooperated several times before, and almost all the criminals were killed after the cooperation.

"That guy is very dangerous, almost hostile to us, and will kill us mercilessly whenever he gets a chance." Mark looked at James and said with an ugly face.

"Are we going to trouble the Flash first?" James asked excitedly.

"No, let's find other superpowers first. If that guy finds out, we will be in danger." Mark waved his hand and said.

The Flash and Tang Tian's approach to dealing with criminals is completely different. Tang Tian's approach is to recruit and kill them, while Barry's approach is milder, only locking them up.

In fact, Mark Madden has identified several superpowers, the shapeshifter Hannibal, and the teleporter Shauna Bates. Roy G. Pablo, the Rainbow Bandit, except for the last one who was imprisoned in the cutting-edge laboratory, the rest of the superpowers were outside and were not caught by the Flash.

Tang Tian didn't know that the weather wizard and magician had already targeted him. Because of his wanton elimination of superpowers, he has been listed as the first-choice target, and even the Flash was not immediately noticed by them.

The butterfly effect caused by Tang Tian is also continuing to affect, and there will be many changes in the future. According to Tang Tian's judgment, the speed of those plots was at least twice as fast.

Because of Tang Tian's appearance, Barry's exercise has been reduced, and the superpowers have not been able to escape again, so there is nothing strange about the speed of the plot.

Meanwhile, cutting-edge laboratories.

Sisko adjusted the switch, and a series of holographic pictures flashed in their eyes. The pale face of Barry's mother appeared in front of their eyes. A man in yellow who was like a mosaic was constantly entangled with a red afterimage. .

"It seems that there is another speedster blocking it." Sisko said seriously.

"This is the murderer who killed my mother." Barry's eyes flashed with anger and excitement, and the strong negative emotions made Barry's eyes flash with lightning.

"Calm down,

Barry. Seeing that Barry was in a bad mood, Sisko quickly calmed down, fearing that Barry would be too excited.

"Well, I see." Barry clenched his fists tightly and said through gritted teeth.

Barry felt extremely painful in his heart. He hated himself for being unable to do anything at the time, he hated his mother dying in front of his eyes, and he hated his father being wronged. Everything made him feel very bitter.

"Barry, don't worry about having me?" Joe looked sad and tried to comfort Barry as much as possible.

"By the way, Sisko. Do you think there will be any blood samples remaining." Joe asked Sisko what he thought of.

Sisko patted his head and said seriously to Joe: "There is a possibility, they were fighting at the time."

"Then Sisko, you and Barry are going to the scene to take samples. Maybe you can find clues. I'll go to Star City." Joe plans to carry out two kinds of investigations together, and the case has gradually become clear.

Joe West felt guilty all the time after knowing that he wronged Barry's father, so he wanted to find these evidences earlier. What they don't know is that the invisible behavior makes the plot on the right track, but there is only a slight deviation.

Star City, in base 34.

There was a soldier half-kneeling in front of Tang Tian, ​​but the soldier's body exuded bursts of black air, and a distorted and evil expression appeared on his face.

"Master, this body is not bad." Ika, the general of the Shadow Corps, greeted Tang Tian respectfully.

General Ika stayed in the Shadow Kingdom for a long time, and Tang Tian didn't let him out. After he came out unexpectedly this time, he felt better than ever.

"General Yika, you are my guard. This base will be handed over to me to guard after I leave for a while." Tang Tian solemnly ordered with his eyes fixed.

"Yes, master." General Ika nodded and said.

General Ika's combat effectiveness is very impressive, and he is also immortal without him. Only the magic of justice can restrain General Ika, which is hardly easy to meet in Star City.

Tang Tian also had his own considerations about traveling across the world without taking General Ika with him. He is no longer in the DC world, and he has no place to cry when his only lair is taken away.

This is the reason why Tang Tian didn't continue to cross in a hurry, but continued to build this base. Strengthen the control of the base, no matter what the enemy is, you can carry out a favorable counterattack.

"Okay, follow me, you and my human subordinates will be companions from now on." Tang Tian patted General Ika on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Your life, my master." General Ika said seriously.

General Ika nodded. As Tang Tian's guard, he completely obeyed Tang Tian's orders. As long as he needed to do it, Ika would do his best.

PS: I recommend a good book with unlimited streaming, "Survival Game on the Bite of the Tongue", let's make the legendary monsters into delicious food!

"The new Cthulhu Maruko Cheese Flavor is available for 20 servings while stocks last~"

"Who ordered mermaid sushi is ready, hurry to pick up the food on the right!"

"Sora ghost and Sadako are delivering food, this slime pudding is almost melting."


This is a world of the dead, and only by constantly shuttling through various mysterious worlds to do tasks can one survive like this.

When others were trembling under the threat of monsters and evil spirits, Tang Yuan's first thought was: Can it eat...

Original Copy + Game Copy + Dark Cuisine

Solve puzzles and escape.

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