The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 99: Nuclear Explosions and Epitaphs

World of Terminator, Los Angeles Cybertron Corporation.

After another consciousness body of Skynet was dealt with, Skynet launched the final blow, using the power of a nuclear explosion to destroy itself, the variable.

"Ah...!" Skynet detonated three nuclear bombs of about 1,000 tons first. Tang Tian used the newly acquired space to move and instantly moved to a place one thousand meters away from the nuclear explosion. However, he was also part of the force of the nuclear explosion. Poji let out a scream.

The super energy and shock wave made Tang Tian very uncomfortable. If he hadn't absorbed the ability of teleportation in the DC world, it might be possible for him to be killed in seconds at the first contact.

This was also the first time he had suffered such a big loss since he crossed the world, and Tang Tian's whole body was in a state of embarrassment. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and his clothes were a little carbonized. The aftermath of a nuclear bomb was enough to cause such an impact.

"Fuck, the ship capsized in the gutter." Tang Tian sensed the great danger in the distance, and quickly hid in the Shadow Kingdom. The aftermath of a nuclear bomb also caused his magic power to become a little confused.

Because it took only a few minutes to recover these trophies, and Kuang San had to enter the Shadow Kingdom, so it was delayed for a while, and Tang Tian was also tricked by T Wuxian's backhand.

Yes, this timeline has long been monitored by T Infinity beforehand, and various means have been arranged in the timeline to make Judgment Day come normally.

The precise calculation of T Infinity caused Tang Tian to suffer a little trauma, but Tang Tian's own ability was extremely powerful, he resisted a wave of nuclear bombs and hid in a safe place, but the soldiers of the Ministry of National Defense were not so lucky.

Time went back to the position of the Sixth Infantry Regiment two minutes ago.

"Sir, what do you think that is?" the staff officer said nervously to General Mike.

Mike raised his head and saw three standard missiles with yellow and black skulls printed on them, quickly attacking them.

After Mike raised his head, his eyes showed infinite fear, and he said loudly to the soldiers: "Run! It's a nuclear bomb."


As soon as Mike gave the order, all the soldiers felt the dazzling light almost instantly, and then they couldn't see anything.

The three nuclear bombs that arrived first exploded completely, and the large cloud layer was torn into many pieces. The huge shock wave and heat vaporized all the steel it touched, and all the electronic equipment within a radius of 100 kilometers were all electromagnetized Pulse destroys.

The remaining seven also came one after another, and once again a huge energy storm swept across a large area of ​​Los Angeles centered on the Cybertron Corporation.

In the Kingdom of Shadows, Tang Tian came to his own small world, and this was the first time he entered. After the fragments of the main god turned this place into a small thousand world, Tang Tian just used the Black Shadow Kingdom as a space to store supplies, and he did not expect to enter it unexpectedly.

In the Kingdom of Shadows, Tang Tian is a god, who can change everything in this small world at will, so Tang Tian built a prototype of a city of steel suspended in the air for himself after putting all kinds of rare resources in 2029 into it. .

Kuangsan was also in the City of Steel, looking at this small world curiously. Similar to her shadow space, she can store a lot of things, and it only belongs to her own small world.

"Ah! What happened just now, why are you in such a mess." After Tang Tian entered the City of Steel, Kuang San asked in surprise.

Tang Tian's situation was indeed a bit embarrassing, the suit he was wearing had turned into a beggar's outfit, there was blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little pale.

"It's nothing, it's just a nuclear bomb prepared by T Infinity." Tang Tian said lightly, and the magic power of the horse charm quickly gushed out to heal his wound.

Kuang San was also amazed at Tang Tian's recovery power, knowing what she said, he could only use the four bullets of the engraved emperor to go back in time and achieve the purpose of healing himself.

Tang Tian's resilience is stronger than Kuang San thought,

In less than a minute, he completely recovered from the damage that could kill ordinary people hundreds of times. Kuang San was also very surprised by Tang Tian's amazing strength.

"However, T Unlimited taught me a lesson." Tang Tian said indifferently.

Tang Tian has the magical power of a great magister, so as long as he doesn't kill him all at once, or even if he does, he can recover quickly. The immortal property of the dog talisman allowed Tang Tian to be invincible.

"Hee hee, then shall we go to the next world?" Kuang San looked at Tang Tian's face and asked seriously.

"Wait for a day! I have to do one thing." Tang Tian explained meaningfully.

"Okay." Kurumi nodded gently and replied.

He suffered such a big loss this time, if he doesn't make up for himself, he might be very upset. Tang Tian's target is the nuclear stockpiles of Russia and the United States. Since he dares to plant mushrooms on him, he doesn't mind going to other worlds to do so, even the Marvel world.

The next day, NATO investigated the Cybertron nuclear incident, and unexpectedly discovered that there are many huge steel tombstones standing here, with English and Chinese translations engraved on them, letting them know the instigator of the disaster.

At the same time, there were inexplicable thefts in the nuclear weapons stockpiles of the United States and Russia, but the investigations had no clue.

Some epitaphs were written on the steel tombstone, which made the investigation deadlocked, and it was written like this.

T Infinity: As you can see, it is the conscious body of Skynet who is the culprit of this incident, causing troubles in multiple timelines to start Judgment Day. Currently in the collection of a time traveler.

T1000000: A big spider that came from the future to give experience to the enemy.

T—X: Turned into scrap metal after fighting a certain elf.

T850 and T900: Well, there were two terminators.

John Connor: A future Super Terminator.

T5000: Skynet's former will has now turned from darkness to light.

Tokisaki Kurumi: Elves, yes, they are elves only in imagination, repeat, they are elves.

Tomb of the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army: You don’t need to let God bless you, because you are already in heaven, amen!

Tomb of the Dead Innocents: O innocents who got involved by accident! It takes years or decades for human beings to create artificial intelligence, but it only takes a moment to destroy human beings.

Tang Tian: A time traveler, a looter, and a rookie arms dealer. Made trouble on multiple planes, but was never killed. He is a wizard and a lunatic, he believes in the law of the jungle, and he will get up wherever he falls.

After leaving behind the steel tombstone, Tang Tian stood up with Kuangsan and looked at the world from a distance. Kuang San has absorbed a lot of time, and his strength has also been partially increased.

"Kang San, let's get out of here! Let's go to the next world!" Tang Tian suggested to Kuang San with a smile.

"Hee hee, of course there's no problem, but your epitaph is a bit nasty." Kuang San said, looking at the man in front of him with wine-red eyes.

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